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2 files changed, 123 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/eval_test.js b/eval_test.js
index ffdb0e9..64af781 100644
--- a/eval_test.js
+++ b/eval_test.js
@@ -143,75 +143,124 @@ var licenses = {
+* Determines if a block of javascript is trivial or not.
+* true = trivial, false = nontrivial
+function evaluate(script){
+ console.log("%c Evaluating","color: red;")
+ console.log(script);
+ // Remove all the strings from the script so everything left is code.
+ // This gets rid of false positives (eval appearing in an innocent string)
+ // Note: Javascript strings can not take up more than one line
+ var nostr = script.replace(/'.+?'+/gm,"");
+ nostr = script.replace(/".+?"+/gm,"");
+ return true;
+* Looks at the output of the @license regex and determines if the
+* license is good.
+function license_valid(matches){
+ // Being overly careful with safety checks
+ if(matches.length != 4){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(matches[1] != "@license"){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(licenses[matches[3]] === undefined){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(licenses[matches[3]]["Magnet link"] != matches[2]){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
* Runs regexes to search for explicit delcarations of script
* licenses on the argument.
* It detects:
* //@license, //@license-end
-* //licstart, //licen
-* Returns the identifier string of the license or "fail".
+* //licstart, //licend
+* We are assuming that the "stack depth" of @license tags can not exceed 1.
+* If this isn't correct, we can make it recursive.
+// TODO: Known bug: extra \n chars thrown in at some splices
function license_read(script_src){
if(typeof(script_src) != "string"){
return "fail"
- var license_attempts = [];
- // comment regex
- var comments = script_src.match(/(\/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+\/)|(\/\/.*)/g);
- if(comments == null){
- comments = [];
- }
- //console.log("%c comments:","color:green;")
- //console.log(comments);
+ // @license regex
+ // /^(@license)\s([\S]+)\s([\S]+$)/gm
+ // @license-end regex
+ // ^(@license-end)
- // Not sure if there is any better way to do this.
- // More than one license section per file should be supported once we can edit scripts
- // (this will be converted to edit the script instead of just read it)
- for(var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++){
- if(comments[i] !== undefined){
- // @license regex
- if(comments[i].match(/@license[^\S\n]+magnet:\S+[^\S\n]+\S+/g) != null){
- console.log("License start detected.");
- var content = comments[i].match(/(?:magnet:\S+)(\s+.+)/g);
- if(content != null){
- content[0].replace(/\s+/g," ");
- content = content[0].split(" ");
- var magnet = content[0];
- var identifier = "";
- for(var i = 1; i < content.length; i++){
- if(i == 1){
- identifier = identifier + content[i];
- } else{
- identifier = identifier + "-" + content[i];
- }
- }
- var valid = true;
- if(licenses[identifier]["Magnet link"] != magnet){
- valid = false;
- }
- if((identifier in licenses) == false){
- valid = false;
- }
- console.log("Valid? " + valid);
- // TODO: Support more than one block and check for code outside of this block
- // Can't be implemented right now since we can't edit scripts.
- return valid;// TODO: this is a temporary debug solution
- } else{
- console.log("Valid? false");
- }
- }
- // license-end regex
- if(comments[i].match(/\/\/\s*@license\-end/g) != null){
- console.log("License end:");
- console.log(comments[i])
+ // Contains only good Javascript
+ var edited_src = "";
+ // Once Javascript has been "judged", remove it from here
+ var unedited_src = script_src;
+ var first = true;
+ var watchdog = 0;
+ while(true){
+ if(first){
+ first = false;
+ //console.log("input:");
+ //console.log("%c"+unedited_src,"color:#550000");
+ }
+ var matches = /^(@license)\s([\S]+)\s([\S]+$)/gm.exec(unedited_src);
+ if(matches == null){
+ //console.log("No more matches, almost done");
+ if(evaluate(unedited_src)){
+ edited_src += unedited_src;
+ return edited_src;
+ // Because we break on null, it must start at the beginning of the
+ // source and operate on blocks seperated by license tags
+ }
+ // operate on everything before the next match.
+ //console.log("Everything before the next match");
+ var before = unedited_src.substr(0,matches["index"]);
+ //console.log(before);
+ if(evaluate(before)){
+ edited_src += before;
+ }
+ // This should remove the substring "before"
+ unedited_src = unedited_src.substr(matches["index"],unedited_src.length);
+ // find the end tag and check if it is valid
+ matches_end = /^(@license-end)/gm.exec(unedited_src);
+ if(matches_end == null){
+ //console.log("ERROR: @license with no @license-end");
+ return;
+ }
+ var endtag_end_index = matches_end["index"]+matches_end[0].length;
+ // accept next tag if its license is good.
+ if(license_valid(matches)){
+ edited_src = edited_src + unedited_src.substr(0,endtag_end_index);
+ } else{
+ //console.log("Error: invalid license tag.");
+ }
+ // Remove the next tag (it will be in edited_src if it was accepted)
+ unedited_src = unedited_src.substr(endtag_end_index,unedited_src.length);
+ //console.log("New input after iteration:");
+ //console.log("%c"+unedited_src,"color:red;");
+ //console.log("Current output:");
+ //console.log("%c"+edited_src,"color:green;");
+ watchdog++;
+ if(watchdog > 20){
+ console.log("%c Watchdog > 20.","color:reg");
+ return 0;
- //console.log("VERDICT: probably nonfree");
- //console.log("VERDICT: probably free");
* Checks the whitelist in storage
@@ -265,6 +314,11 @@ function get_table(url){
+* Doesn't really serve a specific purpose
+* Added because I was having async issues and needed a callback
function read_w_table(table_data=false){
// Call license_read on all the document's scripts
// This is done just to debug before we can implement this in a background script,
diff --git a/testtag.html b/testtag.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01e98ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testtag.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <title>A Page containing free JS</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="bod" style="white-space: pre-wrap;">
+@license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0ef1b8170b3b615170ff270def6427c317705f85&dn=lgpl-3.0.txt LGPL-3.0
+console.log("free js");
+eval("console.log('nontrivial mystery code')");
+@license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b8999bbaf509c08d127678643c515b9ab0836bae&dn=ISC.txt ISC
+console.log("free js");
+ </div>
+ </body>