path: root/projects/11
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'projects/11')
-rwxr-xr-xprojects/11/JackCompilerbin284520 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--projects/11/JackCompiler.hibin10319 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--projects/11/JackCompiler.obin409680 -> 0 bytes
37 files changed, 0 insertions, 5539 deletions
diff --git a/projects/11/Average/Main.jack b/projects/11/Average/Main.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index d560bf1..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Average/Main.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/Average/Main.jack
-// (Same as projects/09/Average/Main.jack)
-// Inputs some numbers and computes their average
-class Main {
- function void main() {
- var Array a;
- var int length;
- var int i, sum;
- let length = Keyboard.readInt("How many numbers? ");
- let a = Array.new(length); // constructs the array
- let i = 0;
- while (i < length) {
- let a[i] = Keyboard.readInt("Enter a number: ");
- let sum = sum + a[i];
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- do Output.printString("The average is ");
- do Output.printInt(sum / length);
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/Average/Main.vm b/projects/11/Average/Main.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 91772b9..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Average/Main.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-function Main.main 4
-push constant 18
-call String.new 1
-push constant 72
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 111
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 119
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 109
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 110
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 121
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 110
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 109
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 98
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 63
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Keyboard.readInt 1
-pop local 1
-push local 1
-call Array.new 1
-pop local 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 2
-label main.While0
-push local 2
-push local 1
-if-goto main.EndWhile0
-push constant 16
-call String.new 1
-push constant 69
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 110
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 110
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 109
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 98
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Keyboard.readInt 1
-push local 0
-push local 2
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 3
-push local 0
-push local 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 3
-push local 2
-push constant 1
-pop local 2
-goto main.While0
-label main.EndWhile0
-push constant 15
-call String.new 1
-push constant 84
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 104
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 118
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 103
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 105
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 3
-push local 1
-call Math.divide 2
-call Output.printInt 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/ComplexArrays/Main.jack b/projects/11/ComplexArrays/Main.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index fe51c20..0000000
--- a/projects/11/ComplexArrays/Main.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/ComplexArrays/Main.jack
- * Performs several complex array processing tests.
- * For each test, the expected result is printed, along with the
- * actual result. In each test, the two results should be equal.
- */
-class Main {
- function void main() {
- var Array a, b, c;
- let a = Array.new(10);
- let b = Array.new(5);
- let c = Array.new(1);
- let a[3] = 2;
- let a[4] = 8;
- let a[5] = 4;
- let b[a[3]] = a[3] + 3; // b[2] = 5
- let a[b[a[3]]] = a[a[5]] * b[((7 - a[3]) - Main.double(2)) + 1]; // a[5] = 8 * 5 = 40
- let c[0] = null;
- let c = c[0];
- do Output.printString("Test 1: expected result: 5; actual result: ");
- do Output.printInt(b[2]);
- do Output.println();
- do Output.printString("Test 2: expected result: 40; actual result: ");
- do Output.printInt(a[5]);
- do Output.println();
- do Output.printString("Test 3: expected result: 0; actual result: ");
- do Output.printInt(c);
- do Output.println();
- let c = null;
- if (c = null) {
- do Main.fill(a, 10);
- let c = a[3];
- let c[1] = 33;
- let c = a[7];
- let c[1] = 77;
- let b = a[3];
- let b[1] = b[1] + c[1]; // b[1] = 33 + 77 = 110;
- }
- do Output.printString("Test 4: expected result: 77; actual result: ");
- do Output.printInt(c[1]);
- do Output.println();
- do Output.printString("Test 5: expected result: 110; actual result: ");
- do Output.printInt(b[1]);
- do Output.println();
- return;
- }
- function int double(int a) {
- return a * 2;
- }
- function void fill(Array a, int size) {
- while (size > 0) {
- let size = size - 1;
- let a[size] = Array.new(3);
- }
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/ComplexArrays/Main.vm b/projects/11/ComplexArrays/Main.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index dc83733..0000000
--- a/projects/11/ComplexArrays/Main.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-function Main.main 3
-push constant 10
-call Array.new 1
-pop local 0
-push constant 5
-call Array.new 1
-pop local 1
-push constant 1
-call Array.new 1
-pop local 2
-push constant 2
-push local 0
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 8
-push local 0
-push constant 4
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 4
-push local 0
-push constant 5
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 0
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 3
-push local 1
-push local 0
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 0
-push local 0
-push constant 5
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push local 1
-push constant 7
-push local 0
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 2
-call Main.double 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Math.multiply 2
-push local 0
-push local 1
-push local 0
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 0
-push local 2
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 2
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 2
-push constant 43
-call String.new 1
-push constant 84
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 49
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 120
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 112
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 100
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 53
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 59
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Output.printInt 1
-pop temp 0
-call Output.println 0
-pop temp 0
-push constant 44
-call String.new 1
-push constant 84
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 50
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 120
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 112
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 100
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 52
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 48
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 59
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 0
-push constant 5
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Output.printInt 1
-pop temp 0
-call Output.println 0
-pop temp 0
-push constant 43
-call String.new 1
-push constant 84
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 51
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 120
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 112
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 100
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 48
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 59
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 2
-call Output.printInt 1
-pop temp 0
-call Output.println 0
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 2
-push local 2
-push constant 0
-if-goto main.Else0
-push local 0
-push constant 10
-call Main.fill 2
-pop temp 0
-push local 0
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 2
-push constant 33
-push local 2
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 0
-push constant 7
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 2
-push constant 77
-push local 2
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 0
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 1
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push local 2
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-label main.Else0
-push constant 44
-call String.new 1
-push constant 84
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 52
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 120
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 112
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 100
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 55
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 55
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 59
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 2
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Output.printInt 1
-pop temp 0
-call Output.println 0
-pop temp 0
-push constant 45
-call String.new 1
-push constant 84
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 53
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 120
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 112
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 100
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 49
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 49
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 48
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 59
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Output.printInt 1
-pop temp 0
-call Output.println 0
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Main.double 0
-push argument 0
-push constant 2
-call Math.multiply 2
-function Main.fill 0
-label fill.While0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-if-goto fill.EndWhile0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop argument 1
-push constant 3
-call Array.new 1
-push argument 0
-push argument 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-goto fill.While0
-label fill.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/ConvertToBin/Main.jack b/projects/11/ConvertToBin/Main.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index e1ab941..0000000
--- a/projects/11/ConvertToBin/Main.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/ConvertToBin/Main.jack
- * Unpacks a 16-bit number into its binary representation:
- * Takes the 16-bit number stored in RAM[8000] and stores its individual
- * bits in RAM[8001..8016] (each location will contain 0 or 1).
- * Before the conversion, RAM[8001]..RAM[8016] are initialized to -1.
- *
- * The program should be tested as follows:
- * 1) Load the program into the supplied VM emulator
- * 2) Put some value in RAM[8000]
- * 3) Switch to "no animation"
- * 4) Run the program (give it enough time to run)
- * 5) Stop the program
- * 6) Check that RAM[8001]..RAM[8016] contains the correct binary result, and
- * that none of these memory locations contains -1.
- */
-class Main {
- /**
- * Initializes RAM[8001]..RAM[8016] to -1,
- * and converts the value in RAM[8000] to binary.
- */
- function void main() {
- var int value;
- do Memory.poke(8000, 3827);
- //do Memory.poke(8000, -7);
- do Main.fillMemory(8001, 16, -1); // sets RAM[8001]..RAM[8016] to -1
- let value = Memory.peek(8000); // reads a value from RAM[8000]
- do Main.convert(value); // performs the conversion
- return;
- }
- /** Converts the given decimal value to binary, and puts
- * the resulting bits in RAM[8001]..RAM[8016]. */
- function void convert(int value) {
- var int mask, position;
- var boolean loop;
- let loop = true;
- while (loop) {
- let position = position + 1;
- let mask = Main.nextMask(mask);
- if (~(position > 16)) {
- if (~((value & mask) = 0)) {
- do Memory.poke(8000 + position, 1);
- }
- else {
- do Memory.poke(8000 + position, 0);
- }
- }
- else {
- let loop = false;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /** Returns the next mask (the mask that should follow the given mask). */
- function int nextMask(int mask) {
- if (mask = 0) {
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- return mask * 2;
- }
- }
- /** Fills 'length' consecutive memory locations with 'value',
- * starting at 'startAddress'. */
- function void fillMemory(int startAddress, int length, int value) {
- while (length > 0) {
- do Memory.poke(startAddress, value);
- let length = length - 1;
- let startAddress = startAddress + 1;
- }
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/ConvertToBin/Main.vm b/projects/11/ConvertToBin/Main.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 15d63c0..0000000
--- a/projects/11/ConvertToBin/Main.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-function Main.main 1
-push constant 8000
-push constant 3827
-call Memory.poke 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 8001
-push constant 16
-push constant 1
-call Main.fillMemory 3
-pop temp 0
-push constant 8000
-call Memory.peek 1
-pop local 0
-push local 0
-call Main.convert 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Main.convert 3
-push constant 1
-pop local 2
-label convert.While0
-push local 2
-if-goto convert.EndWhile0
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop local 1
-push local 0
-call Main.nextMask 1
-pop local 0
-push local 1
-push constant 16
-if-goto convert.While0.Else0
-push argument 0
-push local 0
-push constant 0
-if-goto convert.While0.Else0.Else0
-push constant 8000
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-call Memory.poke 2
-pop temp 0
-goto convert.While0.Else0.Endif0
-label convert.While0.Else0.Else0
-push constant 8000
-push local 1
-push constant 0
-call Memory.poke 2
-pop temp 0
-label convert.While0.Else0.Endif0
-goto convert.While0.Endif0
-label convert.While0.Else0
-push constant 0
-pop local 2
-label convert.While0.Endif0
-goto convert.While0
-label convert.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
-function Main.nextMask 0
-push argument 0
-push constant 0
-if-goto nextMask.Else0
-push constant 1
-goto nextMask.Endif0
-label nextMask.Else0
-push argument 0
-push constant 2
-call Math.multiply 2
-label nextMask.Endif0
-function Main.fillMemory 0
-label fillMemory.While0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-if-goto fillMemory.EndWhile0
-push argument 0
-push argument 2
-call Memory.poke 2
-pop temp 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop argument 1
-push argument 0
-push constant 1
-pop argument 0
-goto fillMemory.While0
-label fillMemory.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/ConvertToBin/setram.tst b/projects/11/ConvertToBin/setram.tst
deleted file mode 100644
index a33eece..0000000
--- a/projects/11/ConvertToBin/setram.tst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-load Main.vm
-set RAM[8000] 1023;
diff --git a/projects/11/JackCompiler b/projects/11/JackCompiler
deleted file mode 100755
index 2dc9b98..0000000
--- a/projects/11/JackCompiler
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/projects/11/JackCompiler.hi b/projects/11/JackCompiler.hi
deleted file mode 100644
index 50c8c9c..0000000
--- a/projects/11/JackCompiler.hi
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/projects/11/JackCompiler.hs b/projects/11/JackCompiler.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index bf3acfe..0000000
--- a/projects/11/JackCompiler.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
--- Jack Compiler, as the coursework of Project 11 of Nand2Tetris course.
