diff options
authorNateN1222 <nathannichols454@gmail.com>2017-09-22 14:20:29 -0500
committerNateN1222 <nathannichols454@gmail.com>2017-09-22 14:20:29 -0500
commit2a9cabcd86aba1f9eca1a36d8f5226c0e666eedb (patch)
parentb975f183fe19250c67b2c8617c2a76f9cdf71548 (diff)
Started implementing the editing of scripts within a pages HTML. now requires firefox 57+ to run
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/main_background.js b/main_background.js
index cf9c790..d2cc403 100644
--- a/main_background.js
+++ b/main_background.js
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ function change_csp(e) {
keywords[j] = keywords[j].replace(/'strict-dynamic'/g,"");
keywords[j] = keywords[j].replace(/;/g,"");
// This is the string that we add to every CSP
- keywords[j] += " data: blob: 'report-sample'";
+ keywords[j] += "'self' data: blob: 'report-sample'";
//console.log("%c new script-src section:","color:green;")
//console.log(keywords[j]+ "; ");
@@ -732,27 +732,6 @@ function change_csp(e) {
return {responseHeaders: e.responseHeaders};
-* XMLHttpRequests the content of a script so we can modify it
-* before turning it to a blob and redirecting to its URL
-function get_content(url){
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.open("get",url);
- xhr.onload = function(){
- resolve(this);
- }
- xhr.onerror = function(){
- console.log("%c could not get content of "+url+".","color:red;")
- reject(JSON.stringify(this));
- }
- xhr.send();
- });
* Turns a blob URL into a data URL
@@ -926,97 +905,180 @@ function license_read(script_src,name){
/* *********************************************************************************************** */
// TODO: Test if this script is being loaded from another domain compared to unused_data[tabid]["url"]
-function get_script(url,tabid,wl){
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- var response = get_content(url);
- response.then(function(response) {
- if(unused_data[tabid] === undefined){
- unused_data[tabid] = {"url":url,"accepted":[],"blocked":[]};
- }
- var tok_index = url.split("/").length;
- var scriptname = url.split("/")[tok_index-1];
- if(wl == true){
- // Accept without reading script, it was explicitly whitelisted
- if(typeof(unused_data[tabid]["accepted"].push) != "function"){
- unused_data[tabid]["accepted"] = [[scriptname,"Page is whitelisted in preferences"]];
- } else{
- unused_data[tabid]["accepted"].push([scriptname,"Page is whitelisted in preferences"]);
- }
- var blob = new Blob([response.responseText], {type : 'application/javascript'});
- resolve(get_data_url(blob,url));
- return;
- }
- var src_hash = hash(response.responseText);
- var edited = license_read(response.responseText,scriptname);
- var verdict = edited[0];
- var popup_res;
- var domain = get_domain(url);
- if(verdict == true){
- popup_res = add_popup_entry(tabid,src_hash,{"url":domain,"accepted":[scriptname+" ("+src_hash+")",edited[2]]});
+* Returns a promise that resolves with the final edited script as a string.
+function get_script(response,url,tabid,wl,index=-1){
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ if(unused_data[tabid] === undefined){
+ unused_data[tabid] = {"url":url,"accepted":[],"blocked":[]};
+ }
+ var tok_index = url.split("/").length;
+ var scriptname = url.split("/")[tok_index-1];
+ if(wl == true){
+ // Accept without reading script, it was explicitly whitelisted
+ if(typeof(unused_data[tabid]["accepted"].push) != "function"){
+ unused_data[tabid]["accepted"] = [[scriptname,"Page is whitelisted in preferences"]];
+ } else{
+ unused_data[tabid]["accepted"].push([scriptname,"Page is whitelisted in preferences"]);
+ }
+ resolve("\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user (From a URL found in comma seperated whitelist)\n*/\n"+response);
+ if(index != -1){
+ resolve(["\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user (From a URL found in comma seperated whitelist)\n*/\n"+response,index]);
} else{
- popup_res = add_popup_entry(tabid,src_hash,{"url":domain,"blocked":[scriptname+" ("+src_hash+")",edited[2]]});
+ resolve("\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user (From a URL found in comma seperated whitelist)\n*/\n"+response);
- popup_res.then(function(list_verdict){
- var blob;
- if(list_verdict == "wl"){
- // redirect to the unedited version
- blob = new Blob(["\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user \n*/\n"+response.responseText], {type : 'application/javascript'});
- }else if(list_verdict == "bl"){
- // Blank the entire script
- blob = new Blob(["\n/*\n LibreJS: Script blacklisted by user \n*/\n"], {type : 'application/javascript'});
+ }
+ var src_hash = hash(response);
+ var edited = license_read(response,scriptname);
+ var verdict = edited[0];
+ var popup_res;
+ var domain = get_domain(url);
+ if(verdict == true){
+ popup_res = add_popup_entry(tabid,src_hash,{"url":domain,"accepted":[scriptname+" ("+src_hash+")",edited[2]]});
+ } else{
+ popup_res = add_popup_entry(tabid,src_hash,{"url":domain,"blocked":[scriptname+" ("+src_hash+")",edited[2]]});
+ }
+ popup_res.then(function(list_verdict){
+ var blob;
+ if(list_verdict == "wl"){
+ // redirect to the unedited version
+ if(index != -1){
+ resolve(["\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user \n*/\n"+response,index]);
