diff options
authorYuchen Pei <hi@ypei.me>2022-09-21 11:29:13 +1000
committerYuchen Pei <hi@ypei.me>2022-09-21 11:47:42 +1000
commitd2631c26cca80641a85cd44d1e50c6b82bc714c1 (patch)
parent363c54a3de08b4c0a4cb62aec51db005dd85a322 (diff)
refactor license_read
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/main_background.js b/main_background.js
index 8cd52b2..fc9047b 100644
--- a/main_background.js
+++ b/main_background.js
@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ const RESERVED_OBJECTS = [
const LOOPKEYS = { 'for': true, 'if': true, 'while': true, 'switch': true };
const OPERATORS = { '||': true, '&&': true, '=': true, '==': true, '++': true, '--': true, '+=': true, '-=': true, '*': true };
+// @license match, second and third capture groups are canonicalUrl
+// and license name
+const OPENING_LICENSE_RE = /\/[/*]\s*?(@license)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+).*$/mi;
+const CLOSING_LICENSE_RE = /\/([*/])\s*@license-end\s*(\*\/)?/mi;
@@ -567,12 +571,12 @@ function evaluate(script, name) {
function evaluateForReservedObj(script, name) {
function reservedObjectRegex(object) {
- const arith_operators = '\\+\\-\\*\\/\\%\\=';
- return new RegExp('(?:[^\\w\\d]|^|(?:' + arith_operators + '))' + object + '(?:\\s*?(?:[\\;\\,\\.\\(\\[])\\s*?)', 'g');
+ const arithOperators = '\\+\\-\\*\\/\\%\\=';
+ return new RegExp('(?:[^\\w\\d]|^|(?:' + arithOperators + '))' + object + '(?:\\s*?(?:[\\;\\,\\.\\(\\[])\\s*?)', 'g');
- const ml_comment = /\/\*([\s\S]+?)\*\//g;
- const il_comment = /\/\/.+/gm;
- const temp = script.replace(/'.+?'+/gm, '\'string\'').replace(/".+?"+/gm, '"string"').replace(ml_comment, '').replace(il_comment, '');
+ const mlComment = /\/\*([\s\S]+?)\*\//g;
+ const ilComment = /\/\/.+/gm;
+ const temp = script.replace(/'.+?'+/gm, '\'string\'').replace(/".+?"+/gm, '"string"').replace(mlComment, '').replace(ilComment, '');
dbg_print('%c ------evaluation results for ' + name + '------', 'color:white');
dbg_print('Script accesses reserved objects?');
@@ -586,15 +590,16 @@ function evaluateForReservedObj(script, name) {
return [true, 'Reserved object not found.'];
-function validateLicense(matches) {
- if (!(Array.isArray(matches) && matches.length >= 4)) {
+// checks license in an OPENING_LICENSE_RE match
+function checkLicenseInMatch(match) {
+ if (!(Array.isArray(match) && match.length >= 4)) {
return [false, 'Malformed or unrecognized license tag.'];
- const [all, first] = [matches[0], matches[2].replace('&amp;', '&')];
+ const [all, first] = [match[0], match[2].replace('&amp;', '&')];
for (const key in licenses) {
- // Match by link on first parameter (legacy)
+ // Match by canonicalUrl
for (const url of licenses[key].canonicalUrl) {
if (first === url || first === url.replace('^http://', 'https://')) {
return [true, `Recognized license: "${licenses[key].licenseName}".`];
@@ -606,17 +611,21 @@ function validateLicense(matches) {
-* Evaluates the content of a script (license, if it is non-trivial)
-* Returns
-* [
-* true (accepted) or false (denied),
-* edited content,
-* reason text
-* ]
-function license_read(scriptSrc, name, external = false) {
+ *
+ * Evaluates the content of a script for licenses and triviality
+ * scriptSrc: content of the script; name: script name; external:
+ * whether the script is external
+ *
+ * Returns
+ * [
+ * true (accepted) or false (denied),
+ * edited content,
+ * reason text
+ * ]
+ */
+function licenseRead(scriptSrc, name, external = false) {
+ let inSrc = scriptSrc.trim();
+ if (!inSrc) return [true, scriptSrc, 'Empty source.'];
// Check for @licstart .. @licend method
const license = legacy_license_lib.check(scriptSrc);
@@ -627,9 +636,8 @@ function license_read(scriptSrc, name, external = false) {
