diff options
authorYoni Rabkin <>2015-10-11 15:02:41 -0400
committerYoni Rabkin <>2015-10-11 15:02:41 -0400
commitd4cfeedfa831549a2067f8d29c77b162e86692bf (patch)
parentcca328cbacb57113c8e5db95a0471c2b392f99ee (diff)
* rt-liberation-report.el: Evolve notes.
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/rt-liberation-report.el b/rt-liberation-report.el
index 0d693a0..81fd50c 100644
--- a/rt-liberation-report.el
+++ b/rt-liberation-report.el
@@ -32,30 +32,22 @@
(require 'rt-liberation-rest)
-;; This query works for a single day _BUT_ only if `resolved' is added
-;; as a `rt-liber-attrib-p'. The `nil' is the result when there are no
-;; tickets to return and the list is what comes back when tickets are
-;; found.
-;; (rt-liber-rest-run-show-base-query
-;; (rt-liber-rest-run-ls-query
-;; (rt-liber-compile-query
-;; (and (queue "licensing")
-;; (resolved "2015-10-09")
-;; (status "resolved")))))
-;; However, note that the following inequalities work too and would be
-;; the right way to do the query:
-;; (rt-liber-rest-run-ls-query "Queue = 'licensing' AND Resolved <
-;; '2015-10-02' AND Resolved > '2015-09-28' AND Status = 'resolved'")
-;; NOTE!!! rt-liberation already supports "temporal" predicates, but I
-;; need to add `resolved' ("Resolved") as one of them and check that
-;; it works.
-;; nil
+(defun rt-liberation-report-resolved-interval (rt-queue start-date end-date)
+ "Return tickets resolved between START-DATE and END-DATE.
+The tickets must have their current status be Resolved in order
+to be returned by this function. If no tickets match the query,
+return `nil'."
+ (rt-liber-rest-run-show-base-query
+ (rt-liber-rest-run-ls-query
+ (rt-liber-compile-query
+ (and (queue rt-queue)
+ (resolved start-date end-date)
+ (status "resolved"))))))
+;; (rt-liberation-report-resolved-interval "licensing" "2015-09-18" "2015-09-17")
;; ((("TimeLeft" . "0")
;; ("TimeWorked" . "0")
;; ("TimeEstimated" . "0")