--- Author: Yuchen Pei (me@ypei.me)
--- Date: 2018-01-15
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-import Text.Parsec.Prim
-import Text.Parsec.Char
-import Text.Parsec.Combinator
-import Data.Functor.Identity
-import Data.Either
-import Data.Maybe
-import Data.List
-import System.Environment
-import System.Directory
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Char
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Debug.Trace
-data JClass = JClass JIdentifier [JClassVarDec] [JSubroutineDec] deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JClassVarDec = JClassVarDec JClassVarScope JTypeAndId deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JSubroutineDec = JSubroutineDec JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineBody deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JSubroutineHeader = JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineType JTypeAndId [JTypeAndId] deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JSubroutineBody = JSubroutineBody [JTypeAndId] [JStatement] deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JStatement = JLetStatment JVarId JExpression
- | JIfStatement JExpression [JStatement] (Maybe [JStatement])
- | JWhileStatment JExpression [JStatement]
- | JDoStatement JSubroutineCall
- | JReturnStatement (Maybe JExpression)
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JExpression = JIntConst Int
- | JStrConst [Char]
- | JKeywordConst [Char] -- can only be true, false, null or this
- | JExpVar JVarId
- | JExpCall JSubroutineCall
- | JExpUna JUOp JExpression -- JOp can only be - or ~ here
- | JExpBin JExpression [(JBOp, JExpression)]
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JVarId = JVarId JIdentifier (Maybe JExpression) deriving (Show, Eq)
-data JSubroutineCall = JSubroutineCall JIdentifier (Maybe JIdentifier) [JExpression] deriving (Show, Eq)
---data ClassTable = C [Char] Table Int deriving (Show, Eq)
-type JBOp = Char
-type JUOp = Char
-type JIdentifier = [Char]
-type JTypeAndId = (JType, JIdentifier)
-type JClassVarScope = [Char]
-type JType = [Char]
-type JSubroutineType = [Char]
-type JackParser = Parsec [Char] ()
--- For variable tables: map name (type, (seg, n))
--- For the subroutine table: map name (kind, (type, nArgs))
-type Table = Map [Char] ([Char], ([Char], Int))
-binaryOpChars = "+-*/&|<>="
-unaryOpChars = "-~"
-keywordConstStrs = ["true", "false", "null", "this"]
-primTypeStrs = ["int", "char", "boolean"]
-primTypeStrs' = primTypeStrs ++ ["void"]
-classVarScopeStrs = ["static", "field"]
-subroutineTypeStrs = ["constructor", "function", "method"]
-alphaUnderscore = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['_']
-alphaNumUnderscore = alphaUnderscore ++ ['0'..'9']
-alphaNumUnderscoredot = '.':alphaNumUnderscore
-parse' parser = parse parser ""
-jackReader = parse' (many jSpace >> jClass)
-jClass :: JackParser JClass
-jClass = do
- string "class" >> many1 jSpace
- id <- jIdentifier
- many jSpace >> char '{'
- classVarDecs <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jClassVarDecs)
- subroutineDecs <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jSubroutineDec)
- many jSpace >> char '}'
- return $ JClass id (mconcat classVarDecs) subroutineDecs
-jClassType :: JackParser [Char]
-jClassType = do
- x <- oneOf ['A' .. 'Z']
- xs <- many $ oneOf alphaNumUnderscore
- return $ x:xs
-jBOp :: JackParser JBOp
-jBOp = oneOf binaryOpChars
-jUOp :: JackParser JUOp
-jUOp = oneOf unaryOpChars
-jComment :: JackParser ()
-jComment = jInlineComment <|> jBlockComment
-jInlineComment :: JackParser ()
-jInlineComment = return () <*
- try (string "//" >> manyTill (noneOf "\n\r") endOfLine)
- --try (string "//" >> manyTill (noneOf "\n") newline)
-jSpace :: JackParser ()
-jSpace = (return () <* space) <|> jComment
-jBlockComment :: JackParser ()
-jBlockComment = return () <*
- try (string "/*" >> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "*/"))
-jPrimType :: JackParser JType
-jPrimType = choice $ string <$> primTypeStrs
-jType :: JackParser JType
-jType = choice [jPrimType, jClassType]
-jPrimType' :: JackParser JType
-jPrimType' = choice $ string <$> primTypeStrs'
-jType' :: JackParser JType
-jType' = choice [jPrimType', jClassType]
-jClassVarScope :: JackParser JClassVarScope
-jClassVarScope = choice $ string <$> classVarScopeStrs
-jSubroutineType :: JackParser JSubroutineType
-jSubroutineType = choice $ string <$> subroutineTypeStrs
-jIdentifier :: JackParser [Char]
-jIdentifier = do
- x <- oneOf alphaUnderscore
- xs <- many $ oneOf alphaNumUnderscore
- return $ x:xs
-jClassVarDecs :: JackParser [JClassVarDec]
-jClassVarDecs = do
- scope <- jClassVarScope
- many1 jSpace
- typeAndIds <- jTypeAndIds
- many jSpace >> char ';'
- return $ JClassVarDec scope <$> typeAndIds
-jVarDecs :: JackParser [JTypeAndId]
-jVarDecs =
- (string "var" >> many1 jSpace) >> jTypeAndIds <* (many jSpace >> char ';')
-jTypeAndId :: JackParser JType -> JackParser JTypeAndId
-jTypeAndId p = do
- type_ <- p
- many1 jSpace
- id <- jIdentifier
- return (type_, id)
-jTypeAndIds :: JackParser [JTypeAndId]
-jTypeAndIds = do
- type_ <- jType
- many1 jSpace
- ids <- sepBy jIdentifier (try $ many jSpace >> char ',' >> many jSpace)
- return $ (\x -> (type_, x)) <$> ids
-jParameters :: JackParser [JTypeAndId]
-jParameters = do
- char '(' >> many jSpace
- params <- sepBy (jTypeAndId jType) (try $ many jSpace >> char ',' >> many jSpace)
- many jSpace >> char ')'
- return params
-jSubroutineHeader :: JackParser JSubroutineHeader
-jSubroutineHeader = do
- subtype <- jSubroutineType
- many1 jSpace
- typeAndId <- jTypeAndId jType'
- params <- jParameters
- return $ JSubroutineHeader subtype typeAndId params
-jExpression :: JackParser JExpression
-jExpression = jExpBin <|> jTerm
-jTerm :: JackParser JExpression
-jTerm = choice [jIntConst, jStrConst, jKeywordConst, jExpCall, jExpVar, jExpUna, jExpInBraces]
-jIntConst :: JackParser JExpression
-jIntConst = JIntConst <$> (read <$> many1 digit)
-jStrConst :: JackParser JExpression
-jStrConst = JStrConst <$> between (char '"') (char '"') (many $ noneOf "\"")
-jKeywordConst :: JackParser JExpression
-jKeywordConst = JKeywordConst <$> (choice $ try <$> string <$> keywordConstStrs)
-jExpVar :: JackParser JExpression
-jExpVar = JExpVar <$> jVarId
-jVarId :: JackParser JVarId
-jVarId = do
- id <- jIdentifier
- maybeArray <- optionMaybe $ try (char '[' >> jExpression <* char ']')
- return $ JVarId id maybeArray
-jExpCall :: JackParser JExpression
-jExpCall = JExpCall <$> jSubroutineCall
-jExpUna :: JackParser JExpression
-jExpUna = do
- op <- oneOf unaryOpChars
- many jSpace
- x <- jTerm
- return $ JExpUna op x
-jExpInBraces :: JackParser JExpression
-jExpInBraces = between (char '(') (char ')') jExpression -- expressions like a + () is not allowed
-jExpBin :: JackParser JExpression
-jExpBin = try $ do
- x <- jTerm
- xs <- many1 jOpAndTerm
- return $ JExpBin x xs
-jOpAndTerm :: JackParser (JBOp, JExpression)
-jOpAndTerm = do
- op <- many jSpace >> jBOp
- x <- many jSpace >> jTerm
- return (op, x)
-jSubroutineDec :: JackParser JSubroutineDec
-jSubroutineDec = do
- header <- jSubroutineHeader
- many jSpace
- body <- jSubroutineBody
- return $ JSubroutineDec header body
-jSubroutineBody :: JackParser JSubroutineBody
-jSubroutineBody = do
- char '{'
- varDecs <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jVarDecs)
- stmts <- many $ try (many jSpace >> jStatement)
- many jSpace >> char '}'
- return $ JSubroutineBody (mconcat varDecs) stmts
-jStatement :: JackParser JStatement
-jStatement = choice [jLetStatement, jIfStatement, jWhileStatement, jDoStatement, jReturnStatement]
-jLetStatement :: JackParser JStatement
-jLetStatement = do
- string "let" >> many1 jSpace
- leftVarId <- jVarId
- many jSpace >> char '=' >> many jSpace
- exp <- jExpression
- many jSpace >> char ';'
- return $ JLetStatment leftVarId exp
-jIfStatement = do
- string "if" >> many jSpace >> char '(' >> many jSpace
- exp <- jExpression
- many jSpace >> char ')' >> many jSpace >> char '{' >> many jSpace
- stmts <- many (try $ many jSpace >> jStatement)
- many jSpace >> char '}'
- stmts' <- optionMaybe $ try jElseBlock
- return $ JIfStatement exp stmts stmts'
-jElseBlock :: JackParser [JStatement]
-jElseBlock = do
- many jSpace >> string "else" >> many jSpace >> char '{' >> many jSpace
- stmts <- many (try $ many jSpace >> jStatement)
- many jSpace >> char '}'
- return stmts
-jWhileStatement :: JackParser JStatement
-jWhileStatement = do
- string "while" >> many jSpace >> char '(' >> many jSpace
- exp <- jExpression
- many jSpace >> char ')' >> many jSpace >> char '{'
- stmts <- many (try $ many jSpace >> jStatement)
- many jSpace >> char '}'
- return $ JWhileStatment exp stmts
-jDoStatement :: JackParser JStatement
-jDoStatement = do
- jCall <- string "do" >> many jSpace >> jSubroutineCall
- many jSpace >> char ';'
- return $ JDoStatement jCall
-jReturnStatement :: JackParser JStatement
-jReturnStatement = do
- string "return" >> many jSpace
- res <- optionMaybe $ try jExpression
- many jSpace >> char ';'
- return $ JReturnStatement res
-jSubroutineCall :: JackParser JSubroutineCall
-jSubroutineCall = try $ do
- callee <- jIdentifier
- method <- optionMaybe $ try (char '.' >> jIdentifier)
- args <- emptyArgs <|> someArgs
- return $ JSubroutineCall callee method args
-emptyArgs :: JackParser [JExpression]
-emptyArgs = return [] <* (try $ char '(' >> many jSpace >> char ')')
-someArgs :: JackParser [JExpression]
-someArgs = do
- char '(' >> many jSpace
- exps <- sepBy jExpression (many jSpace >> char ',' >> many jSpace)
- many jSpace >> char ')'
- return exps
--- vm writer starts from here
-buildCTable :: [JClassVarDec] -> (Table, Int)
-buildCTable xs = go 0 0 Map.empty xs
- where go n _ t [] = (t, n)
- go nField nStatic t ((JClassVarDec "field" (ty, jId)):ys) =
- go (nField + 1) nStatic (Map.insert jId (ty, ("this", nField)) t) ys
- go nField nStatic t ((JClassVarDec "static" (ty, jId)):ys) =
- go nField (nStatic + 1) (Map.insert jId (ty, ("static", nStatic)) t) ys
---data JClass = JClass JIdentifier [JClassVarDec] [JSubroutineDec] deriving (Show, Eq)
-buildSRTable :: [JClass] -> Table
-buildSRTable xs = Map.fromList $ mconcat $ go <$> xs where
- go (JClass cName _ subs) = go' <$> subs where
- go' (JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader kind (ty, sName) args) _) =
- (cName ++ "." ++ sName, (kind, (ty, nArgs))) where
- nArgs = length args + if kind == "method" then 1 else 0
-buildLTable :: Bool -> [JTypeAndId] -> [JTypeAndId] -> Table
-buildLTable isMethod args lcls =
- (go "argument" args (if isMethod then 1 else 0) Map.empty) `Map.union` (go "local" lcls 0 Map.empty) where
- go _ [] _ t = t
- go kind ((ty, name):xs) n t = go kind xs (n + 1) $ Map.insert name (ty, (kind, n)) t
---data JSubroutineDec = JSubroutineDec JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineBody deriving (Show, Eq)
---data JSubroutineHeader = JSubroutineHeader JSubroutineType JTypeAndId [JTypeAndId] deriving (Show, Eq)
---data JSubroutineBody = JSubroutineBody [JTypeAndId] [JStatement] deriving (Show, Eq)
-jackCompiler :: Table -> [[Char]] -> [[Char]]
-jackCompiler initTable = vmWriter initTable . fmap (fromRight (JClass "" [] []) . jackReader)
-vmWriter :: Table -> [JClass] -> [[Char]]
-vmWriter initTable xs = vClass (buildSRTable xs `Map.union` initTable) <$> xs
-vClass :: Table -> JClass -> [Char]
