path: root/main_background.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main_background.js')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/main_background.js b/main_background.js
index 093aa86..c20a257 100644
--- a/main_background.js
+++ b/main_background.js
@@ -177,19 +177,31 @@ function options_listener(changes, area){
+var active_connections = {};
+var unused_data = {};
+function createReport(initializer = null) {
+ let template = {
+ "accepted": [],
+ "blocked": [],
+ "blacklisted": [],
+ "whitelisted": [],
+ url: "",
+ };
+ return initializer ? Object.assign(template, initializer) : template;
* Executes the "Display this report in new tab" function
* by opening a new tab with whatever HTML is in the popup
* at the moment.
-var active_connections = {};
-var unused_data = {};
function open_popup_tab(data){
function gotPopup(popupURL){
var creating = webex.tabs.create({"url":popupURL},function(a){
dbg_print("[TABID:"+a["id"]+"] creating unused data entry from parent window's content");
- unused_data[a["id"]] = data;
+ unused_data[a["id"]] = createReport(data);
@@ -288,13 +300,7 @@ function update_popup(tab_id,blocked_info,update=false){
else return false;
- new_blocked_data = {
- "accepted":[],
- "blocked":[],
- "blacklisted":[],
- "whitelisted":[],
- "url": url
- };
+ new_blocked_data = createReport({url});
for(var type in blocked_info){
for(var script_arr in blocked_info[type]){
@@ -368,19 +374,9 @@ function add_popup_entry(tab_id,src_hash,blocked_info,update=false){
if(unused_data[tab_id] === undefined){
- unused_data[tab_id] = {
- "accepted":[],
- "blocked":[],
- "blacklisted":[],
- "whitelisted":[],
- "url": url
- };
+ unused_data[tab_id] = createReport({url});
- if(unused_data[tab_id]["accepted"] === undefined){unused_data[tab_id]["accepted"] = [];}
- if(unused_data[tab_id]["blocked"] === undefined){unused_data[tab_id]["blocked"] = [];}
- if(unused_data[tab_id]["blacklisted"] === undefined){unused_data[tab_id]["blacklisted"] = [];}
- if(unused_data[tab_id]["whitelisted"] === undefined){unused_data[tab_id]["whitelisted"] = [];}
var type = "";
if(blocked_info["accepted"] !== undefined){
@@ -443,29 +439,33 @@ function add_popup_entry(tab_id,src_hash,blocked_info,update=false){
var type_key = "";
var res = "";
- if(is_bl(blocked_info[type][0])){
- type_key = "blacklisted";
- res = "bl";
- //console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][0] + " is blacklisted");
- }
- else if(is_wl(blocked_info[type][0])){
- type_key = "whitelisted";
- res = "wl";
- //console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][0] + " is whitelisted");
- } else{
- type_key = type;
- res = "none";
- //console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][0] + " isn't whitelisted or blacklisted");
- }
- if(not_duplicate(type_key,blocked_info[type])){
- dbg_print(unused_data);
- dbg_print(unused_data[tab_id]);
- dbg_print(type_key);
- unused_data[tab_id][type_key].push(blocked_info[type]);
- resolve(res);
- } else{
- resolve(res);
+ try {
+ if(is_bl(blocked_info[type][0])){
+ type_key = "blacklisted";
+ res = "bl";
+ //console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][0] + " is blacklisted");
+ }
+ else if(is_wl(blocked_info[type][0])){
+ type_key = "whitelisted";
+ res = "wl";
+ //console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][0] + " is whitelisted");
+ } else{
+ type_key = type;
+ res = "none";
+ //console.log("Script " + blocked_info[type][0] + " isn't whitelisted or blacklisted");
+ }
+ if(not_duplicate(type_key,blocked_info[type])){
+ dbg_print(unused_data);
+ dbg_print(unused_data[tab_id]);
+ dbg_print(type_key);
+ unused_data[tab_id][type_key].push(blocked_info[type]);
+ resolve(res);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e, "blocked_info %o, type %s, type_key %s", blocked_info, type, type_key);
+ resolve(res);
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ function connected(p) {
} else{
// create a new entry
- unused_data[tab_id] = {"url":tab["url"],"blocked":"","accepted":""};
+ unused_data[tab_id] = createReport({"url": tab.url});
dbg_print("[TABID:"+tab_id+"]"+"No data found, creating a new entry for this window.");
@@ -623,23 +623,10 @@ function delete_removed_tab_info(tab_id, remove_info){
* Check whitelisted by hash
-function blocked_status(hash){
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- function cb(items){
- var wl = items["pref_whitelist"];
- for(var i in items){
- var res = i.match(/\(.*?\)/g);
- if(res != null){
- var test_hash = res[res.length-1].substr(1,res[0].length-2);
- if(test_hash == hash){
- resolve(items[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- resolve("none");
- }
- webex.storage.local.get(cb);
- });
+function blocked_status(hash) {
+ let hashItem = ListStore.hashItem(hash);
+ return whitelist.contains(hashItem) ?
