diff options
authoralexwl <alexey.a.kiryushin@gmail.com>2019-01-23 17:18:29 +0300
committeralexwl <alexey.a.kiryushin@gmail.com>2019-01-23 17:18:29 +0300
commit0f84e1f004e29663b51e550d5bf7abe6188d3dca (patch)
parent2713b196d3af4e7d0bb42b9ba951ae3cb5cf5873 (diff)
Optimize memory usage of haskell-code-server
This commit adds an option to create an on-disk key-value store that contains all the data from PackageInfo of each indexed package in a queriable form. The store can be used by haskell-code-server to respond to API requests. The main benefit of using the store, compared to deserializing and loading PackageInfo of each package into memory, is reduced memory usage (approximately 7 times for a set of Haskell packages). The key-value store on disk consists of two files: 'index' and 'values'. 'index' is a small file that contains a map from strings to locations in a 'values' file. 'index' file should be deserialized and loaded into memory. 'values' is a large file that contains serialized Haskell data structures. 'values' file can be either read directly (without deserializing) or memory-mapped.
3 files changed, 976 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/app/Server.hs b/app/Server.hs
index 3bfebd8..ced90d9 100644
--- a/app/Server.hs
+++ b/app/Server.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
module Main where
+import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, force)
import Control.Exception
( SomeAsyncException
, SomeException
@@ -26,23 +28,28 @@ import Control.Exception
, throwIO
, try
-import Control.Monad (unless)
+import Control.Monad (foldM, unless)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..))
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadIO, MonadReader, ReaderT(..), asks, liftIO)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as BSS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.IntervalMap.Strict as IVM
+import Data.IntervalMap.Interval (Interval(..), subsumes)
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified GHC.Compact as C
import Data.Functor.Identity(Identity(..))
import Data.Pagination
@@ -66,21 +73,16 @@ import Data.Version (Version(..))
import GHC.Exts (Down(..), groupWith)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified HaskellCodeExplorer.Types as HCE
-import Network.HTTP.Types
- ( hContentEncoding
- , hContentType
- , status200
- , status404
- )
+import Network.HTTP.Types (hContentEncoding, hContentType, status200, status404)
import Network.Mime (defaultMimeLookup)
import Network.Wai
( Application
, Middleware
, Response
, pathInfo
+ , requestHeaders
, responseFile
, responseLBS
- , requestHeaders
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger
@@ -100,13 +102,13 @@ import Options.Applicative
, help
, helper
, info
- , long
- , some
+ , long
, metavar
, option
, optional
, progDesc
, short
+ , some
, strOption
, switch
@@ -124,6 +126,7 @@ import Servant
, ToHttpApiData(..)
, addHeader
, err404
+ , err500
, errBody
, serve
@@ -131,6 +134,7 @@ import Servant.API.ContentTypes (AllCTRender(..), JSON)
import Servant.Server (Handler(..), hoistServer)
import Servant.Utils.Links (safeLink)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
+import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath.Find
( FileType(..)
, (&&?)
@@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ import System.FilePath.Find
, fileType
, find
-import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>),takeFileName)
+import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>), takeFileName)
import System.Log.FastLogger
( LoggerSet
, defaultBufSize
@@ -152,6 +156,8 @@ import System.Log.FastLogger
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text (renderHtml)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as Html hiding (html, source)
import Data.FileEmbed (embedDir, embedFile)
+import Data.Bifunctor (second)
+import qualified Store
-- Server config
@@ -167,6 +173,7 @@ data ServerConfig = ServerConfig
, configStaticFilesUrlPrefix :: !String
, configJsDistDirectory :: !(Maybe String)
, configMaxPerPage :: !Int
+ , configStore :: !(Maybe Store)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data PackagesPath
@@ -174,6 +181,12 @@ data PackagesPath
| Directories [FilePath]
deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Store
+ = CreateStore FilePath
+ | UseStore FilePath
+ | UseStoreMmap FilePath
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
configParser :: Parser ServerConfig
configParser =
ServerConfig <$>
@@ -219,7 +232,23 @@ configParser =
(long "max-per-page" <> metavar "INTEGER" <>
- help "Maximum number of items per page (default is 50)"))
+ help "Maximum number of items per page (default is 50)")) <*>
+ optional
+ (CreateStore <$>
+ strOption
+ (long "create-store" <>
+ help "Create a key-value store from PackageInfo of each indexed package" <>
+ metavar "PATH_TO_DATA_DIRECTORY") <|>
+ (UseStore <$>
+ strOption
+ (long "use-store" <>
+ help "Use existing key-value store. Read 'values' file into memory." <>
+ metavar "PATH_TO_DATA_DIRECTORY")) <|>
+ (UseStoreMmap <$>
+ strOption
+ (long "use-store-mmap" <>
+ help "Use existing key-value store. mmap 'values' file." <>
-- Loading packages
@@ -230,42 +259,461 @@ data PackageVersions = PackageVersions
, versions :: [Version]
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
-type PackageMap
- = HM.HashMap PackageName (M.Map Version (HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo))
+instance Serialize.Serialize PackageVersions
+data PackageMap
+ = PackageMap (HM.HashMap PackageName (M.Map Version (HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo)))
+ | PackageMapStore { store :: Store.Store
+ , packageMap :: HM.HashMap PackageName (M.Map Version HCE.PackageId) }
type PackagePathMap = HM.HashMap PackageId FilePath
-newtype AllPackages =
- AllPackages BSL.ByteString
+newtype AllPackages = AllPackages BSL.ByteString
newtype PackageId = PackageId
{ getPackageId :: T.Text
- } deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable)
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, Generic, NFData)
+instance Serialize.Serialize PackageId
newtype PackageName = PackageName
{ getPackageName :: T.Text
- } deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable)
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, Generic, NFData)
+instance Serialize.Serialize PackageName
instance A.ToJSON PackageVersions
-type GlobalReferenceMap = HM.HashMap HCE.ExternalId (S.Set GlobalReferences)
+type GlobalReferenceMap = HM.HashMap HCE.ExternalId (S.Set GlobalReferences)
data GlobalReferences = GlobalReferences
{ count :: Int
, packageId :: T.Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
+instance NFData GlobalReferences
+instance Serialize.Serialize GlobalReferences
instance A.ToJSON GlobalReferences
+instance Store.StoreItem (HCE.Trie Char HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo) where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs (HCE.Trie Char HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo) =
+ ( HCE.PackageId
