path: root/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
15 files changed, 1363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Main.hs b/test/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2247fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1211 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
+module Main where
+import Control.Exception (try)
+import Control.Monad.Logger (runLoggingT)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data as U
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
+import qualified Data.IntervalMap.Strict as IVM
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Data.Version
+import HaskellCodeExplorer.AST.TypecheckedSource (removeOverlappingInterval)
+import HaskellCodeExplorer.PackageInfo
+import HaskellCodeExplorer.Preprocessor
+import HaskellCodeExplorer.Types
+import qualified HaskellCodeExplorer.Types as HCE
+import System.Directory
+ ( findExecutable
+ , getCurrentDirectory
+ , withCurrentDirectory
+ )
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.Process (readProcess)
+import Test.Hspec
+testPackageDir :: FilePath
+testPackageDir = "test/test-package"
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ currentDir <- getCurrentDirectory
+ hspec $ do
+ packageInfoSpec currentDir
+ sourceCodeTransformationSpec currentDir
+ tokenizeSpec
+ removeOverlappingIntervalSpec
+packageInfoSpec :: FilePath -> Spec
+packageInfoSpec currentDir = do
+ eitherPackageInfo <- runIO $ buildAndIndexTestPackage currentDir
+ case eitherPackageInfo of
+ Right packageInfo -> do
+ describe "createPackageInfo" $ do
+ it "returns valid package id" $
+ HCE.id (packageInfo :: PackageInfo ModuleInfo) `shouldBe`
+ PackageId "test-package" (Version [0, 1, 0, 0] [])
+ it "returns valid list of module paths" $ do
+ let paths =
+ HM.fromList
+ [ ( HaskellModulePath {getHaskellModulePath = "app/Main.hs"}
+ , ())
+ , ( HaskellModulePath {getHaskellModulePath = "src/Types.hs"}
+ , ())
+ , ( HaskellModulePath {getHaskellModulePath = "test/Spec.hs"}
+ , ())
+ , ( HaskellModulePath {getHaskellModulePath = "src/Lib.hs"}
+ , ())
+ ]
+ (HM.map (const ()))
+ (HCE.moduleMap (packageInfo :: PackageInfo ModuleInfo)) `shouldBe`
+ paths
+ it "returns valid list of module names" $ do
+ let names =
+ HM.fromList
+ [ ( HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "Types"}
+ , HM.fromList
+ [ ( ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ , HaskellModulePath
+ {getHaskellModulePath = "src/Types.hs"})
+ ])
+ , ( HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "Main"}
+ , HM.fromList
+ [ ( ComponentId
+ {getComponentId = "exe-test-package-exe"}
+ , HaskellModulePath
+ {getHaskellModulePath = "app/Main.hs"})
+ , ( ComponentId
+ {getComponentId = "test-test-package-test"}
+ , HaskellModulePath
+ {getHaskellModulePath = "test/Spec.hs"})
+ ])
+ , ( HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "Lib"}
+ , HM.fromList
+ [ ( ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ , HaskellModulePath
+ {getHaskellModulePath = "src/Lib.hs"})
+ ])
+ ]
+ (HCE.moduleNameMap (packageInfo :: PackageInfo ModuleInfo)) `shouldBe`
+ names
+ let mbModuleInfo =
+ HM.lookup
+ (HCE.HaskellModulePath "src/Lib.hs")
+ (moduleMap (packageInfo :: HCE.PackageInfo HCE.ModuleInfo))
+ case mbModuleInfo of
+ Just modInfo -> moduleInfoSpec modInfo
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Left e -> runIO $ putStrLn e >> return ()
+moduleInfoSpec :: ModuleInfo -> Spec
+moduleInfoSpec modInfo =
+ describe "createModuleInfo" $ do
+ it "returns valid module name" $
+ HCE.name (modInfo :: HCE.ModuleInfo) `shouldBe`
+ HCE.HaskellModuleName "Lib"
+ it "returns valid list of declarations " $
+ HCE.declarations (modInfo :: HCE.ModuleInfo) `shouldBe` testDeclarations
+ it "returns valid source code " $ do
+ let sourceCodeLines =
+ V.fromList
+ [ "module Lib"
+ , " ( someFunc"
+ , " ) where"
+ , ""
+ , "import Types(Test(..))"
