path: root/doc/rt-liber.texinfo
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authorYoni Rabkin <>2020-08-11 08:52:29 -0400
committerYoni Rabkin <>2020-08-11 08:52:29 -0400
commit9902111423f393c4c0079feb4f51dfe425173b00 (patch)
tree20976d3bb6f0c183a4414051ee5dae81b75b3171 /doc/rt-liber.texinfo
parent133559f869ac7faea68a2d48273b0347a3b316a2 (diff)
* dir: shorten the name of the info file
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/rt-liber.texinfo')
1 files changed, 927 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
+@c %**start of header
+@settitle The rt-liberation Manual
+@c %**end of header
+@c History: This manual was started on the 6th of April 2009. Yoni
+@c Rabkin ( is the primary author.
+@dircategory Emacs
+* rt-liberation: (rt-liber). Emacs Interface to RT
+@end direntry
+ @copyright{} 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or
+any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
+Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A
+copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free
+Documentation License''.
+@end quotation
+@end copying
+@c For printed material
+@title The rt-liberation Manual
+@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
+@end titlepage
+@c END For printed material
+@node Top, Introduction, (dir), (dir)
+@top The rt-liberation Manual
+This is the Manual for the rt-liberation system
+* Introduction:: Introduction to rt-liberation.
+* Installation:: Setup rt-liberation to work on the system.
+Using rt-liberation
+* Queries:: Retrieve particular tickets from the server.
+* Ticket Browser:: Browse the query results.
+* Ticket Viewer:: Interface to query results.
+* Gnus Integration:: Sending email to the RT server via Gnus.
+* Tracking Updates:: Keeping up to date with ticket changes.
+* Batch Operations:: Performing operations on batches of tickets.
+* Local Storage:: Associate arbitrary data with tickets.
+Copying and license
+* Copying:: The GNU General Public License gives you
+ permission to redistribute rt-liberation
+ on certain terms; it also explains that
+ there is no warranty.
+* The GNU FDL:: The license for this documentation.
+* Concept Index::
+* Function Index::
+* Variable Index::
+* Keybinding Index::
+ --- The Detailed Node Listing ---
+* Query Compiler:: Compiling Emacs Lisp to TicketSQL.
+* Query Language:: A description of the Sexp-based language.
+Ticket Browser
+* Ticket Browser Display:: How tickets are displayed in the browser.
+* Ticket Browser Sorting:: How tickets are sorted in the browser.
+* Ticket Browser Filtering:: How to filter tickets out of the browser.
+* Multiple Ticket Browsers:: More than one ticket browser buffer.
+@end detailmenu
+@end menu
+@end ifnottex
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Introduction
+@chapter Introduction
+@cindex introduction
+rt-liberation is a GNU/Emacs package for working with the Request
+Tracker (henceforth abbreviated as just ``RT'') software from Best
+Practical Solutions. RT has an interactive Web interface, a command
+line interface (the ``RT CLI''), and a REST interface. rt-liberation
+uses the RT REST interface to communicate with the RT server.
+rt-liberation allows sending search queries to the RT server, browsing
+the resulting tickets, viewing the tickets' contents and performing
+operations on the tickets.
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Installation
+@chapter Installation
+@cindex installation
+rt-liberation is available via GNU ELPA.
+If you install rt-liberation manually instead you'll need to tell
+Emacs where to find it, and tell Emacs to load the package:
+(add-to-list 'load-path "/PATH/TO/rt-liberation/")
+@end lisp
+(require 'rt-liberation)
+@end lisp
+rt-liberation needs to be configured in your ~/.emacs, an ~/.rt-liber
+file, or similar.
+Tell rt-liberation where to find the RT server's REST interface:
+(setq rt-liber-rest-url "")
+@end lisp
+rt-liberation can issue a command to ``take'' a ticket (that is,
+assign it to yourself). For this the variable @var{rt-liber-username}
+must be set:
+(setq rt-liber-username "someuser")
+@end lisp
+rt-liberation can also launch a Web browser to visit a ticket. For
+that to work the base URL needs to be set in
+@var{rt-liber-base-url}. For example:
+(setq rt-liber-base-url "")
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Queries
+@chapter Queries
+@cindex queries
+A typical RT server is meant to manage a large amount of tickets. Much
+more that would be convenient to view all at once. Instead queries are
+used to view only a subset of the tickets on the server.