+ , String
+ , Proxy (HCE.Trie Char HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo))
+ itemKey (packageId, prefix, _) =
+ BSS.toShort $ BS.concat
+ [ "externalIdInfoMap"
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
+ , "|"
+ , BSC.pack prefix
+ ]
+instance Store.StoreItem [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo] where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo] = ( HCE.PackageId
+ , String
+ , Proxy [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo])
+ itemKey (packageId, prefix, _) =
+ BSS.toShort $ BS.concat
+ [ "externalIdInfo"
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
+ , "|"
+ , BSC.pack prefix
+ ]
+instance Store.StoreItem (S.Set HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan) where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs (S.Set HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan) = ( HCE.PackageId
+ , HCE.ExternalId
+ , Proxy (S.Set HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan))
+ itemKey (packageId, HCE.ExternalId extId, _) =
+ BSS.toShort $ BS.concat
+ [ "externalIdOcc"
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 extId
+ ]
+instance Store.StoreItem (HM.HashMap HCE.HaskellModuleName (HM.HashMap HCE.ComponentId HCE.HaskellModulePath)) where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs (HM.HashMap HCE.HaskellModuleName (HM.HashMap HCE.ComponentId HCE.HaskellModulePath)) =
+ ( HCE.PackageId
+ , Proxy (HM.HashMap HCE.HaskellModuleName (HM.HashMap HCE.ComponentId HCE.HaskellModulePath)))
+ itemKey (packageId,_) =
+ BSS.toShort $ BS.append "moduleNameMap|" $ TE.encodeUtf8 $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
+instance (Serialize.Serialize modInfo) =>
+ Store.StoreItem (HM.HashMap HCE.HaskellModulePath modInfo) where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs (HM.HashMap HCE.HaskellModulePath modInfo) =
+ (HCE.PackageId,Proxy (HM.HashMap HCE.HaskellModulePath modInfo))
+ itemKey (packageId, _) =
+ BSS.toShort $ BS.append "moduleMap|" $ TE.encodeUtf8 $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
+instance Store.StoreItem HCE.ExpressionInfoMap where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs HCE.ExpressionInfoMap = ( HCE.PackageId
+ , HCE.HaskellModulePath
+ , BS.ByteString
+ , Proxy HCE.ExpressionInfoMap)
+ itemKey (packageId, HCE.HaskellModulePath modulePath, topLevelExprKey, _) =
+ BSS.toShort $ BS.concat
+ [ "exprInfoMap"
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 modulePath
+ , "|"
+ , topLevelExprKey
+ ]
+instance Store.StoreItem (IVM.IntervalMap (Int, Int) BS.ByteString) where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs (IVM.IntervalMap (Int, Int) BS.ByteString) =
+ ( HCE.PackageId
+ , HCE.HaskellModulePath
+ , Proxy (IVM.IntervalMap (Int, Int) BS.ByteString))
+ itemKey (packageId, HCE.HaskellModulePath modulePath, _) =
+ BSS.toShort $ BS.concat
+ [ "topLevelExpr"
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 modulePath
+ ]
+instance Store.StoreItem HCE.DefinitionSiteMap where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs HCE.DefinitionSiteMap = ( HCE.PackageId
+ , HCE.HaskellModulePath
+ , Proxy HCE.DefinitionSiteMap)
+ itemKey (packageId, HCE.HaskellModulePath modulePath, _) =
+ BSS.toShort $ BS.concat
+ [ "definitionSiteMap"
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 modulePath
+ ]
+instance Store.StoreItem (V.Vector T.Text) where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs (V.Vector T.Text) = ( HCE.PackageId
+ , HCE.HaskellModulePath
+ , Proxy (V.Vector T.Text))
+ itemKey (packageId, HCE.HaskellModulePath modulePath, _) =
+ BSS.toShort $ BS.concat
+ [ "source"
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
+ , "|"
+ , TE.encodeUtf8 modulePath
+ ]
+instance Store.StoreItem (HM.HashMap PackageName (M.Map Version HCE.PackageId)) where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs (HM.HashMap PackageName (M.Map Version HCE.PackageId)) =
+ Proxy (HM.HashMap PackageName (M.Map Version HCE.PackageId))
+ itemKey _ = "packageMap"
+instance Store.StoreItem PackagePathMap where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs PackagePathMap = Proxy PackagePathMap
+ itemKey _ = "packagePathMap"
+instance Store.StoreItem GlobalReferenceMap where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs GlobalReferenceMap = Proxy GlobalReferenceMap
+ itemKey _ = "globalReferenceMap"
+instance Store.StoreItem [PackageVersions] where
+ toByteString = Serialize.encode
+ fromByteString = Serialize.decode
+ type KeyArgs [PackageVersions] = Proxy [PackageVersions]
+ itemKey _ = "packageVersions"
+findTopLevelExpressions :: (Ord k) => IVM.IntervalMap k v -> [(Interval k, v)]
+findTopLevelExpressions =
+ L.foldl'
+ (\topLevel interval ->
+ case topLevel of
+ [] -> [interval]
+ topLevelIntervals@(currentTopLevelInterval:rest)
+ | subsumes (fst currentTopLevelInterval) (fst interval) -> topLevelIntervals
+ | subsumes (fst interval) (fst currentTopLevelInterval) ->
+ interval : rest
+ | otherwise -> interval : topLevelIntervals)
+ [] .
+ IVM.assocs
+splitIntervalMap ::
+ (Show k, Ord k)
+ => IVM.IntervalMap k v
+ -> (IVM.IntervalMap k BS.ByteString, [(BS.ByteString, IVM.IntervalMap k v)])
+splitIntervalMap ivmap =
+ let topLevelExprs = findTopLevelExpressions ivmap
+ in L.foldl'
+ (\(index, ivMaps) (interval, _) ->
+ let topLevelExpressionKey = BSC.pack $ show interval
+ in ( IVM.insert interval topLevelExpressionKey index
+ , (topLevelExpressionKey, IVM.within ivmap interval) : ivMaps))
+ (IVM.empty, [])
+ topLevelExprs
+createStore :: FilePath -> ServerConfig -> IO ()
+createStore storePath config = do
+ packageDirectories <- findDirectories (configPackagesPath config)
+ Store.createStore storePath $ \fileHandle -> do
+ (errors, packageMap', packagePathMap', packageVersions', globalReferenceMap', index'') <-
+ foldM
+ (\(errors, packageMap, packagePathMap, packageVersions, globalReferenceMap, index) path -> do
+ eitherPackageInfo <- loadPackageInfo config path
+ case eitherPackageInfo of
+ Right (packageInfo, packagePath) -> do
+ let packageId =
+ HCE.id
+ (packageInfo :: HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo)
+ addPackageInfo :: StateT Store.State IO ()
+ addPackageInfo = do
+ Store.add
+ (HCE.moduleNameMap packageInfo)
+ ( packageId
+ , Proxy :: Proxy (HM.HashMap HCE.HaskellModuleName (HM.HashMap HCE.ComponentId HCE.HaskellModulePath)))
+ addExternalIdInfo packageId packageInfo
+ mapM_
+ (\(extId, occs) ->
+ Store.add
+ occs
+ ( packageId
+ , extId
+ , Proxy :: Proxy (S.Set HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan)))
+ (HM.toList $ HCE.externalIdOccMap packageInfo)
+ mapM_
+ (\(modulePath, moduleInfo) -> do
+ addExpressionInfo
+ packageId
+ modulePath
+ (HCE.exprInfoMap
+ (moduleInfo :: HCE.CompactModuleInfo))
+ Store.add
+ (HCE.definitionSiteMap
+ (moduleInfo :: HCE.CompactModuleInfo))
+ ( packageId
+ , modulePath
+ , Proxy :: Proxy HCE.DefinitionSiteMap)
+ Store.add
+ (HCE.source (moduleInfo :: HCE.CompactModuleInfo))
+ ( packageId
+ , modulePath
+ , Proxy :: Proxy (V.Vector T.Text))) .
