diff options
authorDaniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org>2018-10-22 01:20:25 +0200
committerDaniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org>2018-10-27 20:48:56 +0200
commit069225e2e61562c8166a446d201457425b91ce57 (patch)
parente91d57a4655d69b306190506c488450f42391fb3 (diff)
Refactor Unit handling
6 files changed, 333 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs b/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs
index 90935c9..0190129 100644
--- a/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs
+++ b/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ module Distribution.Helper (
, mkQueryEnv
, qeReadProcess
, qePrograms
- , qeProjectDir
+ , qeProjLoc
, qeDistDir
-- * GADTs
, DistDir(..)
, ProjType(..)
- , ProjDir(..)
+ , ProjLoc(..)
, Programs(..)
, defaultPrograms
@@ -163,99 +163,70 @@ instance Monad (Query pt) where
return a = Query $ const $ return a
-- | @mkQueryEnv projdir distdir@. Smart constructor for 'QueryEnv'.
--- Sets fields 'qeProjectDir' and 'qeDistDir' to @projdir@ and @distdir@
+-- Sets fields 'qeProjLoc' and 'qeDistDir' to @projdir@ and @distdir@
-- respectively and provides sensible defaults for the other fields.
- :: ProjDir pt
- -- ^ Path to the project directory
+ :: ProjLoc pt
+ -- ^ Location of the project.
-> DistDir pt
-- ^ Path to the @dist/@ or @dist-newstyle/@ directory, called
-- /builddir/ in Cabal terminology.
-> IO (QueryEnv pt)
-mkQueryEnv projdir distdir = do
+mkQueryEnv projloc distdir = do
cr <- newIORef $ QueryCache Nothing Map.empty
return $ QueryEnv
{ qeReadProcess = \mcwd exe args stdin ->
readCreateProcess (proc exe args){ cwd = mcwd } stdin
, qePrograms = defaultPrograms
- , qeProjectDir = projdir
, qeDistDir = distdir
, qeCacheRef = cr
+ , qeProjLoc = projloc
-piProjConfModTimes :: ProjInfo pt -> ProjConfModTimes pt
-piProjConfModTimes ProjInfoV1 {piV1ProjConfModTimes} =
- piV1ProjConfModTimes
-piProjConfModTimes ProjInfoV2 {piV2ProjConfModTimes} =
- piV2ProjConfModTimes
-piProjConfModTimes ProjInfoStack {piStackProjConfModTimes} =
- piStackProjConfModTimes
-piUnits :: DistDir pt -> ProjInfo pt -> [Unit]
-piUnits (DistDirV1 distdir) (ProjInfoV1 (ProjConfModTimesV1 (cabal_file, _))) =
- (:[]) $ Unit
- { uUnitId = UnitId ""
- , uPackageDir = takeDirectory cabal_file
- , uDistDir = DistDirLib distdir
+-- | Construct paths to project configuration files.
+projConf :: ProjLoc pt -> ProjConf pt
+projConf (ProjLocCabalFile cabal_file) =
+ ProjConfV1 cabal_file
+projConf (ProjLocV2Dir projdir_path) =
+ ProjConfV2
+ { pcV2CabalProjFile = projdir_path </> "cabal.project"
+ , pcV2CabalProjLocalFile = projdir_path </> "cabal.project.local"
+ , pcV2CabalProjFreezeFile = projdir_path </> "cabal.project.freeze"
-piUnits _ ProjInfoV2{..} =
- case lefts units of
- [] -> rights units
- us@(_:_) -> panic $
- msg ++ (concat $ map (unlines . map (" "++) . lines . ppShow) us)
- where
- msg = "\
-\plan.json doesn't contain 'dist-dir' key for the following local units:\n"
- units = catMaybes $ map takeunit $ Map.elems $ pjUnits piV2Plan
- takeunit u@CP.Unit
- { uType=UnitTypeLocal
- , uDistDir=Just distdirv1
- , uPkgSrc=Just (LocalUnpackedPackage pkgdir)
- } = Just $ Right $ Unit
- { uUnitId = UnitId $ Text.unpack (coerce (uId u))
- , uPackageDir = pkgdir
- , uDistDir = DistDirLib distdirv1
- }
- takeunit u@CP.Unit {uType=UnitTypeLocal} =
- Just $ Left u
- takeunit _ =
- Nothing
-piUnits DistDirStack{} ProjInfoStack{..} = piStackUnits
--- | Find files relevant to the project-scope configuration. Depending on the
--- 'ProjType' this could be (for example) just a cabal file, one of the
--- @caba.project*@ files or @stack.yaml@.
--- The returned paths include the project-dir path.
