diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'projects/10')
39 files changed, 0 insertions, 6884 deletions
diff --git a/projects/10/.gitignore b/projects/10/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 1377554..0000000 --- a/projects/10/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -*.swp diff --git a/projects/10/ArrayTest/Main.ast b/projects/10/ArrayTest/Main.ast deleted file mode 100644 index f8194cb..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ArrayTest/Main.ast +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Right (JClass "Main" [] [JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "function" ("void","main") []) (JSubroutineBody [("Array","a"),("int","length"),("int","i"),("int","sum")] [JLetStatment (JVarId "length" Nothing) (JExpCall (JSubroutineCall "Keyboard" (Just "readInt") [JStrConst "HOW MANY NUMBERS? "])),JLetStatment (JVarId "a" Nothing) (JExpCall (JSubroutineCall "Array" (Just "new") [JExpVar (JVarId "length" Nothing)])),JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JIntConst 0),JWhileStatment (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('<',JExpVar (JVarId "length" Nothing))]) [JLetStatment (JVarId "a" (Just (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)))) (JExpCall (JSubroutineCall "Keyboard" (Just "readInt") [JStrConst "ENTER THE NEXT NUMBER: "])),JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 1)])],JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JIntConst 0),JLetStatment (JVarId "sum" Nothing) (JIntConst 0),JWhileStatment (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('<',JExpVar (JVarId "length" Nothing))]) [JLetStatment (JVarId "sum" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "sum" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "a" (Just (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)))))]),JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 1)])],JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Output" (Just "printString") [JStrConst "THE AVERAGE IS: "]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Output" (Just "printInt") [JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "sum" Nothing)) [('/',JExpVar (JVarId "length" Nothing))]]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Output" (Just "println") []),JReturnStatement Nothing])])
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/projects/10/ArrayTest/Main.jack b/projects/10/ArrayTest/Main.jack deleted file mode 100644 index aa237b1..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ArrayTest/Main.jack +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/10/ArrayTest/Main.jack
-// (identical to projects/09/Average/Main.jack)
-/** Computes the average of a sequence of integers. */
-class Main {
- function void main() {
- var Array a;
- var int length;
- var int i, sum;
- let length = Keyboard.readInt("HOW MANY NUMBERS? ");
- let a = Array.new(length);
- let i = 0;
- while (i < length) {
- let a[i] = Keyboard.readInt("ENTER THE NEXT NUMBER: ");
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- let i = 0;
- let sum = 0;
- while (i < length) {
- let sum = sum + a[i];
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- do Output.printString("THE AVERAGE IS: ");
- do Output.printInt(sum / length);
- do Output.println();
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/10/ArrayTest/Main.xml b/projects/10/ArrayTest/Main.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 0ea96df..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ArrayTest/Main.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,286 +0,0 @@ -<class>
- <keyword> class </keyword>
- <identifier> Main </identifier>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> function </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> main </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <identifier> Array </identifier>
- <identifier> a </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> length </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <identifier> sum </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> length </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> readInt </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <stringConstant> HOW MANY NUMBERS? </stringConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> a </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Array </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> new </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> length </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <whileStatement>
- <keyword> while </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> < </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> length </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> a </identifier>
- <symbol> [ </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ] </symbol>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> readInt </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <stringConstant> ENTER THE NEXT NUMBER: </stringConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </whileStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> sum </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <whileStatement>
- <keyword> while </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> < </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> length </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> sum </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> sum </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> a </identifier>
- <symbol> [ </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ] </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </whileStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Output </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> printString </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <stringConstant> THE AVERAGE IS: </stringConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Output </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> printInt </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> sum </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> / </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> length </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Output </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> println </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/ArrayTest/MainT.xml b/projects/10/ArrayTest/MainT.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 68721ec..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ArrayTest/MainT.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -<tokens>
-<keyword> class </keyword>
-<identifier> Main </identifier>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> function </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> main </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<identifier> Array </identifier>
-<identifier> a </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> length </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> sum </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> length </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> readInt </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<stringConstant> HOW MANY NUMBERS? </stringConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> a </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Array </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> new </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> length </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> while </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> < </symbol>
-<identifier> length </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> a </identifier>
-<symbol> [ </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> ] </symbol>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> readInt </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<stringConstant> ENTER THE NEXT NUMBER: </stringConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> sum </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> while </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> < </symbol>
-<identifier> length </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> sum </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> sum </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> a </identifier>
-<symbol> [ </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> ] </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Output </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> printString </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<stringConstant> THE AVERAGE IS: </stringConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Output </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> printInt </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> sum </identifier>
-<symbol> / </symbol>
-<identifier> length </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Output </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> println </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Main.ast b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Main.ast deleted file mode 100644 index 57a44eb..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Main.ast +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Right (JClass "Main" [JClassVarDec "static" ("boolean","test")] [JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "function" ("void","main") []) (JSubroutineBody [("SquareGame","game")] [JLetStatment (JVarId "game" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "game" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "game" (Just "run") []),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "game" (Just "dispose") []),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "function" ("void","test") []) (JSubroutineBody [("int","i"),("int","j"),("String","s"),("Array","a")] [JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [JLetStatment (JVarId "s" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)),JLetStatment (JVarId "s" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "j" Nothing)),JLetStatment (JVarId "a" (Just (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)))) (JExpVar (JVarId "j" Nothing))] (Just [JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)),JLetStatment (JVarId "j" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "j" Nothing)),JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('|',JExpVar (JVarId "j" Nothing))])]),JReturnStatement Nothing])])
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Main.jack b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Main.jack deleted file mode 100644 index d2c5561..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Main.jack +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Main.jack
-/** Expressionless version of projects/10/Square/Main.jack. */
-class Main {
- static boolean test; // Added for testing -- there is no static keyword
- // in the Square files.
- function void main() {
- var SquareGame game;
- let game = game;
- do game.run();
- do game.dispose();
- return;
- }
- function void test() { // Added to test Jack syntax that is not use in
- var int i, j; // the Square files.
- var String s;
- var Array a;
- if (i) {
- let s = i;
- let s = j;
- let a[i] = j;
- }
- else { // There is no else keyword in the Square files.
