path: root/projects/12/Sys.jack
blob: bee6f67c2e49a471860eff33d13239e5ea629a59 (plain) (tree)

// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/12/Sys.jack

 * A library that supports various program execution services.
class Sys {

    /** Performs all the initializations required by the OS. */
    function void init() {

    /** Halts the program execution. */
    function void halt() {

    /** Waits approximately duration milliseconds and returns.  */
    function void wait(int duration) {

    /** Displays the given error code in the form "ERR<errorCode>",
     *  and halts the program's execution. */
    function void error(int errorCode) {