-projConfModTimes :: ProjDir pt -> IO (ProjConfModTimes pt)
-projConfModTimes pd@(ProjDirV1 _) =
- ProjConfModTimesV1 <$> (getFileModTime =<< findCabalFile pd)
-projConfModTimes (ProjDirV2 projdir) = do
- ex_files <- filterM doesFileExist (map (projdir </>) additional_files)
- let files = [ projdir </> "cabal.project" ] ++ ex_files
- ProjConfModTimesV2 <$> mapM getFileModTime files
- where
- additional_files =
- [ "cabal.project.local"
- , "cabal.project.freeze"
- ]
-projConfModTimes (ProjDirStack projdir) = do
- ProjConfModTimesStack <$> getFileModTime (projdir </> "stack.yml")
+projConf (ProjLocStackDir projdir_path) =
+ ProjConfStack
+ { pcStackYaml = projdir_path </> "stack.yml" }
+getProjConfModTime :: ProjConf pt -> IO ProjConfModTimes
+getProjConfModTime ProjConfV1{pcV1CabalFile} =
+ fmap ProjConfModTimes $ mapM getFileModTime
+ [ pcV1CabalFile
+ ]
+getProjConfModTime ProjConfV2{..} =
+ fmap ProjConfModTimes $ mapM getFileModTime
+ [ pcV2CabalProjFile
+ , pcV2CabalProjLocalFile
+ , pcV2CabalProjFreezeFile
+ ]
+getProjConfModTime ProjConfStack{..} =
+ fmap ProjConfModTimes $ mapM getFileModTime
+ [ pcStackYaml
+ ]
getUnitModTimes :: Unit -> IO UnitModTimes
-getUnitModTimes Unit { uDistDir=DistDirLib distdirv1, uPackageDir=pkgdir } = do
- cabal_file <- findCabalFile (ProjDirV1 pkgdir)
- cabal_file_mtime <- getFileModTime cabal_file
- let setup_config = distdirv1 </> "setup-config"
- setup_config_mtime <- getFileModTime setup_config
- return UnitModTimes
- { umtCabalFile = cabal_file_mtime
- , umtSetupConfig = setup_config_mtime
+ Unit
+ { uDistDir=DistDirLib distdirv1
+ , uCabalFile=CabalFile cabal_file_path
+ = do
+ cabal_file_mtime <- getFileModTime cabal_file_path
+ let setup_config = distdirv1 </> "setup-config"
+ setup_config_mtime <- getFileModTime setup_config
+ return UnitModTimes
+ { umtCabalFile = cabal_file_mtime
+ , umtSetupConfig = setup_config_mtime
+ }
-- | The version of GHC the project is configured to use
compilerVersion :: Query pt (String, Version)
@@ -263,8 +234,7 @@ compilerVersion = undefined
-- | List of units in a project
projectUnits :: Query pt [Unit]
-projectUnits = Query $ \qe@QueryEnv{qeDistDir} ->
- piUnits qeDistDir <$> getProjInfo qe
+projectUnits = Query $ \qe -> piUnits <$> getProjInfo qe
-- | Run a 'UnitQuery' on a given unit. To get a a unit see 'projectUnits'.
unitQuery :: Unit -> Query pt UnitInfo
@@ -296,39 +266,36 @@ reconfigure readProc progs cabalOpts = do
getProjInfo :: QueryEnv pt -> IO (ProjInfo pt)
getProjInfo qe@QueryEnv{..} = do
cache@QueryCache{qcProjInfo, qcUnitInfos} <- readIORef qeCacheRef
- proj_info <- checkUpdateProj qe qcProjInfo
- let active_units = piUnits qeDistDir proj_info
+ proj_info <- checkUpdateProjInfo qe qcProjInfo
+ let active_units = piUnits proj_info
writeIORef qeCacheRef $ cache
{ qcProjInfo = Just proj_info
, qcUnitInfos = discardInactiveUnitInfos active_units qcUnitInfos
return proj_info
:: QueryEnvI c pt
-> Maybe (ProjInfo pt)
-> IO (ProjInfo pt)
-checkUpdateProj qe mproj_info = do
- mtime <- projConfModTimes (qeProjectDir qe)
+checkUpdateProjInfo qe mproj_info = do
+ let proj_conf = projConf (qeProjLoc qe)
+ mtime <- getProjConfModTime proj_conf
case mproj_info of
- Nothing -> reconf mtime
+ Nothing -> reconf proj_conf mtime
Just proj_info
| piProjConfModTimes proj_info /= mtime
- -> reconf mtime
+ -> reconf proj_conf mtime
| otherwise
-> return proj_info
- reconf mtime = do
+ reconf proj_conf mtime = do
shallowReconfigureProject qe
- readProjInfo qe mtime
+ readProjInfo qe proj_conf mtime
getUnitInfo :: QueryEnv pt -> Unit -> IO UnitInfo
getUnitInfo qe@QueryEnv{..} unit@Unit{uDistDir} = do
proj_info <- getProjInfo qe
cache@QueryCache{qcUnitInfos} <- readIORef qeCacheRef
let munit_info = Map.lookup uDistDir qcUnitInfos
unit_info <- checkUpdateUnitInfo qe proj_info unit munit_info
@@ -373,17 +340,17 @@ discardInactiveUnitInfos active_units uis0 =
-- system (@cabal@ or @stack@).
