path: root/src/HsParser.ly
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/HsParser.ly')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1024 deletions
diff --git a/src/HsParser.ly b/src/HsParser.ly
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index c3edd3ce..00000000
--- a/src/HsParser.ly
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1024 +0,0 @@
-$Id: HsParser.ly,v 1.21 2004/08/09 11:55:07 simonmar Exp $
-(c) Simon Marlow, Sven Panne 1997-2002
-Haskell grammar.
-ToDo: Is (,) valid as exports? We don't allow it.
-ToDo: Check exactly which names must be qualified with Prelude (commas and friends)
-ToDo: Inst (MPCs?)
-ToDo: Polish constr a bit
-ToDo: Ugly: exp0b is used for lhs, pat, exp0, ...
-ToDo: Differentiate between record updates and labeled construction.
-> {
-> module HsParser (parse) where
-> import Monad
-> import HsSyn2
-> import HsParseMonad
-> import HsLexer
-> import HsParseUtils
-> import HaddockLex2 hiding (Token)
-> import HaddockParse2
-> import HaddockUtil hiding (splitTyConApp)
-> import Char ( isSpace )
-> }
-Conflicts: 3 shift/reduce
-2 for ambiguity in 'case x of y | let z = y in z :: a -> b'
- (don't know whether to reduce 'True' as a btype or shift the '->'.
- Similarly lambda and if. This is a rather arcane special case:
- the default resolution in favour of the shift does what the Report
- specifies, but the result will always fail to type-check.)
-1 for ambiguity in 'x @ Rec{..}'.
- Only sensible parse is 'x @ (Rec{..})', which is what resolving
- to shift gives us.
-> %token
-> VARID { VarId $$ }
-> IPVARID { IPVarId $$ }
-> QVARID { QVarId $$ }
-> CONID { ConId $$ }
-> QCONID { QConId $$ }
-> VARSYM { VarSym $$ }
-> CONSYM { ConSym $$ }
-> QVARSYM { QVarSym $$ }
-> QCONSYM { QConSym $$ }
-> INT { IntTok $$ }
-> RATIONAL { FloatTok $$ }
-> CHAR { Character $$ }
-> STRING { StringTok $$ }
-> PRIMINT { PrimInt $$ }
-> PRIMSTRING { PrimString $$ }
-> PRIMFLOAT { PrimFloat $$ }
-> PRIMDOUBLE { PrimDouble $$ }
-> PRIMCHAR { PrimChar $$ }
-> DOCNEXT { DocCommentNext $$ }
-> DOCPREV { DocCommentPrev $$ }
-> DOCNAMED { DocCommentNamed $$ }
-> DOCSECTION { DocSection _ _ }
-> DOCOPTIONS { DocOptions $$ }
-> '(' { LeftParen }
-> ')' { RightParen }
-> '(#' { LeftUT }
-> '#)' { RightUT }
-> ';' { SemiColon }
-> '{' { LeftCurly }
-> '}' { RightCurly }
-> vccurly { VRightCurly } -- a virtual close brace
-> '[' { LeftSquare }
-> ']' { RightSquare }
-> ',' { Comma }
-> '_' { Underscore }
-> '`' { BackQuote }
-Reserved operators
-> '.' { Dot }
-> '..' { DotDot }
-> '::' { DoubleColon }
-> '=' { Equals }
-> '\\' { Backslash }
-> '|' { Bar }
-> '<-' { LeftArrow }
-> '->' { RightArrow }
-> '@' { At }
-> '~' { Tilde }
-> '=>' { DoubleArrow }
-> '-' { Minus }
-> '!' { Exclamation }
-Reserved Ids
-> 'as' { KW_As }
-> 'case' { KW_Case }
-> 'ccall' { KW_CCall }
-> 'class' { KW_Class }
-> 'data' { KW_Data }
-> 'default' { KW_Default }
-> 'deriving' { KW_Deriving }
-> 'do' { KW_Do }
-> 'dotnet' { KW_DotNet }
-> 'else' { KW_Else }
-> 'export' { KW_Export }
-> 'forall' { KW_Forall }
-> 'foreign' { KW_Foreign }
-> 'hiding' { KW_Hiding }
-> 'if' { KW_If }
-> 'import' { KW_Import }
-> 'in' { KW_In }
-> 'infix' { KW_Infix }
-> 'infixl' { KW_InfixL }
-> 'infixr' { KW_InfixR }
-> 'instance' { KW_Instance }