+rt-liberation has its own Sexp-based query language which maps to RT's
+TicketSQL language.
+* Query Compiler:: Compiling Emacs Lisp to TicketSQL.
+* Query Language:: A description of the Sexp-based language.
+@end menu
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Query Compiler
+@section Query Compiler
+@cindex query compiler
+In order to browse and view tickets a list of needs to be requested
+from the RT server. Typically the tickets answer some kind of
+criteria, for example ``tickets no older than a week owned by me which
+have \``foobar\'' in their subject line''. In RT these criteria are
+formulated with ``TicketSQL'' queries; a structured query language
+specific to RT.
+rt-liberation provides a query compiler function to compile Emacs Lisp
+symbolic expressions into TicketSQL. The query compiler supports a
+number of TicketSQL tokens.
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Query Language
+@section Query Language
+@cindex query language
+rt-liberation's Sexp-based query language covers a portion of the
+TicketSQL language. Here are some of the supported TicketSQL tokens:
+Boolean tokens as a means of combining query subsections: ``and'', ``or'',
+``not''. LIKE attribute tokens: ``subject'', ``content''.
+For example here is a query with both Boolean and LIKE tokens:
+ (and (queue "bugs")
+ (content "gnu")))
+==> "Queue = 'bugs' AND Content LIKE 'gnu'"
+@end lisp
+We can also express negation (note that the compiler produces "!=" and
+"NOT LIKE" for negation depending on the context):
+ (and (queue "bugs")
+ (not (owner "Nobody"))
+ (not (content "sprigz"))
+ (status "new")))
+==> "Queue = 'licensing' AND Owner != 'Nobody' \
+ AND Content NOT LIKE 'sprigz' AND Status = 'new'"
+@end lisp
+Attribute tokens which match an attribute to a specific field such as:
+``owner'', ``status'' and ``queue''. Temporal tokens which limit the search
+results to tickets within a certain time interval: ``created'' and
+``lastupdated''. Note that temporal keywords such as ``created'' always
+accept two arguments: BEFORE and AFTER. When either BEFORE or AFTER
+aren't needed, use NIL instead.
+One of the advantages of being able to express the TicketSQL queries
+as Emacs Lisp is to be able to express queries using Emacs Lisp
+Here is a slightly more involved example to illustrate:
+ (and (queue "bugs")
+ (owner "")
+ (status "open")
+ (lastupdated nil
+ (format-time-string
+ "%Y-%m-%d"
+ (seconds-to-time
+ (- (time-to-seconds (current-time))
+ (* 60 60 24 7)))))))
+==> "Queue = 'bugs' AND Owner = '' AND Status = 'open' AND LastUpdated > '2009-03-30'"
+@end lisp
+Here is an example of how the ticket browser and compiler can be used
+in function calls:
+(defun rt-liber-display-ticket (ticket-id)
+ "Display ticket with TICKET-ID in the ticket-browser."
+ (interactive "MTicket ID: ")
+ (rt-liber-browse-query
+ (rt-liber-compile-query
+ (and (queue "complaints")
+ (id ticket-id)))))
+@end lisp
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Ticket Browser
+@chapter Ticket Browser
+@cindex ticket browser
+The ticket browser is a special buffer which provides a convenient
+interface to the results of a server query. The ticket browser can be
+started by invoking: (rt-liber-browse-query QUERY), where QUERY is a
+TicketSQL query. The TicketSQL query can be entered manually as a
+string or as the return value of the query compiler.
+@deffn Function rt-liber-browse-query QUERY &optional NEW
+Runs QUERY against the server and launches the browser.
+If NEW is non-nil then the query results will be displayed in a new
+buffer, otherwise the query results will override the contents of the
+existing ticket browser buffer. If NEW is a string then that will be
+the name of the new buffer.
+@end deffn
+The TicketSQL query can be the return value of the query compiler. For
+ (rt-liber-compile-query
+ (and (queue "bugs")
+ (content "gnu")))
+@end lisp
+Since the return value of the query compiler is just a TicketSQL
+string, the following is equivalent:
+(rt-liber-browse-query "Queue = 'bugs' AND Content LIKE 'gnu'")
+@end lisp
+The ticket browser defines a number of commands:
+@table @kbd
+@item q
+@kindex q (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-browser-mode-quit
+Bury the ticket browser buffer.
