path: root/src/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 7223b8f6..e7b52e4d 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Haddock.Version
import Haddock.InterfaceFile
import Haddock.Exception
import Haddock.Options
+import Haddock.Typecheck
import Haddock.Utils.GHC
import Paths_haddock
@@ -55,7 +56,6 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import GHC
import Outputable
import SrcLoc
-import Digraph
import Name
import Module
import InstEnv
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ import Bag
import HscTypes
import Util (handleDyn)
import ErrUtils (printBagOfErrors)
-import BasicTypes
import UniqFM
import FastString
@@ -129,9 +128,9 @@ handleGhcExceptions inner =
) inner
-- Top-level
main :: IO ()
@@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ main = handleTopExceptions $ do
packages <- getPackages session exposedPackages
-- typechecking
- modules <- sortAndCheckModules session fileArgs
+ modules <- typecheckFiles session fileArgs
-- update the html references for rendering phase (global variable)
updateHTMLXRefs packages
@@ -177,84 +176,6 @@ main = handleTopExceptions $ do
run flags modules env
-handleFlags flags fileArgs = do
- usage <- getUsage
- when (Flag_Help `elem` flags) (bye usage)
- when (Flag_Version `elem` flags) byeVersion
- when (null fileArgs) (bye usage)
- let ghcLibDir = case [ dir | Flag_GhcLibDir dir <- flags ] of
- [] -> throwE "no GHC lib dir specified"
- xs -> last xs
- when ((Flag_GenIndex `elem` flags || Flag_GenContents `elem` flags)
- && Flag_Html `elem` flags) $
- throwE ("-h cannot be used with --gen-index or --gen-contents")
- return ghcLibDir
--- | Handle the -use-package flags
--- Returns the names of the packages (without version number), if parsing
--- succeeded.
--- It would be better to try to get the "exposed" packages from GHC instead.
--- This would make the -use-package flag unnecessary. But currently it
--- seems all you can get from the GHC api is all packages that are linked in
--- (i.e the closure of the exposed packages).
-getUsePackages :: [Flag] -> Session -> IO [String]
-getUsePackages flags session = do
- -- get the packages from the commandline flags
- let packages = [ pkg | Flag_UsePackage pkg <- flags ]
- -- expose these packages
- -- (makes "-use-package pkg" equal to "-g '-package pkg'")
- dfs <- getSessionDynFlags session
- let dfs' = dfs { packageFlags = packageFlags dfs ++ map ExposePackage packages }
- setSessionDynFlags session dfs'
- -- try to parse these packages into PackageIndentifiers
- mapM (handleParse . unpackPackageId . stringToPackageId) packages
- where
- handleParse (Just pkg) = return (pkgName pkg)
- handleParse Nothing = throwE "Could not parse package identifier"
--- Flags
--- | Filter out the GHC specific flags and try to parse and set them as static
--- flags. Return a list of flags that couldn't be parsed.
-tryParseStaticFlags flags = do
- let ghcFlags = [ str | Flag_GhcFlag str <- flags ]
- parseStaticFlags ghcFlags
--- | Try to parse dynamic GHC flags
-parseGhcFlags session ghcFlags = do
- dflags <- getSessionDynFlags session
- foldlM parseFlag dflags (map words ghcFlags)
- where
- -- try to parse a flag as either a dynamic or static GHC flag
- parseFlag dynflags ghcFlag = do
- (dynflags', rest) <- parseDynamicFlags dynflags ghcFlag
- when (rest == ghcFlag) $
- throwE ("Couldn't parse GHC flag: " ++ (unwords ghcFlag))
- return dynflags'
-byeVersion =
- bye ("Haddock version " ++ projectVersion ++
- ", (c) Simon Marlow 2003; ported to the GHC-API by David Waern 2006\n")
startGHC :: String -> IO (Session, DynFlags)
startGHC libDir = do
session <- newSession (Just libDir)
@@ -268,57 +189,8 @@ startGHC libDir = do
setSessionDynFlags session flags''
return (session, flags'')
--- | Get the sorted graph of all loaded modules and their dependencies
-getSortedModuleGraph :: Session -> IO [(Module, FilePath)]
-getSortedModuleGraph session = do