-> 'let' { KW_Let }
-> 'module' { KW_Module }
-> 'newtype' { KW_NewType }
-> 'of' { KW_Of }
-> 'safe' { KW_Safe }
-> 'stdcall' { KW_StdCall }
-> 'then' { KW_Then }
-> 'threadsafe' { KW_ThreadSafe }
-> 'type' { KW_Type }
-> 'unsafe' { KW_Unsafe }
-> 'where' { KW_Where }
-> 'qualified' { KW_Qualified }
-> %monad { P } { thenP } { returnP }
-> %lexer { lexer } { EOF }
-> %name parse
-> %tokentype { Token }
-> %%
-Module Header
-> module :: { HsModule }
-> : optdoc 'module' srcloc modid maybeexports 'where' body
-> { case $1 of { (opts,info,doc) ->
-> HsModule $3 $4 $5 (reverse (fst $7)) (snd $7)
-> opts info doc } }
-> | body srcloc
-> { HsModule $2 main_mod Nothing (reverse (fst $1)) (snd $1)
-> Nothing emptyModuleInfo Nothing }
-> optdoc :: { (Maybe String,ModuleInfo,Maybe Doc) }
-> : moduleheader { (Nothing, fst $1, snd $1) }
-> | DOCOPTIONS { (Just $1, emptyModuleInfo,Nothing) }
-> | DOCOPTIONS moduleheader { (Just $1, fst $2, snd $2) }
-> | moduleheader DOCOPTIONS { (Just $2, fst $1, snd $1) }
-> | {- empty -} { (Nothing, emptyModuleInfo,Nothing) }
-> body :: { ([HsImportDecl],[HsDecl]) }
-> : '{' bodyaux '}' { $2 }
-> | layout_on bodyaux close { $2 }
-> bodyaux :: { ([HsImportDecl],[HsDecl]) }
-> : impdecls ';' topdecls { ($1, $3) }
-> | topdecls { ([], $1) }
-> | impdecls { ($1, []) }
-> optsemi :: { () }
-> : ';' { () }
-> | {- empty -} { () }
-The Export List
-> maybeexports :: { Maybe [HsExportSpec] }
-> : exports { Just $1 }
-> | {- empty -} { Nothing }
-> exports :: { [HsExportSpec] }
-> : '(' exportlist ')' { $2 }
-> exportlist :: { [HsExportSpec] }
-> : export exportlist1 { $1 : $2 }
-> | exp_doc exportlist { $1 : $2 }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> exportlist1 :: { [HsExportSpec] }
-> : exp_doc exportlist1 { $1 : $2 }
-> | ',' exportlist { $2 }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> exp_doc :: { HsExportSpec }
-> : docsection { case $1 of { (i,s) -> HsEGroup i s } }
-> | docnamed { HsEDocNamed (fst $1) }
-> | docnext { HsEDoc $1 }
-> export :: { HsExportSpec }
-> : qvar { HsEVar $1 }
-> | qgtycon { HsEAbs $1 }
-> | qgtycon '(' '..' ')' { HsEThingAll $1 }
-> | qgtycon '(' ')' { HsEThingWith $1 [] }
-> | qgtycon '(' qcnames ')' { HsEThingWith $1 (reverse $3) }
-> | 'module' modid { HsEModuleContents $2 }
-> qcnames :: { [HsQName] }
-> : qcnames ',' qcname { $3 : $1 }
-> | qcname { [$1] }
-> qcname :: { HsQName }
-> : qvar { $1 }
-> | gcon { $1 }
-Import Declarations
-> impdecls :: { [HsImportDecl] }
-> : impdecls ';' impdecl { $3 : $1 }
-> | impdecl { [$1] }
-> impdecl :: { HsImportDecl }
-> : 'import' srcloc optqualified modid maybeas maybeimpspec
-> { HsImportDecl $2 $4 $3 $5 $6 }
-> optqualified :: { Bool }
-> : 'qualified' { True }
-> | {- empty -} { False }
-> maybeas :: { Maybe Module }
-> : 'as' modid { Just $2 }
-> | {- empty -} { Nothing }
-> maybeimpspec :: { Maybe (Bool, [HsImportSpec]) }
-> : impspec { Just $1 }
-> | {- empty -} { Nothing }
-> impspec :: { (Bool, [HsImportSpec]) }
-> : '(' importlist ')' { (False, reverse $2) }
-> | 'hiding' '(' importlist ')' { (True, reverse $3) }
-> importlist :: { [HsImportSpec] }
-> : importlist ',' import { $3 : $1 }
-> | importlist ',' { $1 }
-> | import { [$1] }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> import :: { HsImportSpec }