+@item n
+@kindex n (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-next-ticket-in-browser
+Move point to the next ticket.
+@item p
+@kindex p (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-previous-ticket-in-browser
+Move point to the previous ticket.
+@item RET
+@kindex RET (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-display-ticket-at-point
+Visit the ticket at point in the @xref{Ticket Viewer}.
+@item g
+@kindex g (ticket browser)
+@findex revert-buffer
+Refresh the contents of the browser buffer.
+@item G
+@kindex G (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-browser-refresh-and-return
+Refresh the contents of the browser buffer. Return point to the
+current ticket after the refresh (if possible).
+@item s
+@kindex s (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-browser-mark-as-spam
+Mark the ticket as spam.
+@item S
+@kindex S (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-multi-delete-spam
+Delete marked tickets as spam (requires rt-liberation-multi package).
+@item a
+@kindex a (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-browser-assign
+Assign the ticket to a user.
+@item r
+@kindex r (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-browser-resolve
+Mark the ticket as ``resolved''.
+@item o
+@kindex o (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-browser-open
+Mark the ticket as ``open''.
+@item t
+@kindex t (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-browser-take-ticket-at-point
+Assign the ticket at point to @var{rt-liber-username}.
+@item SPC
+@kindex SPC (ticket browser)
+@findex scroll-up
+Scroll the text of the ticket browser upward.
+@item DEL
+@kindex DEL (ticket browser)
+@findex scroll-down
+Scroll the text of the ticket browser downward.
+@item m
+@kindex m (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-browser-move
+Move the ticket to a different queue.
+@item P
+@kindex P (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-browser-prioritize
+Set the numerical priority level of the ticket at point.
+@end table
+* Ticket Browser Display:: How tickets are displayed in the browser.
+* Ticket Browser Sorting:: How tickets are sorted in the browser.
+* Ticket Browser Filtering:: How to filter tickets out of the browser.
+* Multiple Ticket Browsers:: More than one ticket browser buffer.
+@end menu
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Ticket Browser Display
+@section Ticket Browser Display
+@cindex ticket browser display function
+The ticket browser displays the tickets in the browser by calling
+@dfn{rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw-f} which can be changed and
+customized. Any implementation of
+@dfn{rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw-f} must leave point at the end
+of the ticket text.
+The ticket data itself can be displayed using rt-liberation ticket
+format string %-sequences:
+@table @asis
+@item %i
+ID number of the ticket in the RT database.
+@item %s
+Subject line.
+@item %c
+Ticket creation time. The format to display the time is specified in
+the variable @var{rt-liber-browser-time-format-string}.
+@item %S
+Ticket status (``open'', ``new'' etc.)
+@item %r
+Whether the ticket is resolved.
+@item %R
+@item %C
+Creator of the ticket.
+@item %o
+Owner of the ticket.
+@item %q
+The queue originating the ticket.
+@item %p
+The numerical priority of the ticket
+@end table
+Here is an example implementation of
+@dfn{rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw-f} showing the use of the
+%-sequences. Note the use of text properties to add color to ticket
+text. The use of text properties as opposed to font-locking is meant
+to ease customization because otherwise any change in ticket display
+would break the font-locking regular expressions.
+(defun rt-liber-ticketlist-browser-redraw-f (ticket)
+ "Display TICKET."
+ (insert (rt-liber-format "[%c] %i" ticket))
+ (add-text-properties (point-at-bol)
+ (point-at-eol)
+ '(face rt-liber-ticket-face))
+ (newline)
+ (insert (rt-liber-format " [%S] %s" ticket))
+ (newline)
+ (insert (rt-liber-format " %o <== %R" ticket)))
+@end lisp
+The function @dfn{rt-liber-high-priority-p} can be used to apply a
+different face or text to a ticket if it is high priority. A ticket is
+considered high priority if its value is strictly higher than
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Ticket Browser Sorting
+@section Ticket Browser Sorting
+@cindex ticket browser sorting
+The tickets in the browser are displayed by default in reverse
+chronological order. Ticket sorting is done by a call to
+Other sorting orders can be used by binding
+@dfn{rt-liber-browser-default-sorting-function} to a different
+function. To ease writing such functions rt-liberation provides two
+predicate functions to perform comparisons between ticket objects:
+@defun rt-liber-lex-lessthan-p a b field
+Return true if A is lexicographically less than B in FIELD.