shallowReconfigureProject :: QueryEnvI c pt -> IO ()
shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv
- { qeProjectDir = ProjDirV1 _projdir
+ { qeProjLoc = ProjLocCabalFile _cabal_file
, qeDistDir = DistDirV1 _distdirv1 } =
return ()
shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv
- { qeProjectDir = ProjDirV2 projdir
+ { qeProjLoc = ProjLocV2Dir projdir
, qeDistDir = DistDirV2 _distdirv2, .. } = do
_ <- liftIO $ qeReadProcess (Just projdir) (cabalProgram qePrograms)
["v2-build", "--dry-run", "all"] ""
return ()
shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv
- { qeProjectDir = ProjDirStack _projdir, .. } =
+ { qeProjLoc = ProjLocStackDir _projdir, .. } =
-- TODO: do we need to do anything here? Maybe package.yaml support needs to
-- do stuff here?
return ()
@@ -398,44 +365,117 @@ reconfigureUnit QueryEnv{qeDistDir=DistDirStack{}, ..} Unit{uPackageDir} = do
["stack", "build", "--only-configure", "."] ""
return ()
-findCabalFile :: ProjDir 'V1 -> IO FilePath
-findCabalFile (ProjDirV1 pkgdir) = do
- [cfile] <- filter isCabalFile <$> getDirectoryContents pkgdir
- return cfile
+findCabalFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
+findCabalFile pkgdir = do
+ [cfile] <- filter isCabalFile <$> getDirectoryContents pkgdir
+ return cfile
+ where
+ isCabalFile :: FilePath -> Bool
+ isCabalFile f = takeExtension' f == ".cabal"
+ takeExtension' :: FilePath -> String
+ takeExtension' p =
+ if takeFileName p == takeExtension p
+ then "" -- just ".cabal" is not a valid cabal file
+ else takeExtension p
getFileModTime :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, EpochTime)
getFileModTime f = do
t <- modificationTime <$> getFileStatus f
return (f, t)
-readProjInfo :: QueryEnvI c pt -> ProjConfModTimes pt -> IO (ProjInfo pt)
-readProjInfo qe conf_files = do
- case (qeProjectDir qe, qeDistDir qe) of
- (ProjDirV1 _projdir, DistDirV1 _) ->
- return $ ProjInfoV1 { piV1ProjConfModTimes = conf_files }
- (ProjDirV2 _projdir, DistDirV2 distdirv2) -> do
+ :: QueryEnvI c pt -> ProjConf pt -> ProjConfModTimes -> IO (ProjInfo pt)
+readProjInfo qe pc pcm = join $ withVerbosity $ do
+ case (qeProjLoc qe, qeDistDir qe, pc) of
+ ((,,)
+ projloc
+ (DistDirV1 distdir)
+ ProjConfV1{pcV1CabalFile}) -> do
+ let projdir = plV1Dir projloc
+ setup_config_path <- canonicalizePath (distdir </> "setup-config")
+ mhdr <- getCabalConfigHeader setup_config_path
+ case mhdr of
+ Nothing ->
+ panicIO $ printf "Could not read '%s' header" setup_config_path
+ Just (hdrCabalVersion, _) ->
+ return ProjInfo
+ { piCabalVersion = hdrCabalVersion
+ , piProjConfModTimes = pcm
+ , piUnits = (:[]) $ Unit
+ { uUnitId = UnitId ""
+ , uPackageDir = projdir
+ , uCabalFile = CabalFile pcV1CabalFile
+ , uDistDir = DistDirLib distdir
+ }
+ , piImpl = ProjInfoV1
+ }
+ (ProjLocV2Dir _projdir, DistDirV2 distdirv2, _) -> do
let plan_path = distdirv2 </> "cache" </> "plan.json"
plan_mtime <- modificationTime <$> getFileStatus plan_path
- plan <- decodePlanJson plan_path
- return $ ProjInfoV2
- { piV2ProjConfModTimes = conf_files
- , piV2Plan = plan
- , piV2PlanModTime = plan_mtime
+ plan@PlanJson { pjCabalLibVersion=Ver pjCabalLibVersion
+ , pjCompilerId=PkgId (PkgName compName) (Ver compVer)
+ }
+ <- decodePlanJson plan_path
+ units <- planUnits plan
+ return ProjInfo
+ { piCabalVersion = makeDataVersion pjCabalLibVersion
+ , piProjConfModTimes = pcm
+ , piUnits = units
+ , piImpl = ProjInfoV2
+ { piV2Plan = plan
+ , piV2PlanModTime = plan_mtime
+ , piV2CompilerId = (Text.unpack compName, makeDataVersion compVer)