-> : var { HsIVar $1 }
-> | gtycon { HsIAbs $1 }
-> | gtycon '(' '..' ')' { HsIThingAll $1 }
-> | gtycon '(' ')' { HsIThingWith $1 [] }
-> | gtycon '(' cnames ')' { HsIThingWith $1 (reverse $3) }
-> gtycon :: { HsName }
-> : tyconorcls { $1 }
-> | '(' ')' { unit_tycon_name }
-> | '(' '->' ')' { fun_tycon_name }
-> | '[' ']' { list_tycon_name }
-> | '(' commas ')' { tuple_tycon_name $2 }
-> cnames :: { [HsName] }
-> : cnames ',' cname { $3 : $1 }
-> | cname { [$1] }
-> cname :: { HsName }
-> : var { $1 }
-> | con { $1 }
-Fixity Declarations
-> fixdecl :: { HsDecl }
-> : srcloc infix prec ops { HsInfixDecl $1 $2 $3 (reverse $4) }
-> prec :: { Int }
-> : {- empty -} { 9 }
-> | INT {% checkPrec $1 `thenP` \p ->
-> returnP (fromIntegral $1) }
-> infix :: { HsAssoc }
-> : 'infix' { HsAssocNone }
-> | 'infixl' { HsAssocLeft }
-> | 'infixr' { HsAssocRight }
-> ops :: { [HsName] }
-> : ops ',' op { $3 : $1 }
-> | op { [$1] }
-Top-Level Declarations
-> topdecls :: { [HsDecl] }
-> : topdecl ';' topdecls { $1 : $3 }
-> | ';' topdecls { $2 }
-> | docdecl topdecls { $1 : $2 }
-> | topdecl { [$1] }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> topdecl :: { HsDecl }
-> : 'type' simpletype srcloc '=' ctypedoc
-> { HsTypeDecl $3 (fst $2) (snd $2) $5 Nothing }
-> | 'data' ctype srcloc constrs deriving
-> {% checkDataHeader $2 `thenP` \(cs,c,t) ->
-> returnP (HsDataDecl $3 cs c t $4 $5 Nothing) }
-> | 'newtype' ctype srcloc '=' constr deriving
-> {% checkDataHeader $2 `thenP` \(cs,c,t) ->
-> returnP (HsNewTypeDecl $3 cs c t $5 $6 Nothing) }
-> | 'class' srcloc ctype fds optcbody
-> {% checkClassHeader $3 `thenP` \(ctxt,n,tys) ->
-> returnP (HsClassDecl $2 ctxt n tys $4 $5 Nothing) }
-> | 'instance' srcloc ctype optvaldefs
-> {% checkInstHeader $3 `thenP` \(ctxt,asst) ->
-> returnP (HsInstDecl $2 ctxt asst $4) }
-> | 'default' srcloc '(' typelist ')'
-> { HsDefaultDecl $2 $4 }
-> | 'foreign' fdecl { $2 }
-> | decl { $1 }
-> typelist :: { [HsType] }
-> : types { $1 }
-> | type { [$1] }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> decls :: { [HsDecl] }
-> : decl ';' decls { $1 : $3 }
-> | docdecl decls { $1 : $2 }
-> | ';' decls { $2 }
-> | decl { [$1] }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> decl :: { HsDecl }
-> : signdecl { $1 }
-> | fixdecl { $1 }
-> | valdef { $1 }
-> docdecl :: { HsDecl }
-> : srcloc docnext { HsDocCommentNext $1 $2 }
-> | srcloc docprev { HsDocCommentPrev $1 $2 }
-> | srcloc docnamed { case $2 of { (n,s) ->
-> HsDocCommentNamed $1 n s } }
-> | srcloc docsection { case $2 of { (i,s) -> HsDocGroup $1 i s } }
-> decllist :: { [HsDecl] }
-> : '{' decls '}' { $2 }
-> | layout_on decls close { $2 }
-> signdecl :: { HsDecl }
-> : vars srcloc '::' ctypedoc { HsTypeSig $2 (reverse $1) $4 Nothing }
-ATTENTION: Dirty Hackery Ahead! If the second alternative of vars is var
-instead of qvar, we get another shift/reduce-conflict. Consider the
-following programs:
- { (+) :: ... } only var
- { (+) x y = ... } could (incorrectly) be qvar
-We re-use expressions for patterns, so a qvar would be allowed in patterns
-instead of a var only (which would be correct). But deciding what the + is,
-would require more lookahead. So let's check for ourselves...