+Here is an example of sorting tickets lexicographically by owner name
+using @dfn{rt-liber-lex-lessthan-p} (note that you can feed
+@dfn{rt-liber-lex-lessthan-p} a date/time string and it will sort it
+just fine except that it wouldn't make any sense):
+(defun rt-liber-sort-by-owner (ticket-list)
+ "Sort TICKET-LIST lexicographically by owner."
+ (rt-liber-sort-ticket-list
+ ticket-list
+ #'(lambda (a b)
+ (rt-liber-lex-lessthan-p a b "Owner"))))
+@end lisp
+@end defun
+@defun rt-liber-time-lessthan-p a b field
+Return t if A is chronologically less than B in FIELD.
+Here is an example of sorting tickets lexicographically by owner name
+using @dfn{rt-liber-time-lessthan-p} (note that feeding
+@dfn{rt-liber-time-lessthan-p} anything but a date/time string, in
+this case ``Created'' contains a date, will result in an error being
+(defun rt-liber-sort-by-time-created (ticket-list)
+ "Sort TICKET-LIST in reverse chronological order."
+ (reverse
+ (rt-liber-sort-ticket-list
+ ticket-list
+ #'(lambda (a b)
+ (rt-liber-time-lessthan-p a b "Created")))))
+@end lisp
+@end defun
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node Ticket Browser Filtering
+@section Ticket Browser Filtering
+@cindex ticket browser filtering filter
+The Ticket Browser can also filter out (that is, not display) certain
+tickets based on particular criteria. This probably shouldn't be used
+instead of a properly formed RT query, but when used in conjunction
+with correctly formulated queries it becomes a powerful tool.
+During ticket display processing the Ticket Browser will call the
+function pointed to by @var{rt-liber-browser-default-filter-function}
+on each ticket, passing the function the ticket alist as a single
+argument. The function is set by default to
+@dfn{rt-liber-default-filter-f}, which is a function which will
+display all tickets and filter none.
+If any tickets are filtered, the Ticket Browser will display the
+filtered ticket count at the bottom ticket listing.
+Here is a simple example of how to filter out all of the tickets which
+have a status of ``deleted''.
+First we define a custom filter function. Note how it accepts a single
+argument, which is the ticket alist, and returns nil if the ticket is
+to be filtered.
+(defun rt-liber-browser-deleted-filter (ticket)
+ (not
+ (and ticket
+ (string= (cdr (assoc "Status" ticket))
+ "deleted"))))
+@end lisp
+Then we assign that function to be our default filtering function:
+(setq rt-liber-browser-default-filter-function
+ 'rt-liber-browser-deleted-filter)
+@end lisp
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node Multiple Ticket Browsers
+@section Multiple Ticket Browsers
+@cindex ticket browser multiple buffer
+It is sometimes useful to rename the ticket browser buffer to
+something more informative than the default
+@var{rt-liber-browser-buffer-name}, especially if there are multiple
+ticket browsers.
+Changing a ticket browser's name can be done normally with
+`rename-buffer', but it is also possible to name the ticket browser
+when it is created. In the following example two ticket browser
+buffers will be created displaying the query results and named
+``*updated by supervisor*'' and ``*new tickets*'' respectively:
+(defun rt-liber-daily-rounds ()
+ (interactive)
+ (rt-liber-browse-query
+ (rt-liber-compile-query
+ (and (queue "complaints")
+ (owner "lem.e.tweakit")
+ (status "open")
+ (lastupdatedby "molly.manager")))
+ "*updated by supervisor*")
+ (rt-liber-browse-query
+ (rt-liber-compile-query
+ (and (queue "complaints")
+ (owner "Nobody")
+ (status "new")))
+ "*new tickets*"))
+@end lisp
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Ticket Viewer
+@chapter Ticket Viewer
+@cindex ticket viewer
+The ticket viewer is an interface for viewing the contents of a
+ticket. It provides font-locking to make reading the contents easier
+via @var{rt-liber-viewer-font-lock-keywords} and a number of
+The ticket viewer provides key-bindings to help compose emails to send
+to the RT email interface. The key-bindings for composing email
+described below are generic, what actually happens when you invoke
+them depends on the email-backend system you have installed into
+rt-liberation. @file{rt-liberation-gnus.el} provides integration with
+Gnus, @xref{Gnus Integration}.