+ }
- (ProjDirStack{} , DistDirStack{}) -> do
+ (ProjLocStackDir{} , DistDirStack{}, _) -> do
cabal_files <- Stack.listPackageCabalFiles qe
units <- mapM (Stack.getUnit qe) cabal_files
proj_paths <- Stack.projPaths qe
- return $ ProjInfoStack
- { piStackProjConfModTimes = conf_files
- , piStackUnits = units
- , piStackProjPaths = proj_paths
+ Just (cabalVer:_) <- runMaybeT $
+ let ?progs = qePrograms qe in
+ listCabalVersions' (Just (sppGlobalPkgDb proj_paths))
+ -- ^ See [Note Stack Cabal Version]
+ return ProjInfo
+ { piCabalVersion = cabalVer
+ , piProjConfModTimes = pcm
+ , piUnits = units
+ , piImpl = ProjInfoStack
+ { piStackProjPaths = proj_paths
+ }
+planUnits :: CP.PlanJson -> IO [Unit]
+planUnits plan = do
+ units <- fmap catMaybes $ mapM takeunit $ Map.elems $ CP.pjUnits plan
+ case lefts units of
+ [] -> return $ rights units
+ us@(_:_) -> panicIO $
+ msg ++ (concat $ map (unlines . map (" "++) . lines . ppShow) us)
+ where
+ msg = "\
+\plan.json doesn't contain 'dist-dir' key for the following local units:\n"
+ takeunit u@CP.Unit
+ { uType=CP.UnitTypeLocal
+ , uDistDir=Just distdirv1
+ , uPkgSrc=Just (CP.LocalUnpackedPackage pkgdir)
+ } = do
+ cabal_file <- findCabalFile pkgdir
+ return $ Just $ Right $ Unit
+ { uUnitId = UnitId $ Text.unpack (coerce (CP.uId u))
+ , uPackageDir = pkgdir
+ , uCabalFile = CabalFile cabal_file
+ , uDistDir = DistDirLib distdirv1
+ }
+ takeunit u@CP.Unit {uType=CP.UnitTypeLocal} =
+ return $ Just $ Left u
+ takeunit _ =
+ return $ Nothing
readUnitInfo :: QueryEnvI c pt -> FilePath -> Unit -> IO UnitInfo
- qe exe unit@Unit {uUnitId=uiUnitId, uPackageDir=pkgdir, uDistDir=distdir} = do
- res <- readHelper qe exe pkgdir distdir
+ qe exe unit@Unit {uUnitId=uiUnitId, uCabalFile, uDistDir} = do
+ res <- readHelper qe exe uCabalFile uDistDir
[ "package-id"
, "package-db-stack"
, "flags"
@@ -458,7 +498,7 @@ readUnitInfo
:: QueryEnvI c pt
-> FilePath
- -> FilePath
+ -> CabalFile
-> DistDirLib
-> [String]
-> IO [Maybe ChResponse]
@@ -476,25 +516,25 @@ readHelper qe exe cabal_file distdir args = do
:: QueryEnvI c pt
-> FilePath
- -> FilePath
+ -> CabalFile
-> DistDirLib
-> [String]
-> IO String
-invokeHelper QueryEnv {..} exe cabal_file (DistDirLib distdir) args0 = do
- let args1 = cabal_file : distdir : args0
- evaluate =<< qeReadProcess Nothing exe args1 "" `E.catch`
- \(_ :: E.IOException) ->
- panicIO $ concat
- ["invokeHelper", ": ", exe, " "
- , intercalate " " (map show args1)
- , " failed!"
- ]
--- getPackageId :: QueryEnv pt -> IO (String, Version)
--- getPackageId QueryEnv{..} = do
--- [cfile] <- filter isCabalFile <$> getDirectoryContents qeProjectDir
--- gpd <- readPackageDescription silent (qeProjectDir </> cfile)
--- return $ (display (packageName gpd), toDataVersion (packageVersion gpd))
+ QueryEnv {..}
+ exe
+ (CabalFile cabal_file_path)
+ (DistDirLib distdir)
+ args0
+ = do
+ let args1 = cabal_file_path : distdir : args0
+ evaluate =<< qeReadProcess Nothing exe args1 "" `E.catch`
+ \(_ :: E.IOException) ->
+ panicIO $ concat
+ ["invokeHelper", ": ", exe, " "
+ , intercalate " " (map show args1)
+ , " failed!"
+ ]
-- | Make sure the appropriate helper executable for the given project is
-- installed and ready to run queries.
@@ -504,12 +544,12 @@ prepare qe = do
void $ wrapper proj_info qe
-- | Create @cabal_macros.h@ and @Paths_\<pkg\>@ possibly other generated files
--- in the usual place.
-writeAutogenFiles :: QueryEnv pt -> IO ()
-writeAutogenFiles qe = do
+-- in the usual place. See 'Distribution.Simple.Build.initialBuildSteps'.