-> vars :: { [HsName] }
-> : vars ',' var { $3 : $1 }
-> | qvar {% checkUnQual $1 `thenP` \n ->
-> returnP [n] }
-Foreign Declarations
-> fdecl :: { HsDecl }
-> fdecl : srcloc 'import' callconv safety fspec
-> { case $5 of (spec,nm,ty) -> HsForeignImport $1 $3 $4 spec nm ty Nothing }
-> | srcloc 'import' callconv fspec
-> { case $4 of (spec,nm,ty) -> HsForeignImport $1 $3 HsFISafe spec nm ty Nothing }
-> | srcloc 'export' callconv fspec
-> { case $4 of (spec,nm,ty) -> HsForeignExport $1 $3 spec nm ty }
-> callconv :: { HsCallConv }
-> : 'stdcall' { HsStdCall }
-> | 'ccall' { HsCCall }
-> | 'dotnet' { HsDotNetCall }
-> safety :: { HsFISafety }
-> : 'unsafe' { HsFIUnsafe }
-> | 'safe' { HsFISafe }
-> | 'threadsafe' { HsFIThreadSafe }
-> fspec :: { (String, HsName, HsType) }
-> : STRING varid '::' ctypedoc { ($1, $2, $4) }
-> | varid '::' ctypedoc { ("", $1, $3) }
-> doctype :: { HsType }
-> : tydoc '->' doctype { HsTyFun $1 $3 }
-> | tydoc { $1 }
-> tydoc :: { HsType }
-> : btype { $1 }
-> | btype docprev { HsTyDoc $1 $2 }
-> type :: { HsType }
-> : ipvar '::' type1 { HsTyIP $1 $3 }
-> | type1 { $1 }
-> type1 :: { HsType }
-> : btype { $1 }
-> | btype '->' type1 { HsTyFun $1 $3 }
-> btype :: { HsType }
-> : btype atype { HsTyApp $1 $2 }
-> | atype { $1 }
-> atype :: { HsType }
-> : qgtycon { HsTyCon $1 }
-> | tyvar { HsTyVar $1 }
-> | '(' types ')' { HsTyTuple True $2 }
-> | '(#' type '#)' { HsTyTuple False [$2] }
-> | '(#' types '#)' { HsTyTuple False $2 }
-> | '[' type ']' { HsTyApp list_tycon $2 }
-> | '(' ctype ')' { $2 }
-> qgtycon :: { HsQName }
-> : qtycls { $1 }
-> | '(' ')' { unit_tycon_qname }
-> | '(' '->' ')' { fun_tycon_qname }
-> | '[' ']' { list_tycon_qname }
-> | '(' commas ')' { tuple_tycon_qname $2 }
-(Slightly edited) Comment from GHC's hsparser.y:
-"context => type" vs "type" is a problem, because you can't distinguish between
- foo :: (Baz a, Baz a)
- bar :: (Baz a, Baz a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-with one token of lookahead. The HACK is to parse the context as a btype
-(more specifically as a tuple type), then check that it has the right form
-C a, or (C1 a, C2 b, ... Cn z) and convert it into a context. Blaach!
-> ctype :: { HsType }
-> : 'forall' tyvars '.' ctype { mkHsForAllType (Just $2) [] $4 }
-> | context '=>' type { mkHsForAllType Nothing $1 $3 }
-> | type { $1 }
-> ctypedoc :: { HsType }
-> : 'forall' tyvars '.' ctypedoc { mkHsForAllType (Just $2) [] $4 }
-> | context '=>' doctype { mkHsForAllType Nothing $1 $3 }
-> | doctype { $1 }
-> context :: { HsIPContext }
-> : btype {% checkContext $1 }
-> types :: { [HsType] }
-> : type ',' types { $1 : $3 }
-> | type ',' type { [$1,$3] }
-> simpletype :: { (HsName, [HsName]) }
-> : tycon tyvars { ($1,$2) }
-> tyvars :: { [HsName] }
-> : tyvar tyvars { $1 : $2 }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-Datatype declarations
-> constrs :: { [HsConDecl] }
-> : {- empty; a GHC extension -} { [] }
-> | maybe_docnext '=' constrs1 { addConDocs $3 $1 }
-> constrs1 :: { [HsConDecl] }
-> : constr maybe_docnext '|' maybe_docprev constrs1
-> { addConDoc $1 $4 : addConDocs $5 $2 }
-> | constr { [$1] }
-> constr :: { HsConDecl }
-> : srcloc maybe_docnext forall_stuff constr_stuff maybe_docprev
-> { HsConDecl $1 (fst $4) $3 [] (snd $4) ($2 `mplus` $5) }
-> | srcloc maybe_docnext forall_stuff context '=>' constr_stuff maybe_docprev
-> {% checkIPContext $4 `thenP` \ ctxt -> returnP (HsConDecl $1 (fst $6) $3 ctxt (snd $6) ($2 `mplus` $7)) }
-> | srcloc maybe_docnext forall_stuff con '{' fielddecls '}' maybe_docprev
-> { HsRecDecl $1 $4 $3 [] $6 ($2 `mplus` $8) }
-> | srcloc maybe_docnext forall_stuff context '=>' con '{' fielddecls '}' maybe_docprev
-> {% checkIPContext $4 `thenP` \ ctxt -> returnP (HsRecDecl $1 $6 $3 ctxt $8 ($2 `mplus` $10)) }