+ HM.toList $
+ HCE.moduleMap packageInfo
+ index' <- Store.writeValues fileHandle index addPackageInfo
+ print $ T.unpack (HCE.packageIdToText packageId)
+ return $
+ force
+ ( errors
+ , let packageVersion = HCE.version packageId
+ val = M.singleton packageVersion packageId
+ in HM.insertWith
+ M.union
+ (PackageName $ HCE.packageName packageInfo)
+ val
+ packageMap
+ , let key = PackageId $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
+ in HM.insert key packagePath packagePathMap
+ , (\(HCE.PackageId name version) -> (name, [version]))
+ packageId :
+ packageVersions
+ , let references =
+ HM.map
+ (\spans ->
+ S.singleton
+ (GlobalReferences
+ (S.size spans)
+ (HCE.packageIdToText packageId))) .
+ HCE.externalIdOccMap $
+ packageInfo
+ in HM.unionWith S.union references globalReferenceMap
+ , index')
+ Left (errorMessage, path') ->
+ return $
+ force
+ ( (errorMessage, path') : errors
+ , packageMap
+ , packagePathMap
+ , packageVersions
+ , globalReferenceMap
+ , index))
+ ([], HM.empty, HM.empty, [], HM.empty, M.empty)
+ packageDirectories
+ let versions =
+ L.sortOn (T.toLower . (name :: PackageVersions -> T.Text)) .
+ map (\(name, vers) -> PackageVersions name (L.sortOn Down vers)) .
+ HM.toList . HM.fromListWith (++) $
+ packageVersions'
+ indexFinal <-
+ Store.writeValues fileHandle index'' $ do
+ Store.add packagePathMap' (Proxy :: Proxy PackagePathMap)
+ Store.add versions (Proxy :: Proxy [PackageVersions])
+ Store.add globalReferenceMap' (Proxy :: Proxy GlobalReferenceMap)
+ Store.add
+ packageMap'
+ (Proxy :: Proxy (HM.HashMap PackageName (M.Map Version HCE.PackageId)))
+ unless (null errors) $ do
+ putStrLn "Package loading errors : "
+ mapM_ (\(err, path) -> putStrLn $ path ++ " : " ++ err) errors
+ return indexFinal
+addExpressionInfo ::
+ ( Show k
+ , Ord k
+ , Store.StoreItem (IVM.IntervalMap k v)
+ , Store.StoreItem (IVM.IntervalMap k BSC.ByteString)
+ , Store.KeyArgs (IVM.IntervalMap k BSC.ByteString) ~ ( a
+ , b
+ , Proxy (IVM.IntervalMap ( Int
+ , Int) BSC.ByteString))
+ , Store.KeyArgs (IVM.IntervalMap k v) ~ ( a
+ , b
+ , BSC.ByteString
+ , Proxy HCE.ExpressionInfoMap)
+ )
+ => a
+ -> b
+ -> IVM.IntervalMap k v
+ -> StateT Store.State IO ()
+addExpressionInfo packageId modulePath ivMap = do
+ let (index, ivMaps) = splitIntervalMap ivMap
+ Store.add
+ index
+ ( packageId
+ , modulePath
+ , Proxy :: Proxy (IVM.IntervalMap (Int, Int) BS.ByteString))
+ mapM_
+ (\(topLevelExprKey, ivMap') ->
+ Store.add
+ ivMap'
+ ( packageId
+ , modulePath
+ , topLevelExprKey
+ , Proxy :: Proxy HCE.ExpressionInfoMap))
+ ivMaps
+addExternalIdInfo ::
+ HCE.PackageId
+ -> HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo
+ -> StateT Store.State IO ()
+addExternalIdInfo packageId packageInfo = do
+ let addTrieValues ::
+ HCE.Trie Char HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo
+ -> String
+ -> StateT Store.State IO ()
+ addTrieValues trie name =
+ let len = L.length name
+ in Store.add
+ (let ids =
+ S.toAscList $
+ HCE.match
+ name
+ (trie :: HCE.Trie Char HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo)
+ (exactMatches, rest) =
+ L.span
+ (\(HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo HCE.IdentifierInfo {..}) ->
+ T.length demangledOccName == len)
+ ids
+ maxIds = 10
+ exactMatchesCount = L.length exactMatches
+ in if exactMatchesCount >= maxIds
+ then exactMatches
+ else exactMatches ++
+ L.take (maxIds - exactMatchesCount) rest)
+ (packageId, name, Proxy :: Proxy [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo])
+ let fullTrie = HCE.externalIdInfoMap packageInfo
+ mapM_
+ (\(firstLetter, trie) -> do
+ mapM_
+ (\(secondLetter, trie') -> do
+ mapM_
+ (\(thirdLetter, trie'') -> do
+ mapM_
+ (\(fourthLetter, trie''') ->
+ Store.add
+ trie'''
+ ( packageId
+ , [firstLetter, secondLetter, thirdLetter, fourthLetter]
+ , Proxy :: Proxy (HCE.Trie Char HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo)))
+ (HM.toList . HCE.children $ trie'')
+ addTrieValues fullTrie [firstLetter, secondLetter, thirdLetter])
+ (HM.toList . HCE.children $ trie')
+ addTrieValues fullTrie [firstLetter, secondLetter])
+ (HM.toList . HCE.children $ trie)
+ addTrieValues fullTrie [firstLetter])
