path: root/tests/runtests.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/runtests.hs')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/tests/runtests.hs b/tests/runtests.hs
index 0f815294..ac6b293e 100644
--- a/tests/runtests.hs
+++ b/tests/runtests.hs
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
import Text.Regex
main = do
args <- getArgs
when (null args) $ error "You must give the path to the GHC lib dir as an argument"
putStrLn "Running tests..."
let libdir = head args
- walkDirs libdir "."
+ test libdir
putStrLn "All tests passed!"
@@ -21,20 +22,14 @@ haddockEq file1 file2 = (stripLinks file1) == (stripLinks file2)
stripLinks f = subRegex (mkRegexWithOpts "<A HREF=[^>]*>" False False) f "<A HREF=\"\">"
-allModules dir = do
- contents <- getDirectoryContents dir
- return $ filter ((==) ".hs" . takeExtension) contents
check modules = do
forM_ modules $ \mod -> do
let outfile = "output" </> (dropExtension mod ++ ".html")
- let reffile = dropExtension mod ++ ".html.ref"
+ let reffile = "tests" </> dropExtension mod ++ ".html.ref"
b <- doesFileExist reffile
if b
then do
- copyFile reffile ("output" </> reffile)
+ copyFile reffile ("output" </> takeFileName reffile)
out <- readFile outfile
ref <- readFile reffile
if not $ haddockEq out ref
@@ -48,20 +43,11 @@ check modules = do
putStrLn $ "Pass: " ++ mod ++ " (no .ref file)"
-walkDirs libdir basedir = do
- contents <- getDirectoryContents basedir
- dirs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist .
- map (basedir </>) .
- filter (`notElem` [".", "..", "output"]) $ contents
- mapM_ (testDir libdir) dirs
-testDir libdir dir = do
- mods <- allModules dir
- let mods' = map (dir </>) mods
- let outdir = "output" </> dir
- createDirectoryIfMissing True outdir
- code <- system $ printf "../dist/build/haddock/haddock -B %s -w -o %s -h --optghc=-fglasgow-exts --optghc=-w %s" libdir outdir (unwords mods')
+test libdir = do
+ contents <- getDirectoryContents "tests"
+ let mods = filter ((==) ".hs" . takeExtension) contents
+ let outdir = "output"
+ let mods' = map ("tests" </>) mods
+ code <- system $ printf "haddock -B %s -w -o %s -h --optghc=-fglasgow-exts --optghc=-w %s" libdir outdir (unwords mods')
unless (code == ExitSuccess) $ error "Haddock run failed! Exiting."
- check mods'
- walkDirs libdir dir
+ check mods