-vClass u (JClass name vars subs) = mconcat $ vSubroutineDec name t u n <$> subs where
- (t, n) = buildCTable vars
-vSubroutineDec :: [Char] -> Table -> Table -> Int -> JSubroutineDec -> [Char]
-vSubroutineDec cName t u n sub =
- vFunction (cName ++ "." ++ sName) nLcls ++ kindSpec ++
- vStatement t s u cName sName 0 stmts where
- JSubroutineDec (JSubroutineHeader _ (_, sName) args) (JSubroutineBody lcls stmts) = sub
- nLcls = length lcls
- kind = fst $ u Map.! (cName ++ "." ++ sName)
- s = buildLTable (kind == "method") args lcls
- kindSpec = if kind == "constructor"
- then vNew n
- else if kind == "method"
- then vPush "argument" 0 ++ vPop "pointer" 0
- else ""
--- data JStatement = JLetStatment JVarId JExpression
- -- | JIfStatement JExpression [JStatement] (Maybe [JStatement])
- -- | JWhileStatment JExpression [JStatement]
- -- | JDoStatement JSubroutineCall
- -- | JReturnStatement (Maybe JExpression)
-vStatement _ _ _ _ _ _ [] = ""
--- vExpression: push the result of exp; vPopToVar: pop to the var addr
-vStatement t s u cName name n ((JLetStatment var exp):stmts) =
- vExpression t s u cName exp ++ vPopToVar t s u cName var ++ vStatement t s u cName name n stmts
-vStatement t s u cName name n ((JIfStatement cond thenStmts elseStmts):stmts) =
- vExpression t s u cName cond ++ vNot ++ vThen thenStmts ++
- maybe (vLabel labelElse) vElse elseStmts ++ vStatement t s u cName name (n + 1) stmts where
- labelElse = name ++ ".Else" ++ show n
- labelEndIf = name ++ ".Endif" ++ show n
- labelIf = name ++ ".If" ++ show n
- vThen xs = vIfGoto labelElse ++ vStatement t s u cName labelElse 0 xs
- vElse xs = vGoto labelEndIf ++ vLabel labelElse ++
- vStatement t s u cName labelIf 0 xs ++ vLabel labelEndIf
-vStatement t s u cName name n ((JWhileStatment cond loopStmts):stmts) =
- vLabel labelWhile ++ vExpression t s u cName cond ++ vNot ++ vIfGoto labelEndWhile ++
- vStatement t s u cName labelWhile 0 loopStmts ++ vGoto labelWhile ++
- vLabel labelEndWhile ++ vStatement t s u cName name (n + 1) stmts where
- labelWhile = name ++ ".While" ++ show n
- labelEndWhile = name ++ ".EndWhile" ++ show n
-vStatement t s u cName name n ((JDoStatement subCall):stmts) =
- vSubroutineCall t s u cName subCall ++ vPop "temp" 0 ++ vStatement t s u cName name n stmts
-vStatement t s u cName name n ((JReturnStatement ret):stmts) =
- maybe (vPush "constant" 0) (vExpression t s u cName) ret ++ vReturn ++
- vStatement t s u cName name n stmts
--- data JExpression = JIntConst Int
- -- | JStrConst [Char]
- -- | JKeywordConst [Char] -- can only be true, false, null or this
- -- | JExpVar JVarId
- -- | JExpCall JSubroutineCall
- -- | JExpUna JUOp JExpression -- JOp can only be - or ~ here
- -- | JExpBin JExpression [(JBOp, JExpression)]
-vExpression :: Table -> Table -> Table -> [Char] -> JExpression -> [Char]
-vExpression t s _ _ (JIntConst n) = vPush "constant" n
-vExpression t s _ _ (JStrConst xs) =
- vPush "constant" (length xs) ++ vCall "String.new" 1 ++ mconcat (go <$> xs) where
- go x = vPush "constant" (ord x) ++ vCall "String.appendChar" 2
-vExpression t s _ _ (JKeywordConst x)
- | x == "null" || x == "false" = vPush "constant" 0
- | x == "true" = vPush "constant" 1 ++ vNeg
- | x == "this" = vPush "pointer" 0
-vExpression t s u cName (JExpVar (JVarId name idx)) = vVar t s u cName name idx vPush
-vExpression t s u cName (JExpCall subCall) = vSubroutineCall t s u cName subCall
-vExpression t s u cName (JExpUna op exp) = vExpression t s u cName exp ++ vOp op
- where vOp '~' = vNot; vOp '-' = vNeg;
-vExpression t s u cName (JExpBin exp xs) =
- vExpression t s u cName exp ++ mconcat (go <$> xs)
- where go (op, exp) = vExpression t s u cName exp ++ vOp op
- vOp '+' = vAdd; vOp '-' = vSub; vOp '*' = vMul; vOp '/' = vDiv;
- vOp '&' = vAnd; vOp '|' = vOr; vOp '<' = vLt; vOp '>' = vGt;
- vOp '=' = vEq;
-vPopToVar t s u cName (JVarId name idx) = vVar t s u cName name idx vPop
-vVar :: Table -> Table -> Table -> [Char] -> [Char] -> Maybe JExpression -> ([Char] -> Int -> [Char]) -> [Char]
-vVar t s u cName name idx vPushOrPop =
- let (seg, n) = getSegN t s name in
- case idx of
- Nothing -> vPushOrPop seg n
- Just exp -> vPush seg n ++ vExpression t s u cName exp ++ vAdd
- ++ vPop "pointer" 1 ++ vPushOrPop "that" 0
-getRecord :: Table -> Table -> [Char] -> ([Char], ([Char], Int))
-getRecord t s name = case Map.lookup name s of
- Just x -> x
- Nothing -> t Map.! name
-getSegN :: Table -> Table -> [Char] -> ([Char], Int)
-getSegN t s name = snd $ getRecord t s name
-getType :: Table -> Table -> [Char] -> [Char]
-getType t s name = fst $ getRecord t s name
--- data JSubroutineCall = JSubroutineCall JIdentifier (Maybe JIdentifier) [JExpression] deriving (Show, Eq)
-vSubroutineCall t s u cName (JSubroutineCall name name' args) =
- method ++ mconcat (vExpression t s u cName <$> args) ++ vCall name'' nArgs
- where
- name'' = if name' == Nothing
- then cName ++ "." ++ name
- else if head name `elem` ['A' .. 'Z']
- then name ++ "." ++ fromJust name'
- else getType t s name ++ "." ++ fromJust name'
- -- u is the SRTable
- (method, nArgs) =
- if fst (u Map.! name'') == "method"
- then if name' == Nothing
- then (vPush "pointer" 0, length args + 1)
- else let (seg, n) = getSegN t s name in (vPush seg n, length args + 1)
- else ("", length args)
-vNew n = vPush "constant" n ++ vCall "Memory.alloc" 1 ++ vPop "pointer" 0
-vAdd = "add\n"
-vNot = "not\n"
-vNeg = "neg\n"
-vSub = "sub\n"
-vMul = "call Math.multiply 2\n"
-vDiv = "call Math.divide 2\n"
-vAnd = "and\n"
-vOr = "or\n"
-vLt = "lt\n"
-vGt = "gt\n"
-vEq = "eq\n"
-vReturn = "return\n"
-vLabel xs = "label " ++ xs ++ "\n"
-vGoto xs = "goto " ++ xs ++ "\n"
-vIfGoto xs = "if-goto " ++ xs ++ "\n"
-vFunction xs n = "function " ++ xs ++ " " ++ show n ++ "\n"
-vCall xs n = "call " ++ xs ++ " " ++ show n ++ "\n"
-vPush xs n = "push " ++ xs ++ " " ++ show n ++ "\n"
-vPop xs n = "pop " ++ xs ++ " " ++ show n ++ "\n"
--- IO
--- reader of system subroutines' headers
-jClasses :: JackParser [JClass]
-jClasses = many (try $ many jSpace >> jClass)
-sysSubroutineTable :: IO Table
-sysSubroutineTable = do
- x <- readFile "./systemsub.txt"
- return $ buildSRTable $ head $ rights [parse' jClasses x]
-main = do
- dir <- head <$> getArgs
- filesWODir <- filter isJackFile <$> listDirectory dir
- let jackFiles = (dir++) <$> filesWODir
- codes <- sequence $ readFile <$> jackFiles
- initTable <- sysSubroutineTable
- zipWithM writeFile (chExt <$> jackFiles) (jackCompiler initTable codes)
- where isJackFile xs = drop (length xs - 5) xs == ".jack"
- chExt xs = take (length xs - 4) xs ++ "vm"
- --}
-testCompiler :: [[Char]] -> IO ()
-testCompiler xs = do
- initTable <- sysSubroutineTable
- print $ jackCompiler initTable xs
-testCompiler' :: IO ()
-testCompiler' = do
- --xs <- readFile "./Square/Square.jack"
- xs <- readFile "./Pong/Ball.jack"
- testCompiler [xs]
-testReader :: IO ()
-testReader = do
- --xs <- readFile "./Square/Square.jack"
- xs <- readFile "./Pong/Ball.jack"
- --print $ buildSRTable $ rights $ [jackReader $ xs]
- print $ jackReader $ xs
---test reader writer x = let Right y = parse' reader x in writer y
---test' x = let Right y = parse' jStatement x in vStatement Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty "" 0 [y]
diff --git a/projects/11/JackCompiler.o b/projects/11/JackCompiler.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 49a6ac5..0000000
--- a/projects/11/JackCompiler.o
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/projects/11/K/Board.jack b/projects/11/K/Board.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 49d42d5..0000000
--- a/projects/11/K/Board.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-class Board {
- field Array grid;
- field int nTurn;
- field int seed;
- constructor Board new() {
- var int i, j;
- var Array t;
- let grid = Array.new(4);
- let i = 0;
- while (i < 4) {
- let j = 0;
- let grid[i] = Array.new(4);
- let t = grid[i];
- while (j < 4) {
- let t[j] = 32;
- let j = j + 1;
- }
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- let t = grid[0];
- let t[0] = 65;
- let nTurn = 0;
- let seed = 0;
- return this;
- }
- method void arrange(Array xs, boolean isHorizontal) {
- if (isHorizontal) {
- do deepcopy(xs, grid);
- } else {
- do transpose(xs, grid);
- }
- do dispose4(xs);
- return;
- }
- method void copy(Array xs, Array ys) {
- var int i;
- let i = 0;
- while (i < 4) {
- let ys[i] = xs[i];
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- return;
- }
- method void deepcopy(Array xs, Array ys) {
- var int i;
- let i = 0;
- while (i < 4) {
- do copy(xs[i], ys[i]);
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- return;
- }
- method void transpose(Array xs, Array ys) {
- var int i, j;
- var Array t, s;
- let i = 0;
- while (i < 4) {
- let j = 0;
- let t = ys[i];
- while (j < 4) {
- let s = xs[j];
- let t[j] = s[i];
- let j = j + 1;
- }
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- return;
- }
- method void dispose4(Array xs){
- var int i;
- var Array t;
- let i = 0;
- while (i < 4) {
- let t = xs[i];
- do t.dispose();
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- do xs.dispose();
- return;
- }
- method Array new4(){
- var Array xs;
- var int i;
- let xs = Array.new(4);
- let i = 0;
- while (i < 4) {
- let xs[i] = Array.new(4);
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- return xs;
- }
- method Array getStrips(boolean isHorizontal){
- var Array xs;
- let xs = new4();
- if (isHorizontal) {
- do deepcopy(grid, xs);
- } else {
- do transpose(grid, xs);
- }
- return xs;
- }
- method Array align(Array xs, boolean left){
- var int i, j;
- let i = 0;
- let j = 0;
- if (left) {
- while (i < 4) {
- if (xs[i] > 64) {
- let xs[j] = xs[i];
- let j = j + 1;
- }
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- while (j < 4) {
- let xs[j] = 32;
- let j = j + 1;
- }
- } else {
- while (i < 4) {
- if (xs[3 - i] > 64) {
- let xs[3 - j] = xs[3 - i];
- let j = j + 1;
- }
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- while (j < 4) {
- let xs[3 - j] = 32;
- let j = j + 1;
- }
- }
- return xs;
- }
- method Array reduce(Array xs, boolean left){
- if ((xs[0] = xs[1]) & (xs[2] = xs[3]) & (xs[0] > 64) & (xs[2] > 64)) {
- if (left) {
- let xs[0] = xs[0] + 1;
- let xs[1] = xs[2] + 1;
- let xs[2] = 32;
- let xs[3] = 32;
- } else {
- let xs[3] = xs[3] + 1;
- let xs[2] = xs[1] + 1;
- let xs[1] = 32;
- let xs[0] = 32;
- }
- return xs;
- }
- if ((xs[0] = xs[1]) & (xs[0] > 64)) {
- if (left) {
- let xs[0] = xs[0] + 1;
- let xs[1] = xs[2];
- let xs[2] = xs[3];
- let xs[3] = 32;
- } else {
- let xs[1] = xs[1] + 1;
- let xs[0] = 32;
- }
- return xs;
- }
- if ((xs[2] = xs[3]) & (xs[2] > 64)) {
- if (left) {
- let xs[2] = xs[2] + 1;
- let xs[3] = 32;
- } else {
- let xs[3] = xs[3] + 1;
- let xs[2] = xs[1];
- let xs[1] = xs[0];
- let xs[0] = 32;
- }
- return xs;
- }
- if ((xs[1] = xs[2]) & (xs[1] > 64)) {
- if (left) {
- let xs[1] = xs[1] + 1;
- let xs[2] = xs[3];
- let xs[3] = 32;
- } else {
- let xs[2] = xs[2] + 1;
- let xs[1] = xs[0];
- let xs[0] = 32;
- }
- return xs;
- }
- return xs;
- }
- method void addTile(){
- var Array t;
- var int r, c, parity, newTile;
- /*
- let t = grid[1];
- if (t[1] = 32) {
- let t[1] = 65;
- }
- */
- let seed = seed * 25173 + 13849;
- if (seed < 0) {
- let seed = - seed;
- }
- if (seed - (seed / 2 * 2) = 0) {
- let parity = 1;
- } else {
- let parity = -1;
- }
- let seed = seed - (seed / 16 * 16);
- let r = seed / 4;
- let c = seed - (4 * r);