-> forall_stuff :: { [HsName] }
-> : 'forall' tyvars '.' { $2 }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> constr_stuff :: { (HsName, [HsBangType]) }
-> : scontype { $1 }
-> | sbtype conop sbtype { ($2, [$1,$3]) }
-> scontype :: { (HsName, [HsBangType]) }
-> : btype {% splitTyConApp $1 `thenP` \(c,ts) ->
-> returnP (toVarHsName c,
-> map HsUnBangedTy ts) }
-> | scontype1 { $1 }
-> scontype1 :: { (HsName, [HsBangType]) }
-> : btype '!' atype {% splitTyConApp $1 `thenP` \(c,ts) ->
-> returnP (toVarHsName c,
-> map HsUnBangedTy ts++
-> [HsBangedTy $3]) }
-> | scontype1 satype { (fst $1, snd $1 ++ [$2] ) }
-> satype :: { HsBangType }
-> : atype { HsUnBangedTy $1 }
-> | '!' atype { HsBangedTy $2 }
-> sbtype :: { HsBangType }
-> : btype { HsUnBangedTy $1 }
-> | '!' atype { HsBangedTy $2 }
-> fielddecls :: { [HsFieldDecl] }
-> : fielddecl maybe_docnext ',' maybe_docprev fielddecls
-> { addFieldDoc $1 $4 : addFieldDocs $5 $2 }
-> | ',' fielddecls { $2 }
-> | fielddecl { [$1] }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> fielddecl :: { HsFieldDecl }
-> : maybe_docnext vars '::' stype maybe_docprev
-> { HsFieldDecl (reverse $2) $4 ($1 `mplus` $5) }
-> stype :: { HsBangType }
-> : ctype { HsUnBangedTy $1 }
-> | '!' atype { HsBangedTy $2 }
-> deriving :: { [HsQName] }
-> : {- empty -} { [] }
-> | 'deriving' qtycls { [$2] }
-> | 'deriving' '(' ')' { [] }
-> | 'deriving' '(' dclasses ')' { reverse $3 }
-> dclasses :: { [HsQName] }
-> : dclasses ',' qtycls { $3 : $1 }
-> | qtycls { [$1] }
-Class declarations
-> fds :: { [HsFunDep] }
-> : {- empty -} { [] }
-> | '|' fds1 { reverse $2 }
-> fds1 :: { [HsFunDep] }
-> : fds1 ',' fd { $3 : $1 }
-> | fd { [$1] }
-> fd :: { HsFunDep }
-> : varids0 '->' varids0 { (reverse $1, reverse $3) }
-> varids0 :: { [HsName] }
-> : {- empty -} { [] }
-> | varids0 tyvar { $2 : $1 }
-> optcbody :: { [HsDecl] }
-> : 'where' decllist { $2 }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> dbinds :: { [HsDecl] }
-> : dbinds ';' dbind { $3 : $1 }
-> | dbinds ';' { $1 }
-> | dbind { [$1] }
-> dbind :: { HsDecl }
-> dbind : ipvar '=' srcloc exp {% checkValDef ($3, HsVar (UnQual $1), HsUnGuardedRhs $4, []) }
-> binds :: { [HsDecl] }
-> : decllist { $1 }
-> | '{' dbinds '}' { $2 }
-> | layout_on dbinds close { $2 }
-> wherebinds :: { [HsDecl] }
-> : 'where' binds { $2 }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-Instance declarations
-> optvaldefs :: { [HsDecl] }
-> : 'where' '{' valdefs '}' { $3 }
-> | 'where' layout_on valdefs close { $3 }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> valdefs :: { [HsDecl] }
-> : valdefs ';' valdef { $3 : $1 }
-> | valdefs ';' { $1 }
-> | valdef { [$1] }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-Value definitions
-> valdef :: { HsDecl }
-> : exp0b srcloc rhs
-> {% checkValDef ($2, $1, $3, [])}
-> rhs :: { HsRhs }
-> : '=' exp wherebinds {% checkExpr $2 `thenP` \e ->
-> returnP (HsUnGuardedRhs e) }
-> | gdrhs wherebinds { HsGuardedRhss (reverse $1) }
-> gdrhs :: { [HsGuardedRhs] }
-> : gdrhs gdrh { $2 : $1 }
-> | gdrh { [$1] }
-> gdrh :: { HsGuardedRhs }
-> : '|' srcloc quals '=' exp {% checkExpr $5 `thenP` \e ->
-> returnP (HsGuardedRhs $2 $3 e) }
-Note: The Report specifies a meta-rule for lambda, let and if expressions
-(the exp's that end with a subordinate exp): they extend as far to
-the right as possible. That means they cannot be followed by a type
-signature or infix application. To implement this without shift/reduce
-conflicts, we split exp10 into these expressions (exp10a) and the others
-(exp10b). That also means that only an exp0 ending in an exp10b (an exp0b)
-can followed by a type signature or infix application. So we duplicate
-the exp0 productions to distinguish these from the others (exp0a).