- let i = i;
- let j = j;
- let i = i | j;
- }
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Main.xml b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Main.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 6beb694..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Main.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ -<class>
- <keyword> class </keyword>
- <identifier> Main </identifier>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <classVarDec>
- <keyword> static </keyword>
- <keyword> boolean </keyword>
- <identifier> test </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </classVarDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> function </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> main </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
- <identifier> game </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> game </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> game </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> game </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> run </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> game </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> dispose </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> function </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> test </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <identifier> String </identifier>
- <identifier> s </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <identifier> Array </identifier>
- <identifier> a </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> s </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> s </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> a </identifier>
- <symbol> [ </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ] </symbol>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- <keyword> else </keyword>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> | </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/MainT.xml b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/MainT.xml deleted file mode 100644 index f074ba4..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/MainT.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -<tokens>
-<keyword> class </keyword>
-<identifier> Main </identifier>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> static </keyword>
-<keyword> boolean </keyword>
-<identifier> test </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> function </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> main </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
-<identifier> game </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> game </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> game </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> game </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> run </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> game </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> dispose </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> function </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> test </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<identifier> String </identifier>
-<identifier> s </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<identifier> Array </identifier>
-<identifier> a </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> s </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> s </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> a </identifier>
-<symbol> [ </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> ] </symbol>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> else </keyword>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> | </symbol>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Square.ast b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Square.ast deleted file mode 100644 index 884c695..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Square.ast +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Right (JClass "Square" [JClassVarDec "field" ("int","x"),JClassVarDec "field" ("int","y"),JClassVarDec "field" ("int","size")] [JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "constructor" ("Square","new") [("int","Ax"),("int","Ay"),("int","Asize")]) (JSubroutineBody [] [JLetStatment (JVarId "x" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "Ax" Nothing)),JLetStatment (JVarId "y" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "Ay" Nothing)),JLetStatment (JVarId "size" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "Asize" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "draw" Nothing []),JReturnStatement (Just (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)))]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","dispose") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Memory" (Just "deAlloc") [JKeywordConst "this"]),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","draw") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)]),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","erase") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)]),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","incSize") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "erase" Nothing []),JLetStatment (JVarId "size" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "draw" Nothing [])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","decSize") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "erase" Nothing []),JLetStatment (JVarId "size" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "draw" Nothing [])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","moveUp") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)]),JLetStatment (JVarId "y" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","moveDown") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)]),JLetStatment (JVarId "y" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","moveLeft") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)]),JLetStatment (JVarId "x" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","moveRight") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)]),JLetStatment (JVarId "x" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing])])
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Square.jack b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Square.jack deleted file mode 100644 index 33a54ad..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Square.jack +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org -// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" -// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. -/// File name: projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Square.jack - -/** Expressionless version of projects/10/Square/Square.jack. */ - -class Square { - - field int x, y; - field int size; - - constructor Square new(int Ax, int Ay, int Asize) { - let x = Ax; - let y = Ay; - let size = Asize; - do draw(); - return x; - } - - method void dispose() { - do Memory.deAlloc(this); - return; - } - - method void draw() { - do Screen.setColor(x); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x, y); - return; - } - - method void erase() { - do Screen.setColor(x); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x, y); - return; - } - - method void incSize() { - if (x) { - do erase(); - let size = size; - do draw(); - } - return; - } - - method void decSize() { - if (size) { - do erase(); - let size = size; - do draw(); - } - return; - } - - method void moveUp() { - if (y) { - do Screen.setColor(x); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x, y); - let y = y; - do Screen.setColor(x); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x, y); - } - return; - } - - method void moveDown() { - if (y) { - do Screen.setColor(x); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x, y); - let y = y; - do Screen.setColor(x); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x, y); - } - return; - } - - method void moveLeft() { - if (x) { - do Screen.setColor(x); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x, y); - let x = x; - do Screen.setColor(x); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x, y); - } - return; - } - - method void moveRight() { - if (x) { - do Screen.setColor(x); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x, y); - let x = x; - do Screen.setColor(x); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x, y); - } - return; - } -} diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Square.xml b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Square.xml deleted file mode 100644 index ed0e6ec..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/Square.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,967 +0,0 @@ -<class>
- <keyword> class </keyword>
- <identifier> Square </identifier>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <classVarDec>
- <keyword> field </keyword>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </classVarDec>
- <classVarDec>
- <keyword> field </keyword>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </classVarDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> constructor </keyword>
- <identifier> Square </identifier>
- <identifier> new </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> Ax </identifier>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> Ay </identifier>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> Asize </identifier>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Ax </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Ay </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Asize </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> draw </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> dispose </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Memory </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> deAlloc </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> this </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> draw </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> erase </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> incSize </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> erase </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> draw </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> decSize </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> erase </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> draw </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> moveUp </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> moveDown </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> moveLeft </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> moveRight </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGame.ast b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGame.ast deleted file mode 100644 index 0abe80b..