- let t = grid[r];
- let newTile = 65;
- while (t[c] > 64){
- let seed = seed + parity;
- if (seed < 0) {
- let seed = 15;
- }
- let seed = seed - (seed / 16 * 16);
- let r = seed / 4;
- let c = seed - (4 * r);
- let t = grid[r];
- let newTile = 131 - newTile;
- }
- let t[c] = newTile;
- return;
- }
- method void transform(char dir){
- var boolean isHorizontal, left;
- var Array xs;
- var int i;
- if ((dir = 0) | (dir = 1)) {
- let left = true;
- } else {
- let left = false;
- }
- if ((dir = 0) | (dir = 2)) {
- let isHorizontal = true;
- } else {
- let isHorizontal = false;
- }
- let xs = getStrips(isHorizontal);
- let i = 0;
- while (i < 4) {
- let xs[i] = reduce(align(xs[i], left), left);
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- do arrange(xs, isHorizontal);
- return;
- }
- method void next(char dir){
- let nTurn = nTurn + 1;
- do transform(dir);
- do addTile();
- return;
- }
- method void draw(){
- var int r, c, i, j;
- var Array t;
- let r = 9;
- let c = 30;
- do Output.moveCursor(r - 1, c - 1);
- do Output.printString("+----+");
- do Output.moveCursor(r + 4, c - 1);
- do Output.printString("+----+");
- let i = 0;
- while (i < 4) {
- let j = 0;
- do Output.moveCursor(r + i, c - 1);
- do Output.printString("|");
- let t = grid[i];
- while (j < 4) {
- do Output.printChar(t[j]);
- let j = j + 1;
- }
- do Output.printString("|");
- let i = i + 1;
- }
- do Output.moveCursor(r + 6, c - 2);
- do Output.printString("Turn: ");
- do Output.printInt(nTurn);
- return;
- }
- method void dispose() {
- do Memory.deAlloc(this);
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/K/Board.vm b/projects/11/K/Board.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 272b52d..0000000
--- a/projects/11/K/Board.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1183 +0,0 @@
-function Board.new 3
-push constant 3
-call Memory.alloc 1
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 4
-call Array.new 1
-pop this 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-label new.While0
-push local 0
-push constant 4
-if-goto new.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
-pop local 1
-push constant 4
-call Array.new 1
-push this 0
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push this 0
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 2
-label new.While0.While0
-push local 1
-push constant 4
-if-goto new.While0.EndWhile0
-push constant 32
-push local 2
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop local 1
-goto new.While0.While0
-label new.While0.EndWhile0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-pop local 0
-goto new.While0
-label new.EndWhile0
-push this 0
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 2
-push constant 65
-push local 2
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 0
-pop this 1
-push constant 0
-pop this 2
-push pointer 0
-function Board.arrange 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push argument 2
-if-goto arrange.Else0
-push pointer 0
-push argument 1
-push this 0
-call Board.deepcopy 3
-pop temp 0
-goto arrange.Endif0
-label arrange.Else0
-push pointer 0
-push argument 1
-push this 0
-call Board.transpose 3
-pop temp 0
-label arrange.Endif0
-push pointer 0
-push argument 1
-call Board.dispose4 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Board.copy 1
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-label copy.While0
-push local 0
-push constant 4
-if-goto copy.EndWhile0
-push argument 1
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 2
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-pop local 0
-goto copy.While0
-label copy.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
-function Board.deepcopy 1
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-label deepcopy.While0
-push local 0
-push constant 4
-if-goto deepcopy.EndWhile0
-push pointer 0
-push argument 1
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 2
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Board.copy 3
-pop temp 0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-pop local 0
-goto deepcopy.While0
-label deepcopy.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
-function Board.transpose 4
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-label transpose.While0
-push local 0
-push constant 4
-if-goto transpose.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
-pop local 1
-push argument 2
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 2
-label transpose.While0.While0
-push local 1
-push constant 4
-if-goto transpose.While0.EndWhile0
-push argument 1
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 3
-push local 3
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push local 2
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop local 1
-goto transpose.While0.While0
-label transpose.While0.EndWhile0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-pop local 0
-goto transpose.While0
-label transpose.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
-function Board.dispose4 2
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-label dispose4.While0
-push local 0
-push constant 4
-if-goto dispose4.EndWhile0
-push argument 1
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 1
-push local 1
-call Array.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-pop local 0
-goto dispose4.While0
-label dispose4.EndWhile0
-push argument 1
-call Array.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Board.new4 2
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 4
-call Array.new 1
-pop local 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 1
-label new4.While0
-push local 1
-push constant 4
-if-goto new4.EndWhile0
-push constant 4
-call Array.new 1
-push local 0
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop local 1
-goto new4.While0
-label new4.EndWhile0
-push local 0
-function Board.getStrips 1
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push pointer 0
-call Board.new4 1
-pop local 0
-push argument 1
-if-goto getStrips.Else0
-push pointer 0
-push this 0
-push local 0
-call Board.deepcopy 3
-pop temp 0
-goto getStrips.Endif0
-label getStrips.Else0
-push pointer 0
-push this 0
-push local 0
-call Board.transpose 3
-pop temp 0
-label getStrips.Endif0
-push local 0
-function Board.align 2
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 1
-push argument 2
-if-goto align.Else0
-label align.Else0.While0
-push local 0
-push constant 4
-if-goto align.Else0.EndWhile0
-push argument 1
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 64
-if-goto align.Else0.While0.Else0
-push argument 1
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop local 1
-label align.Else0.While0.Else0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-pop local 0
-goto align.Else0.While0
-label align.Else0.EndWhile0
-label align.Else0.While1
-push local 1
-push constant 4
-if-goto align.Else0.EndWhile1
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop local 1
-goto align.Else0.While1
-label align.Else0.EndWhile1
-goto align.Endif0
-label align.Else0
-label align.If0.While0
-push local 0
-push constant 4
-if-goto align.If0.EndWhile0
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 64
-if-goto align.If0.While0.Else0
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-push local 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop local 1
-label align.If0.While0.Else0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-pop local 0
-goto align.If0.While0
-label align.If0.EndWhile0
-label align.If0.While1
-push local 1
-push constant 4
-if-goto align.If0.EndWhile1
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-pop local 1
-goto align.If0.While1
-label align.If0.EndWhile1
-label align.Endif0
-push argument 1
-function Board.reduce 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 64
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 64
-if-goto reduce.Else0
-push argument 2
-if-goto reduce.Else0.Else0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-goto reduce.Else0.Endif0
-label reduce.Else0.Else0
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-label reduce.Else0.Endif0
-push argument 1
-label reduce.Else0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 64
-if-goto reduce.Else1
-push argument 2
-if-goto reduce.Else1.Else0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-goto reduce.Else1.Endif0
-label reduce.Else1.Else0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-label reduce.Else1.Endif0
-push argument 1
-label reduce.Else1
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 64
-if-goto reduce.Else2
-push argument 2
-if-goto reduce.Else2.Else0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-goto reduce.Else2.Endif0
-label reduce.Else2.Else0
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-label reduce.Else2.Endif0
-push argument 1
-label reduce.Else2
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 64
-if-goto reduce.Else3
-push argument 2
-if-goto reduce.Else3.Else0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 3
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-goto reduce.Else3.Endif0
-label reduce.Else3.Else0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 32
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-label reduce.Else3.Endif0
-push argument 1
-label reduce.Else3
-push argument 1
-function Board.addTile 5
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 2
-push constant 25173
-call Math.multiply 2
-push constant 13849
-pop this 2
-push this 2
-push constant 0
-if-goto addTile.Else0
-push this 2
-pop this 2
-label addTile.Else0
-push this 2
-push this 2
-push constant 2
-call Math.divide 2
-push constant 2
-call Math.multiply 2
-push constant 0
-if-goto addTile.Else1
-push constant 1
-pop local 3
-goto addTile.Endif1
-label addTile.Else1
-push constant 1
-pop local 3
-label addTile.Endif1
-push this 2
-push this 2
-push constant 16
-call Math.divide 2
-push constant 16
-call Math.multiply 2
-pop this 2
-push this 2
-push constant 4
-call Math.divide 2
-pop local 1
-push this 2
-push constant 4
-push local 1
-call Math.multiply 2
-pop local 2
-push this 0
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 0
-push constant 65
-pop local 4
-label addTile.While2
-push local 0
-push local 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 64
-if-goto addTile.EndWhile2
-push this 2
-push local 3
-pop this 2
-push this 2
-push constant 0
-if-goto addTile.While2.Else0
-push constant 15
-pop this 2
-label addTile.While2.Else0
-push this 2
-push this 2
-push constant 16
-call Math.divide 2
-push constant 16
-call Math.multiply 2
-pop this 2
-push this 2
-push constant 4
-call Math.divide 2
-pop local 1
-push this 2
-push constant 4
-push local 1
-call Math.multiply 2
-pop local 2
-push this 0
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 0
-push constant 131
-push local 4
-pop local 4
-goto addTile.While2
-label addTile.EndWhile2
-push local 4
-push local 0
-push local 2
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push constant 0
-function Board.transform 4
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-if-goto transform.Else0
-push constant 1
-pop local 1
-goto transform.Endif0
-label transform.Else0
-push constant 0
-pop local 1
-label transform.Endif0
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 2
-if-goto transform.Else1
-push constant 1
-pop local 0
-goto transform.Endif1
-label transform.Else1