-> exp :: { HsExp }
-> : exp0b '::' srcloc ctype { HsExpTypeSig $3 $1 $4 }
-> | exp0 { $1 }
-> exp0 :: { HsExp }
-> : exp0a { $1 }
-> | exp0b { $1 }
-> exp0a :: { HsExp }
-> : exp0b qop exp10a { HsInfixApp $1 $2 $3 }
-> | exp10a { $1 }
-> exp0b :: { HsExp }
-> : exp0b qop exp10b { HsInfixApp $1 $2 $3 }
-> | exp10b { $1 }
-> exp10a :: { HsExp }
-> : '\\' aexps '->' exp {% checkPatterns (reverse $2) `thenP` \ps ->
-> returnP (HsLambda ps $4) }
-> | 'let' binds 'in' exp { HsLet $2 $4 }
-> | 'if' exp 'then' exp 'else' exp { HsIf $2 $4 $6 }
-> exp10b :: { HsExp }
-> : 'case' exp 'of' altslist { HsCase $2 $4 }
-> | '-' fexp { HsNegApp $2 }
-> | 'do' stmtlist { HsDo $2 }
-> | fexp { $1 }
-> fexp :: { HsExp }
-> : fexp aexp { HsApp $1 $2 }
-> | aexp { $1 }
-> aexps :: { [HsExp] }
-> : aexps aexp { $2 : $1 }
-> | aexp { [$1] }
-UGLY: Because patterns and expressions are mixed, aexp has to be split into
-two rules: One left-recursive and one right-recursive. Otherwise we get two
-reduce/reduce-errors (for as-patterns and irrefutable patters).
-Note: The first alternative of aexp is not neccessarily a record update, it
-could be a labeled construction, too.
-> aexp :: { HsExp }
-> : aexp '{' '}' {% mkRecConstrOrUpdate $1 [] }
-> | aexp '{' fbinds '}' {% mkRecConstrOrUpdate $1 (reverse $3) }
-> | aexp1 { $1 }
-Even though the variable in an as-pattern cannot be qualified, we use
-qvar here to avoid a shift/reduce conflict, and then check it ourselves
-(as for vars above).
-Bug: according to the Report, left sections should be (exp0 qop), but
-that would cause a shift/reduce conflict in which shifting would be no
-different from specifying (exp0b qop). The only consolation is that
-other implementations don't manage this either.
-> aexp1 :: { HsExp }
-> : ipvar { HsIPVar (UnQual $1) }
-> | qvar { HsVar $1 }
-> | gcon { HsCon $1 }
-> | literal { $1 }
-> | '(' exp ')' { HsParen $2 }
-> | '(' texps ')' { HsTuple True $2 }
-> | '(#' exp '#)' { HsTuple False [$2] }
-> | '(#' texps '#)' { HsTuple False $2 }
-> | '[' list ']' { $2 }
-> | '(' exp0b qop ')' { HsLeftSection $3 $2 }
-> | '(' qopm exp0 ')' { HsRightSection $3 $2 }
-> | qvar '@' aexp {% checkUnQual $1 `thenP` \n ->
-> returnP (HsAsPat n $3) }
-> | '_' { HsWildCard }
-> | '~' aexp1 { HsIrrPat $2 }
-> commas :: { Int }
-> : commas ',' { $1 + 1 }
-> | ',' { 1 }
-> texps :: { [HsExp] }
-> : exp ',' texps { $1 : $3 }
-> | exp ',' exp { [$1,$3] }
-List expressions
-The rules below are little bit contorted to keep lexps left-recursive while
-avoiding another shift/reduce-conflict.