+ , ""
+ , "-- | someFunc documentation"
+ , "someFunc :: IO ()"
+ , "someFunc = putStrLn \"someFunc\""
+ , ""
+ , "-- | mkTest documentation"
+ , "mkTest :: Int -> Test"
+ , "mkTest i = Test i"
+ , ""
+ ]
+ HCE.source (modInfo :: HCE.ModuleInfo) `shouldBe` sourceCodeLines
+ it "returns valid map of expressions" $
+ HCE.exprInfoMap (modInfo :: HCE.ModuleInfo) `shouldBe` testExprInfoMap
+ it "returns valid map of identifiers " $
+ let removeLocationInfo :: HCE.LocationInfo -> HCE.LocationInfo
+ removeLocationInfo _ = HCE.UnknownLocation ""
+ in U.transformBi
+ removeLocationInfo
+ (HCE.idInfoMap (modInfo :: HCE.ModuleInfo)) `shouldBe`
+ U.transformBi removeLocationInfo testIdInfoMap
+ it "returns valid map of identifier occurrences" $
+ HCE.idOccMap (modInfo :: HCE.ModuleInfo) `shouldBe` testIdOccMap
+stackYamlArg :: [String]
+stackYamlArg = []
+stackYamlArg = ["--stack-yaml=stack-8.0.2.yaml" ]
+buildAndIndexTestPackage ::
+ FilePath -> IO (Either String (PackageInfo ModuleInfo))
+buildAndIndexTestPackage currentDir = do
+ mbStackExecutable <- findExecutable "stack"
+ case mbStackExecutable of
+ Just stackExecutable -> do
+ let removeEndOfLine str
+ | null str = str
+ | otherwise = init str
+ (eitherDistDir :: Either IOError String) <-
+ try .
+ fmap removeEndOfLine .
+ readProcess stackExecutable (["path", "--dist-dir"] ++ stackYamlArg) $
+ ""
+ case eitherDistDir of
+ Right distDir -> do
+ packageInfo <-
+ let testPackageDirectoryPath = currentDir </> testPackageDir
+ in withCurrentDirectory testPackageDirectoryPath $ do
+ _ <-
+ readProcess
+ stackExecutable
+ (["build", "--test"] ++ stackYamlArg)
+ ""
+ runLoggingT
+ (createPackageInfo
+ testPackageDirectoryPath
+ (Just distDir)
+ HCE.BeforePreprocessing
+ []
+ [])
+ (\_ _ _ _ -> return ())
+ return . Right $ packageInfo
+ Left ex -> return . Left $ show ex
+ Nothing ->
+ return . Left $
+ "Cannot find stack executable. Stack executable is required to build the test package."