} else{
- // Return the edited (normal) version
- blob = new Blob([edited[1]], {type : 'application/javascript'});
+ resolve("\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user \n*/\n"+response);
- //blob = new Blob(["console.log('LibreJS edited script');\n"+edited[1]], {type : 'application/javascript'});
- resolve(get_data_url(blob,url));
- });
+ }else if(list_verdict == "bl"){
+ // Blank the entire script
+ if(index != -1){
+ resolve(["\n/*\n LibreJS: Script blacklisted by user \n*/\n",index]);
+ } else{
+ resolve("\n/*\n LibreJS: Script blacklisted by user \n*/\n");
+ }
+ } else{
+ // Return the edited (normal) version
+ if(index != -1){
+ resolve([edited[1],index]);
+ } else{
+ resolve(edited[1]);
+ }
+ }
function read_script(a){
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ var filter = webex.webRequest.filterResponseData(a.requestId);
+ var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
+ var encoder = new TextEncoder(); // TODO: make sure this doesn't cause undeclared decoding
+ filter.ondata = event => {
+ var str = decoder.decode(event.data, {stream: true});
var res = test_url_whitelisted(a.url);
+ var edit_script;
if(whitelisted == true){
// Doesn't matter if this is accepted or blocked, it will still be whitelisted
- resolve(get_script(a.url,a["tabId"],true));
+ edit_script = get_script(str,a.url,a["tabId"],true);
} else{
- resolve(get_script(a.url,a["tabId"],false));
+ edit_script = get_script(str,a.url,a["tabId"],false);
+ }
+ edit_script.then(function(edited){
+ filter.write(encoder.encode(edited));
+ filter.disconnect();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return {};
+function edit_html(html,url,tabid,wl){
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ if(wl == true){
+ // Don't bother, page is whitelisted
+ resolve(html);
+ }
+ // A DOMParser object won't work because the HTML doesn't exist after the DOM is built.
+ // This makes it impossible to go from DOM back to HTML source without a lot of distortion.
+ // For the vast majority of cases, it should work to parse the DOM, extract Javascript source,
+ // and then replace the unedited source with the edited source using string.replace().
+ var parser = new DOMParser();
+ var html_doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
+ var after = html;
+ console.log("text encoding declaration?");
+ var meta = document.getElementsByTagName("meta")[0]
+ var charset;
+ if(meta !== undefined){
+ charset = meta.attributes["charset"].value.toLowerCase();
+ console.log("Yes, '"+charset+"'");
+ if(charset !== "utf-8"){
+ console.log("%c Warning: decoded it wrong. (how is it reading this then? lol)");
+ }
+ } else{
+ console.log("No, guessing 'utf-8'");
+ }
+ var amt_scripts = 0;
+ var total_scripts = 0;
+ var scripts = html_doc.scripts;
+ for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++){
+ if(scripts[i].src == ""){
+ total_scripts++;
+ }
+ }
+ for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++){
+ if(scripts[i].src == ""){
+ console.log("%c not remote (document.scripts["+i+"])","color:purple");
+ console.log(scripts[i].innerHTML);
+ var edit_script = get_script(scripts[i].innerHTML,url,tabid,wl,i);
+ edit_script.then(function(edited){
+ //html_doc.scripts[edited[1]].setAttribute("type","application/json");
+ scripts[edited[1]].innerHTML = edited[0];
+ amt_scripts++;
+ if(amt_scripts == total_scripts){
+ resolve(html_doc.documentElement.innerHTML);
+ }
+ });
- });
+ }
- /*
- // Minimal example of how to edit scripts
- var edited = "console.log('it worked');\n";
- var blob = new Blob([edited], {type : 'application/javascript'});
- return get_data_url(blob);
- */
function read_document(a){
- // This needs to be handled in a different way because it sets the domain
- // of the document to "data:" which breaks relative URLs.
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- var response = get_content(a.url);
- response.then(function(res){
- // Reset the block scripts since we just opened a new document
- unused_data[a["tabId"]] = {"url":a.url,"accepted":[],"blocked":[]};
- //setup_counter(res.response,a["tabId"])
- resolve();
- //var blob = new Blob([res.response], {type : 'text/html'});
- //resolve(get_data_url(blob));
+ var filter = webex.webRequest.filterResponseData(a.requestId);
+ var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
+ var encoder = new TextEncoder(); // TODO: make sure this doesn't cause undeclared decoding
+ filter.ondata = event => {
+ var str = decoder.decode(event.data, {stream: true});
+ var res = test_url_whitelisted(a.url);
+ res.then(function(whitelisted){
+ var edit_page;
+ if(whitelisted == true){
+ // Doesn't matter if this is accepted or blocked, it will still be whitelisted
+ edit_page = edit_html(str,a.url,a["tabId"],true);
+ } else{
+ edit_page = edit_html(str,a.url,a["tabId"],false);
+ }
+ edit_page.then(function(edited){
+ filter.write(encoder.encode(edited));
+ filter.disconnect();
+ });
- });
+ }
+ return {};
@@ -1051,10 +1113,6 @@ function init_addon(){
{urls:["<all_urls>"], types:["main_frame"]},
- var test = blocked_status("b0b09468b8a2a21011ca09d20da416c7fc9179f05019974a2a0830d69966e0de4");
- test.then(function(res){
- console.log(res);
- });