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGame.ast +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Right (JClass "SquareGame" [JClassVarDec "field" ("Square","square"),JClassVarDec "field" ("int","direction")] [JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "constructor" ("SquareGame","new") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JLetStatment (JVarId "square" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "square" Nothing)),JLetStatment (JVarId "direction" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing)),JReturnStatement (Just (JExpVar (JVarId "square" Nothing)))]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","dispose") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "dispose") []),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Memory" (Just "deAlloc") [JExpVar (JVarId "square" Nothing)]),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","moveSquare") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "moveUp") [])] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "moveDown") [])] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "moveLeft") [])] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "moveRight") [])] Nothing,JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Sys" (Just "wait") [JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing)]),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","run") []) (JSubroutineBody [("char","key"),("boolean","exit")] [JLetStatment (JVarId "exit" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)),JWhileStatment (JExpVar (JVarId "exit" Nothing)) [JWhileStatment (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [JLetStatment (JVarId "key" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "moveSquare" Nothing [])],JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [JLetStatment (JVarId "exit" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "exit" Nothing))] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "decSize") [])] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "incSize") [])] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [JLetStatment (JVarId "direction" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "exit" Nothing))] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [JLetStatment (JVarId "direction" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing))] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [JLetStatment (JVarId "direction" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "square" Nothing))] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [JLetStatment (JVarId "direction" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing))] Nothing,JWhileStatment (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [JLetStatment (JVarId "key" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "moveSquare" Nothing [])]],JReturnStatement Nothing])])
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGame.jack b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGame.jack deleted file mode 100644 index 2866f0d..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGame.jack +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGame.jack
-/** Expressionless version of projects/10/Square/SquareGame.jack. */
-class SquareGame {
- field Square square;
- field int direction;
- constructor SquareGame new() {
- let square = square;
- let direction = direction;
- return square;
- }
- method void dispose() {
- do square.dispose();
- do Memory.deAlloc(square);
- return;
- }
- method void moveSquare() {
- if (direction) { do square.moveUp(); }
- if (direction) { do square.moveDown(); }
- if (direction) { do square.moveLeft(); }
- if (direction) { do square.moveRight(); }
- do Sys.wait(direction);
- return;
- }
- method void run() {
- var char key;
- var boolean exit;
- let exit = key;
- while (exit) {
- while (key) {
- let key = key;
- do moveSquare();
- }
- if (key) { let exit = exit; }
- if (key) { do square.decSize(); }
- if (key) { do square.incSize(); }
- if (key) { let direction = exit; }
- if (key) { let direction = key; }
- if (key) { let direction = square; }
- if (key) { let direction = direction; }
- while (key) {
- let key = key;
- do moveSquare();
- }
- }
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGame.xml b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGame.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 288c6cd..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGame.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,544 +0,0 @@ -<class>
- <keyword> class </keyword>
- <identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <classVarDec>
- <keyword> field </keyword>
- <identifier> Square </identifier>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </classVarDec>
- <classVarDec>
- <keyword> field </keyword>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </classVarDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> constructor </keyword>
- <identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
- <identifier> new </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> dispose </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> dispose </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Memory </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> deAlloc </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> moveUp </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> moveDown </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> moveLeft </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> moveRight </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Sys </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> wait </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> run </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <keyword> char </keyword>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <keyword> boolean </keyword>
- <identifier> exit </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> exit </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <whileStatement>
- <keyword> while </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> exit </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <whileStatement>
- <keyword> while </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </whileStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> exit </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> exit </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> decSize </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> incSize </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> exit </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <whileStatement>
- <keyword> while </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </whileStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </whileStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGameT.xml b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGameT.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 278a8a9..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareGameT.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,268 +0,0 @@ -<tokens>
-<keyword> class </keyword>
-<identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> field </keyword>
-<identifier> Square </identifier>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> field </keyword>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> constructor </keyword>
-<identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
-<identifier> new </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> dispose </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> dispose </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Memory </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> deAlloc </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> moveUp </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> moveDown </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> moveLeft </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> moveRight </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Sys </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> wait </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> run </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<keyword> char </keyword>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<keyword> boolean </keyword>
-<identifier> exit </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> exit </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> while </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> exit </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> while </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> exit </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> exit </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> decSize </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> incSize </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> exit </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> while </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareT.xml b/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareT.xml deleted file mode 100644 index cd03a1e..0000000 --- a/projects/10/ExpressionLessSquare/SquareT.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,449 +0,0 @@ -<tokens>
-<keyword> class </keyword>
-<identifier> Square </identifier>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> field </keyword>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> field </keyword>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> constructor </keyword>
-<identifier> Square </identifier>