-> list :: { HsExp }
-> : exp { HsList [$1] }
-> | lexps { HsList (reverse $1) }
-> | exp '..' { HsEnumFrom $1 }
-> | exp ',' exp '..' { HsEnumFromThen $1 $3 }
-> | exp '..' exp { HsEnumFromTo $1 $3 }
-> | exp ',' exp '..' exp { HsEnumFromThenTo $1 $3 $5 }
-> | exp pquals { HsListComp $1 (reverse $2) }
-> lexps :: { [HsExp] }
-> : lexps ',' exp { $3 : $1 }
-> | exp ',' exp { [$3,$1] }
-List comprehensions
-> pquals :: { [HsStmt] }
-> : pquals1 { case $1 of
-> [qs] -> qs
-> qss -> [HsParStmt (concat qss)]
-> }
-> pquals1 :: { [[HsStmt]] }
-> : pquals1 '|' quals { $3 : $1 }
-> | '|' quals { [$2] }
-> quals :: { [HsStmt] }
-> : quals ',' qual { $3 : $1 }
-> | qual { [$1] }
-> qual :: { HsStmt }
-> : pat '<-' exp { HsGenerator $1 $3 }
-> | exp { HsQualifier $1 }
-> | 'let' binds { HsLetStmt $2 }
-Case alternatives
-> altslist :: { [HsAlt] }
-> : '{' alts optsemi '}' { reverse $2 }
-> | layout_on alts optsemi close { reverse $2 }
-> alts :: { [HsAlt] }
-> : alts ';' alt { $3 : $1 }
-> | alt { [$1] }
-> alt :: { HsAlt }
-> : pat srcloc ralt wherebinds
-> { HsAlt $2 $1 $3 $4 }
-> ralt :: { HsGuardedAlts }
-> : '->' exp { HsUnGuardedAlt $2 }
-> | gdpats { HsGuardedAlts (reverse $1) }
-> gdpats :: { [HsGuardedAlt] }
-> : gdpats gdpat { $2 : $1 }
-> | gdpat { [$1] }
-> gdpat :: { HsGuardedAlt }
-> : '|' srcloc quals '->' exp { HsGuardedAlt $2 $3 $5 }
-> pat :: { HsPat }
-> : exp0b {% checkPattern $1 }
-Statement sequences
-> stmtlist :: { [HsStmt] }
-> : '{' stmts '}' { $2 }
-> | layout_on stmts close { $2 }
-The last Stmt should be a HsQualifier, but that's hard to enforce here,
-because we need too much lookahead if we see do { e ; }, so it has to
-be checked for later.
-> stmts :: { [HsStmt] }
-> : qual stmts1 { $1 : $2 }
-> | ';' stmts { $2 }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-> stmts1 :: { [HsStmt] }
-> : ';' stmts { $2 }
-> | {- empty -} { [] }
-Record Field Update/Construction
-> fbinds :: { [HsFieldUpdate] }
-> : fbinds ',' fbind { $3 : $1 }
-> | fbind { [$1] }
-> fbind :: { HsFieldUpdate }
-> : qvar '=' exp { HsFieldUpdate $1 $3 }
-Variables, Constructors and Operators.
-> gcon :: { HsQName }
-> : '(' ')' { unit_con_name }
-> | '[' ']' { nil_con_name }
-> | '(' commas ')' { tuple_con_name $2 }
-> | qcon { $1 }
-> var :: { HsName }
-> : varid { $1 }
-> | '(' varsym ')' { $2 }
-> qvar :: { HsQName }
-> : qvarid { $1 }
-> | '(' qvarsym ')' { $2 }
-> con :: { HsName }
-> : conid { $1 }
-> | '(' consym ')' { $2 }
-> ipvar :: { HsName }
-> : IPVARID { HsVarName (HsIdent $1) }
-> qcon :: { HsQName }
-> : qconid { $1 }
-> | '(' qconsym ')' { $2 }
-> varop :: { HsName }
-> : varsym { $1 }
-> | '`' varid '`' { $2 }
-> qvarop :: { HsQName }
-> : qvarsym { $1 }
-> | '`' qvarid '`' { $2 }
-> qvaropm :: { HsQName }
-> : qvarsymm { $1 }
-> | '`' qvarid '`' { $2 }
-> conop :: { HsName }
-> : consym { $1 }
-> | '`' conid '`' { $2 }
-> qconop :: { HsQName }
-> : qconsym { $1 }
-> | '`' qconid '`' { $2 }
-> op :: { HsName }
-> : varop { $1 }
-> | conop { $1 }
-> qop :: { HsExp }
-> : qvarop { HsVar $1 }
-> | qconop { HsCon $1 }
-> qopm :: { HsExp }
-> : qvaropm { HsVar $1 }
-> | qconop { HsCon $1 }
-> qvarid :: { HsQName }
-> : varid { UnQual $1 }
-> | QVARID { Qual (Module (fst $1)) (HsVarName (HsIdent (snd $1))) }
-> varid :: { HsName }
-> : 'forall' { forall_name }
-> | varid_no_forall { $1 }
-> varid_no_forall :: { HsName }
-> : VARID { HsVarName (HsIdent $1) }
-> | 'as' { as_name }