+ "whitelisted" : blacklist.contains(hashItem) ? "blacklisted" : "none";
/* *********************************************************************************************** */
@@ -947,92 +934,44 @@ function license_read(script_src, name, external = false){
// TODO: Test if this script is being loaded from another domain compared to unused_data[tabid]["url"]
-* Returns a promise that resolves with the final edited script as a string.
+* Asynchronous function, returns the final edited script as a string,
+* or an array containing it and the index, if the latter !== -1
-function get_script(response,url,tabid,wl,index=-1){
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- if(unused_data[tabid] === undefined){
- unused_data[tabid] = {"url":url,"accepted":[],"blocked":[]};
- }
- var edited;
- var tok_index = url.split("/").length;
- var scriptname = url.split("/")[tok_index-1];
- if(wl == true){
- // Accept without reading script, it was explicitly whitelisted
- if(typeof(unused_data[tabid]["accepted"].push) != "function"){
- unused_data[tabid]["accepted"] = [[url,"Page is whitelisted in preferences"]];
- } else{
- unused_data[tabid]["accepted"].push([url,"Page is whitelisted in preferences"]);
- }
- resolve("\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user (From a URL found in comma seperated whitelist)\n*/\n"+response);
- if(index != -1){
- resolve(["\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user (From a URL found in comma seperated whitelist)\n*/\n"+response,index]);
- } else{
- resolve("\n/*\n LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user (From a URL found in comma seperated whitelist)\n*/\n"+response);
- }
- edited = [true,response,"Page is whitelisted in preferences"];
- }else{
- edited = license_read(response,scriptname,index == -2);
- }
- var src_hash = hash(response);
- var verdict = edited[0];
- var popup_res;
- var domain = get_domain(url);
- var badge_str = 0;
- if(unused_data[tabid]["blocked"] !== undefined){
- badge_str += unused_data[tabid]["blocked"].length;
- }
- if(unused_data[tabid]["blacklisted"] !== undefined){
- badge_str += unused_data[tabid]["blacklisted"].length;
- }
- dbg_print("amt. blocked on page:"+badge_str);
- if(badge_str > 0 || verdict == false){
- webex.browserAction.setBadgeText({
- text: "!",
- tabId: tabid
- });
- webex.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({
- color: "red",
- tabId: tabid
- });
- }
- if(verdict == true){
- popup_res = add_popup_entry(tabid,src_hash,{"url":domain,"accepted":[url,edited[2]]});
- } else{
- popup_res = add_popup_entry(tabid,src_hash,{"url":domain,"blocked":[url,edited[2]]});
- }
+async function get_script(response, url, tabId, whitelisted = false, index = -1) {
+ function result(scriptSource) {
+ return index === -1 ? scriptSource : [scriptSource, index];
+ }
+ let report = unused_data[tabId] || (unused_data[tabId] = createReport({url}));
- popup_res.then(function(list_verdict){
- var blob;
- if(list_verdict == "wl"){
- // redirect to the unedited version
- if(index != -1){
- resolve(["/* LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user */\n"+response,index]);
- } else{
- resolve("/* LibreJS: Script whitelisted by user */\n"+response);
- }
- }else if(list_verdict == "bl"){
- // Blank the entire script
- if(index != -1){
- resolve(["/* LibreJS: Script blacklisted by user */\n",index]);
- } else{
- resolve("/* LibreJS: Script blacklisted by user */\n");
- }
- } else{
- // Return the edited (normal) version
- if(index != -1){
- resolve(["/* LibreJS: Script acknowledged */\n"+edited[1],index]);
- } else{
- resolve("/* LibreJS: Script acknowledged */\n"+edited[1]);
- }
- }
+ let scriptName = url.split("/").pop();
+ if (whitelisted) {
+ // Accept without reading script, it was explicitly whitelisted
+ report.accepted.push([url, "Page is whitelisted in preferences"]);
+ return result(`/* LibreJS: script whitelisted by user preference. */\n${response}`);
+ }
+ let [verdict, editedSource, reason] = license_read(response, scriptName, index === -2);
+ let sourceHash = hash(response);
+ let domain = get_domain(url);
+ let blockedCount = report.blocked.length + report.blacklisted.length;
+ dbg_print(`amt. blocked on page: ${blockedCount}`);
+ if (blockedCount > 0 || !verdict) {
+ webex.browserAction.setBadgeText({
+ text: "!",
+ tabId
- });
+ webex.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({
+ color: "red",
+ tabId
+ });
+ }
+ let listVerdict = await add_popup_entry(tabId, sourceHash, {"url":domain, [verdict ? "accepted" : "blocked"]: [url, reason]});
