#+title: luwak: a simple Emacs web browser based on lynx -dump

* Overview

luwak mode is a simple Emacs web browser based on ~lynx -dump~.  It is
currently text-only and GET-only.


- Asynchronous loading
- Some usual browser features: open, reload, search with a search
  engine, follow links, go forward / backward in history, copy url of
  the current page or link at point
- Completion from persistent history in prompt to open a url
- Multiple ways of rendering links: numbered, forward-sexp or hide
- Quickly open a link on the page with completion for url / link id
- imenu support, from all unindented strings (which look like
- Support of storing and capturing for org mode, guessing the title
  (first imenu item)
- Write the dump of the current page to a file
- Render a buffer containing a lynx dump in the luwak mode
- Browse with or without torsocks

* Install and use

To use, clone this repo, add to ~load-path~ and ~require~.  Make sure
you have lynx installed in your system (~apt install lynx~, ~pacman -S
lynx~ etc.).  By default the browser does not torsocks, which can be
disabled with a prefix arg or switching ~luwak-tor-switch~ to ~nil~.

#+begin_src elisp
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/luwak")
(require 'luwak)

There are three entry points:

- ~luwak-open~: open a url
- ~luwak-search~: search a query using a customisable default search
- ~luwak-render-buffer~: render a lynx dump file in luwak mode

* Naming

lynx dump -> feline excretion -> Kopi Luwak


- Multiple search engines
- Support for images
- Support for POST

* Contact and license

luwak is maintained by Yuchen Pei (id@ypei.org).  It is covered by [[https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html][GNU
AGPLv3+]].  You may find the license text in a file named COPYING.agpl3
in the project tree.