+sourceCodeTransformationSpec :: FilePath -> Spec
+sourceCodeTransformationSpec currentDir = do
+ sourceCodeAfterPreprocessor <-
+ runIO $ BS.readFile $ currentDir </> "test/data/FileAfterPreprocessor.hs"
+ let sourceCodeTransformation =
+ fst $
+ createSourceCodeTransformation
+ (HaskellModulePath "File.hs")
+ (TE.decodeUtf8 sourceCodeAfterPreprocessor)
+ (TE.decodeUtf8 sourceCodeAfterPreprocessor)
+ describe "createSourceCodeTransformation" $ do
+ it "returns valid list of pragmas" $ do
+ let pragmas =
+ S.fromList
+ [ LinePragma (HaskellFilePath "File1.hs") 8 1
+ , LinePragma (HaskellFilePath "File1.hs") 11 14
+ , LinePragma (HaskellFilePath "File2.hs") 12 1
+ , LinePragma (HaskellFilePath "File1.hs") 18 15
+ , LinePragma (HaskellFilePath "File.hs") 21 9
+ , LinePragma (HaskellFilePath "File.hs") 23 18
+ , LinePragma (HaskellFilePath "File3.hs") 26 1
+ , LinePragma (HaskellFilePath "File.hs") 30 21
+ ]
+ linePragmas sourceCodeTransformation `shouldBe` pragmas
+ it "returns valid file index" $
+ let index =
+ HM.fromList
+ [ ( HaskellFilePath {getHaskellFilePath = "File1.hs"}
+ , S.fromList
+ [ FileLocation {lineStart = 1, lineEnd = 2, offset = 8}
+ , FileLocation {lineStart = 15, lineEnd = 16, offset = 4}
+ ])
+ , ( HaskellFilePath {getHaskellFilePath = "File2.hs"}
+ , S.fromList
+ [FileLocation {lineStart = 1, lineEnd = 5, offset = 12}])
+ , ( HaskellFilePath {getHaskellFilePath = "File3.hs"}
+ , S.fromList
+ [FileLocation {lineStart = 1, lineEnd = 3, offset = 26}])
+ , ( HaskellFilePath {getHaskellFilePath = "File.hs"}
+ , S.fromList
+ [ FileLocation {lineStart = 1, lineEnd = 8, offset = 0}
+ , FileLocation {lineStart = 9, lineEnd = 9, offset = 13}
+ , FileLocation {lineStart = 18, lineEnd = 19, offset = 6}
+ , FileLocation {lineStart = 21, lineEnd = 21, offset = 10}
+ ])
+ ]
+ in fileIndex sourceCodeTransformation `shouldBe` index
+ describe "fromOriginalLineNumber" $ do
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File.hs", 1) (Right 1)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File.hs", 4) (Right 4)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File1.hs", 1) (Right 9)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File1.hs", 2) (Right 10)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File2.hs", 1) (Right 13)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File2.hs", 3) (Right 15)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File2.hs", 5) (Right 17)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File1.hs", 15) (Right 19)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File1.hs", 16) (Right 20)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File3.hs", 1) (Right 27)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File3.hs", 2) (Right 28)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File3.hs", 3) (Right 29)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File.hs", 9) (Right 22)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File.hs", 18) (Right 24)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File.hs", 19) (Right 25)
+ test fromOriginalLineNumber sourceCodeTransformation (HaskellFilePath "File.hs", 21) (Right 31)
+test ::
+ forall a t t1. (Show t1, Show t, Show a, Eq a)
+ => (t1 -> t -> a)
+ -> t1
+ -> t
+ -> a
+ -> Spec
+test fun arg1 arg2 result =
+ it (show arg1 ++ " " ++ show arg2) $ fun arg1 arg2 `shouldBe` result
+tokenizeSpec :: Spec
+tokenizeSpec =
+ describe "tokenize" $ do
+ test tokenize "" ([] :: [((Int, Int), String)]) []
+ test
+ tokenize
+ "--comment"
+ ([] :: [((Int, Int), String)])
+ [("--comment", (1, 10), Nothing)]
+ test
+ tokenize
+ ("abcd" :: T.Text)
+ [((1, 5), "abcdIdentifier")]
+ [("abcd", (1, 5), Just "abcdIdentifier")]
+ test
+ tokenize
+ ("data Test" :: T.Text)
+ [((6, 10), "TestIdentifier")]
+ [("data ", (1, 6), Nothing), ("Test", (6, 10), Just "TestIdentifier")]
+ test
+ tokenize
+ ("abc = xyz" :: T.Text)
+ [((1, 4), "abcIdentifier"), ((7, 10), "xyzIdentifier")]
+ [ ("abc", (1, 4), Just "abcIdentifier")
+ , (" = ", (4, 7), Nothing)
+ , ("xyz", (7, 10), Just "xyzIdentifier")
+ ]
+ test
+ tokenize
+ ("abc = xyz --comment" :: T.Text)
+ [((1, 4), "abcIdentifier"), ((7, 10), "xyzIdentifier")]
+ [ ("abc", (1, 4), Just "abcIdentifier")
+ , (" = ", (4, 7), Nothing)
+ , ("xyz", (7, 10), Just "xyzIdentifier")
+ , (" --comment", (10, 20), Nothing)
+ ]
+ test
+ tokenize
+ (" abc = xyz --comment" :: T.Text)
+ [((4, 7), "abcIdentifier"), ((10, 13), "xyzIdentifier")]
+ [ (" ", (1, 4), Nothing)
+ , ("abc", (4, 7), Just "abcIdentifier")
+ , (" = ", (7, 10), Nothing)
+ , ("xyz", (10, 13), Just "xyzIdentifier")
+ , (" --comment", (13, 23), Nothing)
+ ]
+removeOverlappingIntervalSpec :: Spec
+removeOverlappingIntervalSpec =
+ describe "removeOverlappingInterval" $ do
+ test removeOverlappingInterval [((1, 2), "a")] [] [((1, 2), "a")]
+ test
+ removeOverlappingInterval
+ [((3, 4), "b")]
+ [((1, 2), "a")]
+ [((1, 2), "a"), ((3, 4), "b")]
+ test