+Setting @var{rt-liber-jump-to-latest} to `t' will cause the viewer to
+automatically scroll to the latest comment in a ticket when that
+ticket is visited. By default @var{rt-liber-jump-to-latest} is set to
+When in the ticket viewer buffer, invoking
+@dfn{rt-liber-viewer-take-ticket} will ``take'' the ticket.
+@table @kbd
+@item q
+@kindex q (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-viewer-mode-quit
+Bury the ticket viewer buffer.
+@item n
+@kindex n (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-next-section-in-viewer
+Move point to the next section in ticket.
+@item N
+@kindex N (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-jump-to-latest-correspondence
+Move point to the newest correspondence section, if any.
+@item p
+@kindex p (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-previous-section-in-viewer
+Move point to the previous section in ticket.
+@item V
+@kindex V (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-viewer-visit-in-browser
+Visit the current ticket in a Web browser.
+@item m
+@kindex m (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-viewer-answer
+Compose an answer to the current ticket.
+@item M
+@kindex M (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-viewer-answer-this
+Compose an answer to the current ticket. The content section around
+point will be inserted into the email body and commented out.
+@item t
+@kindex t (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-viewer-answer-provisionally
+Compose a provisional answer to the current ticket.
+@item T
+@kindex t (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-viewer-answer-provisionally-this
+Compose a provisional answer to the current ticket. The content
+section around point will be inserted into the email body and
+commented out.
+@item F
+@kindex F (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-viewer-answer-verbatim-this
+Compose an answer to the current ticket. The content section around
+point will be inserted into the email body verbatim.
+@item c
+@kindex c (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-viewer-comment
+Compose a comment for the current ticket.
+@item C
+@kindex C (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-viewer-comment-this
+Comment on the ticket using the current context
+@item g
+@kindex g (ticket viewer)
+@findex revert-buffer
+Refresh and redisplay the current ticket.
+@item SPC
+@kindex SPC (ticket viewer)
+@findex scroll-up
+Scroll text of ticket viewer upward.
+@item DEL
+@kindex DEL (ticket viewer)
+@findex scroll-down
+Scroll text of ticket viewer downward.
+@item h
+@kindex h (ticket viewer)
+@findex rt-liber-viewer-show-ticket-browser
+Display the associated ticket in the ticket browser.
+@end table
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Gnus Integration
+@chapter Gnus Integration
+@cindex Gnus Integration
+The file @file{rt-liberation-gnus.el} implements integration with Gnus
+for composing emails. To enable the feature, `require' it after
+loading rt-liberation:
+(require 'rt-liberation-gnus)
+@end lisp
+In order for rt-liberation-gnus to be useful a few variables need to
+be specialized. The following is example code which sets these
+variables. Below is a thorough description of those variables.
+(setq rt-liber-gnus-comment-address ""
+ rt-liber-gnus-address ""
+ rt-liber-gnus-subject-name "")
+@end lisp
+@defopt rt-liber-gnus-address
+@var{rt-liber-gnus-address} is the email address which is configured
+in the RT server email interface for sending a response to the
+ticket's requestor.
+@end defopt
+@defopt rt-liber-gnus-comment-address
+@var{rt-liber-gnus-comment-address} is the email address which is
+configured in the RT server email interface for adding a comment under
+the ticket in question.
+@end defopt
+@defopt rt-liber-gnus-subject-name
+@var{rt-liber-gnus-subject-name} is a string, typically included at
+the beginning of the square brackets in the subject. The string is a
+part of the subject line which helps the RT server recognize the
+@end defopt
+Gnus posting styles controlled by @var{gnus-posting-styles} can be
+customized for rt-liberation-gnus by using the variable
+@var{rt-liber-gnus-p}, which is only non-nil when rt-liberation-gnus
+launches a Gnus message buffer.