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-label transform.Endif1
-push pointer 0
-push local 0
-call Board.getStrips 2
-pop local 2
-push constant 0
-pop local 3
-label transform.While2
-push local 3
-push constant 4
-if-goto transform.EndWhile2
-push pointer 0
-push pointer 0
-push local 2
-push local 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push local 1
-call Board.align 3
-push local 1
-call Board.reduce 3
-push local 2
-push local 3
-pop pointer 1
-pop that 0
-push local 3
-push constant 1
-pop local 3
-goto transform.While2
-label transform.EndWhile2
-push pointer 0
-push local 2
-push local 0
-call Board.arrange 3
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Board.next 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 1
-push constant 1
-pop this 1
-push pointer 0
-push argument 1
-call Board.transform 2
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-call Board.addTile 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Board.draw 5
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 9
-pop local 0
-push constant 30
-pop local 1
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-call Output.moveCursor 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 6
-call String.new 1
-push constant 43
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 45
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 45
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 45
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 45
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 43
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 0
-push constant 4
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-call Output.moveCursor 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 6
-call String.new 1
-push constant 43
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 45
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 45
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 45
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 45
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 43
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 2
-label draw.While0
-push local 2
-push constant 4
-if-goto draw.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
-pop local 3
-push local 0
-push local 2
-push local 1
-push constant 1
-call Output.moveCursor 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 1
-call String.new 1
-push constant 124
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push local 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 4
-label draw.While0.While0
-push local 3
-push constant 4
-if-goto draw.While0.EndWhile0
-push local 4
-push local 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Output.printChar 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 3
-push constant 1
-pop local 3
-goto draw.While0.While0
-label draw.While0.EndWhile0
-push constant 1
-call String.new 1
-push constant 124
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 2
-push constant 1
-pop local 2
-goto draw.While0
-label draw.EndWhile0
-push local 0
-push constant 6
-push local 1
-push constant 2
-call Output.moveCursor 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 6
-call String.new 1
-push constant 84
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 110
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 1
-call Output.printInt 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Board.dispose 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push pointer 0
-call Memory.deAlloc 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/K/K.txt b/projects/11/K/K.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dc75c82..0000000
--- a/projects/11/K/K.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from a to k
-- a title frame showing game name and instructions. space to continue.
-- a main frame showing the game running
-- a endofgame frame showing game results: win or lose
-- a Board class with cell being a 4 by 4 two-d array.
-- arrange strings according to an orientation: arrange(4 strings, dir)=cells
- - dir: 0: align to left, 1: align to right, 2: align to top, 3:align to bottom
- - e.g.: arrange({"abc", "bc", "dc", "efeh", 0}) gives the following board:
- abc_
- bc__
- dc__
- efeh
- - arrange({"abc", "bc", "dc", "efeh", 0}, 3) gives the following
- ___e
- a__f
- bbde
- ccch
-- a new tile of 'a' or 'b' appears each turn somewhere, using some quasirandomisation e.g. (23 * n^2 + 79) mod 16.
- - addtile(char, x, y)
-- the board transformation: board.trans(dir) = arrange(dir) . (fmap reduce) . getstring(dir). calls getstrings, then reduce on each row / column
-- board.getstrings(dir)= the strings according to direction dir. Inverse of arrange.
-- reduce(string)=string: reduce("baac")=="bbc"; reduce("aabb")=="bc"; and reduce("cbb")== "cc" instead of "d".
-- when one of the hjkl keys is pressed get the direction dir.
diff --git a/projects/11/K/KGame.jack b/projects/11/K/KGame.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 796f5b5..0000000
--- a/projects/11/K/KGame.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-class KGame{
- field Board board;
- constructor KGame new() {
- let board = Board.new();
- do board.draw();
- return this;
- }
- method void dispose() {
- do board.dispose();
- do Memory.deAlloc(this);
- return;
- }
- method void run() {
- var int key, dir;
- var boolean exit;
- let key = 0;
- let exit = false;
- while (~exit) {
- while ((key < 130) | (key > 133)) {
- let key = Keyboard.keyPressed();
- }
- let dir = key - 130;
- while (~(key = 0)) {
- let key = Keyboard.keyPressed();
- }
- do board.next(dir);
- do board.draw();
- }
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/K/KGame.vm b/projects/11/K/KGame.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index eef2df0..0000000
--- a/projects/11/K/KGame.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-function KGame.new 0
-push constant 1
-call Memory.alloc 1
-pop pointer 0
-call Board.new 0
-pop this 0
-push this 0
-call Board.draw 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-function KGame.dispose 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-call Board.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-call Memory.deAlloc 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function KGame.run 3
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 2
-label run.While0
-push local 2
-if-goto run.EndWhile0
-label run.While0.While0
-push local 0
-push constant 130
-push local 0
-push constant 133
-if-goto run.While0.EndWhile0
-call Keyboard.keyPressed 0
-pop local 0
-goto run.While0.While0
-label run.While0.EndWhile0
-push local 0
-push constant 130
-pop local 1
-label run.While0.While1
-push local 0
-push constant 0
-if-goto run.While0.EndWhile1
-call Keyboard.keyPressed 0
-pop local 0
-goto run.While0.While1
-label run.While0.EndWhile1
-push this 0
-push local 1
-call Board.next 2
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-call Board.draw 1
-pop temp 0
-goto run.While0
-label run.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/K/Main.jack b/projects/11/K/Main.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 4136e80..0000000
--- a/projects/11/K/Main.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-class Main {
- function void main() {
- var KGame game;
- let game = KGame.new();
- do game.run();
- do game.dispose();
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/K/Main.vm b/projects/11/K/Main.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a56ae9..0000000
--- a/projects/11/K/Main.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-function Main.main 1
-call KGame.new 0
-pop local 0
-push local 0
-call KGame.run 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 0
-call KGame.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/Pong/Ball.jack b/projects/11/Pong/Ball.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 02e47f9..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Pong/Ball.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/Pong/Ball.jack
- * A graphical ball. Characterized by a screen location and distance of
- * last destination. Has methods for drawing, erasing and moving on the screen.
- * The ball is displayed as a filled, 6-by-6 pixles rectangle.
- */
-class Ball {
- field int x, y; // the ball's screen location (in pixels)
- field int lengthx, lengthy; // distance of last destination (in pixels)
- field int d, straightD, diagonalD; // used for straight line movement computation
- field boolean invert, positivex, positivey; // (same)
- field int leftWall, rightWall, topWall, bottomWall; // wall locations
- field int wall; // last wall that the ball was bounced off of
- /** Constructs a new ball with the given initial location and wall locations. */
- constructor Ball new(int Ax, int Ay,
- int AleftWall, int ArightWall, int AtopWall, int AbottomWall) {
- let x = Ax;
- let y = Ay;
- let leftWall = AleftWall;
- let rightWall = ArightWall - 6; // -6 for ball size
- let topWall = AtopWall;
- let bottomWall = AbottomWall - 6; // -6 for ball size
- let wall = 0;
- do show();
- return this;
- }
- /** Deallocates the Ball's memory. */
- method void dispose() {
- do Memory.deAlloc(this);
- return;
- }
- /** Shows the ball. */
- method void show() {
- do Screen.setColor(true);
- do draw();
- return;
- }
- /** Hides the ball. */
- method void hide() {
- do Screen.setColor(false);
- do draw();
- return;
- }
- /** Draws the ball. */
- method void draw() {
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + 5, y + 5);
- return;
- }
- /** Returns the ball's left edge. */
- method int getLeft() {
- return x;
- }
- /** Returns the ball's right edge. */
- method int getRight() {
- return x + 5;
- }
- /** Computes and sets the ball's destination. */
- method void setDestination(int destx, int desty) {
- var int dx, dy, temp;
- let lengthx = destx - x;
- let lengthy = desty - y;
- let dx = Math.abs(lengthx);
- let dy = Math.abs(lengthy);
- let invert = (dx < dy);
- if (invert) {
- let temp = dx; // swap dx, dy
- let dx = dy;
- let dy = temp;
- let positivex = (y < desty);
- let positivey = (x < destx);
- }
- else {
- let positivex = (x < destx);
- let positivey = (y < desty);
- }
- let d = (2 * dy) - dx;
- let straightD = 2 * dy;
- let diagonalD = 2 * (dy - dx);
- return;
- }
- /**
- * Moves the ball one unit towards its destination.
- * If the ball has reached a wall, returns 0.
- * Else, returns a value according to the wall:
- * 1 (left wall), 2 (right wall), 3 (top wall), 4 (bottom wall).
- */
- method int move() {
- do hide();
- if (d < 0) { let d = d + straightD; }
- else {
- let d = d + diagonalD;
- if (positivey) {
- if (invert) { let x = x + 4; }
- else { let y = y + 4; }
- }
- else {
- if (invert) { let x = x - 4; }
- else { let y = y - 4; }
- }
- }
- if (positivex) {
- if (invert) { let y = y + 4; }
- else { let x = x + 4; }
- }
- else {
- if (invert) { let y = y - 4; }
- else { let x = x - 4; }
- }
- if (~(x > leftWall)) {
- let wall = 1;
- let x = leftWall;
- }
- if (~(x < rightWall)) {
- let wall = 2;
- let x = rightWall;
- }
- if (~(y > topWall)) {
- let wall = 3;
- let y = topWall;
- }
- if (~(y < bottomWall)) {
- let wall = 4;
- let y = bottomWall;
- }
- do show();
- return wall;
- }
- /**
- * Bounces off the current wall: sets the new destination
- * of the ball according to the ball's angle and the given
- * bouncing direction (-1/0/1=left/center/right or up/center/down).
