path: root/projects
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authorYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2018-01-10 14:12:44 +0100
committerYuchen Pei <me@ypei.me>2018-01-10 14:12:44 +0100
commit99aa10bc83791237df047fff073c834c39d2a526 (patch)
treebde217200b1a469b5952934ef26ae06bce796c1d /projects
parent2b1e8b34016e9357fff2a6b6ef54ead7c68f1cfc (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'projects')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/projects/10/JackParser.hs b/projects/10/JackParser.hs
index d23b878..be5797d 100644
--- a/projects/10/JackParser.hs
+++ b/projects/10/JackParser.hs
@@ -7,18 +7,11 @@ import Text.Parsec.Combinator
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Either
---turingParse :: Stream s Identity Char => Parsec s () (Int, Char, Rule)
---solve1 xs = let (initN, initSt, rule) = fromRight (0, 'A', Map.empty) $ parse turingParse "" xs in
- --sum $ run initN 0 initSt [0] rule
data JClass = JClass JIdentifier [JClassVarDec] [JSubroutineDec] deriving (Show, Eq)
data JClassVarDec = JClassVarDec JClassVarScope JTypeAndId deriving (Show, Eq)
data JSubroutineDec = JSubroutineDec JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineBody deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JSubroutineHeader = JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineType JTypeAndId [JParameter] deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JSubroutineBody = JSubroutineBody [JVarDec] [JStatement] deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JClassVarScope = JStatic | JField deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JType = JInt | JChar | JBoolean | JVoid deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JSubroutineType = JConstructor | JFunction | JMethod deriving (Show, Eq)
+data JSubroutineHeader = JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineType JTypeAndId [JTypeAndId] deriving (Show, Eq)
+data JSubroutineBody = JSubroutineBody [JTypeAndId] [JStatement] deriving (Show, Eq)
data JStatement = JLetStatment JLeftVarId JExpression
| JIfStatement JExpression [JStatement] (Maybe [JStatement])
| JWhileStatment JExpression [JStatement]
@@ -39,10 +32,13 @@ data JSubroutineCall = JSubroutineCall JIdentifier (Maybe JIdentifier) [JExpress
type JBOp = Char
type JUOp = Char
type JIdentifier = [Char]
-type JackParser = Parsec [Char] ()
type JTypeAndId = (JType, JIdentifier)
-type JParameter = JTypeAndId
-type JVarDec = JTypeAndId
+--type JParameter = JTypeAndId
+--type JVarDec = JTypeAndId
+type JClassVarScope = [Char]
+type JType = [Char]
+type JSubroutineType = [Char]
+type JackParser = Parsec [Char] ()
binaryOpChars = "+-*/&|<>="
@@ -55,14 +51,12 @@ subroutineTypeStrs = ["constructor", "function", "method"]
alphaUnderscore = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['_']
alphaNumUnderscore = alphaUnderscore ++ ['0'..'9']
-str2JType xs = case xs of "int" -> JInt; "char" -> JChar; "boolean" -> JBoolean; "void" -> JVoid;
-str2JClassVarScope xs = case xs of "static" -> JStatic; "field" -> JField;
-str2JSubroutineType xs = case xs of "constructor" -> JConstructor; "function" -> JFunction; "method" -> JMethod;
+--str2JType xs = case xs of "int" -> JInt; "char" -> JChar; "boolean" -> JBoolean; "void" -> JVoid;
+--str2JClassVarScope xs = case xs of "static" -> JStatic; "field" -> JField;
+--str2JSubroutineType xs = case xs of "constructor" -> JConstructor; "function" -> JFunction; "method" -> JMethod;
parse' parser = parse parser ""
-skipSpaces = space >> skipMany space
jack = jClass