+ removeOverlappingInterval
+ [((2, 3), "b")]
+ [((1, 5), "a")]
+ [((2, 3), "b")]
+ test
+ removeOverlappingInterval
+ [((1, 5), "b")]
+ [((2, 3), "a")]
+ [((2, 3), "a")]
+ test
+ removeOverlappingInterval
+ [((1, 5), "b")]
+ [((2, 7), "a")]
+ [((1, 5), "b")]
+ test
+ removeOverlappingInterval
+ [((1, 3), "b")]
+ [((1, 3), "a")]
+ [((1, 3), "a")]
+testDeclarations :: [Declaration]
+testDeclarations =
+ [ Declaration
+ { sort = ValD
+ , name = "someFunc"
+ , declType =
+ Just
+ (Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon {internalId = HCE.InternalId "0", name = "IO"}
+ , Text " ()"
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ })
+ , isExported = True
+ , lineNumber = 9
+ }
+ , Declaration
+ { sort = ValD
+ , name = "mkTest"
+ , declType =
+ Just
+ (Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon {internalId = HCE.InternalId "9", name = "Int"}
+ , Text " -> "
+ , TyCon {internalId = HCE.InternalId "1", name = "Test"}
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ })
+ , isExported = False
+ , lineNumber = 13
+ }
+ ]
+testExprInfoMap :: IVM.IntervalMap (Int,Int) HCE.ExpressionInfo
+testExprInfoMap =
+ IVM.fromList
+ [ ( IVM.OpenInterval (9, 12) (9, 31)
+ , ExpressionInfo
+ { description = "HsApp"
+ , exprType =
+ Just
+ (Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon {internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "0"}, name = "IO"}
+ , Text " ()"
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ })
+ })
+ , ( IVM.OpenInterval (13, 12) (13, 18)
+ , ExpressionInfo
+ { description = "HsApp"
+ , exprType =
+ Just
+ (Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon
+ {internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "1"}, name = "Test"}
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ })
+ })
+ ]
+testIdOccMap :: IM.IntMap [((Int, Int), IdentifierOccurrence)]
+testIdOccMap =
+ IM.fromList
+ [ ( 2
+ , [ ( (7, 15)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "2"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "3"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "IE"
+ , sort = ValueId
+ })
+ ])
+ , ( 5
+ , [ ( (8, 13)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Nothing
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource = Nothing
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "ImportDecl"
+ , sort =
+ ModuleId
+ (ExactLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "test-package"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ { versionBranch = [0, 1, 0, 0]
+ , versionTags = []
+ }
+ }
+ , modulePath =
+ HaskellModulePath
+ {getHaskellModulePath = "src/Types.hs"}
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "Types"}
+ , startLine = 1
+ , endLine = 1
+ , startColumn = 1
+ , endColumn = 1
+ })
+ })
+ , ( (14, 18)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "1"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "1"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "IE"
+ , sort = TypeId
+ })
+ ])
+ , ( 8
+ , [ ( (1, 9)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "2"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "3"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "TypeSig"
+ , sort = ValueId
+ })
+ , ( (13, 15)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "0"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "0"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "HsTyVar"
+ , sort = TypeId
+ })
+ , ( (16, 18)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "4"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "4"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "HsTupleTy"
+ , sort = TypeId
+ })
+ ])
+ , ( 9
+ , [ ( (1, 9)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "2"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "3"})
+ , isBinder = True
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "Match"
+ , sort = ValueId
+ })
+ , ( (12, 20)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "5"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "5"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "HsVar"
+ , sort = ValueId
+ })
+ , ( (21, 31)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Nothing
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource = Nothing
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType =
+ Just
+ (Type
+ { components =
+ [ Text "["
+ , TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "6"}
+ , name = "Char"
+ }
+ , Text "]"
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ })
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "HsLit"
+ , sort = ValueId
+ })
+ ])
+ , ( 12
+ , [ ( (1, 7)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "7"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "8"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "TypeSig"
+ , sort = ValueId
+ })
+ , ( (11, 14)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "9"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "9"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "HsTyVar"