+writeAutogenFiles :: Unit -> Query pt ()
+writeAutogenFiles Unit{uCabalFile, uDistDir} = Query $ \qe -> do
proj_info <- getProjInfo qe
- _exe <- wrapper proj_info qe
- undefined -- void $ invokeHelper qe exe ["write-autogen-files"]
+ exe <- wrapper proj_info qe
+ void $ invokeHelper qe exe uCabalFile uDistDir ["write-autogen-files"]
-- | Get the path to the sandbox package-db in a project
@@ -573,63 +613,59 @@ wrapper
wrapper proj_info QueryEnv{..} = do
join $ withVerbosity $ do
let ?progs = qePrograms
- guessProgramPaths $ wrapper' qeProjectDir qeDistDir proj_info
+ let comp = wrapper' qeProjLoc qeDistDir proj_info
+ eexe <- compileHelper comp
+ case eexe of
+ Left rv ->
+ panicIO $ "compileHelper': compiling helper failed! exit code "++ show rv
+ Right exe ->
+ return exe
- :: Env
- => ProjDir pt
+ :: Verbose
+ => ProjLoc pt
-> DistDir pt
-> ProjInfo pt
- -> IO FilePath
-wrapper' (ProjDirV1 projdir) (DistDirV1 distdir) _ = do
- cfgf <- canonicalizePath (distdir </> "setup-config")
- mhdr <- getCabalConfigHeader cfgf
- case mhdr of
- Nothing -> panicIO $ printf "\
-\Could not read Cabal's persistent setup configuration header\n\
-\- Check first line of: %s\n\
-\- Maybe try: $ cabal configure" cfgf
- Just (hdrCabalVersion, _) -> do
- compileHelper' hdrCabalVersion Nothing projdir Nothing distdir
+ -> CompHelperEnv
- (ProjDirV2 projdir)
+ projloc
+ (DistDirV1 distdir)
+ ProjInfo{piCabalVersion}
+ = CompHelperEnv
+ { cheCabalVer = piCabalVersion
+ , cheProjDir = plV1Dir projloc
+ , cheCacheDir = distdir
+ , chePkgDb = Nothing
+ , cheNewstyle = Nothing
+ }
+ (ProjLocV2Dir projdir)
(DistDirV2 distdir)
- ProjInfoV2{piV2Plan=plan}
- = do
- let PlanJson {pjCabalLibVersion=Ver (makeDataVersion -> pjCabalLibVersion) }
- = plan
- compileHelper' pjCabalLibVersion
- Nothing
- projdir
- (Just (plan, distdir))
- (distdir </> "cache")
+ ProjInfo{piImpl=ProjInfoV2{piV2Plan=plan}}
+ = CompHelperEnv
+ { cheCabalVer = makeDataVersion pjCabalLibVersion
+ , cheProjDir = projdir
+ , cheCacheDir = distdir </> "cache"
+ , chePkgDb = Nothing
+ , cheNewstyle = Just (plan, distdir)
+ }
+ where
+ PlanJson {pjCabalLibVersion=Ver pjCabalLibVersion } = plan
- (ProjDirStack projdir)
+ (ProjLocStackDir projdir)
(DistDirStack mworkdir)
- ProjInfoStack{piStackProjPaths=StackProjPaths{sppGlobalPkgDb}}
- = do
- -- Stack also just picks whatever version ghc-pkg spits out, see
- -- Stack.GhcPkg.getCabalPkgVer.
- Just (cabalVer:_) <- runMaybeT $ listCabalVersions' (Just sppGlobalPkgDb)
- let workdir = fromMaybe ".stack-work" $ unRelativePath <$> mworkdir
- compileHelper' cabalVer
- (Just sppGlobalPkgDb)
- projdir
- Nothing
- (projdir </> workdir)
- :: Env
- => Version
- -> Maybe PackageDbDir
- -> FilePath
- -> Maybe (PlanJson, FilePath)
- -> FilePath
- -> IO FilePath
-compileHelper' pjCabalLibVersion cabalPkgDb projdir mnewstyle distdirv1 = do
- eexe <- compileHelper pjCabalLibVersion cabalPkgDb projdir mnewstyle distdirv1
- case eexe of
- Left rv ->
- panicIO $ "compileHelper': compiling helper failed! (exit code "++ show rv
- Right exe ->
- return exe
+ ProjInfo
+ { piCabalVersion
+ , piImpl = ProjInfoStack
+ { piStackProjPaths=StackProjPaths
+ { sppGlobalPkgDb }
+ }
+ }
+ = let workdir = fromMaybe ".stack-work" $ unRelativePath <$> mworkdir in
+ CompHelperEnv
+ { cheCabalVer = piCabalVersion
+ , cheProjDir = projdir
+ , cheCacheDir = projdir </> workdir
+ , chePkgDb = Just sppGlobalPkgDb
+ , cheNewstyle = Nothing
+ }
diff --git a/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs b/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs
index 3126128..3f8a771 100644
--- a/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs
+++ b/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs
@@ -96,18 +96,19 @@ data CompPaths = CompPaths
-- executable.