-<identifier> new </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> Ax </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> Ay </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> Asize </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Ax </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Ay </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Asize </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> draw </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> dispose </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Memory </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> deAlloc </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> this </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> draw </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> erase </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> incSize </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> erase </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> draw </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> decSize </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> erase </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> draw </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> moveUp </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> moveDown </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> moveLeft </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> moveRight </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/JackParser b/projects/10/JackParser Binary files differdeleted file mode 100755 index 7d36891..0000000 --- a/projects/10/JackParser +++ /dev/null diff --git a/projects/10/JackParser.hi b/projects/10/JackParser.hi Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index a0ca33e..0000000 --- a/projects/10/JackParser.hi +++ /dev/null diff --git a/projects/10/JackParser.hs b/projects/10/JackParser.hs deleted file mode 100644 index 6f83070..0000000 --- a/projects/10/JackParser.hs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,312 +0,0 @@ --- Jack Parser, as the coursework of Project 10 of Nand2Tetris course. --- Author: Yuchen Pei (me@ypei.me) --- Date: 2018-01-11 -{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -import Text.Parsec.Prim -import Text.Parsec.Char -import Text.Parsec.Combinator -import Data.Functor.Identity -import Data.Either -import Data.Maybe -import Data.List -import System.Environment -import System.Directory -import Control.Monad - -data JClass = JClass JIdentifier [JClassVarDec] [JSubroutineDec] deriving (Show, Eq) -data JClassVarDec = JClassVarDec JClassVarScope JTypeAndId deriving (Show, Eq) -data JSubroutineDec = JSubroutineDec JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineBody deriving (Show, Eq) -data JSubroutineHeader = JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineType JTypeAndId [JTypeAndId] deriving (Show, Eq) -data JSubroutineBody = JSubroutineBody [JTypeAndId] [JStatement] deriving (Show, Eq) -data JStatement = JLetStatment JVarId JExpression - | JIfStatement JExpression [JStatement] (Maybe [JStatement]) - | JWhileStatment JExpression [JStatement] - | JDoStatement JSubroutineCall - | JReturnStatement (Maybe JExpression) - deriving (Show, Eq) -data JExpression = JIntConst Int - | JStrConst [Char] - | JKeywordConst [Char] -- can only be true, false, null or this - | JExpVar JVarId - | JExpCall JSubroutineCall - | JExpUna JUOp JExpression -- JOp can only be - or ~ here - | JExpBin JExpression [(JBOp, JExpression)] - deriving (Show, Eq) -data JVarId = JVarId JIdentifier (Maybe JExpression) deriving (Show, Eq) -data JSubroutineCall = JSubroutineCall JIdentifier (Maybe JIdentifier) [JExpression] deriving (Show, Eq) -type JBOp = Char -type JUOp = Char -type JIdentifier = [Char] -type JTypeAndId = (JType, JIdentifier) -type JClassVarScope = [Char] -type JType = [Char] -type JSubroutineType = [Char] -type JackParser = Parsec [Char] () - - -binaryOpChars = "+-*/&|<>=" -unaryOpChars = "-~" -keywordConstStrs = ["true", "false", "null", "this"] -primTypeStrs = ["int", "char", "boolean"] -primTypeStrs' = primTypeStrs ++ ["void"] -classVarScopeStrs = ["static", "field"] -subroutineTypeStrs = ["constructor", "function", "method"] -alphaUnderscore = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['_'] -alphaNumUnderscore = alphaUnderscore ++ ['0'..'9'] - -parse' parser = parse parser "" - ---jack xs = parse' (many jSpace >> jClass) (replCrWithNl xs) -jack = parse' (many jSpace >> jClass) - -jClass :: JackParser JClass -jClass = do - string "class" >> many1 jSpace - id <- jIdentifier - many jSpace >> char '{' - classVarDecs <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jClassVarDecs) - subroutineDecs <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jSubroutineDec) - many jSpace >> char '}' - return $ JClass id (mconcat classVarDecs) subroutineDecs - -jClassType :: JackParser [Char] -jClassType = do - x <- oneOf ['A' .. 'Z'] - xs <- many $ oneOf alphaNumUnderscore - return $ x:xs - -jBOp :: JackParser JBOp -jBOp = oneOf binaryOpChars - -jUOp :: JackParser JUOp -jUOp = oneOf unaryOpChars - -jComment :: JackParser () -jComment = jInlineComment <|> jBlockComment - -jInlineComment :: JackParser () -jInlineComment = return () <* - try (string "//" >> manyTill (noneOf "\n\r") endOfLine) - --try (string "//" >> manyTill (noneOf "\n") newline) - -jSpace :: JackParser () -jSpace = (return () <* space) <|> jComment - -jBlockComment :: JackParser () -jBlockComment = return () <* - try (string "/*" >> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "*/")) - -jPrimType :: JackParser JType -jPrimType = choice $ string <$> primTypeStrs - -jType :: JackParser JType -jType = choice [jPrimType, jClassType] - -jPrimType' :: JackParser JType -jPrimType' = choice $ string <$> primTypeStrs' - -jType' :: JackParser JType -jType' = choice [jPrimType', jClassType] - -jClassVarScope :: JackParser JClassVarScope -jClassVarScope = choice $ string <$> classVarScopeStrs - -jSubroutineType :: JackParser JSubroutineType -jSubroutineType = choice $ string <$> subroutineTypeStrs - -jIdentifier :: JackParser [Char] -jIdentifier = do - x <- oneOf alphaUnderscore - xs <- many $ oneOf alphaNumUnderscore - return $ x:xs - -jClassVarDecs :: JackParser [JClassVarDec] -jClassVarDecs = do - scope <- jClassVarScope - many1 jSpace - typeAndIds <- jTypeAndIds - many jSpace >> char ';' - return $ JClassVarDec scope <$> typeAndIds - -jVarDecs :: JackParser [JTypeAndId] -jVarDecs = - (string "var" >> many1 jSpace) >> jTypeAndIds <* (many jSpace >> char ';') - -jTypeAndId :: JackParser JType -> JackParser JTypeAndId -jTypeAndId p = do - type_ <- p - many1 jSpace - id <- jIdentifier - return (type_, id) - -jTypeAndIds :: JackParser [JTypeAndId] -jTypeAndIds = do - type_ <- jType - many1 jSpace - ids <- sepBy jIdentifier (try $ many jSpace >> char ',' >> many jSpace) - return $ (\x -> (type_, x)) <$> ids - -jParameters :: JackParser [JTypeAndId] -jParameters = do - char '(' >> many jSpace - params <- sepBy (jTypeAndId jType) (try $ many jSpace >> char ',' >> many jSpace) - many jSpace >> char ')' - return params - -jSubroutineHeader :: JackParser JSubroutineHeader -jSubroutineHeader = do - subtype <- jSubroutineType - many1 jSpace - typeAndId <- jTypeAndId jType' - params <- jParameters - return $ JSubroutineHeader subtype typeAndId params - -jExpression :: JackParser JExpression -jExpression = jExpBin <|> jTerm - -jTerm :: JackParser JExpression -jTerm = choice [jIntConst, jStrConst, jKeywordConst, jExpCall, jExpVar, jExpUna, jExpInBraces] - -jIntConst :: JackParser JExpression -jIntConst = JIntConst <$> (read <$> many1 digit) - -jStrConst :: JackParser JExpression -jStrConst = JStrConst <$> between (char '"') (char '"') (many $ noneOf "\"") - -jKeywordConst :: JackParser JExpression -jKeywordConst = JKeywordConst <$> (choice $ try <$> string <$> keywordConstStrs) - -jExpVar :: JackParser JExpression -jExpVar = JExpVar <$> jVarId - -jVarId :: JackParser JVarId -jVarId = do - id <- jIdentifier - maybeArray <- optionMaybe $ try (char '[' >> jExpression <* char ']') - return $ JVarId id maybeArray - -jExpCall :: JackParser JExpression -jExpCall = JExpCall <$> jSubroutineCall - -jExpUna :: JackParser JExpression -jExpUna = do - op <- oneOf unaryOpChars - many jSpace - x <- jTerm - return $ JExpUna op x - -jExpInBraces :: JackParser JExpression -jExpInBraces = between (char '(') (char ')') jExpression -- expressions like a + () is not allowed - -jExpBin :: JackParser JExpression -jExpBin = try $ do - x <- jTerm - xs <- many1 jOpAndTerm - return $ JExpBin x xs - -jOpAndTerm :: JackParser (JBOp, JExpression) -jOpAndTerm = do - op <- many jSpace >> jBOp - x <- many jSpace >> jTerm - return (op, x) - -jSubroutineDec :: JackParser JSubroutineDec -jSubroutineDec = do - header <- jSubroutineHeader - many jSpace - body <- jSubroutineBody - return $ JSubroutineDec header body - -jSubroutineBody :: JackParser JSubroutineBody -jSubroutineBody = do - char '{' - varDecs <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jVarDecs) - stmts <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jStatement) - many jSpace >> char '}' - return $ JSubroutineBody (mconcat varDecs) stmts - -jStatement :: JackParser JStatement -jStatement = choice [jLetStatement, jIfStatement, jWhileStatement, jDoStatement, jReturnStatement] - -jLetStatement :: JackParser JStatement -jLetStatement = do - string "let" >> many1 jSpace - leftVarId <- jVarId - many jSpace >> char '=' >> many jSpace - exp <- jExpression - many jSpace >> char ';' - return $ JLetStatment leftVarId exp - -jIfStatement = do - string "if" >> many jSpace >> char '(' >> many jSpace - exp <- jExpression - many jSpace >> char ')' >> many jSpace >> char '{' >> many jSpace - stmts <- many (try $ many jSpace >> jStatement) - many jSpace >> char '}' - stmts' <- optionMaybe $ try jElseBlock - return $ JIfStatement exp stmts stmts' - -jElseBlock :: JackParser [JStatement] -jElseBlock = do - many jSpace >> string "else" >> many jSpace >> char '{' >> many jSpace - stmts <- many (try $ many jSpace >> jStatement) - many jSpace >> char '}' - return stmts - -jWhileStatement :: JackParser JStatement -jWhileStatement = do - string "while" >> many jSpace >> char '(' >> many jSpace - exp <- jExpression - many jSpace >> char ')' >> many jSpace >> char '{' - stmts <- many (try $ many jSpace >> jStatement) - many jSpace >> char '}' - return $ JWhileStatment exp stmts - -jDoStatement :: JackParser JStatement -jDoStatement = do - jCall <- string "do" >> many jSpace >> jSubroutineCall - many jSpace >> char ';' - return $ JDoStatement jCall - -jReturnStatement :: JackParser JStatement -jReturnStatement = do - string "return" >> many jSpace - res <- optionMaybe $ try jExpression - many jSpace >> char ';' - return $ JReturnStatement res - -jSubroutineCall :: JackParser JSubroutineCall -jSubroutineCall = try $ do - callee <- jIdentifier - method <- optionMaybe $ try (char '.' >> jIdentifier) - args <- emptyArgs <|> someArgs - return $ JSubroutineCall callee method args - -emptyArgs :: JackParser [JExpression] -emptyArgs = return [] <* (try $ char '(' >> many jSpace >> char ')') - -someArgs :: JackParser [JExpression] -someArgs = do - char '(' >> many jSpace - exps <- sepBy jExpression (many jSpace >> char ',' >> many jSpace) - many jSpace >> char ')' - return exps - -{-- -replCrWithNl :: [Char] -> [Char] -replCrWithNl = fmap cr2nl - where cr2nl '\r' = '\n' - cr2nl c = c - --} - --- IO - -main = do - dir <- head <$> getArgs - filesWODir <- filter isJackFile <$> listDirectory dir - let jackFiles = (dir++) <$> filesWODir - codes <- sequence $ readFile <$> jackFiles - zipWithM writeFile (chExt <$> jackFiles) (show . jack <$> codes) - where isJackFile xs = drop (length xs - 5) xs == ".jack" - chExt xs = take (length xs - 4) xs ++ "ast" - --} diff --git a/projects/10/JackParser.o b/projects/10/JackParser.o Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index d33b200..0000000 --- a/projects/10/JackParser.o +++ /dev/null diff --git a/projects/10/Square/Main.ast b/projects/10/Square/Main.ast deleted file mode 100644 index d314f03..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/Main.ast +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Right (JClass "Main" [JClassVarDec "static" ("boolean","test")] [JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "function" ("void","main") []) (JSubroutineBody [("SquareGame","game")] [JLetStatment (JVarId "game" Nothing) (JExpCall (JSubroutineCall "SquareGame" (Just "new") [])),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "game" (Just "run") []),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "game" (Just "dispose") []),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "function" ("void","test") []) (JSubroutineBody [("int","i"),("int","j"),("String","s"),("Array","a")] [JIfStatement (JKeywordConst "false") [JLetStatment (JVarId "s" Nothing) (JStrConst "string constant"),JLetStatment (JVarId "s" Nothing) (JKeywordConst "null"),JLetStatment (JVarId "a" (Just (JIntConst 1))) (JExpVar (JVarId "a" (Just (JIntConst 2))))] (Just [JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('*',JExpUna '-' (JExpVar (JVarId "j" Nothing)))]),JLetStatment (JVarId "j" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "j" Nothing)) [('/',JExpUna '-' (JIntConst 2))]),JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('|',JExpVar (JVarId "j" Nothing))])]),JReturnStatement Nothing])])