- */
- method void bounce(int bouncingDirection) {
- var int newx, newy, divLengthx, divLengthy, factor;
- // dividing by 10 first since results are too big
- let divLengthx = lengthx / 10;
- let divLengthy = lengthy / 10;
- if (bouncingDirection = 0) { let factor = 10; }
- else {
- if (((~(lengthx < 0)) & (bouncingDirection = 1)) | ((lengthx < 0) & (bouncingDirection = (-1)))) {
- let factor = 20; // bounce direction is in ball direction
- }
- else { let factor = 5; } // bounce direction is against ball direction
- }
- if (wall = 1) {
- let newx = 506;
- let newy = (divLengthy * (-50)) / divLengthx;
- let newy = y + (newy * factor);
- }
- else {
- if (wall = 2) {
- let newx = 0;
- let newy = (divLengthy * 50) / divLengthx;
- let newy = y + (newy * factor);
- }
- else {
- if (wall = 3) {
- let newy = 250;
- let newx = (divLengthx * (-25)) / divLengthy;
- let newx = x + (newx * factor);
- }
- else { // assumes wall = 4
- let newy = 0;
- let newx = (divLengthx * 25) / divLengthy;
- let newx = x + (newx * factor);
- }
- }
- }
- do setDestination(newx, newy);
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/Pong/Ball.vm b/projects/11/Pong/Ball.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d7b984..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Pong/Ball.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-function Ball.new 0
-push constant 15
-call Memory.alloc 1
-pop pointer 0
-push argument 0
-pop this 0
-push argument 1
-pop this 1
-push argument 2
-pop this 10
-push argument 3
-push constant 6
-pop this 11
-push argument 4
-pop this 12
-push argument 5
-push constant 6
-pop this 13
-push constant 0
-pop this 14
-push pointer 0
-call Ball.show 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-function Ball.dispose 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push pointer 0
-call Memory.deAlloc 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Ball.show 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 1
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-call Ball.draw 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Ball.hide 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-call Ball.draw 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Ball.draw 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push constant 5
-push this 1
-push constant 5
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Ball.getLeft 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-function Ball.getRight 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-push constant 5
-function Ball.setDestination 3
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push argument 1
-push this 0
-pop this 2
-push argument 2
-push this 1
-pop this 3
-push this 2
-call Math.abs 1
-pop local 0
-push this 3
-call Math.abs 1
-pop local 1
-push local 0
-push local 1
-pop this 7
-push this 7
-if-goto setDestination.Else0
-push local 0
-pop local 2
-push local 1
-pop local 0
-push local 2
-pop local 1
-push this 1
-push argument 2
-pop this 8
-push this 0
-push argument 1
-pop this 9
-goto setDestination.Endif0
-label setDestination.Else0
-push this 0
-push argument 1
-pop this 8
-push this 1
-push argument 2
-pop this 9
-label setDestination.Endif0
-push constant 2
-push local 1
-call Math.multiply 2
-push local 0
-pop this 4
-push constant 2
-push local 1
-call Math.multiply 2
-pop this 5
-push constant 2
-push local 1
-push local 0
-call Math.multiply 2
-pop this 6
-push constant 0
-function Ball.move 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push pointer 0
-call Ball.hide 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 4
-push constant 0
-if-goto move.Else0
-push this 4
-push this 5
-pop this 4
-goto move.Endif0
-label move.Else0
-push this 4
-push this 6
-pop this 4
-push this 9
-if-goto move.If0.Else0
-push this 7
-if-goto move.If0.Else0.Else0
-push this 0
-push constant 4
-pop this 0
-goto move.If0.Else0.Endif0
-label move.If0.Else0.Else0
-push this 1
-push constant 4
-pop this 1
-label move.If0.Else0.Endif0
-goto move.If0.Endif0
-label move.If0.Else0
-push this 7
-if-goto move.If0.If0.Else0
-push this 0
-push constant 4
-pop this 0
-goto move.If0.If0.Endif0
-label move.If0.If0.Else0
-push this 1
-push constant 4
-pop this 1
-label move.If0.If0.Endif0
-label move.If0.Endif0
-label move.Endif0
-push this 8
-if-goto move.Else1
-push this 7
-if-goto move.Else1.Else0
-push this 1
-push constant 4
-pop this 1
-goto move.Else1.Endif0
-label move.Else1.Else0
-push this 0
-push constant 4
-pop this 0
-label move.Else1.Endif0
-goto move.Endif1
-label move.Else1
-push this 7
-if-goto move.If1.Else0
-push this 1
-push constant 4
-pop this 1
-goto move.If1.Endif0
-label move.If1.Else0
-push this 0
-push constant 4
-pop this 0
-label move.If1.Endif0
-label move.Endif1
-push this 0
-push this 10
-if-goto move.Else2
-push constant 1
-pop this 14
-push this 10
-pop this 0
-label move.Else2
-push this 0
-push this 11
-if-goto move.Else3
-push constant 2
-pop this 14
-push this 11
-pop this 0
-label move.Else3
-push this 1
-push this 12
-if-goto move.Else4
-push constant 3
-pop this 14
-push this 12
-pop this 1
-label move.Else4
-push this 1
-push this 13
-if-goto move.Else5
-push constant 4
-pop this 14
-push this 13
-pop this 1
-label move.Else5
-push pointer 0
-call Ball.show 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 14
-function Ball.bounce 5
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 2
-push constant 10
-call Math.divide 2
-pop local 2
-push this 3
-push constant 10
-call Math.divide 2
-pop local 3
-push argument 1
-push constant 0
-if-goto bounce.Else0
-push constant 10
-pop local 4
-goto bounce.Endif0
-label bounce.Else0
-push this 2
-push constant 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-push this 2
-push constant 0
-push argument 1
-push constant 1
-if-goto bounce.If0.Else0
-push constant 20
-pop local 4
-goto bounce.If0.Endif0
-label bounce.If0.Else0
-push constant 5
-pop local 4
-label bounce.If0.Endif0
-label bounce.Endif0
-push this 14
-push constant 1
-if-goto bounce.Else1
-push constant 506
-pop local 0
-push local 3
-push constant 50
-call Math.multiply 2
-push local 2
-call Math.divide 2
-pop local 1
-push this 1
-push local 1
-push local 4
-call Math.multiply 2
-pop local 1
-goto bounce.Endif1
-label bounce.Else1
-push this 14
-push constant 2
-if-goto bounce.If1.Else0
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-push local 3
-push constant 50
-call Math.multiply 2
-push local 2
-call Math.divide 2
-pop local 1
-push this 1
-push local 1
-push local 4
-call Math.multiply 2
-pop local 1
-goto bounce.If1.Endif0
-label bounce.If1.Else0
-push this 14
-push constant 3
-if-goto bounce.If1.If0.Else0
-push constant 250
-pop local 1
-push local 2
-push constant 25
-call Math.multiply 2
-push local 3
-call Math.divide 2
-pop local 0
-push this 0
-push local 0
-push local 4
-call Math.multiply 2
-pop local 0
-goto bounce.If1.If0.Endif0
-label bounce.If1.If0.Else0
-push constant 0
-pop local 1
-push local 2
-push constant 25
-call Math.multiply 2
-push local 3
-call Math.divide 2
-pop local 0
-push this 0
-push local 0
-push local 4
-call Math.multiply 2
-pop local 0
-label bounce.If1.If0.Endif0
-label bounce.If1.Endif0
-label bounce.Endif1
-push pointer 0
-push local 0
-push local 1
-call Ball.setDestination 3
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/Pong/Bat.jack b/projects/11/Pong/Bat.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 340760f..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Pong/Bat.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/Pong/Bat.jack
- * A graphical Pong bat.
- * Displayed as a filled horizontal rectangle that has
- * a screen location, a width and a height.
- * Has methods for drawing, erasing, moving left and right,
- * and changing its width (to make the hitting action more challenging).
- * This class should have been called "paddle", following the
- * standard Pong terminology. But, unaware of this terminology,
- * we called it "bat", and then decided to stick to it.
- */
-class Bat {
- field int x, y; // the bat's screen location
- field int width, height; // the bat's width and height
- field int direction; // direction of the bat's movement (1 = left, 2 = right)
- /** Constructs a new bat with the given location and width. */
- constructor Bat new(int Ax, int Ay, int Awidth, int Aheight) {
- let x = Ax;
- let y = Ay;
- let width = Awidth;
- let height = Aheight;
- let direction = 2;
- do show();
- return this;
- }
- /** Deallocates the object's memory. */
- method void dispose() {
- do Memory.deAlloc(this);
- return;
- }
- /** Shows the bat. */
- method void show() {
- do Screen.setColor(true);
- do draw();
- return;
- }
- /** Hides the bat. */
- method void hide() {
- do Screen.setColor(false);
- do draw();
- return;
- }
- /** Draws the bat. */
- method void draw() {
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + width, y + height);
- return;
- }
- /** Sets the bat's direction (0=stop, 1=left, 2=right). */
- method void setDirection(int Adirection) {
- let direction = Adirection;
- return;
- }
- /** Returns the bat's left edge. */
- method int getLeft() {
- return x;
- }
- /** Returns the bat's right edge. */
- method int getRight() {
- return x + width;
- }
- /** Sets the bat's width. */
- method void setWidth(int Awidth) {
- do hide();
- let width = Awidth;
- do show();
- return;
- }
- /** Moves the bat one step in the bat's direction. */
- method void move() {
- if (direction = 1) {
- let x = x - 4;
- if (x < 0) { let x = 0; }
- do Screen.setColor(false);
- do Screen.drawRectangle((x + width) + 1, y, (x + width) + 4, y + height);
- do Screen.setColor(true);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + 3, y + height);
- }
- else {
- let x = x + 4;
- if ((x + width) > 511) { let x = 511 - width; }
- do Screen.setColor(false);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x - 4, y, x - 1, y + height);
- do Screen.setColor(true);
- do Screen.drawRectangle((x + width) - 3, y, x + width, y + height);
- }
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/Pong/Bat.vm b/projects/11/Pong/Bat.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 77acfe4..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Pong/Bat.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-function Bat.new 0
-push constant 5
-call Memory.alloc 1
-pop pointer 0
-push argument 0
-pop this 0
-push argument 1
-pop this 1
-push argument 2
-pop this 2
-push argument 3
-pop this 3
-push constant 2
-pop this 4
-push pointer 0
-call Bat.show 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-function Bat.dispose 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push pointer 0
-call Memory.deAlloc 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Bat.show 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 1
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-call Bat.draw 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Bat.hide 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-call Bat.draw 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Bat.draw 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push this 1
-push this 3
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Bat.setDirection 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push argument 1
-pop this 4
-push constant 0
-function Bat.getLeft 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-function Bat.getRight 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-push this 2
-function Bat.setWidth 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push pointer 0
-call Bat.hide 1
-pop temp 0
-push argument 1
-pop this 2
-push pointer 0
-call Bat.show 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Bat.move 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 4
-push constant 1
-if-goto move.Else0
-push this 0
-push constant 4
-pop this 0
-push this 0
-push constant 0
-if-goto move.Else0.Else0
-push constant 0
-pop this 0
-label move.Else0.Else0
-push constant 0
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push constant 1
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push constant 4
-push this 1
-push this 3
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push constant 1
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push constant 3
-push this 1
-push this 3
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-goto move.Endif0
-label move.Else0
-push this 0
-push constant 4
-pop this 0
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push constant 511
-if-goto move.If0.Else0
-push constant 511
-push this 2
-pop this 0
-label move.If0.Else0
-push constant 0
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push constant 4
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push constant 1
-push this 1
-push this 3
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push constant 1
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push constant 3
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push this 1
-push this 3
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-label move.Endif0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/Pong/Main.jack b/projects/11/Pong/Main.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 45e2dd2..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Pong/Main.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/Pong/Main.jack
- * The main class of the Pong game.
