path: root/src/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 7e4d1386..e346cab5 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -103,19 +103,13 @@ parse_file file = do
-- Figuring out the definitions that are exported from a module
--- we want to
--- (a) build a list of definitions that are exported from this module
--- (b) resolve any references in these declarations to qualified names
--- (qualified by the module imported from, not the original module).
mkInterface :: ModuleMap -> FilePath -> HsModule -> (Module,Interface)
mkInterface mod_map filename (HsModule mod exps imps decls maybe_doc)
= (mod, Interface {
iface_filename = filename,
iface_env = name_env,
- iface_exports = export_list,
+ iface_exports = renamed_export_list,
+ iface_orig_exports = orig_export_list,
iface_decls = decl_map,
iface_portability = "portable",
iface_maintainer = "libraries@haskell.org",
@@ -136,33 +130,24 @@ mkInterface mod_map filename (HsModule mod exps imps decls maybe_doc)
-- build the orig_env, which maps names to *original* names (so we can
-- find the original declarations & docs for things).
- external_env = foldr plusFM emptyFM (map (getOrigEnv mod_map) imps)
- orig_env = external_env `plusFM` local_env
+ (ext_orig_envs, ext_import_envs)
+ = unzip (map (buildEnv mod_map mod exported_names) imps)
+ orig_env = foldr plusFM local_env ext_orig_envs
+ import_env = foldr plusFM local_env ext_import_envs
- -- resolve the names in the export list to original names
- renamed_exports = fmap (renameExportList orig_env) exps
+ -- convert names in source code to original, fully qualified, names
+ orig_exports = fmap (renameExportList orig_env) exps
+ orig_decls = map (renameDecl orig_env) decls
- unrenamed_decl_map :: FiniteMap HsName HsDecl
- unrenamed_decl_map = listToFM [ (n,d) | d <- renamed_decls,
- n <- declBinders d ]
+ orig_decl_map :: FiniteMap HsName HsDecl
+ orig_decl_map = listToFM [ (n,d) | d <- orig_decls, n <- declBinders d ]
- -- gather up a list of entities that are exported
- exported_names = exportedNames mod mod_map renamed_decls
- locally_defined_names renamed_exports
- unrenamed_decl_map
+ -- gather up a list of entities that are exported (original names)
+ exported_names = exportedNames mod mod_map orig_decls
+ locally_defined_names orig_exports
+ orig_decl_map
- -- Now build the environment we'll use for renaming the source: it maps
- -- names to *imported* names (not original names). The imported name is
- -- a name qualified by the closest module which exports it (including
- -- the current module).
- import_env = local_env `plusFM`
- foldr plusFM emptyFM
- (map (getImportEnv mod mod_map exported_names) imps)
- -- convert names to original, fully qualified, names
- renamed_decls = map (renameDecl import_env) decls
- final_decls = concat (map expandDecl renamed_decls)
+ final_decls = concat (map expandDecl orig_decls)
-- match documentation to names, and resolve identifiers in the documentation
local_docs :: [(HsName,Doc)]
@@ -170,36 +155,54 @@ mkInterface mod_map filename (HsModule mod exps imps decls maybe_doc)
| (n, doc) <- collectDoc final_decls
+ -- get the documentation associated with entities exported from this module
+ -- ToDo: we should really store the documentation in both orig and imported
+ -- forms, like the export items.
doc_map :: FiniteMap HsName Doc
- doc_map = listToFM [ (nameOfQName n, doc)
- | n <- exported_names,
- Just doc <- [lookupDoc mod_map mod local_docs n] ]
+ doc_map = listToFM
+ [ (nameOfQName n, doc)
+ | n <- exported_names,
+ Just doc <- [lookupDoc mod_map mod local_docs import_env n] ]
decl_map :: FiniteMap HsName HsDecl
decl_map = listToFM [ (n,d) | d <- final_decls, n <- declBinders d ]
-- make the "export items", which will be converted into docs later
- export_list = mkExportItems mod_map mod import_env
- decl_map final_decls renamed_exports
+ orig_export_list = mkExportItems mod_map mod import_env
+ decl_map final_decls orig_exports
+ -- rename names in the exported declarations to point to things that
+ -- are closer, or maybe even exported by, the current module.
+ renamed_export_list = renameExportItems import_env orig_export_list
name_env = listToFM [ (nameOfQName n, n) | n <- exported_names ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Find the documentation for a particular name, and rename the
+-- original identifiers embedded in it to imported names.
-lookupDoc :: ModuleMap -> Module -> [(HsName,Doc)] -> HsQName -> Maybe Doc
-lookupDoc mod_map this_mod local_doc name
+lookupDoc :: ModuleMap -> Module -> [(HsName,Doc)]
+ -> FiniteMap HsQName HsQName -> HsQName -> Maybe Doc
+lookupDoc mod_map this_mod local_doc env name
= case name of
UnQual n -> Nothing
- Qual mod n | mod == this_mod -> lookup n local_doc
- | otherwise ->
- case lookupFM mod_map mod of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just iface -> lookupFM (iface_name_docs iface) n
+ Qual mod n
+ | mod == this_mod -> fmap (renameDoc env) (lookup n local_doc)
+ | otherwise ->
+ case lookupFM mod_map mod of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just iface -> fmap (renameDoc env)
+ (lookupFM (iface_name_docs iface) n)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Build the list of items that will become the documentation, from the
+-- export list. At the same time we rename *original* names in the declarations
+-- to *imported* names.