+ (HM.toList . HCE.children $ fullTrie)
+findDirectories :: PackagesPath -> IO [FilePath]
+findDirectories p =
+ case p of
+ DirectoryWithPackages dir ->
+ find (depth ==? 0) (fileType ==? Directory &&? filePath /=? dir) dir
+ Directories dirs -> return dirs
loadPackages ::
- -> IO (Maybe (PackageMap, PackagePathMap, [PackageVersions], GlobalReferenceMap))
-loadPackages config = do
- packageDirectories <-
- case configPackagesPath config of
- DirectoryWithPackages dir ->
- find (depth ==? 0) (fileType ==? Directory &&? filePath /=? dir) dir
- Directories dirs -> return dirs
+ -> Maybe Store.Store
+ -> IO (Maybe ( PackageMap
+ , PackagePathMap
+ , [PackageVersions]
+ , GlobalReferenceMap))
+loadPackages _config mbStore
+ | (Just store) <- mbStore = do
+ let eitherPackagePathMap =
+ Store.lookup (Proxy :: Proxy PackagePathMap) store
+ eitherGlobalReferenceMap =
+ Store.lookup (Proxy :: Proxy GlobalReferenceMap) store
+ eitherPackageVersions =
+ Store.lookup (Proxy :: Proxy [PackageVersions]) store
+ eitherPackageMap =
+ Store.lookup
+ (Proxy :: Proxy (HM.HashMap PackageName (M.Map Version HCE.PackageId)))
+ store
+ case (,,,) <$> (PackageMapStore store <$> eitherPackageMap) <*>
+ eitherPackagePathMap <*>
+ eitherPackageVersions <*>
+ eitherGlobalReferenceMap of
+ Right res -> return $ Just res
+ Left _ -> do
+ putStrLn "Store lookup errors : "
+ let ignoreRight :: Either a b -> Either a ()
+ ignoreRight = second (const ())
+ print $
+ lefts
+ [ ignoreRight eitherGlobalReferenceMap
+ , ignoreRight eitherPackageMap
+ , ignoreRight eitherPackageVersions
+ , ignoreRight eitherGlobalReferenceMap
+ ]
+ return Nothing
+loadPackages config _ = do
+ packageDirectories <- findDirectories (configPackagesPath config)
result <- mapM (loadPackageInfo config) packageDirectories
let loadedPackages = rights result
packageLoadErrors = lefts result
@@ -290,6 +738,7 @@ loadPackages config = do
map (\HCE.PackageId {..} -> (name, [version])) $
packageMap =
+ PackageMap $
(\hMap packageInfo ->
let val = M.singleton (packageVersion packageInfo) packageInfo
@@ -517,38 +966,9 @@ instance A.ToJSON SourceFile
getAllPackages :: ReaderT Environment IO AllPackages
getAllPackages = asks envPackageVersions
-getPackageInfoAndModulePath ::
- PackageId
- -> HCE.ComponentId
- -> HCE.HaskellModuleName
- -> ReaderT Environment IO ( HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo
- , HCE.HaskellModulePath)
-getPackageInfoAndModulePath packageId componentId moduleName =
- withPackageInfo packageId $ \packageInfo ->
- case HM.lookup moduleName (HCE.moduleNameMap packageInfo) of
- Just modulePathMap ->
- case HM.lookup componentId modulePathMap of
- Just path -> return (packageInfo, path)
- Nothing ->
- error404 $
- BSL.concat
- [ "Module "
- , toLazyBS $ HCE.getHaskellModuleName moduleName
- , " not found in component "
- , toLazyBS $ HCE.getComponentId componentId
- ]
- Nothing ->
- error404 $
- BSL.concat
- [ "Module "
- , toLazyBS $ HCE.getHaskellModuleName moduleName
- , " not found in package "
- , toLazyBS $ getPackageId packageId
- ]
getExpressions ::
- PackageId
+ PackageId
-> HCE.HaskellModulePath
-> Int -- ^ Start line
-> Int -- ^ Start column
@@ -559,19 +979,48 @@ getExpressions packageId modulePath startLine startColumn endLine endColumn = do
enableExpressionInfo <- asks (configEnableExpressionInfo . envConfig)
if not enableExpressionInfo
then error404 "Expression queries are disabled"
- else withPackageInfo packageId $ \packageInfo ->
- withModuleInfo packageInfo modulePath $ \modInfo -> do
- maxPerPage <- asks (configMaxPerPage . envConfig)
- let exprInfoMap =
- HCE.exprInfoMap (modInfo :: HCE.CompactModuleInfo)
- requestedInterval =
- IVM.ClosedInterval
- (startLine, startColumn)
- (endLine, endColumn)
- return .
- map (uncurry Expression) .
- L.take maxPerPage . IVM.toList . IVM.within exprInfoMap $
- requestedInterval
+ else withPackageInfo packageId $ \packageInfo' -> do
+ maxPerPage <- asks (configMaxPerPage . envConfig)
+ let requestedInterval =
+ IVM.ClosedInterval
+ (startLine, startColumn)
+ (endLine, endColumn)
+ findInterval ::
+ HCE.ExpressionInfoMap -> ReaderT Environment IO [Expression]
+ findInterval exprInfoMap =
+ return .
+ map (uncurry Expression) .
