path: root/projects
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'projects')
2 files changed, 131 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/projects/05/CPU.hdl b/projects/05/CPU.hdl
index 7b73ca0..904a521 100644
--- a/projects/05/CPU.hdl
+++ b/projects/05/CPU.hdl
@@ -40,4 +40,41 @@ CHIP CPU {
// Put your code here:
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ Nand(a=instruction[15], b=instruction[5], out=c7);
+ Mux16(a=aluout, b=instruction, sel=c7, out=out1);
+ Not(in=instruction[15], out=notd1);
+ Or(a=instruction[5], b=notd1, out=c8);
+ ARegister(in=out1, load=c8, out=out2, out[0..14]=addressM);
+ And(a=instruction[15], b=instruction[12], out=c9);
+ Mux16(a=out2, b=inM, sel=c9, out=y);
+ And(a=instruction[15], b=instruction[4], out=c10);
+ DRegister(in=aluout, load=c10, out=x);
+ ALU(x=x, y=y, zx=instruction[11], nx=instruction[10], zy=instruction[9], ny=instruction[8], f=instruction[7], no=instruction[6], out=aluout, out=outM, ng=ng, zr=zr);
+ Not(in=ng, out=ps);
+ Not(in=zr, out=nz);
+ And(a=ps, b=nz, out=out3);
+ And(a=out3, b=instruction[0], out=isjump1);
+ And(a=ps, b=zr, out=out4);
+ And(a=out4, b=instruction[1], out=isjump2);
+ And(a=ng, b=nz, out=out5);
+ And(a=out5, b=instruction[2], out=isjump3);
+ Or(a=isjump1, b=isjump2, out=isjump4);
+ Or(a=isjump3, b=isjump4, out=isjump5);
+ And(a=instruction[15], b=isjump5, out=isjump);
+ Not(in=isjump, out=isnotjump);
+ PC(in=out2, load=isjump, inc=isnotjump, reset=reset, out[0..14]=pc);
+ And(a=instruction[15], b=instruction[3], out=writeM);
diff --git a/projects/05/CPU.out b/projects/05/CPU.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95f17b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/05/CPU.out
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+|time| inM | instruction |reset| outM |writeM |addre| pc |DRegiste|
+|0+ | 0|0011000000111001| 0 | 0| 0 | 0| 0| 0 |
+|1 | 0|0011000000111001| 0 | 0| 0 |12345| 1| 0 |
+|1+ | 0|1110110000010000| 0 | 12345| 0 |12345| 1| 12345 |
+|2 | 0|1110110000010000| 0 | 12345| 0 |12345| 2| 12345 |
+|2+ | 0|0101101110100000| 0 | -1| 0 |12345| 2| 12345 |
+|3 | 0|0101101110100000| 0 | -1| 0 |23456| 3| 12345 |
+|3+ | 0|1110000111010000| 0 | 11111| 0 |23456| 3| 11111 |
+|4 | 0|1110000111010000| 0 | 12345| 0 |23456| 4| 11111 |
+|4+ | 0|0000001111101000| 0 | -11111| 0 |23456| 4| 11111 |
+|5 | 0|0000001111101000| 0 | -11111| 0 | 1000| 5| 11111 |
+|5+ | 0|1110001100001000| 0 | 11111| 1 | 1000| 5| 11111 |
+|6 | 0|1110001100001000| 0 | 11111| 1 | 1000| 6| 11111 |
+|6+ | 0|0000001111101001| 0 | -11111| 0 | 1000| 6| 11111 |
+|7 | 0|0000001111101001| 0 | -11111| 0 | 1001| 7| 11111 |
+|7+ | 0|1110001110011000| 0 | 11110| 1 | 1001| 7| 11110 |
+|8 | 0|1110001110011000| 0 | 11109| 1 | 1001| 8| 11110 |
+|8+ | 0|0000001111101000| 0 | -11110| 0 | 1001| 8| 11110 |
+|9 | 0|0000001111101000| 0 | -11110| 0 | 1000| 9| 11110 |
+|9+ | 11111|1111010011010000| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 9| -1 |
+|10 | 11111|1111010011010000| 0 | -11112| 0 | 1000| 10| -1 |
+|10+ | 11111|0000000000001110| 0 | 1000| 0 | 1000| 10| -1 |
+|11 | 11111|0000000000001110| 0 | 14| 0 | 14| 11| -1 |
+|11+ | 11111|1110001100000100| 0 | -1| 0 | 14| 11| -1 |
+|12 | 11111|1110001100000100| 0 | -1| 0 | 14| 14| -1 |
+|12+ | 11111|0000001111100111| 0 | 1| 0 | 14| 14| -1 |
+|13 | 11111|0000001111100111| 0 | 1| 0 | 999| 15| -1 |
+|13+ | 11111|1110110111100000| 0 | 1000| 0 | 999| 15| -1 |
+|14 | 11111|1110110111100000| 0 | 1001| 0 | 1000| 16| -1 |
+|14+ | 11111|1110001100001000| 0 | -1| 1 | 1000| 16| -1 |
+|15 | 11111|1110001100001000| 0 | -1| 1 | 1000| 17| -1 |
+|15+ | 11111|0000000000010101| 0 | 1000| 0 | 1000| 17| -1 |
+|16 | 11111|0000000000010101| 0 | 21| 0 | 21| 18| -1 |
+|16+ | 11111|1110011111000010| 0 | 0| 0 | 21| 18| -1 |
+|17 | 11111|1110011111000010| 0 | 0| 0 | 21| 21| -1 |
+|17+ | 11111|0000000000000010| 0 | 21| 0 | 21| 21| -1 |
+|18 | 11111|0000000000000010| 0 | 2| 0 | 2| 22| -1 |
+|18+ | 11111|1110000010010000| 0 | 1| 0 | 2| 22| 1 |
+|19 | 11111|1110000010010000| 0 | 3| 0 | 2| 23| 1 |
+|19+ | 11111|0000001111101000| 0 | -1| 0 | 2| 23| 1 |
+|20 | 11111|0000001111101000| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 24| 1 |
+|20+ | 11111|1110111010010000| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 24| -1 |
+|21 | 11111|1110111010010000| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 25| -1 |