- mbModGraph <- depanal session [] True
- moduleGraph <- case mbModGraph of
- Just mg -> return mg
- Nothing -> throwE "Failed to load all modules"
- let
- getModFile = fromJust . ml_hs_file . ms_location
- sortedGraph = topSortModuleGraph False moduleGraph Nothing
- sortedModules = concatMap flattenSCC sortedGraph
- modsAndFiles = [ (ms_mod modsum, getModFile modsum) |
- modsum <- sortedModules ]
- return modsAndFiles
--- TODO: make it handle cleanup
-sortAndCheckModules :: Session -> [FilePath] -> IO [CheckedMod]
-sortAndCheckModules session files = do
- -- load all argument files
- targets <- mapM (\f -> guessTarget f Nothing) files
- setTargets session targets
- -- compute the dependencies and load them as well
- allMods <- getSortedModuleGraph session
- targets' <- mapM (\(_, f) -> guessTarget f Nothing) allMods
- setTargets session targets'
- flag <- load session LoadAllTargets
- when (failed flag) $
- throwE "Failed to load all needed modules"
- -- typecheck the argument modules
- let argMods = filter ((`elem` files) . snd) allMods
- checkedMods <- forM argMods $ \(mod, file) -> do
- mbMod <- checkModule session (moduleName mod) False
- case mbMod of
- Just (CheckedModule a (Just b) (Just c) (Just d) _)
- -> return (mod, file, (a,b,c,d))
- _ -> throwE ("Failed to check module: " ++ moduleString mod)
- return checkedMods
-run :: [Flag] -> [CheckedMod] -> Map Name Name -> IO ()
+run :: [Flag] -> [GhcModule] -> Map Name Name -> IO ()
run flags modules extEnv = do
title = case [str | Flag_Heading str <- flags] of
@@ -366,12 +238,10 @@ run flags modules extEnv = do
prologue <- getPrologue flags
- -- collect the data from GHC that we need for each home module
- ghcModuleData = map moduleDataGHC modules
-- run pass 1 on this data
- (modMap, messages) = runWriter (pass1 ghcModuleData flags)
+ (modMap, messages) = runWriter (pass1 modules flags)
- haddockMods = catMaybes [ Map.lookup mod modMap | (mod,_,_) <- modules ]
+ haddockMods = catMaybes [ Map.lookup (ghcModule m) modMap | m <- modules ]
homeEnv = buildGlobalDocEnv haddockMods
env = homeEnv `Map.union` extEnv
haddockMods' = attachInstances haddockMods
@@ -418,55 +288,105 @@ run flags modules extEnv = do
writeInterfaceFile filename iface
-type CheckedMod = (Module, FilePath, FullyCheckedMod)
+-- Flags
-type FullyCheckedMod = (ParsedSource,
- RenamedSource,
- TypecheckedSource,
- ModuleInfo)
+handleFlags flags fileArgs = do
+ usage <- getUsage
+ when (Flag_Help `elem` flags) (bye usage)
+ when (Flag_Version `elem` flags) byeVersion
+ when (null fileArgs) (bye usage)
--- | This data structure collects all the information we need about a home
--- package module
-data ModuleDataGHC = ModuleDataGHC {
- ghcModule :: Module,
- ghcFilename :: FilePath,
- ghcMbDocOpts :: Maybe String,
- ghcHaddockModInfo :: HaddockModInfo Name,
- ghcMbDoc :: Maybe (HsDoc Name),
- ghcGroup :: HsGroup Name,
- ghcMbExports :: Maybe [LIE Name],
- ghcExportedNames :: [Name],
- ghcNamesInScope :: [Name],
- ghcInstances :: [Instance]
+ let ghcLibDir = case [ dir | Flag_GhcLibDir dir <- flags ] of
+ [] -> throwE "no GHC lib dir specified"
+ xs -> last xs
+ when ((Flag_GenIndex `elem` flags || Flag_GenContents `elem` flags)
+ && Flag_Html `elem` flags) $
+ throwE ("-h cannot be used with --gen-index or --gen-contents")
--- | Dig out what we want from the GHC API without altering anything
-moduleDataGHC :: CheckedMod -> ModuleDataGHC
-moduleDataGHC (mod, file, checkedMod) = ModuleDataGHC {
- ghcModule = mod,
- ghcFilename = file,
- ghcMbDocOpts = mbOpts,
- ghcHaddockModInfo = info,
- ghcMbDoc = mbDoc,
- ghcGroup = group,
- ghcMbExports = mbExports,
- ghcExportedNames = modInfoExports modInfo,
- ghcNamesInScope = fromJust $ modInfoTopLevelScope modInfo,
- ghcInstances = modInfoInstances modInfo
+ return ghcLibDir
+-- | Handle the -use-package flags
+-- Returns the names of the packages (without version number), if parsing
+-- succeeded.