+ L.take maxPerPage . IVM.toList . IVM.within exprInfoMap $
+ requestedInterval
+ in case packageInfo' of
+ PackageInfo packageInfo ->
+ withModuleInfo packageInfo modulePath $ \modInfo -> do
+ let exprInfoMap =
+ HCE.exprInfoMap (modInfo :: HCE.CompactModuleInfo)
+ findInterval exprInfoMap
+ PackageInfoStore pId store -> do
+ let topLevelExprKey =
+ ( pId
+ , modulePath
+ , Proxy :: Proxy (IVM.IntervalMap (Int, Int) BS.ByteString))
+ eitherTopLevelExprMap =
+ Store.lookup topLevelExprKey store
+ case eitherTopLevelExprMap of
+ Right topLevelExprMap ->
+ case map snd . IVM.toList $
+ IVM.intersecting topLevelExprMap requestedInterval of
+ exprKey:_ -> do
+ let key =
+ ( pId
+ , modulePath
+ , exprKey
+ , Proxy :: Proxy HCE.ExpressionInfoMap)
+ eitherExprMap = Store.lookup key store
+ case eitherExprMap of
+ Right exprMap -> findInterval exprMap
+ Left e -> error500 $ BSL.fromStrict $ BSC.pack e
+ _ -> return []
+ Left e -> error500 $ BSL.fromStrict $ BSC.pack e
getDefinitionSite ::
@@ -581,49 +1030,71 @@ getDefinitionSite ::
-> T.Text
-> ReaderT Environment IO HCE.DefinitionSite
getDefinitionSite packageId componentId modName entity name =
- withPackageInfo packageId $ \packageInfo ->
- withModulePath packageInfo componentId modName $ \modPath ->
- case entity of
- HCE.Mod ->
- return $
- HCE.DefinitionSite
- (HCE.ExactLocation
- (HCE.id (packageInfo :: HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo))
- modPath
- modName
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1)
- Nothing
- _ ->
- withModuleInfo packageInfo modPath $ \modInfo -> do
- let defSites =
- HCE.definitionSiteMap (modInfo :: HCE.CompactModuleInfo)
- mbDefinitionSite =
- case entity of
- HCE.Typ ->
- HM.lookup (HCE.OccName name) $
- HCE.types (defSites :: HCE.DefinitionSiteMap)
- HCE.Val ->
- HM.lookup (HCE.OccName name) $
- HCE.values (defSites :: HCE.DefinitionSiteMap)
- HCE.Inst ->
- HM.lookup name $
- HCE.instances (defSites :: HCE.DefinitionSiteMap)
- _ -> Nothing
- case mbDefinitionSite of
- Just definitionSite -> return definitionSite
- Nothing ->
- error404 $
- BSL.concat
- [ toLazyBS . T.pack $ show entity
- , " "
- , toLazyBS name
- , " "
- , " not found in a module "
- , toLazyBS $ HCE.getHaskellModulePath modPath
- ]
+ withPackageInfo packageId $ \packageInfo' ->
+ withModulePath packageInfo' componentId modName $ \modPath ->
+ let findDefSite ::
+ HCE.PackageId
+ -> HCE.DefinitionSiteMap
+ -> ReaderT Environment IO HCE.DefinitionSite
+ findDefSite pId defSiteMap =
+ case entity of
+ HCE.Mod ->
+ return $
+ HCE.DefinitionSite
+ (HCE.ExactLocation pId modPath modName 1 1 1 1)
+ Nothing
+ _ -> do
+ let mbDefinitionSite =
+ case entity of
+ HCE.Typ ->
+ HM.lookup (HCE.OccName name) $
+ HCE.types (defSiteMap :: HCE.DefinitionSiteMap)
+ HCE.Val ->
+ HM.lookup (HCE.OccName name) $
+ HCE.values (defSiteMap :: HCE.DefinitionSiteMap)
+ HCE.Inst ->
+ HM.lookup name $
+ HCE.instances (defSiteMap :: HCE.DefinitionSiteMap)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ case mbDefinitionSite of
+ Just definitionSite -> return definitionSite
+ Nothing ->
+ error404 $
+ BSL.concat
+ [ toLazyBS . T.pack $ show entity
+ , " "
+ , toLazyBS name
+ , " "
+ , " not found in module "
+ , toLazyBS $ HCE.getHaskellModulePath modPath
+ ]
+ in case packageInfo' of
+ PackageInfo packageInfo ->
+ let pId =
+ HCE.id
+ (packageInfo :: HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo)
+ in case HM.lookup
+ modPath
+ (HCE.moduleMap
+ (packageInfo :: HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo)) of
+ Just HCE.CompactModuleInfo {definitionSiteMap = defSiteMap} ->
+ findDefSite pId defSiteMap
+ Nothing ->
+ error404 $
+ BSL.concat
+ [ "Module "
+ , toLazyBS $ HCE.getHaskellModulePath modPath
+ , " is not found in package "
+ , toLazyBS $ HCE.packageIdToText pId
+ ]
+ PackageInfoStore pId store -> do
+ let eitherDefinitionSiteMap =
+ Store.lookup
+ (pId, modPath, Proxy :: Proxy HCE.DefinitionSiteMap)
+ store
+ case eitherDefinitionSiteMap of
+ Right definitionSiteMap -> findDefSite pId definitionSiteMap
+ Left e -> error500 (BSL.fromStrict $ BSC.pack e)
buildLinkHeader :: T.Text -> Paginated a -> Natural -> Natural -> T.Text
buildLinkHeader url paginated currentPage perPage =
@@ -692,76 +1163,110 @@ getReferences ::
-> Maybe Int -- ^ Items per page
-> ReaderT Environment IO (Headers '[ Header "Link" T.Text, Header "X-Total-Count" Int] [SourceFile])
getReferences packageId externalId mbPage mbPerPage =
- withPackageInfo packageId $ \packageInfo ->
- case S.toList <$> HM.lookup externalId (HCE.externalIdOccMap packageInfo) of
- Just references -> do
- (paginatedReferences, page, perPage, totalCount) <-
- paginateItems mbPage mbPerPage references
- let url =
- T.append "/" $
- toUrlPiece $
- safeLink
- (Proxy :: Proxy API)
- (Proxy :: Proxy GetReferences)
- packageId
- externalId
- Nothing
- Nothing
- linkHeader = buildLinkHeader url paginatedReferences page perPage
- addHeaders ::
- forall a.
- a
- -> Headers '[ Header "Link" T.Text, Header "X-Total-Count" Int] a
- addHeaders = addHeader linkHeader . addHeader totalCount
- refModulePath :: ReferenceWithSource -> HCE.HaskellModulePath
- refModulePath =
- (HCE.modulePath :: HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan -> HCE.HaskellModulePath) .
- idSrcSpan
- return $
- addHeaders $
- concatMap
- (\refs ->
- case refs of
- ref:_ ->
- let path =
- HCE.getHaskellModulePath .
- (HCE.modulePath :: HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan -> HCE.HaskellModulePath) .
- idSrcSpan $
- ref
- in [SourceFile path refs]
- _ -> []) $
- groupWith refModulePath $
- mapMaybe
- (mkReferenceWithSource packageInfo)
- (L.groupBy (\span1 span2 -> HCE.line span1 == HCE.line span2) $
- paginatedItems paginatedReferences)
- Nothing ->
- error404 $
- BSL.concat
- [ "Cannot find references to "
- , toLazyBS $ HCE.getExternalId externalId
- ]
+ withPackageInfo packageId $ \packageInfo' ->
+ let mkRefsWithSource ::
+ Maybe [HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan]
+ -> ReaderT Environment IO (Headers '[ Header "Link" T.Text, Header "X-Total-Count" Int] [SourceFile])
+ mkRefsWithSource mbReferences =
+ case mbReferences of
+ Just references -> do
+ (paginatedReferences, page, perPage, totalCount) <-
+ paginateItems mbPage mbPerPage references
+ let url =
+ T.append "/" $
+ toUrlPiece $
+ safeLink
+ (Proxy :: Proxy API)
+ (Proxy :: Proxy GetReferences)
+ packageId
+ externalId
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ linkHeader =
+ buildLinkHeader url paginatedReferences page perPage
+ addHeaders ::
+ forall a.
+ a
+ -> Headers '[ Header "Link" T.Text, Header "X-Total-Count" Int] a
+ addHeaders = addHeader linkHeader . addHeader totalCount
+ refModulePath :: ReferenceWithSource -> HCE.HaskellModulePath
+ refModulePath =
+ (HCE.modulePath :: HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan -> HCE.HaskellModulePath) .