jClass :: JackParser JClass
@@ -75,13 +69,16 @@ jUOp :: JackParser JUOp
jUOp = oneOf unaryOpChars
jType :: JackParser JType
-jType = fmap str2JType $ choice $ fmap string typeStrs
+jType = choice $ string <$> typeStrs
jType' :: JackParser JType
-jType' = fmap str2JType $ choice $ fmap string typeStrs'
+jType' = choice $ string <$> typeStrs'
jClassVarScope :: JackParser JClassVarScope
-jClassVarScope = fmap str2JClassVarScope $ choice $ fmap string classVarScopeStrs
+jClassVarScope = choice $ string <$> classVarScopeStrs
+jSubroutineType :: JackParser JSubroutineType
+jSubroutineType = choice $ string <$> subroutineTypeStrs
jIdentifier :: JackParser [Char]
jIdentifier = do
@@ -92,29 +89,98 @@ jIdentifier = do
jClassVarDec :: JackParser JClassVarDec
jClassVarDec = do
scope <- jClassVarScope
- skipSpaces
- typeAndId <- jTypeAndId
+ many1 space
+ typeAndId <- jVarDec
many space >> char ';'
return $ JClassVarDec scope typeAndId
jTypeAndId :: JackParser JTypeAndId
jTypeAndId = do
type_ <- jType'
- skipSpaces
+ many1 space
id <- jIdentifier
return (type_, id)
-jParameter = many space >> jTypeAndId <* many space
-jSubroutineType :: JackParser JSubroutineType
-jSubroutineType = fmap str2JSubroutineType $ choice $ fmap string subroutineTypeStrs
+jParameter :: JackParser JParameter
+jParameter = many space >> jTypeAndId <* many space
jSubroutineHeader :: JackParser JSubroutineHeader
jSubroutineHeader = do
subtype <- jSubroutineType
- skipSpaces
+ many1 space
typeAndId <- jTypeAndId
char '('
params <- sepBy jParameter (char ',')
char ')'
+ return $ JSubroutineHeader subtype typeAndId params
+jTerm :: JackParser JTerm
+jTerm = choice [jIntConst, jStrConst, jKeywordConst, jLeftVarId, jTermCall, jTermExp, jUnaryOpTerm, jTermInBraces]
+jIntConst :: JackParser JTerm
+jIntConst = JIntConst <$> (read <$> many1 digit)
+jStrConst :: JackParser JTerm
+jStrConst = JStrConst <$> between (char '"') (char '"') (many $ noneOf "\"")
+jKeywordConst :: JackParser JTerm
+jKeywordConst = JKeywordConst <$> (choice $ string <$> keywordConstStrs)
+jLeftVarId :: JackParser JTerm
+jLeftVarId = do
+ id <- jIdentifier
+ maybeArray <- option Nothing $ try (char '[' >> jExpression <* char ']')
+ return JLeftVarId id maybeArray
+jTermCall :: JackParser JTerm
+jTermCall = JTermCall <$> jSubroutineCall
+jTermExp :: JackParser JTerm
+jTermExp = JTermExp <$> jExpression
+jUnaryOpTerm :: JackParser JTerm
+jUnaryOpTerm = do
+ op <- oneOf unaryOpChars
+ many space
+ term <- JTerm
+ return $ JUnaryOpTerm op term
+jTermInBraces :: JackParser JTerm
+jTermInBraces = between (char '(') (char ')') jTerm
+jExpression :: JackParser JExpression
+jExpression = do
+ x <- jTerm
+ xs <- many jOpAndTerm
+ return $ JExpression x xs
+jOpAndTerm :: JackParser (jBOp, jTerm)
+jOpAndTerm = do
+ op <- many space >> jBOp
+ term <- many space >> jTerm
+ return (op, term)
+jClass :: JackParser JClass
+jClass = do
+ string "class" >> many space >> char '{' >> many space
+ id <- jIdentifier
+ many space
+ classVarDecs <- sepBy jClassVarDec (many space)
+ subroutineDecs <- sepBy jSubroutineDec (many space)
+ many space >> char '}'
+ return $ JClass id classVarDecs subroutineDecs
+jSubroutineDec :: JackParser JSubroutineDec
+jSubroutineDec = do
+ header <- jSubroutineHeader
+ many space
+ body <- jSubroutineBody
+ return JSubroutineDec header body
+jSubroutineBody :: JackParser JSubroutineBody
+jSubroutineBody = do
+ char '{' >> many space
+ varDecs <- sepBy jVarDec (many space)
+ stmts <- sepBy jStatement (many space)
+ many space >> char '}'
+ return JSubroutineBody varDecs stmts