+ switch(listVerdict) {
+ case "wl": case "bl":
+ let verdictText = listVerdict === "wl" ? "whitelisted" : "blacklisted";
+ return result(`/* LibreJS: script ${verdictText} by user. */\n${response}`);
+ default:
+ return result(`/* LibreJS: script aknowledged. */\n${editedSource}`);
+ }
@@ -1073,15 +1012,53 @@ function block_ga(a){
* This listener gets called as soon as we've got all the HTTP headers, can guess
-* content type and encoding, and therefore correctly parse HTML documents and
-* and external script inclusion in search of non-free JavaScript
+* content type and encoding, and therefore correctly parse HTML documents
+* and external script inclusions in search of non-free JavaScript
-async function responseHandler(response) {
- let {url, type} = response.request;
- let whitelisted = await test_url_whitelisted(url);
- let handle_it = type === "script" ? handle_script : handle_html;
- return await handle_it(response, whitelisted);
+var ResponseHandler = {
+ /**
+ * Enforce white/black lists for url/site early (hashes will be handled later)
+ */
+ pre(response) {
+ let {request} = response;
+ let {url, documentUrl, type, tabId} = request;
+ let site = ListStore.siteItem(url);
+ let blacklistedSite = blacklist.contains(site);
+ let blacklisted = blacklistedSite || blacklist.contains(url);
+ if (blacklisted) {
+ if (type === "script") {
+ // abort the request before the response gets fetched
+ add_popup_entry(tabId, url, {url, "blocked": [url, "Blacklisted by user"]});
+ return ResponseProcessor.REJECT;
+ }
+ // use CSP to restrict JavaScript execution in the page
+ request.responseHeaders.unshift({
+ name: `Content-security-policy`,
+ value: `script-src '${blacklistedSite ? 'self' : 'none'}';`
+ });
+ } else if (
+ response.whitelisted = (whitelist.contains(site) || whitelist.contains(url)) &&
+ type === "script") {
+ // accept the script and stop processing
+ add_popup_entry(tabId, url, {url, "accepted": [url, "Whitelisted by user"]});
+ return ResponseProcessor.ACCEPT;
+ }
+ // it's a page (it's too early to report) or an unknown script:
+ // let's keep processing
+ return ResponseProcessor.CONTINUE;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Here we do the heavylifting, analyzing unknown scripts
+ */
+ async post(response) {
+ let {url, type} = response.request;
+ let handle_it = type === "script" ? handle_script : handle_html;
+ return await handle_it(response, response.whitelisted);
+ }
@@ -1273,14 +1250,15 @@ async function handle_html(response, whitelisted) {
return await edit_html(text, url, tabId, false);
-var pageWhitelist = new ListStore("pref_whitelist", Storage.CSV);
+var whitelist = new ListStore("pref_whitelist", Storage.CSV);
+var blacklist = new ListStore("pref_blacklist", Storage.CSV);
* Initializes various add-on functions
* only meant to be called once when the script starts
async function init_addon(){
- await pageWhitelist.load();
+ await whitelist.load();
@@ -1300,48 +1278,11 @@ async function init_addon(){
// Analyzes all the html documents and external scripts as they're loaded
- ResponseProcessor.install(responseHandler);
+ ResponseProcessor.install(ResponseHandler);
-* Test if a page is whitelisted/blacklisted.
-* The input here is tested against the comma seperated string found in the options.
-* It does NOT test against the individual entries created by hitting the "whitelist"
-* button for a script in the browser action.
-function test_url_whitelisted(url){
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- function cb(items){
- var wl = items["pref_whitelist"];
- if(wl !== undefined && wl !== ""){
- wl = wl.split(",");
- } else{
- resolve(false);
- return;
- }
- var regex;
- for(var i in wl){
- var s = wl[i].replace(/\*/g,"\\S*");
- s = s.replace(/\./g,"\\.");
- regex = new RegExp(s, "g");
- if(url.match(regex)){
- //console.log("%c" + wl[i] + " matched " + url,"color: purple;");
- resolve(true);
- return;
- } else{
- //console.log("%c" + wl[i] + " didn't match " + url,"color: #dd0000;");
- }
- }
- resolve(false);
- return;
- }
- webex.storage.local.get(cb);
- });
* Loads the contact finder on the given tab ID.
@@ -1357,14 +1298,14 @@ function inject_contact_finder(tab_id){
* Adds given domain to the whitelist in options
async function add_csv_whitelist(domain){
- await pageWhitelist.store(`${domain}*`);
+ return await whitelist.store(`${domain}*`);
* removes given domain from the whitelist in options
async function remove_csv_whitelist(domain) {
- return pageWhitelist.remove(`${domain}*`);
+ return whitelist.remove(`${domain}*`);