+ , sort = TypeId
+ })
+ , ( (18, 22)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "1"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "1"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "HsTyVar"
+ , sort = TypeId
+ })
+ ])
+ , ( 13
+ , [ ( (1, 7)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "7"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "8"})
+ , isBinder = True
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "Match"
+ , sort = ValueId
+ })
+ , ( (8, 9)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "10"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "11"})
+ , isBinder = True
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "VarPat"
+ , sort = ValueId
+ })
+ , ( (12, 16)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "12"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "13"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "HsVar"
+ , sort = ValueId
+ })
+ , ( (17, 18)
+ , IdentifierOccurrence
+ { internalId = Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "10"})
+ , internalIdFromRenamedSource =
+ Just (InternalId {getInternalId = "11"})
+ , isBinder = False
+ , instanceResolution = Nothing
+ , idOccType = Nothing
+ , typeArguments = Nothing
+ , description = "HsVar"
+ , sort = ValueId
+ })
+ ])
+ ]
+testIdInfoMap :: HM.HashMap InternalId IdentifierInfo
+testIdInfoMap =
+ HM.fromList
+ [ ( InternalId {getInternalId = "7"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "mkTest"}
+ , demangledOccName = "mkTest"
+ , nameSpace = VarName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ExactLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "test-package"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 1, 0, 0], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , modulePath =
+ HaskellModulePath {getHaskellModulePath = "src/Lib.hs"}
+ , moduleName = HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "Lib"}
+ , startLine = 13
+ , endLine = 13
+ , startColumn = 1
+ , endColumn = 7
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "9"}
+ , name = "Int"
+ }
+ , Text " -> "
+ , TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "1"}
+ , name = "Test"
+ }
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ }
+ , details = Just VanillaId
+ , doc = Just "<p><span>mkTest documentation</span></p>"
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "7"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "test-package-|Lib|Val|mkTest"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "14"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "TYPE"}
+ , demangledOccName = "TYPE"
+ , nameSpace = TcClsName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ApproximateLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "ghc-prim"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 5, 1, 1], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "GHC.Prim"}
+ , entity = Typ
+ , name = "TYPE"
+ , haddockAnchorId = Just "TYPE"
+ , componentId = ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "15"}
+ , name = "RuntimeRep"
+ }
+ , Text " -> *"
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ }
+ , details = Nothing
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "14"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "ghc-prim-|GHC.Prim|Typ|TYPE"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "0"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "IO"}
+ , demangledOccName = "IO"
+ , nameSpace = TcClsName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ApproximateLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "ghc-prim"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 5, 1, 1], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "GHC.Types"}
+ , entity = Typ
+ , name = "IO"
+ , haddockAnchorId = Just "IO"
+ , componentId = ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type {components = [Text "* -> *"], componentsExpanded = Nothing}
+ , details = Nothing
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "0"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "ghc-prim-|GHC.Types|Typ|IO"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "12"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "Test"}
+ , demangledOccName = "Test"
+ , nameSpace = DataName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ExactLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "test-package"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 1, 0, 0], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , modulePath =
+ HaskellModulePath {getHaskellModulePath = "src/Types.hs"}
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "Types"}
+ , startLine = 5
+ , endLine = 5
+ , startColumn = 13
+ , endColumn = 21
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "9"}
+ , name = "Int"
+ }
+ , Text " -> "
+ , TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "1"}
+ , name = "Test"