+ idSrcSpan
+ return $
+ addHeaders $
+ concatMap
+ (\refs ->
+ case refs of
+ ref:_ ->
+ let path =
+ HCE.getHaskellModulePath .
+ (HCE.modulePath :: HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan -> HCE.HaskellModulePath) .
+ idSrcSpan $
+ ref
+ in [SourceFile path refs]
+ _ -> []) $
+ groupWith refModulePath $
+ mapMaybe
+ (mkReferenceWithSource packageInfo')
+ (L.groupBy (\span1 span2 -> HCE.line span1 == HCE.line span2) $
+ paginatedItems paginatedReferences)
+ Nothing ->
+ error404 $
+ BSL.concat
+ [ "Cannot find references to "
+ , toLazyBS $ HCE.getExternalId externalId
+ ]
+ in case packageInfo' of
+ PackageInfo packageInfo ->
+ mkRefsWithSource $ S.toList <$> HM.lookup externalId (HCE.externalIdOccMap packageInfo)
+ PackageInfoStore pId store -> do
+ let eitherOccurrences =
+ Store.lookup
+ ( pId
+ , externalId
+ , Proxy :: Proxy (S.Set HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan))
+ store
+ case eitherOccurrences of
+ Right occurrences ->
+ mkRefsWithSource (Just $ S.toList occurrences)
+ Left e -> error500 $ BSL.fromStrict $ BSC.pack e
mkReferenceWithSource ::
- HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo
- -> [HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan]
- -> Maybe ReferenceWithSource
-mkReferenceWithSource packageInfo spans@(span:_) =
- let mbModule =
- HM.lookup
- (HCE.modulePath (span :: HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan))
- (HCE.moduleMap (packageInfo :: HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo))
- in case mbModule of
- Just modInfo ->
- let sourceCodeHtml =
- buildHtmlCodeSnippet
- (HCE.source (modInfo :: HCE.CompactModuleInfo))
- (HCE.line (span :: HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan))
- (map
- (\HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan {..} -> (startColumn, endColumn))
- spans)
- in Just $ ReferenceWithSource sourceCodeHtml span
- _ -> Just $ ReferenceWithSource "" span
+ PackageInfo -> [HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan] -> Maybe ReferenceWithSource
+mkReferenceWithSource packageInfo' spans@(srcSpan:_) =
+ let mkRef :: Maybe (V.Vector T.Text) -> Maybe ReferenceWithSource
+ mkRef mbSource =
+ case mbSource of
+ Just source ->
+ let sourceCodeHtml =
+ buildHtmlCodeSnippet
+ source
+ (HCE.line (srcSpan :: HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan))
+ (map
+ (\HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan {..} -> (startColumn, endColumn))
+ spans)
+ in Just $ ReferenceWithSource sourceCodeHtml srcSpan
+ _ -> Just $ ReferenceWithSource "" srcSpan
+ in case packageInfo' of
+ PackageInfo packageInfo -> do
+ let mbSource =
+ (HCE.source :: HCE.CompactModuleInfo -> V.Vector T.Text) <$>
+ HM.lookup
+ (HCE.modulePath (srcSpan :: HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan))
+ (HCE.moduleMap
+ (packageInfo :: HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo))
+ mkRef mbSource
+ PackageInfoStore packageId store -> do
+ let eitherSourceCode =
+ Store.lookup
+ ( packageId
+ , HCE.modulePath (srcSpan :: HCE.IdentifierSrcSpan)
+ , Proxy :: Proxy (V.Vector T.Text))
+ store
+ case eitherSourceCode of
+ Right source -> mkRef (Just source)
+ Left _ -> mkRef Nothing
mkReferenceWithSource _ _ = Nothing
buildHtmlCodeSnippet :: V.Vector T.Text -> Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> T.Text
@@ -793,34 +1298,69 @@ findIdentifiers ::
-> T.Text
-> Maybe Int
-> Maybe Int
- -> ReaderT Environment IO (Headers '[ Header "Link" T.Text, Header "X-Total-Count" Int]
- [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo])
+ -> ReaderT Environment IO (Headers '[ Header "Link" T.Text, Header "X-Total-Count" Int] [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo])
findIdentifiers packageId query mbPage mbPerPage =
- withPackageInfo packageId $ \packageInfo -> do
- let identifiers
- | not $ T.null query =
- S.toList $
- HCE.match (T.unpack query) (HCE.externalIdInfoMap packageInfo)
- | otherwise = []
- (paginatedIdentifiers, page, perPage, totalCount) <-
- paginateItems mbPage mbPerPage identifiers
- let url =
- T.append "/" $
- toUrlPiece $
- safeLink
- (Proxy :: Proxy API)
- (Proxy :: Proxy GetIdentifiers)
- packageId
- query
- Nothing
- Nothing
- linkHeader = buildLinkHeader url paginatedIdentifiers page perPage
- addHeaders ::
- forall a.
- a
- -> Headers '[ Header "Link" T.Text, Header "X-Total-Count" Int] a
- addHeaders = addHeader linkHeader . addHeader totalCount
- return . addHeaders . paginatedItems $ paginatedIdentifiers
+ withPackageInfo packageId $ \packageInfo' ->
+ let respond identifiers = do
+ (paginatedIdentifiers, page, perPage, totalCount) <-
+ paginateItems mbPage mbPerPage identifiers
+ let url =
+ T.append "/" $
+ toUrlPiece $
+ safeLink
+ (Proxy :: Proxy API)
+ (Proxy :: Proxy GetIdentifiers)
+ packageId
+ query
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ linkHeader = buildLinkHeader url paginatedIdentifiers page perPage
+ addHeaders ::
+ forall a.