data CompilationProductScope = CPSGlobal | CPSProject
- :: Env
- => Version
- -> Maybe PackageDbDir
- -> FilePath
- -> Maybe (PlanJson, FilePath)
- -> FilePath
- -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
-compileHelper hdrCabalVersion cabalPkgDb projdir mnewstyle cachedir = do
+data CompHelperEnv = CompHelperEnv
+ { cheCabalVer :: Version
+ , chePkgDb :: Maybe PackageDbDir
+ , cheProjDir :: FilePath
+ , cheNewstyle :: Maybe (PlanJson, FilePath)
+ , cheCacheDir :: FilePath
+ }
+compileHelper :: Env => CompHelperEnv -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
+compileHelper CompHelperEnv{..} = do
ghcVer <- ghcVersion
Just (prepare, comp) <- runMaybeT $ msum $
- case cabalPkgDb of
+ case chePkgDb of
Nothing ->
[ compileCabalSource
, compileNewBuild ghcVer
@@ -116,12 +117,12 @@ compileHelper hdrCabalVersion cabalPkgDb projdir mnewstyle cachedir = do
, MaybeT $ Just <$> compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb
Just db ->
- [ pure $ (pure (), compileWithPkg (Just db) hdrCabalVersion CPSProject)
+ [ pure $ (pure (), compileWithPkg (Just db) cheCabalVer CPSProject)
appdir <- appCacheDir
- let cp@CompPaths {compExePath} = compPaths appdir cachedir comp
+ let cp@CompPaths {compExePath} = compPaths appdir cheCacheDir comp
exists <- doesFileExist compExePath
if exists
then do
@@ -134,32 +135,32 @@ compileHelper hdrCabalVersion cabalPkgDb projdir mnewstyle cachedir = do
logMsg = "using helper compiled with Cabal from "
--- for relaxed deps: find (sameMajorVersionAs hdrCabalVersion) . reverse . sort
+-- for relaxed deps: find (sameMajorVersionAs cheCabalVer) . reverse . sort
-- | Check if this version is globally available
compileGlobal :: Env => MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileGlobal = do
cabal_versions <- listCabalVersions' Nothing
- ver <- MaybeT $ return $ find (== hdrCabalVersion) cabal_versions
+ ver <- MaybeT $ return $ find (== cheCabalVer) cabal_versions
vLog $ logMsg ++ "user/global package-db"
return $ (return (), compileWithPkg Nothing ver CPSGlobal)
-- | Check if this version is available in the project sandbox
compileSandbox :: Env => Version -> MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileSandbox ghcVer = do
- let mdb_path = getSandboxPkgDb (display buildPlatform) ghcVer projdir
+ let mdb_path = getSandboxPkgDb (display buildPlatform) ghcVer cheProjDir
sandbox <- PackageDbDir <$> MaybeT mdb_path
cabal_versions <- listCabalVersions' (Just sandbox)
- ver <- MaybeT $ return $ find (== hdrCabalVersion) cabal_versions
+ ver <- MaybeT $ return $ find (== cheCabalVer) cabal_versions
vLog $ logMsg ++ "sandbox package-db"
return $ (return (), compileWithPkg (Just sandbox) ver CPSProject)
compileNewBuild :: Env => Version -> MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileNewBuild ghcVer = do
- (PlanJson {pjUnits}, distdir_newstyle) <- maybe mzero pure mnewstyle
+ (PlanJson {pjUnits}, distdir_newstyle) <- maybe mzero pure cheNewstyle
let cabal_pkgid =
PkgId (PkgName (Text.pack "Cabal"))
- (Ver $ versionBranch hdrCabalVersion)
+ (Ver $ versionBranch cheCabalVer)
mcabal_unit = listToMaybe $
Map.elems $ Map.filter (\CP.Unit{..} -> uPId == cabal_pkgid) pjUnits
CP.Unit {} <- maybe mzero pure mcabal_unit
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ compileHelper hdrCabalVersion cabalPkgDb projdir mnewstyle cachedir = do
</> "packagedb" </> ("ghc-" ++ showVersion ghcVer)
inplace_db = PackageDbDir inplace_db_path
cabal_versions <- listCabalVersions' (Just inplace_db)
- ver <- MaybeT $ return $ find (== hdrCabalVersion) cabal_versions
+ ver <- MaybeT $ return $ find (== cheCabalVer) cabal_versions
vLog $ logMsg ++ "v2-build package-db " ++ inplace_db_path
return $ (return (), compileWithPkg (Just inplace_db) ver CPSProject)
@@ -176,22 +177,22 @@ compileHelper hdrCabalVersion cabalPkgDb projdir mnewstyle cachedir = do
compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb :: Env => IO (IO (), Compile)
compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb = do
db@(PackageDbDir db_path)
- <- getPrivateCabalPkgDb (CabalVersion hdrCabalVersion)
+ <- getPrivateCabalPkgDb (CabalVersion cheCabalVer)
vLog $ logMsg ++ "private package-db in " ++ db_path
- return (prepare db, compileWithPkg (Just db) hdrCabalVersion CPSGlobal)
+ return (prepare db, compileWithPkg (Just db) cheCabalVer CPSGlobal)
prepare db = do
- db_exists <- liftIO $ cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb hdrCabalVersion db
+ db_exists <- liftIO $ cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb cheCabalVer db
when (not db_exists) $
- void $ installCabal (Right hdrCabalVersion) `E.catch`
- \(SomeException _) -> errorInstallCabal hdrCabalVersion
+ void $ installCabal (Right cheCabalVer) `E.catch`
+ \(SomeException _) -> errorInstallCabal cheCabalVer
-- | See if we're in a cabal source tree
compileCabalSource :: Env => MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileCabalSource = do