- */
-class Main {
- /** Initializes a Pong game and starts running it. */
- function void main() {
- var PongGame game;
- do PongGame.newInstance();
- let game = PongGame.getInstance();
- do game.run();
- do game.dispose();
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/Pong/Main.vm b/projects/11/Pong/Main.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 94d76d7..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Pong/Main.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-function Main.main 1
-call PongGame.newInstance 0
-pop temp 0
-call PongGame.getInstance 0
-pop local 0
-push local 0
-call PongGame.run 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 0
-call PongGame.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/Pong/PongGame.jack b/projects/11/Pong/PongGame.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e1ae4c..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Pong/PongGame.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/Pong/PongGame.jack
- * Represents a Pong game.
- */
-class PongGame {
- static PongGame instance; // the singelton, a Pong game instance
- field Bat bat; // the bat
- field Ball ball; // the ball
- field int wall; // the current wall that the ball is bouncing off of.
- field boolean exit; // true when the game is over
- field int score; // the current score.
- field int lastWall; // the last wall that the ball bounced off of.
- // The current width of the bat
- field int batWidth;
- /** Constructs a new Pong game. */
- constructor PongGame new() {
- do Screen.clearScreen();
- let batWidth = 50; // initial bat size
- let bat = Bat.new(230, 229, batWidth, 7);
- let ball = Ball.new(253, 222, 0, 511, 0, 229);
- do ball.setDestination(400,0);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(0, 238, 511, 240);
- do Output.moveCursor(22,0);
- do Output.printString("Score: 0");
- let exit = false;
- let score = 0;
- let wall = 0;
- let lastWall = 0;
- return this;
- }
- /** Deallocates the object's memory. */
- method void dispose() {
- do bat.dispose();
- do ball.dispose();
- do Memory.deAlloc(this);
- return;
- }
- /** Creates an instance of Pong game, and stores it. */
- function void newInstance() {
- let instance = PongGame.new();
- return;
- }
- /** Returns the single instance of this Pong game. */
- function PongGame getInstance() {
- return instance;
- }
- /** Starts the game, and andles inputs from the user that control
- * the bat's movement direction. */
- method void run() {
- var char key;
- while (~exit) {
- // waits for a key to be pressed.
- while ((key = 0) & (~exit)) {
- let key = Keyboard.keyPressed();
- do bat.move();
- do moveBall();
- do Sys.wait(50);
- }
- if (key = 130) { do bat.setDirection(1); }
- else {
- if (key = 132) { do bat.setDirection(2); }
- else {
- if (key = 140) { let exit = true; }
- }
- }
- // Waits for the key to be released.
- while ((~(key = 0)) & (~exit)) {
- let key = Keyboard.keyPressed();
- do bat.move();
- do moveBall();
- do Sys.wait(50);
- }
- }
- if (exit) {
- do Output.moveCursor(10,27);
- do Output.printString("Game Over");
- }
- return;
- }
- /**
- * Handles ball movement, including bouncing.
- * If the ball bounces off a wall, finds its new direction.
- * If the ball bounces off the bat, increases the score by one
- * and shrinks the bat's size, to make the game more challenging.
- */
- method void moveBall() {
- var int bouncingDirection, batLeft, batRight, ballLeft, ballRight;
- let wall = ball.move();
- if ((wall > 0) & (~(wall = lastWall))) {
- let lastWall = wall;
- let bouncingDirection = 0;
- let batLeft = bat.getLeft();
- let batRight = bat.getRight();
- let ballLeft = ball.getLeft();
- let ballRight = ball.getRight();
- if (wall = 4) {
- let exit = (batLeft > ballRight) | (batRight < ballLeft);
- if (~exit) {
- if (ballRight < (batLeft + 10)) { let bouncingDirection = -1; }
- else {
- if (ballLeft > (batRight - 10)) { let bouncingDirection = 1; }
- }
- let batWidth = batWidth - 2;
- do bat.setWidth(batWidth);
- let score = score + 1;
- do Output.moveCursor(22,7);
- do Output.printInt(score);
- }
- }
- do ball.bounce(bouncingDirection);
- }
- return;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/projects/11/Pong/PongGame.vm b/projects/11/Pong/PongGame.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5521919..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Pong/PongGame.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-function PongGame.new 0
-push constant 7
-call Memory.alloc 1
-pop pointer 0
-call Screen.clearScreen 0
-pop temp 0
-push constant 50
-pop this 6
-push constant 230
-push constant 229
-push this 6
-push constant 7
-call Bat.new 4
-pop this 0
-push constant 253
-push constant 222
-push constant 0
-push constant 511
-push constant 0
-push constant 229
-call Ball.new 6
-pop this 1
-push this 1
-push constant 400
-push constant 0
-call Ball.setDestination 3
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-push constant 238
-push constant 511
-push constant 240
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push constant 22
-push constant 0
-call Output.moveCursor 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 8
-call String.new 1
-push constant 83
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 111
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 58
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 48
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-pop this 3
-push constant 0
-pop this 4
-push constant 0
-pop this 2
-push constant 0
-pop this 5
-push pointer 0
-function PongGame.dispose 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-call Bat.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 1
-call Ball.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-call Memory.deAlloc 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function PongGame.newInstance 0
-call PongGame.new 0
-pop static 0
-push constant 0
-function PongGame.getInstance 0
-push static 0
-function PongGame.run 1
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-label run.While0
-push this 3
-if-goto run.EndWhile0
-label run.While0.While0
-push local 0
-push constant 0
-push this 3
-if-goto run.While0.EndWhile0
-call Keyboard.keyPressed 0
-pop local 0
-push this 0
-call Bat.move 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-call PongGame.moveBall 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 50
-call Sys.wait 1
-pop temp 0
-goto run.While0.While0
-label run.While0.EndWhile0
-push local 0
-push constant 130
-if-goto run.While0.Else1
-push this 0
-push constant 1
-call Bat.setDirection 2
-pop temp 0
-goto run.While0.Endif1
-label run.While0.Else1
-push local 0
-push constant 132
-if-goto run.While0.If1.Else0
-push this 0
-push constant 2
-call Bat.setDirection 2
-pop temp 0
-goto run.While0.If1.Endif0
-label run.While0.If1.Else0
-push local 0
-push constant 140
-if-goto run.While0.If1.If0.Else0
-push constant 1
-pop this 3
-label run.While0.If1.If0.Else0
-label run.While0.If1.Endif0
-label run.While0.Endif1
-label run.While0.While2
-push local 0
-push constant 0
-push this 3
-if-goto run.While0.EndWhile2
-call Keyboard.keyPressed 0
-pop local 0
-push this 0
-call Bat.move 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-call PongGame.moveBall 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 50
-call Sys.wait 1
-pop temp 0
-goto run.While0.While2
-label run.While0.EndWhile2
-goto run.While0
-label run.EndWhile0
-push this 3
-if-goto run.Else1
-push constant 10
-push constant 27
-call Output.moveCursor 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 9
-call String.new 1
-push constant 71
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 109
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 79
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 118
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-call Output.printString 1
-pop temp 0
-label run.Else1
-push constant 0
-function PongGame.moveBall 5
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 1
-call Ball.move 1
-pop this 2
-push this 2
-push constant 0
-push this 2
-push this 5
-if-goto moveBall.Else0
-push this 2
-pop this 5
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-push this 0
-call Bat.getLeft 1
-pop local 1
-push this 0
-call Bat.getRight 1
-pop local 2
-push this 1
-call Ball.getLeft 1
-pop local 3
-push this 1
-call Ball.getRight 1
-pop local 4
-push this 2
-push constant 4
-if-goto moveBall.Else0.Else0
-push local 1
-push local 4
-push local 2
-push local 3
-pop this 3
-push this 3
-if-goto moveBall.Else0.Else0.Else0
-push local 4
-push local 1
-push constant 10
-if-goto moveBall.Else0.Else0.Else0.Else0
-push constant 1
-pop local 0
-goto moveBall.Else0.Else0.Else0.Endif0
-label moveBall.Else0.Else0.Else0.Else0
-push local 3
-push local 2
-push constant 10
-if-goto moveBall.Else0.Else0.Else0.If0.Else0
-push constant 1
-pop local 0
-label moveBall.Else0.Else0.Else0.If0.Else0
-label moveBall.Else0.Else0.Else0.Endif0
-push this 6
-push constant 2
-pop this 6
-push this 0
-push this 6
-call Bat.setWidth 2
-pop temp 0
-push this 4
-push constant 1
-pop this 4
-push constant 22
-push constant 7
-call Output.moveCursor 2
-pop temp 0
-push this 4
-call Output.printInt 1
-pop temp 0
-label moveBall.Else0.Else0.Else0
-label moveBall.Else0.Else0
-push this 1
-push local 0
-call Ball.bounce 2
-pop temp 0
-label moveBall.Else0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/Seven/Main.jack b/projects/11/Seven/Main.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 067402e..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Seven/Main.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/Seven/Main.jack
- * Computes the value of 1 + (2 * 3) and prints the result
- * at the top-left of the screen.