+ }
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ }
+ , details = Just DataConWorkId
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "12"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "test-package-|Types|Val|Test"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "17"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "[]"}
+ , demangledOccName = "[]"
+ , nameSpace = TcClsName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ApproximateLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "ghc-prim"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 5, 1, 1], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "GHC.Types"}
+ , entity = Typ
+ , name = "[]"
+ , haddockAnchorId = Just "-91--93-"
+ , componentId = ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type {components = [Text "* -> *"], componentsExpanded = Nothing}
+ , details = Nothing
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "17"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "ghc-prim-|GHC.Types|Typ|[]"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "1"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "Test"}
+ , demangledOccName = "Test"
+ , nameSpace = TcClsName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ExactLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "test-package"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 1, 0, 0], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , modulePath =
+ HaskellModulePath {getHaskellModulePath = "src/Types.hs"}
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "Types"}
+ , startLine = 5
+ , endLine = 5
+ , startColumn = 1
+ , endColumn = 21
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type {components = [Text "*"], componentsExpanded = Nothing}
+ , details = Nothing
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "1"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "test-package-|Types|Typ|Test"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "18"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "LiftedRep"}
+ , demangledOccName = "LiftedRep"
+ , nameSpace = DataName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ApproximateLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "ghc-prim"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 5, 1, 1], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "GHC.Types"}
+ , entity = Val
+ , name = "LiftedRep"
+ , haddockAnchorId = Just "LiftedRep"
+ , componentId = ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "15"}
+ , name = "RuntimeRep"
+ }
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ }
+ , details = Nothing
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "18"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "ghc-prim-|GHC.Types|Val|LiftedRep"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "4"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "()"}
+ , demangledOccName = "()"
+ , nameSpace = TcClsName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ApproximateLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "ghc-prim"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 5, 1, 1], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "GHC.Tuple"}
+ , entity = Typ
+ , name = "()"
+ , haddockAnchorId = Just "-40--41-"
+ , componentId = ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type {components = [Text "*"], componentsExpanded = Nothing}
+ , details = Nothing
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "4"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "ghc-prim-|GHC.Tuple|Typ|()"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "16"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "String"}
+ , demangledOccName = "String"
+ , nameSpace = TcClsName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ApproximateLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "base"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [4, 10, 1, 0], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "GHC.Base"}
+ , entity = Typ
+ , name = "String"
+ , haddockAnchorId = Just "String"
+ , componentId = ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type {components = [Text "*"], componentsExpanded = Nothing}
+ , details = Nothing
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "16"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "base-|GHC.Base|Typ|String"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "2"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "someFunc"}
+ , demangledOccName = "someFunc"
+ , nameSpace = VarName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ExactLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "test-package"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 1, 0, 0], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , modulePath =
+ HaskellModulePath {getHaskellModulePath = "src/Lib.hs"}
+ , moduleName = HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "Lib"}
