path: root/projects/12/MemoryTest
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'projects/12/MemoryTest')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 515 deletions
diff --git a/projects/12/MemoryTest/Main.jack b/projects/12/MemoryTest/Main.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 77a53a9..0000000
--- a/projects/12/MemoryTest/Main.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/12/MemoryTest/Main.jack
-/** Test program for the OS Memory class. */
-class Main {
- /** Performs various memory manipulations. */
- function void main() {
- var int temp;
- var Array a, b, c;
- do Memory.poke(8000, 333); // RAM[8000] = 333
- let temp = Memory.peek(8000);
- do Memory.poke(8001, temp + 1); // RAM[8001] = 334
- let a = Array.new(3); // uses Memory.alloc
- let a[2] = 222;
- do Memory.poke(8002, a[2]); // RAM[8002] = 222
- let b = Array.new(3);
- let b[1] = a[2] - 100;
- do Memory.poke(8003, b[1]); // RAM[8003] = 122
- let c = Array.new(500);
- let c[499] = a[2] - b[1];
- do Memory.poke(8004, c[499]); // RAM[8004] = 100
- do a.dispose(); // uses Memory.deAlloc
- do b.dispose();
- let b = Array.new(3);
- let b[0] = c[499] - 90;
- do Memory.poke(8005, b[0]); // RAM[8005] = 10
- do c.dispose();
- do b.dispose();
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/12/MemoryTest/Main.vm b/projects/12/MemoryTest/Main.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index a3a9e81..0000000
--- a/projects/12/MemoryTest/Main.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-function Main.main 4
-push constant 8000
-push constant 333
-call Memory.poke 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 8000
-call Memory.peek 1
-pop local 0
-push constant 8001
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-call Memory.poke 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 3
-call Array.new 1
-pop local 1
-push constant 2
-push local 1
-push constant 222
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push constant 8002
-push constant 2
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Memory.poke 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 3
-call Array.new 1
-pop local 2
-push constant 1
-push local 2
-push constant 2
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 100
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push constant 8003
-push constant 1
-push local 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Memory.poke 2
-pop temp 0
-push constant 500
-call Array.new 1
-pop local 3
-push constant 499
-push local 3
-push constant 2
-push local 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 1
-push local 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push constant 8004
-push constant 499
-push local 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Memory.poke 2
-pop temp 0
-push local 1
-call Array.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 2
-call Array.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 3
-call Array.new 1
-pop local 2
-push constant 0
-push local 2
-push constant 499
-push local 3
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 90
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push constant 8005
-push constant 0
-push local 2
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-call Memory.poke 2
-pop temp 0
-push local 3
-call Array.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push local 2
-call Array.dispose 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/12/MemoryTest/Memory.jack b/projects/12/MemoryTest/Memory.jack
deleted file mode 100644
index 54e04aa..0000000
--- a/projects/12/MemoryTest/Memory.jack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/12/Memory.jack
- * This library provides two services: direct access to the computer's main
- * memory (RAM), and allocation and recycling of memory blocks. The Hack RAM
- * consists of 32,768 words, each holding a 16-bit binary number.
- */
-class Memory {
- static Array memory;
- static Array heap;
- static int last;
- /** Initializes the class. */
- function void init() {
- let memory = 0;
- let heap = 2048;
- let heap[0] = -1;
- let heap[1] = 14334;
- let last = 0;
- return;
- }
- /** Returns the RAM value at the given address. */
- function int peek(int address) {
- return memory[address];
- }
- /** Sets the RAM value at the given address to the given value. */
- function void poke(int address, int value) {
- let memory[address] = value;
- return;
- }
- /** Finds an available RAM block of the given size and returns
- * a reference to its base address. */
- function int alloc(int size) {
- var int current;
- var int size2;
- var int newLast;
- let current = 0;
- let size2 = size + 2;
- while ((current > -1) & (heap[current + 1] < size2)) {
- let current = heap[current];
- }
- if (current = -1) {
- do String.println("Insufficient space for allocation!");
- do Sys.error(1);
- return -1;
- } else {
- let heap[current + 1] = heap[current + 1] - size2;
- let newLast = current + heap[current + 1] + 2;
- let heap[newLast] = heap[current];
- let heap[current] = newLast;
- let heap[newLast + 1] = size;
- return heap + newLast + 2;
- }
- }
- /** De-allocates the given object (cast as an array) by making
- * it available for future allocations. */
- function void deAlloc(Array o) {
- var int oBase;
- let oBase = o - heap - 2;
- let heap[oBase] = -1;
- let heap[last] = oBase;
- let last = oBase;
- return;
- }
diff --git a/projects/12/MemoryTest/Memory.vm b/projects/12/MemoryTest/Memory.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0570b46..0000000
--- a/projects/12/MemoryTest/Memory.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-function Memory.init 0
-push constant 0
-pop static 0
-push constant 2048
-pop static 1
-push constant 0
-push static 1
-push constant 1
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push constant 1
-push static 1
-push constant 14334
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push constant 0
-pop static 2
-push constant 0
-function Memory.peek 0
-push argument 0
-push static 0
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-function Memory.poke 0
-push argument 0
-push static 0
-push argument 1
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push constant 0
-function Memory.alloc 3
-push constant 0
-pop local 0
-push argument 0
-push constant 2
-pop local 1
-label WHILE_EXP0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-push static 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push local 1
-if-goto WHILE_END0
-push local 0
-push static 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop local 0
-goto WHILE_EXP0
-label WHILE_END0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-if-goto IF_TRUE0
-goto IF_FALSE0
-label IF_TRUE0
-push constant 34
-call String.new 1
-push constant 73
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 110
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 117
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 102
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 102
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 105
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 105
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 110
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 115
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 112
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 101
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 102
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 111
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 114
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 32
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 108
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 111
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 99
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 97
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 116
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 105
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 111
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 110
-call String.appendChar 2
-push constant 33
-call String.appendChar 2
-call String.println 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 1
-call Sys.error 1
-pop temp 0
-push constant 1
-goto IF_END0
-label IF_FALSE0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-push static 1
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-push static 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push local 1
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push local 0
-push local 0
-push constant 1
-push static 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-push constant 2
-pop local 2
-push local 2
-push static 1
-push local 0
-push static 1
-pop pointer 1
-push that 0
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push local 0
-push static 1
-push local 2
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push local 2
-push constant 1
-push static 1
-push argument 0
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push static 1
-push local 2
-push constant 2
-label IF_END0
-function Memory.deAlloc 1
-push argument 0
-push static 1
-push constant 2
-pop local 0
-push local 0
-push static 1
-push constant 1
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push static 2
-push static 1
-push local 0
-pop temp 0
-pop pointer 1
-push temp 0
-pop that 0
-push local 0
-pop static 2
-push constant 0
diff --git a/projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryTest.cmp b/projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryTest.cmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 057958b..0000000
--- a/projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryTest.cmp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-| 333 | 334 | 222 | 122 | 100 | 10 |
diff --git a/projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryTest.out b/projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryTest.out
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryTest.out
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryTest.tst b/projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryTest.tst
deleted file mode 100644
index 1da34fd..0000000
--- a/projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryTest.tst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
-// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
-// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
-// File name: projects/12/MemoryTest/MemoryTest.tst
-output-file MemoryTest.out,
-compare-to MemoryTest.cmp,
-output-list RAM[8000]%D2.6.1 RAM[8001]%D2.6.1 RAM[8002]%D2.6.1 RAM[8003]%D2.6.1 RAM[8004]%D2.6.1 RAM[8005]%D2.6.1;
-repeat 1000000 {
- vmstep;