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/projects/10/Square/Main.jack b/projects/10/Square/Main.jack deleted file mode 100644 index 0b9e4cb..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/Main.jack +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/10/Square/Main.jack
-// (derived from projects/09/Square/Main.jack, with testing additions)
-/** Initializes a new Square Dance game and starts running it. */
-class Main {
- static boolean test; // Added for testing -- there is no static keyword
- // in the Square files.
- function void main() {
- var SquareGame game;
- let game = SquareGame.new();
- do game.run();
- do game.dispose();
- return;
- }
- function void test() { // Added to test Jack syntax that is not use in
- var int i, j; // the Square files.
- var String s;
- var Array a;
- if (false) {
- let s = "string constant";
- let s = null;
- let a[1] = a[2];
- }
- else { // There is no else keyword in the Square files.
- let i = i * (-j);
- let j = j / (-2); // note: unary negate constant 2
- let i = i | j;
- }
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/10/Square/Main.xml b/projects/10/Square/Main.xml deleted file mode 100644 index f6863c6..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/Main.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,244 +0,0 @@ -<class>
- <keyword> class </keyword>
- <identifier> Main </identifier>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <classVarDec>
- <keyword> static </keyword>
- <keyword> boolean </keyword>
- <identifier> test </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </classVarDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> function </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> main </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
- <identifier> game </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> game </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> new </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> game </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> run </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> game </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> dispose </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> function </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> test </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <identifier> String </identifier>
- <identifier> s </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <identifier> Array </identifier>
- <identifier> a </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> false </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> s </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <stringConstant> string constant </stringConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> s </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> null </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> a </identifier>
- <symbol> [ </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ] </symbol>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> a </identifier>
- <symbol> [ </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ] </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- <keyword> else </keyword>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> * </symbol>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> - </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- </term>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> / </symbol>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> - </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> i </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> | </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> j </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/Square/MainT.xml b/projects/10/Square/MainT.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 950c050..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/MainT.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,126 +0,0 @@ -<tokens>
-<keyword> class </keyword>
-<identifier> Main </identifier>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> static </keyword>
-<keyword> boolean </keyword>
-<identifier> test </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> function </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> main </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
-<identifier> game </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> game </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> new </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> game </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> run </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> game </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> dispose </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> function </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> test </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<identifier> String </identifier>
-<identifier> s </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<identifier> Array </identifier>
-<identifier> a </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> false </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> s </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<stringConstant> string constant </stringConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> s </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<keyword> null </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> a </identifier>
-<symbol> [ </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ] </symbol>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> a </identifier>
-<symbol> [ </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ] </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> else </keyword>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> * </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> - </symbol>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> / </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> - </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> i </identifier>
-<symbol> | </symbol>
-<identifier> j </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/Square/Square.ast b/projects/10/Square/Square.ast deleted file mode 100644 index d360f5f..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/Square.ast +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Right (JClass "Square" [JClassVarDec "field" ("int","x"),JClassVarDec "field" ("int","y"),JClassVarDec "field" ("int","size")] [JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "constructor" ("Square","new") [("int","Ax"),("int","Ay"),("int","Asize")]) (JSubroutineBody [] [JLetStatment (JVarId "x" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "Ax" Nothing)),JLetStatment (JVarId "y" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "Ay" Nothing)),JLetStatment (JVarId "size" Nothing) (JExpVar (JVarId "Asize" Nothing)),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "draw" Nothing []),JReturnStatement (Just (JKeywordConst "this"))]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","dispose") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Memory" (Just "deAlloc") [JKeywordConst "this"]),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","draw") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JKeywordConst "true"]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]]),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","erase") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JKeywordConst "false"]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]]),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","incSize") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpBin (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]) [('<',JIntConst 254)]) [('&',JExpBin (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]) [('<',JIntConst 510)])]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "erase" Nothing []),JLetStatment (JVarId "size" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 2)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "draw" Nothing [])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","decSize") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing)) [('>',JIntConst 2)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "erase" Nothing []),JLetStatment (JVarId "size" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing)) [('-',JIntConst 2)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "draw" Nothing [])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","moveUp") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('>',JIntConst 1)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JKeywordConst "false"]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpBin (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]) [('-',JIntConst 1)],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]]),JLetStatment (JVarId "y" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('-',JIntConst 2)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JKeywordConst "true"]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 1)]])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","moveDown") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]) [('<',JIntConst 254)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JKeywordConst "false"]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 1)]]),JLetStatment (JVarId "y" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 2)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JKeywordConst "true"]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpBin (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]) [('-',JIntConst 1)],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","moveLeft") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('>',JIntConst 1)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JKeywordConst "false"]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpBin (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]) [('-',JIntConst 1)],JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]]),JLetStatment (JVarId "x" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('-',JIntConst 2)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JKeywordConst "true"]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 1)],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","moveRight") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]) [('<',JIntConst 510)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JKeywordConst "false"]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing),JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 1)],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]]),JLetStatment (JVarId "x" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 2)]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "setColor") [JKeywordConst "true"]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Screen" (Just "drawRectangle") [JExpBin (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]) [('-',JIntConst 1)],JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing),JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "x" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))],JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "y" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "size" Nothing))]])] Nothing,JReturnStatement Nothing])])