+Here is example code which uses @var{rt-liber-gnus-p} to override the
+signature in the default posting style with one special to
+rt-liberation. Headers can be added and removed in a similar manner.
+(setq gnus-posting-styles
+ '((".*"
+ (name "Lemm E. Hackitt")
+ (address "")
+ (signature-file "~/sig.txt")
+ ("X-Ethics" "Use GNU"))
+ (rt-liber-gnus-p
+ (signature-file "~/rt-liber-sig.txt"))))
+@end lisp
+Once rt-liberation-gnus is loaded and customized the key-bindings in
+the Viewer will be able to call into it, @xref{Ticket Viewer}.
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Tracking Updates
+@chapter Tracking Updates
+@cindex Tracking Updates
+The functions in @file{rt-liberation-update.el} help keep up with
+updates to the ticket database. To enable the feature, `require' it
+after loading rt-liberation:
+(require 'rt-liberation-update)
+@end lisp
+Then set @var{rt-liber-update-default-queue} to be the name of the
+queue to watch for updates. For example:
+(setq rt-liber-update-default-queue "complaints")
+@end lisp
+@defun rt-liber-update &optional no-update
+@code{rt-liber-update} is an interactive function which runs a query
+against the RT server asking for the tickets which have been updated
+since the time @code{rt-liber-update} was last run (each time it runs,
+it leaves a time-stamp). If no time-stamp is found, for instance when
+you run @code{rt-liber-update} for the first time, today's date is
+With the NO-UPDATE prefix, @code{rt-liber-update} will not update the
+time-stamp so that the next invocation will produce the same result.
+@end defun
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Batch Operations
+@chapter Batch Operations
+@cindex Batch Operations
+The extension @file{rt-liberation-multi.el} implements performing
+batch operations on groups of tickets. It works in two stages: First
+mark an arbitrary number of tickets within the same buffer then call a
+batch operation function on them. The batch operation functions work
+the same way as function which work on single tickets only that they
+iterate through all of the marked tickets.
+To enable batch operations first load @file{rt-liberation-multi.el}:
+(require 'rt-liberation-storage)
+@end lisp
+@table @kbd
+@item M
+@kindex M (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-mark-ticket-at-point
+Mark the ticket at point for future action. If the ticket at point is
+already marked then unmark it.
+@end table
+@defun rt-liber-multi-set-status-open
+Set the status of all the marked tickets to ``open''.
+@end defun
+@defun rt-liber-multi-set-status-resolved
+Set the status of all the marked tickets to ``resolved.
+@end defun
+@defun rt-liber-multi-assign name
+Assign all of the marked tickets to NAME.
+@end defun
+@defun rt-liber-multi-flag-as-spam-and-delete
+Set the status of all the marked tickets to ``is-spam'' and delete.
+@end defun
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Local Storage
+@chapter Local Storage
+@cindex Local Storage
+@file{rt-liberation-storage.el} implements associating arbitrary
+ancillary data with tickets. The data is stored locally and is not
+sent to the RT server.
+To enable local storage first load @file{rt-liberation-storage.el}:
+(require 'rt-liberation-storage)
+@end lisp
+Then enable the display of ancillary data with:
+(setq rt-liber-anc-p t)
+@end lisp
+The associated data is edited and displayed in the ticket browser with
+the following command key:
+@table @kbd
+@item A
+@kindex A (ticket browser)
+@findex rt-liber-browser-ancillary-text
+Associate text with the ticket at point. You will be prompted to enter
+a string of text.
+@end table
+Once text is associated with a ticket it will be displayed alongside
+that ticket in the ticket browser. This particular feature lends
+itself to creating private annotations about tickets.
+The implementation distributed with rt-liberation allows associating
+text with tickets but is not limited to text. The same implementation
+can be extended to associate any arbitrary data with any ticket.
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@c including the relevant licenses
+@include gpl.texi
+@include fdl.texi
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Concept Index
+@unnumbered Concept Index
+@printindex cp
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Function Index
+@unnumbered Function Index
+@printindex fn
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Variable Index
+@unnumbered Variable Index
+@printindex vr
+@c --------------------------------------------------
+@node Keybinding Index
+@unnumbered Keybinding Index
+@printindex ky