path: root/etc
diff options
authorJohnathan Rabkin <>2013-12-13 15:14:45 -0500
committerJohnathan Rabkin <>2013-12-13 15:14:45 -0500
commit5de9af64f18301ca1943ed1e362255f050424fcd (patch)
treead35d76fe74696d092dba59b1d30f40ce95ab7a8 /etc
import for initial Savannah tree
Diffstat (limited to 'etc')
2 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
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146.97573,360.36217 C 146.42573,360.36217 146.79022,361.26217 147.78571,362.36217 C 148.78119,363.46217 150.04568,364.36217 150.59568,364.36217 C 151.14568,364.36217 150.78119,363.46217 149.78571,362.36217 z M 153.0721,362.16698 C 152.27044,360.95962 150.97805,359.77289 150.20012,359.5298 C 149.42219,359.28671 149.87665,360.27455 151.21002,361.72499 C 154.15915,364.93307 155.04895,365.14427 153.0721,362.16698 z M 156.85871,361.8407 C 154.80363,360.28594 153.65525,360.53306 154.74459,362.29564 C 155.10712,362.88223 156.16468,363.34786 157.09472,363.33037 C 158.57937,363.30244 158.55057,363.12067 156.85871,361.8407 z M 130.28571,361.98461 C 130.28571,361.77696 129.49821,360.98946 128.53571,360.23461 C 126.94965,358.99074 126.91428,359.02611 128.15815,360.61217 C 129.46452,362.27792 130.28571,362.80765 130.28571,361.98461 z M 104.78571,358.41515 C 107.82608,357.58781 116.96816,357.0464 116.20237,357.73903 C 115.97321,357.9463 112.63571,358.3669 108.78571,358.6737 C 104.37021,359.02555 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diff --git a/etc/rt-dot-el-design b/etc/rt-dot-el-design
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index 0000000..01cc3c2
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+-*- outline -*-
+This document outlines *a* design concept for an RT mode for
+** Functional modules
+* Module "TicketSQL compiler": Symbolic expression domain specific
+ language to TicketSQL query compiler. Accept as input a sexp
+ representing a query and output a query in TicketSQL format. For
+ example: [(:and (:owner "Ben Bitdiddle") (:status "open"))] =>
+ ["Owner='Ben Bitdiddle' and Status='open'"].
+* Module "TicketSQL runner": Run a TicketSQL query against the server
+ and return the result. Accept as input a TicketSQL query and return
+ a list of ticket-id ticket-subject pairs or nil if no matches were
+ found.
+* Module "ticket retriever": Retrieve all of the data related to a
+ particular ticket. Accept as input a ticket-id and return a string
+ containing all of the information and history corresponding to the
+ ticket with ticket-id.
+* Module "CLI command interface": Send ticket-modifying commands to
+ the server, receive and process the results.
+* Module "local storage": Store and retrieve arbitrary information
+ about tickets. The storage is keyed to the RT ticket number.
+** User interface modules
+* Module "ticket browser": (requires "TicketSQL runner") Interactive
+ interface to choose a ticket out of a list of tickets. The query
+ which generated the list is displayed at the top, followed by the
+ number of tickets listed, followed by a list of tickets. Tickets are
+ displayed according to a modular display function. The tickets are
+ sorted according to a default sorting function (reverse
+ chronological order).
+* Module "ticket viewer": (requires "TicketSQL retriever") Interactive
+ interface to display all of the information and history
+ corresponding to the ticket with ticket-id. Ticket display provides
+ a number of convinience functions. The buffer is read-only and
+ provides font-locking to easily identify section borders. The
+ keyboard space-bar invokes `scroll-up'. The "n" and "p" keys jump to
+ the next and previous section borders respectively.
+** Software interfaces
+* Module "rt-liber-Gnus": (requires "ticket viewer") Allows the user
+ to open the current ticket in a Gnus mail buffer. Fills in the
+ "Subject:" and "To:" fields appropriately. Has the ability to import
+ the text of a certain section (automatically quoted). Optionally can
+ add a "sorry we are late" text if the ticket is old or other
+ greetings, salutations and signatures.
+* Module "command": (requires "CLI command interface") The user can
+ send commands to the RT system to change the status of tickets via
+ this interface. The user interface is updated as needed to reflect
+ the change.