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/projects/10/Square/Square.jack b/projects/10/Square/Square.jack deleted file mode 100644 index 3faf24f..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/Square.jack +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org -// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" -// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. -// File name: projects/10/Square/Square.jack - -// (same as projects/09/Square/Square.jack) - -/** Implements a graphical square. */ -class Square { - - field int x, y; // screen location of the square's top-left corner - field int size; // length of this square, in pixels - - /** Constructs a new square with a given location and size. */ - constructor Square new(int Ax, int Ay, int Asize) { - let x = Ax; - let y = Ay; - let size = Asize; - do draw(); - return this; - } - - /** Disposes this square. */ - method void dispose() { - do Memory.deAlloc(this); - return; - } - - /** Draws the square on the screen. */ - method void draw() { - do Screen.setColor(true); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + size, y + size); - return; - } - - /** Erases the square from the screen. */ - method void erase() { - do Screen.setColor(false); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + size, y + size); - return; - } - - /** Increments the square size by 2 pixels. */ - method void incSize() { - if (((y + size) < 254) & ((x + size) < 510)) { - do erase(); - let size = size + 2; - do draw(); - } - return; - } - - /** Decrements the square size by 2 pixels. */ - method void decSize() { - if (size > 2) { - do erase(); - let size = size - 2; - do draw(); - } - return; - } - - /** Moves the square up by 2 pixels. */ - method void moveUp() { - if (y > 1) { - do Screen.setColor(false); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, (y + size) - 1, x + size, y + size); - let y = y - 2; - do Screen.setColor(true); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + size, y + 1); - } - return; - } - - /** Moves the square down by 2 pixels. */ - method void moveDown() { - if ((y + size) < 254) { - do Screen.setColor(false); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + size, y + 1); - let y = y + 2; - do Screen.setColor(true); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, (y + size) - 1, x + size, y + size); - } - return; - } - - /** Moves the square left by 2 pixels. */ - method void moveLeft() { - if (x > 1) { - do Screen.setColor(false); - do Screen.drawRectangle((x + size) - 1, y, x + size, y + size); - let x = x - 2; - do Screen.setColor(true); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + 1, y + size); - } - return; - } - - /** Moves the square right by 2 pixels. */ - method void moveRight() { - if ((x + size) < 510) { - do Screen.setColor(false); - do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + 1, y + size); - let x = x + 2; - do Screen.setColor(true); - do Screen.drawRectangle((x + size) - 1, y, x + size, y + size); - } - return; - } -} diff --git a/projects/10/Square/Square.xml b/projects/10/Square/Square.xml deleted file mode 100644 index ff5f235..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/Square.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1211 +0,0 @@ -<class>
- <keyword> class </keyword>
- <identifier> Square </identifier>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <classVarDec>
- <keyword> field </keyword>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </classVarDec>
- <classVarDec>
- <keyword> field </keyword>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </classVarDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> constructor </keyword>
- <identifier> Square </identifier>
- <identifier> new </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> Ax </identifier>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> Ay </identifier>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> Asize </identifier>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Ax </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Ay </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Asize </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> draw </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> this </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> dispose </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Memory </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> deAlloc </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> this </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> draw </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> true </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> erase </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> false </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> incSize </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- <symbol> < </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 254 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- <symbol> & </symbol>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- <symbol> < </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 510 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> erase </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> draw </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> decSize </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> > </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> erase </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> - </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> draw </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> moveUp </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> > </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> false </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- <symbol> - </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> - </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> true </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> moveDown </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- <symbol> < </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 254 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> false </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> true </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- <symbol> - </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> moveLeft </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> > </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> false </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- <symbol> - </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> - </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> true </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> moveRight </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- <symbol> < </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 510 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> false </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> setColor </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> true </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Screen </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- <symbol> - </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> x </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> y </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> + </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> size </identifier>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/Square/SquareGame.ast b/projects/10/Square/SquareGame.ast deleted file mode 100644 index 55a9ff0..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/SquareGame.ast +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Right (JClass "SquareGame" [JClassVarDec "field" ("Square","square"),JClassVarDec "field" ("int","direction")] [JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "constructor" ("SquareGame","new") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JLetStatment (JVarId "square" Nothing) (JExpCall (JSubroutineCall "Square" (Just "new") [JIntConst 0,JIntConst 0,JIntConst 30])),JLetStatment (JVarId "direction" Nothing) (JIntConst 0),JReturnStatement (Just (JKeywordConst "this"))]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","dispose") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "dispose") []),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Memory" (Just "deAlloc") [JKeywordConst "this"]),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","moveSquare") []) (JSubroutineBody [] [JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 1)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "moveUp") [])] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 2)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "moveDown") [])] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 3)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "moveLeft") [])] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "direction" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 4)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "moveRight") [])] Nothing,JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Sys" (Just "wait") [JIntConst 5]),JReturnStatement Nothing]),JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "method" ("void","run") []) (JSubroutineBody [("char","key"),("boolean","exit")] [JLetStatment (JVarId "exit" Nothing) (JKeywordConst "false"),JWhileStatment (JExpUna '~' (JExpVar (JVarId "exit" Nothing))) [JWhileStatment (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 0)]) [JLetStatment (JVarId "key" Nothing) (JExpCall (JSubroutineCall "Keyboard" (Just "keyPressed") [])),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "moveSquare" Nothing [])],JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 81)]) [JLetStatment (JVarId "exit" Nothing) (JKeywordConst "true")] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 90)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "decSize") [])] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 88)]) [JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "square" (Just "incSize") [])] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 131)]) [JLetStatment (JVarId "direction" Nothing) (JIntConst 1)] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 133)]) [JLetStatment (JVarId "direction" Nothing) (JIntConst 2)] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 130)]) [JLetStatment (JVarId "direction" Nothing) (JIntConst 3)] Nothing,JIfStatement (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 132)]) [JLetStatment (JVarId "direction" Nothing) (JIntConst 4)] Nothing,JWhileStatment (JExpUna '~' (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "key" Nothing)) [('=',JIntConst 0)])) [JLetStatment (JVarId "key" Nothing) (JExpCall (JSubroutineCall "Keyboard" (Just "keyPressed") [])),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "moveSquare" Nothing [])]],JReturnStatement Nothing])])
