diff options
2 files changed, 83 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/QA.md b/QA.md
index 8453b78..7c23e80 100644
--- a/QA.md
+++ b/QA.md
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ The behaviors of the console are tested in [Console section](#consoles).
##### `"blacklist"` section
-- [ ] able to add item
-- [ ] able to remove item
- [ ] `github.com/a` blocks `github.com/a`, and not blocks `github.com/aa`
##### Updating
@@ -46,12 +44,6 @@ The behaviors of the console are tested in [Console section](#consoles).
- [ ] keymap settings are applied to open tabs without reload
- [ ] search settings are applied to open tabs without reload
-### Settings source
-- [ ] show confirmation dialog on switched from json to form
-- [ ] state is saved on source changed
-- [ ] on switching form -> json -> form, first and last form setting is equivalent to first one
## Find mode
- [ ] open console with <kbd>/</kbd>
@@ -60,9 +52,3 @@ The behaviors of the console are tested in [Console section](#consoles).
- [ ] Wrap search by <kbd>n</kbd>/<kbd>N</kbd>
- [ ] Find with last keyword if keyword is empty
- [ ] Find keyword last used on new tab opened
-## Misc
-- [ ] Work on `about:blank`
-- [ ] Able to map `<A-Z>` key.
-- [ ] Open file menu by <kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>F</kbd> (Other than Mac OS)
diff --git a/e2e/options_form.test.js b/e2e/options_form.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d665f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/e2e/options_form.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+const lanthan = require('lanthan');
+const path = require('path');
+const assert = require('assert');
+describe("options form page", () => {
+ let firefox;
+ let session;
+ let browser;
+ beforeEach(async() => {
+ firefox = await lanthan.firefox({
+ spy: path.join(__dirname, '..'),
+ builderf: (builder) => {
+ builder.addFile('build/settings.js');
+ builder.addFile('build/settings.html');
+ },
+ });
+ await firefox.session.installAddonFromPath(path.join(__dirname, '..'));
+ session = firefox.session;
+ browser = firefox.browser;
+ let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({});
+ for (let tab of tabs.slice(1)) {
+ await browser.tabs.remove(tab.id);
+ }
+ })
+ afterEach(async() => {
+ if (firefox) {
+ await firefox.close();
+ }
+ })
+ const setBlacklistValue = async(nth, value) => {
+ let selector = '.form-blacklist-form .column-url';
+ let input = (await session.findElementsByCSS(selector))[nth];
+ await input.sendKeys(value);
+ await session.executeScript(`document.querySelectorAll('${selector}')[${nth}].blur()`);
+ }
+ it('switch to form settings', async () => {
+ let url = await browser.runtime.getURL("build/settings.html")
+ await session.navigateTo(url);
+ let useFormInput = await session.findElementByCSS('#setting-source-form');
+ await useFormInput.click();
+ await session.acceptAlert();
+ let { settings } = await browser.storage.local.get('settings');
+ assert.equal(settings.source, 'form')
+ })
+ it('add blacklist', async () => {
+ let url = await browser.runtime.getURL("build/settings.html")
+ await session.navigateTo(url);
+ let useFormInput = await session.findElementByCSS('#setting-source-form');
+ await useFormInput.click();
+ await session.acceptAlert();
+ let settings = (await browser.storage.local.get('settings')).settings;
+ assert.deepEqual(settings.form.blacklist, [])
+ let addButton = await session.findElementByCSS('.form-blacklist-form .ui-add-button');
+ await addButton.click();
+ await setBlacklistValue(0, 'google.com')
+ settings = (await browser.storage.local.get('settings')).settings;
+ assert.deepEqual(settings.form.blacklist, ['google.com'])
+ await addButton.click();
+ await setBlacklistValue(1, 'yahoo.com')
+ settings = (await browser.storage.local.get('settings')).settings;
+ assert.deepEqual(settings.form.blacklist, ['google.com', 'yahoo.com'])
+ let deleteButton = (await session.findElementsByCSS('.form-blacklist-form .ui-delete-button'))[0];
+ await deleteButton.click()
+ settings = (await browser.storage.local.get('settings')).settings;
+ assert.deepEqual(settings.form.blacklist, ['yahoo.com'])
+ });