+ , startLine = 9
+ , endLine = 9
+ , startColumn = 1
+ , endColumn = 9
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "0"}
+ , name = "IO"
+ }
+ , Text " ()"
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ }
+ , details = Just VanillaId
+ , doc = Just "<p><span>someFunc documentation</span></p>"
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "2"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "test-package-|Lib|Val|someFunc"})
+ , isExported = True
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "5"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "putStrLn"}
+ , demangledOccName = "putStrLn"
+ , nameSpace = VarName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ApproximateLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "base"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [4, 10, 1, 0], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "System.IO"}
+ , entity = Val
+ , name = "putStrLn"
+ , haddockAnchorId = Just "putStrLn"
+ , componentId = ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "16"}
+ , name = "String"
+ }
+ , Text " -> "
+ , TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "0"}
+ , name = "IO"
+ }
+ , Text " ()"
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded =
+ Just
+ [ Text "["
+ , TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "6"}
+ , name = "Char"
+ }
+ , Text "] -> "
+ , TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "0"}
+ , name = "IO"
+ }
+ , Text " ()"
+ ]
+ }
+ , details = Just VanillaId
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "5"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "base-|System.IO|Val|putStrLn"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "6"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "Char"}
+ , demangledOccName = "Char"
+ , nameSpace = TcClsName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ApproximateLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "ghc-prim"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 5, 1, 1], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "GHC.Types"}
+ , entity = Typ
+ , name = "Char"
+ , haddockAnchorId = Just "Char"
+ , componentId = ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type {components = [Text "*"], componentsExpanded = Nothing}
+ , details = Nothing
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "6"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "ghc-prim-|GHC.Types|Typ|Char"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "9"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = External
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "Int"}
+ , demangledOccName = "Int"
+ , nameSpace = TcClsName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ApproximateLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "ghc-prim"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 5, 1, 1], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , moduleName =
+ HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = "GHC.Types"}
+ , entity = Typ
+ , name = "Int"
+ , haddockAnchorId = Just "Int"
+ , componentId = ComponentId {getComponentId = "lib"}
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type {components = [Text "*"], componentsExpanded = Nothing}
+ , details = Nothing
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "9"}
+ , externalId =
+ Just
+ (ExternalId
+ {getExternalId = "ghc-prim-|GHC.Types|Typ|Int"})
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ , ( InternalId {getInternalId = "10"}
+ , IdentifierInfo
+ { sort = Internal
+ , occName = OccName {getOccName = "i"}
+ , demangledOccName = "i"
+ , nameSpace = VarName
+ , locationInfo =
+ ExactLocation
+ { packageId =
+ PackageId
+ { name = "test-package"
+ , version =
+ Version
+ {versionBranch = [0, 1, 0, 0], versionTags = []}
+ }
+ , modulePath =
+ HaskellModulePath {getHaskellModulePath = "src/Lib.hs"}
+ , moduleName = HaskellModuleName {getHaskellModuleName = ""}
+ , startLine = 13
+ , endLine = 13
+ , startColumn = 8
+ , endColumn = 9
+ }
+ , idType =
+ Type
+ { components =
+ [ TyCon
+ { internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "9"}
+ , name = "Int"
+ }
+ ]
+ , componentsExpanded = Nothing
+ }
+ , details = Just VanillaId
+ , doc = Nothing
+ , internalId = InternalId {getInternalId = "10"}
+ , externalId = Nothing
+ , isExported = False
+ })
+ ]
diff --git a/test/data/File.hs b/test/data/File.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c697e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/File.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+1 File.hs
+2 File.hs
+3 File.hs
+4 File.hs
+5 File.hs
+6 File.hs
+7 File.hs
+#include "File1.hs"
+9 File.hs
+#if 0
+11 File.hs
+12 File.hs
+13 File.hs
+14 File.hs
+15 File.hs
+16 File.hs
+18 File.hs
+19 File.hs
+#include "File3.hs"
+21 File.hs
diff --git a/test/data/File1.hs b/test/data/File1.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f8bdc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/File1.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+1 File1.hs