+-- It would be better to try to get the "exposed" packages from GHC instead.
+-- This would make the -use-package flag unnecessary. But currently it
+-- seems all you can get from the GHC api is all packages that are linked in
+-- (i.e the closure of the exposed packages).
+getUsePackages :: [Flag] -> Session -> IO [String]
+getUsePackages flags session = do
+ -- get the packages from the commandline flags
+ let packages = [ pkg | Flag_UsePackage pkg <- flags ]
+ -- expose these packages
+ -- (makes "-use-package pkg" equal to "-g '-package pkg'")
+ dfs <- getSessionDynFlags session
+ let dfs' = dfs { packageFlags = packageFlags dfs ++ map ExposePackage packages }
+ setSessionDynFlags session dfs'
+ -- try to parse these packages into PackageIndentifiers
+ mapM (handleParse . unpackPackageId . stringToPackageId) packages
- HsModule _ _ _ _ _ mbOpts _ _ = unLoc parsed
- (group, _, mbExports, mbDoc, info) = renamed
- (parsed, renamed, _, modInfo) = checkedMod
+ handleParse (Just pkg) = return (pkgName pkg)
+ handleParse Nothing = throwE "Could not parse package identifier"
--- | Massage the data in ModuleDataGHC to produce something closer to what
+-- | Filter out the GHC specific flags and try to parse and set them as static
+-- flags. Return a list of flags that couldn't be parsed.
+tryParseStaticFlags flags = do
+ let ghcFlags = [ str | Flag_GhcFlag str <- flags ]
+ parseStaticFlags ghcFlags
+-- | Try to parse dynamic GHC flags
+parseGhcFlags session ghcFlags = do
+ dflags <- getSessionDynFlags session
+ foldlM parseFlag dflags (map words ghcFlags)
+ where
+ -- try to parse a flag as either a dynamic or static GHC flag
+ parseFlag dynflags ghcFlag = do
+ (dynflags', rest) <- parseDynamicFlags dynflags ghcFlag
+ when (rest == ghcFlag) $
+ throwE ("Couldn't parse GHC flag: " ++ (unwords ghcFlag))
+ return dynflags'
+byeVersion =
+ bye ("Haddock version " ++ projectVersion ++
+ ", (c) Simon Marlow 2003; ported to the GHC-API by David Waern 2006\n")
+-- Phase 1
+-- | Produce a map of HaddockModules with information that is close to
+-- renderable. What is lacking after this pass are the renamed export items.
+pass1 :: [GhcModule] -> [Flag] -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap
+pass1 modules flags = foldM produceAndInsert Map.empty modules
+ where
+ produceAndInsert modMap modData = do
+ resultMod <- pass1data modData flags modMap
+ let key = ghcModule modData
+ return (Map.insert key resultMod modMap)
+-- | Massage the data in GhcModule to produce something closer to what
-- we want to render. To do this, we need access to modules before this one
-- in the topological sort, to which we have already done this conversion.
-- That's what's in the ModuleMap.
-pass1data :: ModuleDataGHC -> [Flag] -> ModuleMap -> ErrMsgM HaddockModule
+pass1data :: GhcModule -> [Flag] -> ModuleMap -> ErrMsgM HaddockModule
pass1data modData flags modMap = do
let mod = ghcModule modData
@@ -528,17 +448,6 @@ pass1data modData flags modMap = do
return opts'
--- | Produce a map of HaddockModules with information that is close to
--- renderable. What is lacking after this pass are the renamed export items.
-pass1 :: [ModuleDataGHC] -> [Flag] -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap
-pass1 modules flags = foldM produceAndInsert Map.empty modules
- where
- produceAndInsert modMap modData = do
- resultMod <- pass1data modData flags modMap
- let key = ghcModule modData
- return (Map.insert key resultMod modMap)
sameName (DocEntity _) _ = False
sameName (DeclEntity _) (DocEntity _) = False
sameName (DeclEntity a) (DeclEntity b) = a == b
@@ -610,6 +519,11 @@ collectEntities group = sortByLoc (docs ++ declarations)
forName (ForeignExport name _ _) = unLoc name
+-- Collect docs
-- | Collect the docs and attach them to the right name
collectDocs :: [Entity] -> [(Name, HsDoc Name)]
collectDocs entities = collect Nothing DocEmpty entities