-> | 'unsafe' { unsafe_name }
-> | 'safe' { safe_name }
-> | 'threadsafe' { threadsafe_name }
-> | 'qualified' { qualified_name }
-> | 'hiding' { hiding_name }
-> | 'export' { export_name }
-> | 'stdcall' { stdcall_name }
-> | 'ccall' { ccall_name }
-> | 'dotnet' { dotnet_name }
-> qconid :: { HsQName }
-> : conid { UnQual $1 }
-> | QCONID { Qual (Module (fst $1)) (HsVarName (HsIdent (snd $1))) }
-> conid :: { HsName }
-> : CONID { HsVarName (HsIdent $1) }
-> qconsym :: { HsQName }
-> : consym { UnQual $1 }
-> | QCONSYM { Qual (Module (fst $1)) (HsVarName (HsSymbol (snd $1))) }
-> consym :: { HsName }
-> : CONSYM { HsVarName (HsSymbol $1) }
-> qvarsym :: { HsQName }
-> : varsym { UnQual $1 }
-> | qvarsym1 { $1 }
-> qvarsymm :: { HsQName }
-> : varsymm { UnQual $1 }
-> | qvarsym1 { $1 }
-> varsym :: { HsName }
-> : VARSYM { HsVarName (HsSymbol $1) }
-> | '.' { dot_name }
-> | '-' { minus_name }
-> | '!' { pling_name }
-> varsymm :: { HsName } -- varsym not including '-'
-> : VARSYM { HsVarName (HsSymbol $1) }
-> | '.' { dot_name }
-> | '!' { pling_name }
-> qvarsym1 :: { HsQName }
-> : QVARSYM { Qual (Module (fst $1)) (HsVarName (HsSymbol (snd $1))) }
-> literal :: { HsExp }
-> : INT { HsLit (HsInt $1) }
-> | CHAR { HsLit (HsChar $1) }
-> | RATIONAL { HsLit (HsFrac (readRational $1)) }
-> | STRING { HsLit (HsString $1) }
-> | PRIMINT { HsLit (HsIntPrim $1) }
-> | PRIMCHAR { HsLit (HsCharPrim $1) }
-> | PRIMFLOAT { HsLit (HsFloatPrim (readRational $1)) }
-> | PRIMDOUBLE { HsLit (HsDoublePrim (readRational $1)) }
-> | PRIMSTRING { HsLit (HsStringPrim $1) }
-> srcloc :: { SrcLoc } : {% getSrcLoc }
-> close :: { () }
-> : vccurly { () } -- context popped in lexer.
-> | error {% popContext }
-> layout_on :: { () } : {% getSrcLoc `thenP` \(SrcLoc r c f) ->
-> pushContext (Layout c) }
-Miscellaneous (mostly renamings)
-> modid :: { Module }
-> : CONID { Module $1 }
-> | QCONID { Module (fst $1 ++ '.':snd $1) }
-> tyconorcls :: { HsName }
-> : CONID { HsTyClsName (HsIdent $1) }
-> tycon :: { HsName }
-> : CONID { HsTyClsName (HsIdent $1) }
-> qtycls :: { HsQName }
-> : CONID { UnQual (HsTyClsName (HsIdent $1)) }
-> | QCONID { Qual (Module (fst $1)) (HsTyClsName (HsIdent (snd $1))) }
-> tyvar :: { HsName }
-> : varid_no_forall { $1 }
-Documentation comments
-> docnext :: { Doc }
-> : DOCNEXT {% case parseParas (tokenise $1) of {
-> Left err -> parseError err;
-> Right doc -> returnP doc } }
-> docprev :: { Doc }
-> : DOCPREV {% case parseParas (tokenise $1) of {
-> Left err -> parseError err;
-> Right doc -> returnP doc } }
-> docnamed :: { (String,Doc) }
-> : DOCNAMED {% let (name,rest) = break isSpace $1 in
-> case parseParas (tokenise rest) of {
-> Left err -> parseError err;
-> Right doc -> returnP (name,doc) } }
-> docsection :: { (Int,Doc) }
-> : DOCSECTION {% case $1 of { DocSection n s ->
-> case parseString (tokenise s) of {
-> Left err -> parseError err;
-> Right doc -> returnP (n, doc) } } }
-> maybe_docprev :: { Maybe Doc }
-> : docprev { Just $1 }
-> | {- empty -} { Nothing }
-> maybe_docnext :: { Maybe Doc }
-> : docnext { Just $1 }
-> | {- empty -} { Nothing }
-> moduleheader :: { (ModuleInfo,Maybe Doc) }
-> : DOCNEXT {% case parseModuleHeader $1 of {
-> Right (str,info) ->
-> case parseParas (tokenise str) of {
-> Left err -> parseError err;
-> Right doc -> returnP (info,Just doc);
-> };
-> Left err -> parseError err
-> } }
-> {
-> happyError = parseError "Parse error"
-> }