+ a
+ -> Headers '[ Header "Link" T.Text, Header "X-Total-Count" Int] a
+ addHeaders = addHeader linkHeader . addHeader totalCount
+ return . addHeaders . paginatedItems $ paginatedIdentifiers
+ in case packageInfo' of
+ PackageInfo packageInfo -> do
+ let identifiers
+ | not $ T.null query =
+ S.toList $
+ HCE.match
+ (T.unpack query)
+ (HCE.externalIdInfoMap packageInfo)
+ | otherwise = []
+ respond identifiers
+ PackageInfoStore pId store ->
+ let findIds :: T.Text -> [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo]
+ findIds q =
+ let eitherIdInfo =
+ Store.lookup
+ ( pId
+ , T.unpack q
+ , Proxy :: Proxy [HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo])
+ store
+ in case eitherIdInfo of
+ Right ids -> ids
+ Left _ -> []
+ in case T.length query of
+ 0 -> respond []
+ 1 -> respond $ findIds query
+ 2 -> respond $ findIds query
+ 3 -> respond $ findIds query
+ _ ->
+ let eitherIdInfoMap =
+ Store.lookup
+ ( pId
+ , T.unpack $ T.take 4 query
+ , Proxy :: Proxy (HCE.Trie Char HCE.ExternalIdentifierInfo))
+ store
+ in case eitherIdInfoMap of
+ Right trie ->
+ respond $
+ S.toList $
+ HCE.match (T.unpack $ T.drop 4 query) trie
+ Left _ -> respond []
paginateItems ::
Maybe Int
@@ -841,25 +1381,47 @@ paginateItems mbPage mbPerPage items = do
error404 :: BSL.ByteString -> ReaderT Environment IO a
error404 body = throwServantError $ err404 {errBody = body}
+error500 :: BSL.ByteString -> ReaderT Environment IO a
+error500 body = throwServantError $ err500 {errBody = body}
toLazyBS :: T.Text -> BSL.ByteString
toLazyBS = BSL.fromStrict . TE.encodeUtf8
+data PackageInfo
+ = PackageInfo (HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo)
+ | PackageInfoStore HCE.PackageId
+ Store.Store
withPackageInfo ::
- -> (HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo -> ReaderT Environment IO a)
+ -> (PackageInfo -> ReaderT Environment IO a)
-> ReaderT Environment IO a
withPackageInfo packageId action
| Just (packageName, mbVersion) <- parsePackageId packageId = do
packageMap <- asks envPackageMap
- let mbPackageInfo =
- HM.lookup packageName packageMap >>=
+ let findPackage ::
+ (Hashable k, Eq k, Ord k1)
+ => k
+ -> Maybe k1
+ -> HM.HashMap k (M.Map k1 v)
+ -> Maybe v
+ findPackage name mbVer pMap =
+ HM.lookup name pMap >>=
(\packages ->
let findLastVersion :: M.Map k v -> Maybe v
findLastVersion = fmap (snd . fst) . L.uncons . M.toDescList
- in case mbVersion of
+ in case mbVer of
Just version ->
M.lookup version packages <|> findLastVersion packages
Nothing -> findLastVersion packages)
+ mbPackageInfo =
+ case packageMap of
+ PackageMap pMap ->
+ PackageInfo <$> findPackage packageName mbVersion pMap
+ PackageMapStore store pMap ->
+ case findPackage packageName mbVersion pMap of
+ Just pId -> Just $ PackageInfoStore pId store
+ Nothing -> Nothing
case mbPackageInfo of
Just p -> action p
Nothing -> packageNotFound packageId
@@ -892,50 +1454,72 @@ withModuleInfo packageInfo path action =
withModulePath ::
- HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo
+ PackageInfo
-> HCE.ComponentId
-> HCE.HaskellModuleName
-> (HCE.HaskellModulePath -> ReaderT Environment IO a)
-> ReaderT Environment IO a
-withModulePath packageInfo componentId moduleName action =
- case HM.lookup
- (ghcPrimHack packageInfo moduleName)
- (HCE.moduleNameMap packageInfo) of
- Just modulePathMap ->
- case HM.lookup componentId modulePathMap of
- Just path -> action path
- Nothing ->
- case HM.lookup (HCE.ComponentId "lib") modulePathMap of
- Just path -> action path
+withModulePath packageInfo' componentId moduleName action =
+ case packageInfo' of
+ PackageInfo packageInfo ->
+ case HM.lookup
+ (ghcPrimHack packageInfo' moduleName)
+ (HCE.moduleNameMap packageInfo) of
+ Just modulePathMap ->
+ case HM.lookup componentId modulePathMap of
+ Just modulePath -> action modulePath
Nothing ->
- error404 $
- BSL.concat
- [ "Module "
- , toLazyBS $ HCE.getHaskellModuleName moduleName
- , " is not found in component "
- , toLazyBS $ HCE.getComponentId componentId
- ]
- Nothing ->
+ case HM.lookup (HCE.ComponentId "lib") modulePathMap of
+ Just path -> action path
+ Nothing -> notFoundInComponent
+ Nothing -> notFoundInPackage (HCE.id (packageInfo :: HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo))
+ PackageInfoStore packageId store -> do
+ let eitherModNameMap =
+ Store.lookup
+ ( packageId
+ , Proxy :: Proxy (HM.HashMap HCE.HaskellModuleName (HM.HashMap HCE.ComponentId HCE.HaskellModulePath)))
+ store
+ case eitherModNameMap of
+ Right modNameMap ->
+ case HM.lookup (ghcPrimHack packageInfo' moduleName) modNameMap of
+ Just componentMap -> case HM.lookup componentId componentMap of
+ Just modulePath -> action modulePath
+ Nothing -> case HM.lookup (HCE.ComponentId "lib") componentMap of
+ Just modulePath -> action modulePath
+ Nothing -> notFoundInComponent
+ Nothing -> notFoundInPackage packageId
+ Left e -> error500 (BSL.fromStrict $ BSC.pack e)
+ where
+ notFoundInComponent =
+ error404 $
+ BSL.concat
+ [ "Module "
+ , toLazyBS $ HCE.getHaskellModuleName moduleName
+ , " is not found in component "
+ , toLazyBS $ HCE.getComponentId componentId
+ ]
+ notFoundInPackage packageId =
error404 $
[ "Module "
, toLazyBS $ HCE.getHaskellModuleName moduleName
, " is not found in package "
- , toLazyBS $
- HCE.packageIdToText $
- HCE.id (packageInfo :: HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo)
+ , toLazyBS $ HCE.packageIdToText packageId
-- | Workaround for :
-- https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/ghc-8.2.2-release/compiler/main/Finder.hs#L310-L315
-ghcPrimHack ::
- HCE.PackageInfo HCE.CompactModuleInfo
- -> HCE.HaskellModuleName
- -> HCE.HaskellModuleName
-ghcPrimHack packageInfo (HCE.HaskellModuleName modName)
- | HCE.packageName packageInfo == "ghc-prim" && modName == "GHC.Prim" =
- HCE.HaskellModuleName "GHC.Prim_"
- | otherwise = HCE.HaskellModuleName modName
+ghcPrimHack :: PackageInfo -> HCE.HaskellModuleName -> HCE.HaskellModuleName
+ghcPrimHack packageInfo' modName@(HCE.HaskellModuleName name) =
+ case packageInfo' of
+ PackageInfo packageInfo
+ | HCE.packageName packageInfo == "ghc-prim" && name == "GHC.Prim" ->
+ HCE.HaskellModuleName "GHC.Prim_"
+ | otherwise -> modName
+ PackageInfoStore (HCE.PackageId packageName _) _
+ | packageName == "ghc-prim" && name == "GHC.Prim" ->
+ HCE.HaskellModuleName "GHC.Prim_"
+ | otherwise -> modName