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/projects/10/Square/SquareGame.jack b/projects/10/Square/SquareGame.jack deleted file mode 100644 index 4f71b16..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/SquareGame.jack +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/10/Square/SquareGame.jack
-// (same as projects/09/Square/SquareGame.jack)
- * Implements the Square Dance game.
- * This simple game allows the user to move a black square around
- * the screen, and change the square's size during the movement.
- * When the game starts, a square of 30 by 30 pixels is shown at the
- * top-left corner of the screen. The user controls the square as follows.
- * The 4 arrow keys are used to move the square up, down, left, and right.
- * The 'z' and 'x' keys are used, respectively, to decrement and increment
- * the square's size. The 'q' key is used to quit the game.
- */
-class SquareGame {
- field Square square; // the square of this game
- field int direction; // the square's current direction:
- // 0=none, 1=up, 2=down, 3=left, 4=right
- /** Constructs a new Square Game. */
- constructor SquareGame new() {
- // Creates a 30 by 30 pixels square and positions it at the top-left
- // of the screen.
- let square = Square.new(0, 0, 30);
- let direction = 0; // initial state is no movement
- return this;
- }
- /** Disposes this game. */
- method void dispose() {
- do square.dispose();
- do Memory.deAlloc(this);
- return;
- }
- /** Moves the square in the current direction. */
- method void moveSquare() {
- if (direction = 1) { do square.moveUp(); }
- if (direction = 2) { do square.moveDown(); }
- if (direction = 3) { do square.moveLeft(); }
- if (direction = 4) { do square.moveRight(); }
- do Sys.wait(5); // delays the next movement
- return;
- }
- /** Runs the game: handles the user's inputs and moves the square accordingly */
- method void run() {
- var char key; // the key currently pressed by the user
- var boolean exit;
- let exit = false;
- while (~exit) {
- // waits for a key to be pressed
- while (key = 0) {
- let key = Keyboard.keyPressed();
- do moveSquare();
- }
- if (key = 81) { let exit = true; } // q key
- if (key = 90) { do square.decSize(); } // z key
- if (key = 88) { do square.incSize(); } // x key
- if (key = 131) { let direction = 1; } // up arrow
- if (key = 133) { let direction = 2; } // down arrow
- if (key = 130) { let direction = 3; } // left arrow
- if (key = 132) { let direction = 4; } // right arrow
- // waits for the key to be released
- while (~(key = 0)) {
- let key = Keyboard.keyPressed();
- do moveSquare();
- }
- } // while
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/10/Square/SquareGame.xml b/projects/10/Square/SquareGame.xml deleted file mode 100644 index ed3ab6e..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/SquareGame.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,643 +0,0 @@ -<class>
- <keyword> class </keyword>
- <identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <classVarDec>
- <keyword> field </keyword>
- <identifier> Square </identifier>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </classVarDec>
- <classVarDec>
- <keyword> field </keyword>
- <keyword> int </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </classVarDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> constructor </keyword>
- <identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
- <identifier> new </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> new </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> , </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 30 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> this </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> dispose </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> dispose </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Memory </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> deAlloc </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> this </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> moveUp </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> moveDown </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 3 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> moveLeft </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 4 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> moveRight </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> Sys </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> wait </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 5 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <subroutineDec>
- <keyword> method </keyword>
- <keyword> void </keyword>
- <identifier> run </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <parameterList>
- </parameterList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <subroutineBody>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <keyword> char </keyword>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <varDec>
- <keyword> var </keyword>
- <keyword> boolean </keyword>
- <identifier> exit </identifier>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </varDec>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> exit </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> false </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <whileStatement>
- <keyword> while </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ~ </symbol>
- <term>
- <identifier> exit </identifier>
- </term>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <whileStatement>
- <keyword> while </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> keyPressed </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </whileStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 81 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> exit </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <keyword> true </keyword>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 90 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> decSize </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 88 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> square </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> incSize </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 131 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 133 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 130 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 3 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <ifStatement>
- <keyword> if </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 132 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> direction </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 4 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </ifStatement>
- <whileStatement>
- <keyword> while </keyword>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <symbol> ~ </symbol>
- <term>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- </term>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <term>
- <integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> { </symbol>
- <statements>
- <letStatement>
- <keyword> let </keyword>
- <identifier> key </identifier>
- <symbol> = </symbol>
- <expression>
- <term>
- <identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
- <symbol> . </symbol>
- <identifier> keyPressed </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- </term>
- </expression>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </letStatement>
- <doStatement>
- <keyword> do </keyword>
- <identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
- <symbol> ( </symbol>
- <expressionList>
- </expressionList>
- <symbol> ) </symbol>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </doStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </whileStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </whileStatement>
- <returnStatement>
- <keyword> return </keyword>
- <symbol> ; </symbol>
- </returnStatement>
- </statements>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
- </subroutineBody>
- </subroutineDec>
- <symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/Square/SquareGameT.xml b/projects/10/Square/SquareGameT.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 3136af2..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/SquareGameT.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,315 +0,0 @@ -<tokens>
-<keyword> class </keyword>
-<identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> field </keyword>
-<identifier> Square </identifier>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> field </keyword>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> constructor </keyword>
-<identifier> SquareGame </identifier>
-<identifier> new </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> new </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 30 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<keyword> this </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> dispose </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> dispose </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Memory </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> deAlloc </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> this </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> moveUp </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> moveDown </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 3 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> moveLeft </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 4 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> moveRight </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Sys </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> wait </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 5 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> run </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<keyword> char </keyword>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> var </keyword>