+2 File1.hs
+#if 0
+4 File1.hs
+5 File1.hs
+6 File1.hs
+7 File1.hs
+8 File1.hs
+9 File1.hs
+10 File1.hs
+11 File1.hs
+12 File1.hs
+#include "File2.hs"
+15 File1.hs
+16 File1.hs
diff --git a/test/data/File2.hs b/test/data/File2.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f278090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/File2.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1 File2.hs
+2 File2.hs
+3 File2.hs
+4 File2.hs
+5 File2.hs
diff --git a/test/data/File3.hs b/test/data/File3.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..088a900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/File3.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+1 File3.hs
+2 File3.hs
+3 File3.hs
diff --git a/test/data/FileAfterPreprocessor.hs b/test/data/FileAfterPreprocessor.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4e2583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/FileAfterPreprocessor.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+1 File.hs
+2 File.hs
+3 File.hs
+4 File.hs
+5 File.hs
+6 File.hs
+7 File.hs
+# 1 "File1.hs" 1
+1 File1.hs
+2 File1.hs
+# 14 "File1.hs"
+# 1 "File2.hs" 1
+1 File2.hs
+2 File2.hs
+3 File2.hs
+4 File2.hs
+5 File2.hs
+# 15 "File1.hs" 2
+15 File1.hs
+16 File1.hs
+# 9 "File.hs" 2
+9 File.hs
+# 18 "File.hs"
+18 File.hs
+19 File.hs
+# 1 "File3.hs" 1
+1 File3.hs
+2 File3.hs
+3 File3.hs
+# 21 "File.hs" 2
+21 File.hs
diff --git a/test/test-package/.gitignore b/test/test-package/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e03043b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-package/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/test/test-package/Setup.hs b/test/test-package/Setup.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a994af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-package/Setup.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import Distribution.Simple
+main = defaultMain
diff --git a/test/test-package/app/Main.hs b/test/test-package/app/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5185ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-package/app/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module Main where
+import Lib
+main :: IO ()
+main = someFunc
diff --git a/test/test-package/src/Lib.hs b/test/test-package/src/Lib.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..877bbe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-package/src/Lib.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+module Lib
+ ( someFunc
+ ) where
+import Types(Test(..))
+-- | someFunc documentation
+someFunc :: IO ()
+someFunc = putStrLn "someFunc"
+-- | mkTest documentation
+mkTest :: Int -> Test
+mkTest i = Test i
diff --git a/test/test-package/src/Types.hs b/test/test-package/src/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad37ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-package/src/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module Types
+ ( Test(..)
+ ) where
+data Test = Test Int
diff --git a/test/test-package/stack-8.0.2.yaml b/test/test-package/stack-8.0.2.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4257691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-package/stack-8.0.2.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+resolver: lts-9.14
diff --git a/test/test-package/stack.yaml b/test/test-package/stack.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bad591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-package/stack.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+resolver: lts-11.3
diff --git a/test/test-package/test-package.cabal b/test/test-package/test-package.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30f517d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-package/test-package.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+name: test-package
+description: Test package
+build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >= 1.10
+ hs-source-dirs:
+ src
+ build-depends:
+ base >=4.7 && <5
+ exposed-modules:
+ Lib
+ other-modules:
+ Types
+ Paths_test_package
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+executable test-package-exe
+ main-is: Main.hs
+ hs-source-dirs:
+ app
+ build-depends:
+ base >=4.7 && <5
+ , test-package
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+test-suite test-package-test
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ main-is: Spec.hs
+ hs-source-dirs:
+ test
+ build-depends:
+ base >=4.7 && <5
+ , test-package
+ default-language: Haskell2010
diff --git a/test/test-package/test/Spec.hs b/test/test-package/test/Spec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd4753f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-package/test/Spec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+main :: IO ()
+main = putStrLn "Test suite not yet implemented"