- let cabalFile = projdir </> "Cabal.cabal"
+ let cabalFile = cheProjDir </> "Cabal.cabal"
cabalSrc <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cabalFile
- let projdir' = CabalSourceDir projdir
+ let projdir = CabalSourceDir cheProjDir
case cabalSrc of
False -> mzero
True -> do
@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ compileHelper hdrCabalVersion cabalPkgDb projdir mnewstyle cachedir = do
"custom" -> do
vLog $ "compiling helper with local Cabal source tree"
- return $ (return (), compileWithCabalSource projdir' ver)
+ return $ (return (), compileWithCabalSource projdir ver)
_ -> error $ "compileCabalSource: unknown build-type: '"++buildType++"'"
compileWithCabalSource srcDir ver =
diff --git a/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Program/Stack.hs b/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Program/Stack.hs
index 4751f0a..e7f280d 100644
--- a/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Program/Stack.hs
+++ b/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Program/Stack.hs
@@ -37,14 +37,15 @@ import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types.RelativePath
getUnit :: QueryEnvI c 'Stack -> CabalFile -> IO Unit
-getUnit qe (CabalFile cabal_file) = do
- let pkgdir = takeDirectory cabal_file
- let pkg_name = dropExtension $ takeFileName cabal_file
+getUnit qe cabal_file@(CabalFile cabal_file_path) = do
+ let pkgdir = takeDirectory cabal_file_path
+ let pkg_name = dropExtension $ takeFileName cabal_file_path
look <- paths qe pkgdir
let distdirv1 = look "dist-dir:"
return $ Unit
{ uUnitId = UnitId pkg_name
, uPackageDir = pkgdir
+ , uCabalFile = cabal_file
, uDistDir = DistDirLib distdirv1
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ packageDistDir qe pkgdir = do
return $ look "dist-dir:"
projPaths :: QueryEnvI c 'Stack -> IO StackProjPaths
-projPaths qe@QueryEnv {qeProjectDir=ProjDirStack projdir} = do
+projPaths qe@QueryEnv {qeProjLoc=ProjLocStackDir projdir} = do
look <- paths qe projdir
return StackProjPaths
{ sppGlobalPkgDb = PackageDbDir $ look "global-pkg-db:"
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ paths qe dir = do
split l = let (key, ' ' : val) = span (not . isSpace) l in (key, val)
listPackageCabalFiles :: QueryEnvI c 'Stack -> IO [CabalFile]
-listPackageCabalFiles qe@QueryEnv{qeProjectDir=ProjDirStack projdir} = do
+listPackageCabalFiles qe@QueryEnv{qeProjLoc=ProjLocStackDir projdir} = do
out <- qeReadProcess qe (Just projdir) (stackProgram $ qePrograms qe)
[ "ide", "packages", "--cabal-files" ] ""
return $ map CabalFile $ lines out
diff --git a/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Types.hs b/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Types.hs
index e803ae6..cc8561f 100644
--- a/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Types.hs
+++ b/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Types.hs
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Data.Version
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import GHC.Generics
+import System.FilePath
import System.Posix.Types
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types.RelativePath
import CabalHelper.Shared.InterfaceTypes
@@ -44,23 +45,27 @@ data ProjType
| V2 -- ^ @cabal v2-build@ project, see 'DistDirV2'
| Stack -- ^ @stack@ project.
--- | A project directory. The project type of a given directory can be
--- determined by trying to access a set of marker files. See below.
-data ProjDir (pt :: ProjType) where
+-- | The location of a project. The kind of location marker given determines the
+-- 'ProjType'. The project type of a given directory can be determined by trying
+-- to access a set of marker files. See below.
+data ProjLoc (pt :: ProjType) where
-- | A @cabal v1-build@ project directory can be identified by one file
-- ending in @.cabal@ existing in the directory. More than one such files
-- existing is a user error. Note: For this project type the concepts of
-- project and package coincide.
- ProjDirV1 :: FilePath -> ProjDir 'V1
+ ProjLocCabalFile :: { plCabalFile :: FilePath } -> ProjLoc 'V1
-- | A @cabal v2-build@ project\'s marker file is called
-- @cabal.project@. This configuration file points to the packages that make
-- up this project.
- ProjDirV2 :: FilePath -> ProjDir 'V2
+ ProjLocV2Dir :: { plV2Dir :: FilePath } -> ProjLoc 'V2
-- | A @stack@ project\'s marker file is called @stack.yaml@. This
-- configuration file points to the packages that make up this project.
- ProjDirStack :: FilePath -> ProjDir 'Stack
+ ProjLocStackDir :: { plStackDir :: FilePath } -> ProjLoc 'Stack
+plV1Dir :: ProjLoc 'V1 -> FilePath
+plV1Dir (ProjLocCabalFile cabal_file) = takeDirectory cabal_file
data DistDir (pt :: ProjType) where
-- | Build directory for cabal /old-build/ aka. /v1-build/ aka. just
@@ -99,7 +104,7 @@ data QueryEnvI cache (proj_type :: ProjType) = QueryEnv
, qePrograms :: Programs
-- ^ Field accessor for 'QueryEnv'.