-<keyword> boolean </keyword>
-<identifier> exit </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> exit </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<keyword> false </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> while </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ~ </symbol>
-<identifier> exit </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> while </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> keyPressed </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 81 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> exit </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<keyword> true </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 90 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> decSize </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 88 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> square </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> incSize </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 131 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 133 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 130 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 3 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 132 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> direction </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 4 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> while </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ~ </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 0 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> key </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Keyboard </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> keyPressed </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> moveSquare </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/Square/SquareT.xml b/projects/10/Square/SquareT.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 69a8ca0..0000000 --- a/projects/10/Square/SquareT.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,561 +0,0 @@ -<tokens>
-<keyword> class </keyword>
-<identifier> Square </identifier>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> field </keyword>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> field </keyword>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> constructor </keyword>
-<identifier> Square </identifier>
-<identifier> new </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> Ax </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> Ay </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<keyword> int </keyword>
-<identifier> Asize </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Ax </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Ay </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> Asize </identifier>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> draw </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<keyword> this </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> dispose </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Memory </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> deAlloc </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> this </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> draw </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> true </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> erase </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> false </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> incSize </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> < </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 254 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> & </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> < </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 510 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> erase </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> draw </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> decSize </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> > </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> erase </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> - </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> draw </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> moveUp </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> > </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> false </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> - </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> - </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> true </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> moveDown </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> < </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 254 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> false </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> true </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> - </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> moveLeft </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> > </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> false </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> - </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> - </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> true </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> method </keyword>
-<keyword> void </keyword>
-<identifier> moveRight </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> if </keyword>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> < </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 510 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> { </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> false </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> let </keyword>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> = </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 2 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> setColor </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<keyword> true </keyword>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<keyword> do </keyword>
-<identifier> Screen </identifier>
-<symbol> . </symbol>
-<identifier> drawRectangle </identifier>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<symbol> ( </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> - </symbol>
-<integerConstant> 1 </integerConstant>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> x </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> , </symbol>
-<identifier> y </identifier>
-<symbol> + </symbol>
-<identifier> size </identifier>
-<symbol> ) </symbol>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<keyword> return </keyword>
-<symbol> ; </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
-<symbol> } </symbol>
diff --git a/projects/10/jackspec.wiki b/projects/10/jackspec.wiki deleted file mode 100644 index e746941..0000000 --- a/projects/10/jackspec.wiki +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -Class = Name ClassVarDec* SubroutineDec* -ClassVarDec = ClassVarScope Type Identifier* -Type = JInt diff --git a/projects/10/spec1 b/projects/10/spec1 deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 --- a/projects/10/spec1 +++ /dev/null diff --git a/projects/10/spec1.png b/projects/10/spec1.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index d1a128e..0000000 --- a/projects/10/spec1.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/projects/10/spec2.png b/projects/10/spec2.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 8cd374b..0000000 --- a/projects/10/spec2.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/projects/10/test/Main.ast b/projects/10/test/Main.ast deleted file mode 100644 index f8194cb..0000000 --- a/projects/10/test/Main.ast +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Right (JClass "Main" [] [JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader "function" ("void","main") []) (JSubroutineBody [("Array","a"),("int","length"),("int","i"),("int","sum")] [JLetStatment (JVarId "length" Nothing) (JExpCall (JSubroutineCall "Keyboard" (Just "readInt") [JStrConst "HOW MANY NUMBERS? "])),JLetStatment (JVarId "a" Nothing) (JExpCall (JSubroutineCall "Array" (Just "new") [JExpVar (JVarId "length" Nothing)])),JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JIntConst 0),JWhileStatment (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('<',JExpVar (JVarId "length" Nothing))]) [JLetStatment (JVarId "a" (Just (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)))) (JExpCall (JSubroutineCall "Keyboard" (Just "readInt") [JStrConst "ENTER THE NEXT NUMBER: "])),JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 1)])],JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JIntConst 0),JLetStatment (JVarId "sum" Nothing) (JIntConst 0),JWhileStatment (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('<',JExpVar (JVarId "length" Nothing))]) [JLetStatment (JVarId "sum" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "sum" Nothing)) [('+',JExpVar (JVarId "a" (Just (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)))))]),JLetStatment (JVarId "i" Nothing) (JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "i" Nothing)) [('+',JIntConst 1)])],JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Output" (Just "printString") [JStrConst "THE AVERAGE IS: "]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Output" (Just "printInt") [JExpBin (JExpVar (JVarId "sum" Nothing)) [('/',JExpVar (JVarId "length" Nothing))]]),JDoStatement (JSubroutineCall "Output" (Just "println") []),JReturnStatement Nothing])])
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/projects/10/test/Main.jack b/projects/10/test/Main.jack deleted file mode 100644 index cd80644..0000000 --- a/projects/10/test/Main.jack +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -class Main {
- function void main() {
- var Array a;
- var int length;
- var int i, sum;
- let length = Keyboard.readInt("HOW MANY NUMBERS? ");
- let a = Array.new(length);
- let i = 0;
- while (i < length) {
- let a[i] = Keyboard.readInt("ENTER THE NEXT NUMBER: ");
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- let i = 0;
- let sum = 0;
- while (i < length) {
- let sum = sum + a[i];
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- do Output.printString("THE AVERAGE IS: ");
- do Output.printInt(sum / length);
- do Output.println();
- return;
- }