- */
-class Main {
- function void main() {
- do Output.printInt(1 + (2 * 3));
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/Seven/Main.vm b/projects/11/Seven/Main.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index a209c18..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Seven/Main.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-function Main.main 0
-push constant 1
-push constant 2
-push constant 3
-call Math.multiply 2
-call Output.printInt 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/Square/Main.jack b/projects/11/Square/Main.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 0753893..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Square/Main.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/Square/Main.jack
-// (same as projects/09/Square/Main.jack)
-/** Initializes a new Square Dance game and starts running it. */
-class Main {
- function void main() {
- var SquareGame game;
- let game = SquareGame.new();
- do game.run();
- do game.dispose();
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/Square/Main.vm b/projects/11/Square/Main.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index a3b355b..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Square/Main.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-function Main.main 1
-call SquareGame.new 0
-pop local 0
-push local 0
-call SquareGame.run 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 0
-call SquareGame.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/Square/Square.jack b/projects/11/Square/Square.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a92838..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Square/Square.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/Square/Square.jack
-// (same as projects/09/Square/Square.jack)
-/** Implements a graphical square. */
-class Square {
- field int x, y; // screen location of the square's top-left corner
- field int size; // length of this square, in pixels
- /** Constructs a new square with a given location and size. */
- constructor Square new(int Ax, int Ay, int Asize) {
- let x = Ax;
- let y = Ay;
- let size = Asize;
- do draw();
- return this;
- }
- /** Disposes this square. */
- method void dispose() {
- do Memory.deAlloc(this);
- return;
- }
- /** Draws the square on the screen. */
- method void draw() {
- do Screen.setColor(true);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + size, y + size);
- return;
- }
- /** Erases the square from the screen. */
- method void erase() {
- do Screen.setColor(false);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + size, y + size);
- return;
- }
- /** Increments the square size by 2 pixels. */
- method void incSize() {
- if (((y + size) < 254) & ((x + size) < 510)) {
- do erase();
- let size = size + 2;
- do draw();
- }
- return;
- }
- /** Decrements the square size by 2 pixels. */
- method void decSize() {
- if (size > 2) {
- do erase();
- let size = size - 2;
- do draw();
- }
- return;
- }
- /** Moves the square up by 2 pixels. */
- method void moveUp() {
- if (y > 1) {
- do Screen.setColor(false);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, (y + size) - 1, x + size, y + size);
- let y = y - 2;
- do Screen.setColor(true);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + size, y + 1);
- }
- return;
- }
- /** Moves the square down by 2 pixels. */
- method void moveDown() {
- if ((y + size) < 254) {
- do Screen.setColor(false);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + size, y + 1);
- let y = y + 2;
- do Screen.setColor(true);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, (y + size) - 1, x + size, y + size);
- }
- return;
- }
- /** Moves the square left by 2 pixels. */
- method void moveLeft() {
- if (x > 1) {
- do Screen.setColor(false);
- do Screen.drawRectangle((x + size) - 1, y, x + size, y + size);
- let x = x - 2;
- do Screen.setColor(true);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + 1, y + size);
- }
- return;
- }
- /** Moves the square right by 2 pixels. */
- method void moveRight() {
- if ((x + size) < 510) {
- do Screen.setColor(false);
- do Screen.drawRectangle(x, y, x + 1, y + size);
- let x = x + 2;
- do Screen.setColor(true);
- do Screen.drawRectangle((x + size) - 1, y, x + size, y + size);
- }
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/Square/Square.vm b/projects/11/Square/Square.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 871ccf7..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Square/Square.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-function Square.new 0
-push constant 3
-call Memory.alloc 1
-pop pointer 0
-push argument 0
-pop this 0
-push argument 1
-pop this 1
-push argument 2
-pop this 2
-push pointer 0
-call Square.draw 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-function Square.dispose 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push pointer 0
-call Memory.deAlloc 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Square.draw 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 1
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push this 1
-push this 2
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Square.erase 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push this 1
-push this 2
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function Square.incSize 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 1
-push this 2
-push constant 254
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push constant 510
-if-goto incSize.Else0
-push pointer 0
-call Square.erase 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 2
-push constant 2
-pop this 2
-push pointer 0
-call Square.draw 1
-pop temp 0
-label incSize.Else0
-push constant 0
-function Square.decSize 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 2
-push constant 2
-if-goto decSize.Else0
-push pointer 0
-call Square.erase 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 2
-push constant 2
-pop this 2
-push pointer 0
-call Square.draw 1
-pop temp 0
-label decSize.Else0
-push constant 0
-function Square.moveUp 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 1
-push constant 1
-if-goto moveUp.Else0
-push constant 0
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 2
-push constant 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push this 1
-push this 2
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push this 1
-push constant 2
-pop this 1
-push constant 1
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push this 1
-push constant 1
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-label moveUp.Else0
-push constant 0
-function Square.moveDown 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 1
-push this 2
-push constant 254
-if-goto moveDown.Else0
-push constant 0
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push this 1
-push constant 1
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push this 1
-push constant 2
-pop this 1
-push constant 1
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 2
-push constant 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push this 1
-push this 2
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-label moveDown.Else0
-push constant 0
-function Square.moveLeft 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-push constant 1
-if-goto moveLeft.Else0
-push constant 0
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push constant 1
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push this 1
-push this 2
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push constant 2
-pop this 0
-push constant 1
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push constant 1
-push this 1
-push this 2
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-label moveLeft.Else0
-push constant 0
-function Square.moveRight 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push constant 510
-if-goto moveRight.Else0
-push constant 0
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push constant 1
-push this 1
-push this 2
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push constant 2
-pop this 0
-push constant 1
-call Screen.setColor 1
-pop temp 0
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push constant 1
-push this 1
-push this 0
-push this 2
-push this 1
-push this 2
-call Screen.drawRectangle 4
-pop temp 0
-label moveRight.Else0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/Square/SquareGame.jack b/projects/11/Square/SquareGame.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fe7e39..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Square/SquareGame.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/11/Square/SquareGame.jack
-// (same as projects/09/Square/SquareGame.jack)
- * Implements the Square Dance game.
- * This simple game allows the user to move a black square around
- * the screen, and change the square's size during the movement.
- * When the game starts, a square of 30 by 30 pixels is shown at the
- * top-left corner of the screen. The user controls the square as follows.
- * The 4 arrow keys are used to move the square up, down, left, and right.
- * The 'z' and 'x' keys are used, respectively, to decrement and increment
- * the square's size. The 'q' key is used to quit the game.
- */
-class SquareGame {
- field Square square; // the square of this game
- field int direction; // the square's current direction:
- // 0=none, 1=up, 2=down, 3=left, 4=right
- /** Constructs a new Square Game. */
- constructor SquareGame new() {
- // Creates a 30 by 30 pixels square and positions it at the top-left
- // of the screen.
- let square = Square.new(0, 0, 30);
- let direction = 0; // initial state is no movement
- return this;
- }
- /** Disposes this game. */
- method void dispose() {
- do square.dispose();
- do Memory.deAlloc(this);
- return;
- }
- /** Moves the square in the current direction. */
- method void moveSquare() {
- if (direction = 1) { do square.moveUp(); }
- if (direction = 2) { do square.moveDown(); }
- if (direction = 3) { do square.moveLeft(); }
- if (direction = 4) { do square.moveRight(); }
- do Sys.wait(5); // delays the next movement
- return;
- }
- /** Runs the game: handles the user's inputs and moves the square accordingly */
- method void run() {
- var char key; // the key currently pressed by the user
- var boolean exit;
- let exit = false;
- while (~exit) {
- // waits for a key to be pressed
- while (key = 0) {
- let key = Keyboard.keyPressed();
- do moveSquare();
- }
- if (key = 81) { let exit = true; } // q key
- if (key = 90) { do square.decSize(); } // z key
- if (key = 88) { do square.incSize(); } // x key
- if (key = 131) { let direction = 1; } // up arrow
- if (key = 133) { let direction = 2; } // down arrow
- if (key = 130) { let direction = 3; } // left arrow
- if (key = 132) { let direction = 4; } // right arrow
- // waits for the key to be released
- while (~(key = 0)) {
- let key = Keyboard.keyPressed();
- do moveSquare();
- }
- } // while
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/11/Square/SquareGame.vm b/projects/11/Square/SquareGame.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index f2dd542..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Square/SquareGame.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-function SquareGame.new 0
-push constant 2
-call Memory.alloc 1
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-push constant 0
-push constant 30
-call Square.new 3
-pop this 0
-push constant 0
-pop this 1
-push pointer 0
-function SquareGame.dispose 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 0
-call Square.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push pointer 0
-call Memory.deAlloc 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function SquareGame.moveSquare 0
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push this 1
-push constant 1
-if-goto moveSquare.Else0
-push this 0
-call Square.moveUp 1
-pop temp 0
-label moveSquare.Else0
-push this 1
-push constant 2
-if-goto moveSquare.Else1
-push this 0
-call Square.moveDown 1
-pop temp 0
-label moveSquare.Else1
-push this 1
-push constant 3
-if-goto moveSquare.Else2
-push this 0
-call Square.moveLeft 1
-pop temp 0
-label moveSquare.Else2
-push this 1
-push constant 4
-if-goto moveSquare.Else3
-push this 0
-call Square.moveRight 1
-pop temp 0
-label moveSquare.Else3
-push constant 5
-call Sys.wait 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
-function SquareGame.run 2
-push argument 0
-pop pointer 0
-push constant 0
-pop local 1
-label run.While0
-push local 1
-if-goto run.EndWhile0
-label run.While0.While0
-push local 0
-push constant 0
-if-goto run.While0.EndWhile0
-call Keyboard.keyPressed 0
-pop local 0
-push pointer 0
-call SquareGame.moveSquare 1
-pop temp 0
-goto run.While0.While0
-label run.While0.EndWhile0
-push local 0
-push constant 81
-if-goto run.While0.Else1
-push constant 1
-pop local 1
-label run.While0.Else1
-push local 0
-push constant 90
-if-goto run.While0.Else2
-push this 0
-call Square.decSize 1
-pop temp 0
-label run.While0.Else2
-push local 0
-push constant 88
-if-goto run.While0.Else3
-push this 0
-call Square.incSize 1
-pop temp 0
-label run.While0.Else3
-push local 0
-push constant 131
-if-goto run.While0.Else4
-push constant 1
-pop this 1
-label run.While0.Else4
-push local 0
-push constant 133
-if-goto run.While0.Else5
-push constant 2
-pop this 1
-label run.While0.Else5
-push local 0
-push constant 130
-if-goto run.While0.Else6
-push constant 3
-pop this 1
-label run.While0.Else6
-push local 0
-push constant 132
-if-goto run.While0.Else7
-push constant 4
-pop this 1
-label run.While0.Else7
-label run.While0.While8
-push local 0
-push constant 0
-if-goto run.While0.EndWhile8
-call Keyboard.keyPressed 0
-pop local 0
-push pointer 0
-call SquareGame.moveSquare 1
-pop temp 0
-goto run.While0.While8
-label run.While0.EndWhile8
-goto run.While0
-label run.EndWhile0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/11/Test.jack b/projects/11/Test.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index ff4bfae..0000000
--- a/projects/11/Test.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-class Test{
-method void something(){
-constructor Test new(){
- do something();
diff --git a/projects/11/systemsub.txt b/projects/11/systemsub.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cad8797..0000000
--- a/projects/11/systemsub.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-class Math{
-function int abs(int x, int y){}
-function int multiply(int x, int y){}
-function int divide(int x, int y){}
-function int min(int x, int y){}
-function int max(int x, int y){}
-function int sqrt(int x){}
-class String{
-constructor String new(int maxLength){}
-method int dispose(){}
-method int length(){}
-method char charAt(int j){}
-method void setCharAt(int j, char c){}
-method String appendChar(char c){}
-method void eraseLastChar(){}
-method int intValue(){}
-method void setInt(int val){}
-function char backSpace(){}
-function char doubleQuote(){}
-function char newLine(){}
-class Array{
-function Array new(int size){}
-method void dispose(){}
-class Output{
-function void moveCursor(int i, int j){}
-function void printChar(char c){}
-function void printString(String s){}
-function void printInt(int i){}
-function void println(){}
-function void backSpace(){}
-class Screen{
-function void clearScreen(){}
-function void setColor(boolean b){}
-function void drawPixel(int x, int y){}
-function void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){}
-function void drawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){}
-function void drawCircle(int x, int y, int r){}
-class Keyboard{
-function char keyPressed(){}
-function char readChar(){}
-function String readLine(String message){}
-function int readInt(String message){}
-class Memory{
-function int peek(int address){}
-function void poke(int address, int value){}
-function Array alloc(int size){}
-function void deAlloc(Array o){}
-class Sys{
-function void halt(){}
-function void error(int errorCode){}
-function void wait(int duration){}
diff --git a/projects/11/systemsub1.txt b/projects/11/systemsub1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2095728..0000000
--- a/projects/11/systemsub1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-function int Math.multiply(int x, int y)
-function int Math.divide(int x, int y)
-function int Math.min(int x, int y)
-function int Math.max(int x, int y)
-function int Math.sqrt(int x)
-constructor String String.new(int maxLength)
-method int String.dispose()
-method int String.length()
-method char String.charAt(int j)
-method void String.setCharAt(int j, char c)
-method String String.appendChar(char c)
-method void String.eraseLastChar()
-method int String.intValue()
-method void String.setInt(int val)
-function char String.backSpace()
-function char String.doubleQuote()
-function char String.newLine()
-function Array Array.new(int size)
-method void Array.dispose()
-function void Output.moveCursor(int i, int j)
-function void Output.printChar(char c)
-function void Output.printString(String s)
-function void Output.printInt(int i)
-function void Output.println()
-function void Output.backSpace()
-function void Screen.clearScreen()
-function void Screen.setColor(boolean b)
-function void Screen.drawPixel(int x, int y)
-function void Screen.drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
-function void Screen.drawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
-function void Screen.drawCircle(int x, int y, int r)
-function char Keyboard.keyPressed()
-function char Keyboard.readChar()
-function String Keyboard.readLine(String message)
-function int Keyboard.readInt(String message)
-function int Memory.peek(int address)
-function void Memory.poke(int address, int value)
-function Array Memory.alloc(int size)
-function void Memory.deAlloc(Array o)
-function void Sys.halt()
-function void Sys.error(int errorCode)
-function void Sys.wait(int duration)