+|21+ | 11111|1110001100000001| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 25| -1 |
+|22 | 11111|1110001100000001| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 26| -1 |
+|22+ | 11111|1110001100000010| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 26| -1 |
+|23 | 11111|1110001100000010| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 27| -1 |
+|23+ | 11111|1110001100000011| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 27| -1 |
+|24 | 11111|1110001100000011| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 28| -1 |
+|24+ | 11111|1110001100000100| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 28| -1 |
+|25 | 11111|1110001100000100| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 1000| -1 |
+|25+ | 11111|1110001100000101| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 1000| -1 |
+|26 | 11111|1110001100000101| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 1000| -1 |
+|26+ | 11111|1110001100000110| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 1000| -1 |
+|27 | 11111|1110001100000110| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 1000| -1 |
+|27+ | 11111|1110001100000111| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 1000| -1 |
+|28 | 11111|1110001100000111| 0 | -1| 0 | 1000| 1000| -1 |
+|28+ | 11111|1110101010010000| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1000| 0 |
+|29 | 11111|1110101010010000| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1001| 0 |
+|29+ | 11111|1110001100000001| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1001| 0 |
+|30 | 11111|1110001100000001| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1002| 0 |
+|30+ | 11111|1110001100000010| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1002| 0 |
+|31 | 11111|1110001100000010| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1000| 0 |
+|31+ | 11111|1110001100000011| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1000| 0 |
+|32 | 11111|1110001100000011| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1000| 0 |
+|32+ | 11111|1110001100000100| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1000| 0 |
+|33 | 11111|1110001100000100| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1001| 0 |
+|33+ | 11111|1110001100000101| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1001| 0 |
+|34 | 11111|1110001100000101| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1002| 0 |
+|34+ | 11111|1110001100000110| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1002| 0 |
+|35 | 11111|1110001100000110| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1000| 0 |
+|35+ | 11111|1110001100000111| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1000| 0 |
+|36 | 11111|1110001100000111| 0 | 0| 0 | 1000| 1000| 0 |
+|36+ | 11111|1110111111010000| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1000| 1 |
+|37 | 11111|1110111111010000| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1001| 1 |
+|37+ | 11111|1110001100000001| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1001| 1 |
+|38 | 11111|1110001100000001| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1000| 1 |
+|38+ | 11111|1110001100000010| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1000| 1 |
+|39 | 11111|1110001100000010| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1001| 1 |
+|39+ | 11111|1110001100000011| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1001| 1 |
+|40 | 11111|1110001100000011| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1000| 1 |
+|40+ | 11111|1110001100000100| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1000| 1 |
+|41 | 11111|1110001100000100| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1001| 1 |
+|41+ | 11111|1110001100000101| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1001| 1 |
+|42 | 11111|1110001100000101| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1000| 1 |
+|42+ | 11111|1110001100000110| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1000| 1 |
+|43 | 11111|1110001100000110| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1001| 1 |
+|43+ | 11111|1110001100000111| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1001| 1 |
+|44 | 11111|1110001100000111| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1000| 1 |
+|44+ | 11111|1110001100000111| 1 | 1| 0 | 1000| 1000| 1 |
+|45 | 11111|1110001100000111| 1 | 1| 0 | 1000| 0| 1 |
+|45+ | 11111|0111111111111111| 0 | 1| 0 | 1000| 0| 1 |
+|46 | 11111|0111111111111111| 0 | 1| 0 |32767| 1| 1 |