parsePackageId :: PackageId -> Maybe (PackageName, Maybe Version)
parsePackageId (PackageId text) =
@@ -959,9 +1543,10 @@ staticMiddleware staticFilesPrefix packagePathMap _ app req callback
Just basePath
| ".." `notElem` rest -> do
let clientAcceptsEncoding =
- fromMaybe [] $
- map T.strip . T.splitOn "," . TE.decodeUtf8 <$>
- lookup "Accept-Encoding" (requestHeaders req)
+ maybe
+ []
+ (map T.strip . T.splitOn "," . TE.decodeUtf8)
+ (lookup "Accept-Encoding" (requestHeaders req))
clientAcceptsGzip = "gzip" `elem` clientAcceptsEncoding
path = basePath </> T.unpack (T.intercalate "/" rest)
gzPath = path ++ ".gz"
@@ -1055,11 +1640,25 @@ main = do
(configParser <**> helper)
(fullDesc <>
- "haskell-code-server provides an HTTP API for Haskell code explorer"))
+ "haskell-code-server provides an HTTP API for Haskell Code Explorer"))
print config
- packages <- loadPackages config
+ mbStore <-
+ let loadStore :: FilePath -> Store.ReadMode -> IO (Maybe Store.Store)
+ loadStore path readOrMmap = do
+ eitherStore <- Store.load path readOrMmap
+ case eitherStore of
+ Right store -> return $ Just store
+ Left e -> putStrLn e >> exitFailure
+ in case configStore config of
+ Just (UseStore path) -> loadStore path Store.ReadEntireFile
+ Just (UseStoreMmap path) -> loadStore path Store.MemoryMapFile
+ Just (CreateStore path) -> do
+ createStore path config
+ exitSuccess
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ packages <- loadPackages config mbStore
case packages of
- Just (packageMap, packagePathMap, packageVersions,globalReferenceMap) -> do
+ Just (packageMap, packagePathMap, packageVersions, globalReferenceMap) -> do
loggerSet <-
case configLog config of
HCE.ToFile logfile -> newFileLoggerSet defaultBufSize logfile
diff --git a/app/Store.hs b/app/Store.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..956359d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/Store.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
+-- | Read-only on-disk key-value store
+module Store where
+import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as S
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as BSS
+import Data.Either (Either)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Data.Serialize (Serialize, decode, encode, get, put)
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import Prelude hiding (lookup)
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), hTell, withFile)
+import System.IO.MMap (mmapFileByteString)
+data Store = Store
+ { index :: M.Map BSS.ShortByteString Location
+ , values :: BS.ByteString
+ }
+data Location = Location
+ { offset :: Int
+ , length :: Int
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData)
+instance Serialize Location
+instance Serialize BSS.ShortByteString where
+ put = put . BSS.fromShort
+ get = BSS.toShort <$> get
+class StoreItem item where
+ toByteString :: item -> BS.ByteString
+ fromByteString :: BS.ByteString -> Either String item
+ type KeyArgs item = arg | arg -> item
+ itemKey :: KeyArgs item -> BSS.ShortByteString
+indexFileName :: FilePath
+indexFileName = "index"
+valuesFileName :: FilePath
+valuesFileName = "values"
+data ReadMode
+ = ReadEntireFile
+ | MemoryMapFile
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+load :: FilePath -> ReadMode -> IO (Either String Store)
+load directoryPath readMode = do
+ let valuesFilePath = directoryPath </> valuesFileName
+ indexFilePath = directoryPath </> indexFileName
+ (valuesFileExists, indexFileExists) <-
+ (,) <$> doesFileExist indexFilePath <*> doesFileExist valuesFilePath
+ case (valuesFileExists, indexFileExists) of
+ (True, True) -> do
+ indexFile <- BS.readFile indexFilePath
+ valuesFile <-
+ case readMode of
+ ReadEntireFile -> BS.readFile valuesFilePath
+ MemoryMapFile -> mmapFileByteString valuesFilePath Nothing
+ let eitherIndex = decode @(M.Map BSS.ShortByteString Location) indexFile
+ case eitherIndex of
+ Right locMap -> return . Right $ Store {index = locMap, values = valuesFile}
+ Left err -> return . Left $ "Error while decoding index : " ++ err
+ (False, False) ->
+ return . Left $ "Cannot find index and values in " ++ directoryPath
+ (True, False) -> return . Left $ "Cannot find index in " ++ directoryPath
+ (False, True) -> return . Left $ "Cannot find values in " ++ directoryPath
+lookup :: (StoreItem item) => KeyArgs item -> Store -> Either String item
+lookup keyArgs = lookupByteString (itemKey keyArgs)
+lookupByteString ::
+ (StoreItem item) => BSS.ShortByteString -> Store -> Either String item
+lookupByteString key store =
+ case M.lookup key (index store) of
+ Just (Location off len) ->
+ fromByteString . BS.take len . BS.drop off $ values store
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Cannot find item with key " ++ show key
+data State =
+ State (M.Map BSS.ShortByteString Location)
+ Handle
+add :: (StoreItem item) => item -> KeyArgs item -> S.StateT State IO ()
+add item keyArgs = do
+ let bs = toByteString item
+ len = BS.length bs
+ State locMap handle <- S.get
+ off <- liftIO $ fromIntegral <$> hTell handle
+ _ <- liftIO $ BS.hPut handle bs
+ S.put $ State (M.insert (itemKey keyArgs) (Location off len) locMap) handle
+createStore ::
+ FilePath -> (Handle -> IO (M.Map BSS.ShortByteString Location)) -> IO ()
+createStore directoryPath action =
+ withFile (directoryPath </> valuesFileName) WriteMode $ \valuesHandle -> do
+ locMap <- action valuesHandle
+ BS.writeFile (directoryPath </> indexFileName) (encode locMap)
+writeValues ::
+ Handle
+ -> M.Map BSS.ShortByteString Location
+ -> S.StateT State IO ()
+ -> IO (M.Map BSS.ShortByteString Location)
+writeValues handle locMap action = do
+ State locMap' _ <- S.execStateT action (State locMap handle)
+ return locMap'
diff --git a/haskell-code-explorer.cabal b/haskell-code-explorer.cabal
index 9ecfcd6..4a58af3 100644
--- a/haskell-code-explorer.cabal
+++ b/haskell-code-explorer.cabal
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ executable haskell-code-server
main-is: Server.hs
ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -rtsopts -funbox-strict-fields -threaded
hs-source-dirs: app,src
- other-modules: HaskellCodeExplorer.Types
+ other-modules: HaskellCodeExplorer.Types, Store
build-depends: IntervalMap
, aeson
, base
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ executable haskell-code-server
, data-default
, pagination
, file-embed
+ , mmap
if impl(ghc >= 8.4.3)
build-depends: ghc-compact