return [true, scriptSrc, 'Common script known to be free software.'];
- let editedSrc = '';
- let uneditedSrc = scriptSrc.trim();
- let reason = uneditedSrc ? '' : 'Empty source.';
+ let outSrc = '';
+ let reason = '';
let partsDenied = false;
let partsAccepted = false;
@@ -642,66 +650,58 @@ function license_read(scriptSrc, name, external = false) {
: evaluate(s, name);
if (trivial) {
partsAccepted = true;
- editedSrc += s;
+ outSrc += s;
} else {
partsDenied = true;
if (s.startsWith('javascript:'))
- editedSrc += `# LIBREJS BLOCKED: ${message}`;
+ outSrc += `# LIBREJS BLOCKED: ${message}`;
- editedSrc += `/*\nLIBREJS BLOCKED: ${message}\n*/`;
+ outSrc += `/*\nLIBREJS BLOCKED: ${message}\n*/`;
reason += `\n${message}`;
- return trivial;
- // Check for @license .. @license-end method
- while (uneditedSrc) {
- const openingMatch = /\/[/*]\s*?(@license)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+).*$/mi.exec(uneditedSrc);
- if (!openingMatch) { // no license found, check for triviality
- checkTriviality(uneditedSrc);
- break;
- }
- const openingIndex = openingMatch.index;
- if (openingIndex) {
- // let's check the triviality of the code before the license tag, if any
- checkTriviality(uneditedSrc.substring(0, openingIndex));
- }
- // let's check the actual license
- uneditedSrc = uneditedSrc.substring(openingIndex);
- const closureMatch =
- /\/([*/])\s*@license-end\s*(\*\/)?/mi.exec(uneditedSrc);
+ // Consume inSrc by checking licenses in all @license / @license-end
+ // blocks and triviality outside these blocks
+ while (inSrc) {
+ const openingMatch = OPENING_LICENSE_RE.exec(inSrc);
+ const openingIndex = openingMatch ? openingMatch.index : inSrc.length;
+ // checks the triviality of the code before the license tag, if any
+ checkTriviality(inSrc.substring(0, openingIndex));
+ inSrc = inSrc.substring(openingIndex);
+ if (!inSrc) break;
+ // checks the remaining part, that starts with an @license
+ const closureMatch = CLOSING_LICENSE_RE.exec(inSrc);
if (!closureMatch) {
const msg = 'ERROR: @license with no @license-end';
return [false, `\n/*\n ${msg} \n*/\n`, msg];
let closureEndIndex = closureMatch.index + closureMatch[0].length;
- const commentEndOffset = uneditedSrc.substring(closureEndIndex).indexOf(closureMatch[1] === '*' ? '*/' : '\n');
+ const commentEndOffset = inSrc.substring(closureEndIndex).indexOf(closureMatch[1] === '*' ? '*/' : '\n');
if (commentEndOffset !== -1) {
closureEndIndex += commentEndOffset;
- const [licenseOK, message] = validateLicense(openingMatch);
+ const [licenseOK, message] = checkLicenseInMatch(openingMatch);
if (licenseOK) {
- editedSrc += uneditedSrc.substr(0, closureEndIndex);
+ outSrc += inSrc.substr(0, closureEndIndex);
partsAccepted = true;
} else {
- editedSrc += `\n/*\n${message}\n*/\n`;
+ outSrc += `\n/*\n${message}\n*/\n`;
partsDenied = true;
reason += `\n${message}`;
// trim off everything we just evaluated
- uneditedSrc = uneditedSrc.substring(closureEndIndex).trim();
+ inSrc = inSrc.substring(closureEndIndex).trim();
if (partsDenied) {
if (partsAccepted) {
reason = `Some parts of the script have been disabled (check the source for details).\n^--- ${reason}`;
- return [false, editedSrc, reason];
+ return [false, outSrc, reason];
return [true, scriptSrc, reason];
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ async function get_script(response, url, tabId = -1, whitelisted = false, index
return result(`/* LibreJS: script whitelisted by user preference. */\n${response}`);
- let [verdict, editedSource, reason] = license_read(response, scriptName, index === -2);
+ let [verdict, editedSource, reason] = licenseRead(response, scriptName, index === -2);
if (tabId < 0) {
return result(verdict ? response : editedSource);