path: root/projects/06/Assembler.hs
diff options
authorYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2018-01-20 15:41:49 +0100
committerYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2018-01-20 15:41:49 +0100
commitd3a0cc3a8ba6dfeb64d3faeffdeb6845b60e5840 (patch)
treed58df9ec2480e2a9ec6240f9c797f83d1a0b1056 /projects/06/Assembler.hs
parent3571f998b28fbc8d9250ba04c983935f10a16c15 (diff)
rearranged the dir for github
- removed tools and pdfs - rearranged the projects dirs - added md files - other minor changes
Diffstat (limited to 'projects/06/Assembler.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/projects/06/Assembler.hs b/projects/06/Assembler.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index fb69f07..0000000
--- a/projects/06/Assembler.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-import Numeric (showIntAtBase)
-import Data.Char (intToDigit)
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.List.Split (splitOn, splitOneOf)
-import System.Environment (getArgs)
-parseLine :: Map [Char] [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
-parseLine table (x:xs)
- | x == '@' && (head xs `elem` ['0'..'9']) = (int2Bin16 $ read xs)
- | x == '@' = table Map.! xs
- | '=' `elem` (x:xs) && ';' `elem` (x:xs) = let [dest, comp, jump] = splitOneOf "=;" (x:xs) in "111" ++ (parseComp comp) ++ (parseDest dest) ++ (parseJump jump)
- | '=' `elem` (x:xs) = let [dest, comp] = splitOn "=" (x:xs) in "111" ++ (parseComp comp) ++ (parseDest dest) ++ "000"
- | ';' `elem` (x:xs) = let [comp, jump] = splitOn ";" (x:xs) in "111" ++ (parseComp comp) ++ "000" ++ (parseJump jump)
-parseComp xs = case xs of
- "0" -> "0101010"
- "1" -> "0111111"
- "-1" -> "0111010"
- "D" -> "0001100"
- "A" -> "0110000"
- "!D" -> "0001101"
- "!A" -> "0110001"
- "-D" -> "0001111"
- "-A" -> "0110011"
- "D+1" -> "0011111"
- "A+1" -> "0110111"
- "D-1" -> "0001110"
- "A-1" -> "0110010"
- "D+A" -> "0000010"
- "A+D" -> "0000010"
- "D-A" -> "0010011"
- "A-D" -> "0000111"
- "D&A" -> "0000000"
- "A&D" -> "0000000"
- "D|A" -> "0010101"
- "A|D" -> "0010101"
- "M" -> "1110000"
- "!M" -> "1110001"
- "-M" -> "1110011"
- "M+1" -> "1110111"
- "M-1" -> "1110010"
- "D+M" -> "1000010"
- "M+D" -> "1000010"
- "D-M" -> "1010011"
- "M-D" -> "1000111"
- "D&M" -> "1000000"
- "M&D" -> "1000000"
- "D|M" -> "1010101"
- "M|D" -> "1010101"
-parseDest xs = (f 'A'):(f 'D'):(f 'M'):[]
- where f x = if x `elem` xs then '1' else '0'
-parseJump xs = case xs of
- "" -> "000"
- "JGT" -> "001"
- "JEQ" -> "010"
- "JGE" -> "011"
- "JLT" -> "100"
- "JNE" -> "101"
- "JLE" -> "110"
- "JMP" -> "111"
-int2Bin x = showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit x ""
-int2Bin16 :: Int -> [Char]
-int2Bin16 x = let xs = int2Bin x in replicate (16 - length xs) '0' ++ xs
-initTable :: Map [Char] [Char]
-initTable = Map.fromList $ (\(x, y) -> (x, int2Bin16 y)) <$> ("SP", 0):("LCL", 1):("ARG", 2):("THIS", 3):("THAT", 4):("SCREEN", 16384):("KBD", 24576):rs
- where rs = zipWith (,) ((\x -> 'R':(show x)) <$> [0..15]) [0..15]
-stripJunk :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
-stripJunk xs = filter (not . null) $ (filter (not . (flip elem " \t")) . head . (splitOn "//")) <$> lines (replCrWithNl xs)
-stripLabels :: [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
-stripLabels = filter (not . (elem '('))
-addLabels :: [[Char]] -> Int -> Map [Char] [Char] -> Map [Char] [Char]
-addLabels [] _ table = table
-addLabels ((hd:tl):rest) addr table
- | hd == '(' = addLabels rest addr (Map.insert (init tl) (int2Bin16 addr) table)
- | otherwise = addLabels rest (addr + 1) table
-addSyms :: [[Char]] -> Int -> Int -> Map [Char] [Char] -> Map [Char] [Char]
-addSyms [] _ _ table = table
-addSyms ((hd:tl):rest) addr vaddr table
- | hd == '(' = addSyms rest addr vaddr (Map.insert (init tl) (int2Bin16 addr) table)
- | hd == '@' && head tl `notElem` ['0'..'9'] && tl `Map.notMember` table = addSyms rest (addr + 1) (vaddr + 1) (Map.insert tl (int2Bin16 vaddr) table)
- | otherwise = addSyms rest (addr + 1) vaddr table
-parseCode :: [Char] -> [Char]
-parseCode code = unlines $ parseLine (addSyms codeWithoutLabels 0 16 (addLabels codeWithoutJunk 0 initTable)) <$> codeWithoutLabels
- where codeWithoutJunk = stripJunk code
- codeWithoutLabels = stripLabels codeWithoutJunk
-replCrWithNl = fmap cr2nl
- where cr2nl '\r' = '\n'
- cr2nl c = c
-main = do
- args <- getArgs
- let filename = head args
- code <- readFile $ filename
- writeFile (head (splitOn "." filename) ++ ".hack") (parseCode code)