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1 files changed, 52 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/projects/11/JackCompiler.hs b/projects/11/JackCompiler.hs
index b49dd4e..66d6c4d 100644
--- a/projects/11/JackCompiler.hs
+++ b/projects/11/JackCompiler.hs
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ buildCTable :: [Char] -> [JClassVarDec] -> ClassTable
buildCTable name xs = go 0 0 Map.empty xs
where go n _ t [] = C name t n
go nField nStatic t ((JClassVarDec "field" (ty, jId)):ys) =
- go (nField + 1) nStatic (Map.insert jId (ty, "field", nField) t) ys
+ go (nField + 1) nStatic (Map.insert jId (ty, "this", nField) t) ys
go nField nStatic t ((JClassVarDec "static" (ty, jId)):ys) =
go nField (nStatic + 1) (Map.insert jId (ty, "static", nStatic) t) ys
@@ -347,10 +347,10 @@ vStatement _ _ _ _ [] = ""
vStatement t s name n ((JLetStatment var exp):stmts) =
-- vExpression: push the result of exp; vPopToVar: pop to the var addr
- vExpression t s exp ++ vPopToVar t s var ++ vStatement t s name n stmts
+ vExpression t s name exp ++ vPopToVar t s var ++ vStatement t s name n stmts
vStatement t s name n ((JIfStatement cond thenStmts elseStmts):stmts) =
- vExpression t s cond ++ vNot ++ vThen thenStmts ++
+ vExpression t s name cond ++ vNot ++ vThen thenStmts ++
maybe (vLabel labelElse) vElse elseStmts ++ vStatement t s name (n + 1) stmts where
labelElse = name ++ ".Else" ++ show n
labelEndIf = name ++ ".Endif" ++ show n
@@ -359,17 +359,17 @@ vStatement t s name n ((JIfStatement cond thenStmts elseStmts):stmts) =
vStatement t s labelIf 0 xs ++ vLabel labelEndIf
vStatement t s name n ((JWhileStatment cond loopStmts):stmts) =
- vLabel labelWhile ++ vExpression t s cond ++ vNot ++ vIfGoto labelEndWhile ++
+ vLabel labelWhile ++ vExpression t s name cond ++ vNot ++ vIfGoto labelEndWhile ++
vStatement t s labelWhile 0 loopStmts ++ vGoto labelWhile ++
vLabel labelEndWhile ++ vStatement t s name (n + 1) stmts where
labelWhile = name ++ ".While" ++ show n
labelEndWhile = name ++ ".EndWhile" ++ show n
vStatement t s name n ((JDoStatement subCall):stmts) =
- vSubroutineCall subCall ++ vPop "temp" 0 ++ vStatement t s name n stmts
+ vSubroutineCall t s name subCall ++ vPop "temp" 0 ++ vStatement t s name n stmts
vStatement t s name n ((JReturnStatement ret):stmts) =
- maybe (vPush "constant" 0) (vExpression t s) ret ++ vReturn ++
+ maybe (vPush "constant" 0) (vExpression t s name) ret ++ vReturn ++
vStatement t s name n stmts
-- data JExpression = JIntConst Int
@@ -380,13 +380,57 @@ vStatement t s name n ((JReturnStatement ret):stmts) =
-- | JExpUna JUOp JExpression -- JOp can only be - or ~ here
-- | JExpBin JExpression [(JBOp, JExpression)]
-vExpression t s (JIntConst n) = push "constant" n
-vExpression t s (JStrConst xs) =
+vExpression t s _ (JIntConst n) = push "constant" n
+vExpression t s _ (JStrConst xs) =
+ vPush "constant" (length xs) ++ vCall "String.new" 1 ++ mconcat (go <$> xs) where
+ go x = vPush "constant" (ord x) ++ vCall "String.appendChar" 2
+vExpression t s cName (JExpVar (JVarId name idx))
+ | idx == Nothing = vPush seg n
+ | idx == Maybe exp = vPush seg n ++ vExpression t s cName exp ++ vAdd
+ ++ vPop "pointer" 1 ++ vPush "that" 0
+ where (seg, n) = getSegN t s name
+vPopToVar t s cName (JVarId name idx))
+ | idx == Nothing = vPop seg n
+ | idx == Maybe Exp = vPush seg n ++ vExpression t s cName exp ++ vAdd ++
+ vPop "pointer" 1 ++ vPop "that" 0
+ where (seg, n) = getSegN t s name
+vExpression t s cName (JExpCall subCall) = vSubroutineCall t s cName subCall
+vExpression t s cName (JExpUna op exp) = vExpression t s cName exp ++ vOp op
+ where vOp '~' = vNot; vOp '-' = vNeg;
+vExpression t s cName (JExpBin exp xs) =
+ vExpression t s cName exp ++ mconcat (go <$> xs)
+ where go (op, exp) = vExpression t s cName exp ++ vOp op
+ vOp '+' = vAdd; vOp '-' = vSub; vOp '*' = vMul; vOp '/' = vDiv;
+ vOp '&' = vAnd; vOp '|' = vOr; vOp '<' = vLt; vOp '>' = vGt;
+ vOp '=' = vEq;
+getSegN :: Table -> Table -> [Char] -> ([Char], Int)
+getSegN t s name = case Map.lookup name s of
+ Just (_, seg, n) -> (seg, n)
+ Nothing -> let (_, seg, n) = t Map.! name in (seg, n)
+-- data JSubroutineCall = JSubroutineCall JIdentifier (Maybe JIdentifier) [JExpression] deriving (Show, Eq)
+vSubroutineCall t s cName (JSubroutineCall name name' args) =
+ mconcat (vExpression t s cName <$> args) ++ vCall name'' nArgs
vNew n = vPush "constant" n ++ vCall "Memory.alloc" 1 ++ vPop "pointer" 0
+vAdd = "add\n"
vNot = "not\n"
+vNeg = "neg\n"
+vSub = "sub\n"
+vMul = "call Math.multiply 2\n"
+vDiv = "call Math.division 2\n"
+vAnd = "and\n"
+vOr = "or\n"
+vLt = "lt\n"
+vGt = "gt\n"
+vEq = "eq\n"
vReturn = "return\n"
vLabel xs = "label " ++ xs ++ "\n"
vGoto xs = "goto " ++ xs ++ "\n"