mkExportItems :: ModuleMap -> Module
- -> FiniteMap HsQName HsQName
- -> FiniteMap HsName HsDecl
- -> [HsDecl]
+ -> FiniteMap HsQName HsQName -- maps orig to imported names
+ -> FiniteMap HsName HsDecl -- maps local names to declarations
+ -> [HsDecl] -- decls in the current module
-> Maybe [HsExportSpec]
-> [ExportItem]
mkExportItems mod_map mod env decl_map decls Nothing
@@ -234,22 +237,32 @@ mkExportItems mod_map mod env decl_map decls (Just specs)
| m == mod = fullContentsOfThisModule decls env
| otherwise =
case lookupFM mod_map m of
- Just iface -> iface_exports iface
+ Just iface -> iface_orig_exports iface
Nothing -> trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show m) []
findDecl :: HsQName -> Maybe HsDecl
- findDecl (UnQual n) = trace ("Warning(mkExportItems): UnQual! " ++ show n) $ Nothing
+ findDecl (UnQual n)
+ = trace ("Warning(mkExportItems): UnQual! " ++ show n) $ Nothing
findDecl (Qual m n)
| m == mod = lookupFM decl_map n
- | otherwise = case lookupFM mod_map m of
- Just iface -> lookupFM (iface_decls iface) n
- Nothing -> trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show m) Nothing
+ | otherwise =
+ case lookupFM mod_map m of
+ Just iface -> lookupFM (iface_decls iface) n
+ Nothing ->
+ trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show m) Nothing
+renameExportItems env items = map rn items
+ where
+ rn (ExportGroup lev doc)
+ = ExportGroup lev (renameDoc env doc)
+ rn (ExportDecl decl)
+ = ExportDecl (renameDecl env decl)
fullContentsOfThisModule decls env =
[ mkExportItem decl | decl <- decls, keepDecl decl ]
where mkExportItem (HsDocGroup lev str) =
ExportGroup lev (formatDocHeading (lookupForDoc env) str)
- mkExportItem decl = ExportDecl decl
+ mkExportItem decl = ExportDecl (renameDecl env decl)
keepDecl HsTypeSig{} = True
@@ -260,6 +273,8 @@ keepDecl HsClassDecl{} = True
keepDecl HsDocGroup{} = True
keepDecl _ = False
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Gather a list of original names exported from this module
exportedNames :: Module -> ModuleMap -> [HsDecl] -> [HsName]
-> Maybe [HsExportSpec]
@@ -300,42 +315,29 @@ exportedNames mod mod_scope decls local_names (Just expspecs) decl_map
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Building name environments
--- (1) Build an environment mapping names to *original* names
-getOrigEnv :: ModuleMap -> HsImportDecl -> FiniteMap HsQName HsQName
-getOrigEnv mod_scopes (HsImportDecl _ mod qual _ _)
- = case lookupFM mod_scopes mod of
- Just iface -> listToFM (concat (map fn (fmToList (iface_env iface))))
- Nothing -> trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show mod) emptyFM
+buildEnv :: ModuleMap -> Module -> [HsQName] -> HsImportDecl
+ -> ( FiniteMap HsQName HsQName, -- source name ==> orig name
+ FiniteMap HsQName HsQName -- orig name ==> import name
+ )
+buildEnv mod_map this_mod exported_names (HsImportDecl _ mod qual _ _)
+ = case lookupFM mod_map mod of
+ Nothing -> trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show mod)
+ (emptyFM, emptyFM)
+ Just iface ->
+ let env = fmToList (iface_env iface) in
+ ( listToFM (concat (map orig_map env))
+ , listToFM (map import_map env)
+ )
-- bring both qualified and unqualified names into scope, unless
-- the import was 'qualified'.
- fn (nm,qnm)
+ orig_map (nm,qnm)
| qual = [ (Qual mod nm, qnm) ]
| otherwise = [ (UnQual nm, qnm), (Qual mod nm, qnm) ]
--- (2) Build an environment mapping names to *imported* names
-getImportEnv :: Module -> ModuleMap -> [HsQName] -> HsImportDecl
- -> FiniteMap HsQName HsQName
-getImportEnv this_mod mod_scopes exported_names (HsImportDecl _ mod qual _ _)
- = case lookupFM mod_scopes mod of
- Just iface ->
- listToFM (concat (map (fn mod) (fmToList (iface_env iface))))
- Nothing ->
- trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show mod) emptyFM
- where
- -- bring both qualified and unqualified names into scope, unless
- -- the import was 'qualified'.
- fn mod (nm,qnm)
- | qual = [ (Qual mod nm, maps_to) ]
- | otherwise = [ (UnQual nm, maps_to), (Qual mod nm, maps_to) ]
+ import_map (nm,qnm) = (qnm, maps_to)
where maps_to | qnm `elem` exported_names = Qual this_mod nm
| otherwise = Qual mod nm
- -- if this name is also exported, then pretend that the
- -- local module defines it for the purposes of hyperlinking
- -- (since we're going to include its documentation in the
- -- documentation for this module).
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Expand multiple type signatures
@@ -361,9 +363,7 @@ renameExportList env spec = map renameExport spec
renameExport (HsEModuleContents m) = HsEModuleContents m
renameExport (HsEGroup lev str) = HsEGroup lev str
- :: FiniteMap HsQName HsQName
- -> HsDecl -> HsDecl
+renameDecl :: FiniteMap HsQName HsQName -> HsDecl -> HsDecl
renameDecl scope decl
= case decl of
HsTypeDecl loc t args ty ->
@@ -417,6 +417,9 @@ rnLookupName s nm
Just n -> n
Nothing -> trace ("Warning: unknown name: " ++ show nm) nm
+renameDoc env = markup (mapIdent ident)
+ where ident id = DocIdentifier (rnLookupName env id)
-- Collecting documentation and associating it with declarations