- , qeProjectDir :: ProjDir proj_type
+ , qeProjLoc :: !(ProjLoc proj_type)
-- ^ Field accessor for 'QueryEnv'. Defines path to the project directory,
-- i.e. a directory containing a @cabal.project@ file
@@ -135,6 +140,7 @@ newtype DistDirLib = DistDirLib FilePath
data Unit = Unit
{ uUnitId :: !UnitId
, uPackageDir :: !FilePath
+ , uCabalFile :: !CabalFile
, uDistDir :: !DistDirLib
@@ -173,32 +179,47 @@ data UnitInfo = UnitInfo
, uiModTimes :: !UnitModTimes
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
-data ProjInfo pt where
- ProjInfoV1 ::
- { piV1ProjConfModTimes :: !(ProjConfModTimes 'V1)
- } -> ProjInfo 'V1
+-- | Files relevant to the project-scope configuration of a project. We gather
+-- them here so we can refer to their paths conveniently.
+data ProjConf pt where
+ ProjConfV1 ::
+ { pcV1CabalFile :: !FilePath
+ } -> ProjConf 'V1
+ ProjConfV2 ::
+ { pcV2CabalProjFile :: !FilePath
+ , pcV2CabalProjLocalFile :: !FilePath
+ , pcV2CabalProjFreezeFile :: !FilePath
+ } -> ProjConf 'V2
+ ProjConfStack ::
+ { pcStackYaml :: !FilePath
+ } -> ProjConf 'Stack
+-- these are supposed to be opaque, as they are meant to be used only for cache
+-- invalidation
+newtype ProjConfModTimes = ProjConfModTimes [(FilePath, EpochTime)]
+ deriving (Eq)
+data ProjInfo pt = ProjInfo
+ { piCabalVersion :: !Version
+ , piProjConfModTimes :: !ProjConfModTimes
+ , piUnits :: ![Unit]
+ , piImpl :: !(ProjInfoImpl pt)
+ }
+data ProjInfoImpl pt where
+ ProjInfoV1 :: ProjInfoImpl 'V1
ProjInfoV2 ::
- { piV2ProjConfModTimes :: !(ProjConfModTimes 'V2)
- , piV2Plan :: !PlanJson
- , piV2PlanModTime :: !EpochTime
- } -> ProjInfo 'V2
+ { piV2Plan :: !PlanJson
+ , piV2PlanModTime :: !EpochTime
+ , piV2CompilerId :: !(String, Version)
+ } -> ProjInfoImpl 'V2
ProjInfoStack ::
- { piStackProjConfModTimes :: !(ProjConfModTimes 'Stack)
- , piStackUnits :: ![Unit]
- , piStackProjPaths :: !StackProjPaths
- } -> ProjInfo 'Stack
-data ProjConfModTimes pt where
- ProjConfModTimesV1
- :: !(FilePath, EpochTime) -> ProjConfModTimes 'V1
- ProjConfModTimesV2
- :: !([(FilePath, EpochTime)]) -> ProjConfModTimes 'V2
- ProjConfModTimesStack
- :: !(FilePath, EpochTime) -> ProjConfModTimes 'Stack
-deriving instance Eq (ProjConfModTimes pt)
+ { piStackProjPaths :: !StackProjPaths
+ } -> ProjInfoImpl 'Stack
data UnitModTimes = UnitModTimes
{ umtCabalFile :: !(FilePath, EpochTime)
diff --git a/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs b/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
index d0eea1a..70a0cc5 100644
--- a/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
+++ b/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
@@ -263,20 +263,19 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
- projdir:distdir:args' <- case args of
- [] -> usage >> exitFailure
- _ -> return args
+ cfile : distdir : args'
+ <- case args of
+ [] -> usage >> exitFailure
+ _ -> return args
ddexists <- doesDirectoryExist distdir
when (not ddexists) $ do
errMsg $ "distdir '"++distdir++"' does not exist"
- [cfile] <- filter isCabalFile <$> getDirectoryContents projdir
v <- maybe silent (const deafening) . lookup "CABAL_HELPER_DEBUG" <$> getEnvironment
lbi <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ getPersistBuildConfig distdir
- gpd <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ readPackageDescription v (projdir </> cfile)
+ gpd <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ readPackageDescription v cfile
let pd = localPkgDescr lbi
let lvd = (lbi, v, distdir)
diff --git a/tests/GhcSession.hs b/tests/GhcSession.hs
index ca01abd..ca91dd4 100644
--- a/tests/GhcSession.hs
+++ b/tests/GhcSession.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Data.Version
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit
-import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.FilePath ((</>), takeFileName, takeDirectory)
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import System.IO.Temp
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ main = do
args <- getArgs
topdir <- getCurrentDirectory
res <- mapM (setup topdir test) $ case args of
- [] -> [ ("tests/exelib" , parseVer "1.10", parseVer "0")
- , ("tests/exeintlib", parseVer "2.0", parseVer "0")
- , ("tests/fliblib" , parseVer "2.0", parseVer "0")
- , ("tests/bkpregex" , parseVer "2.0", parseVer "8.1")
- -- min Cabal lib ver -^ min GHC ver -^
+ [] -> [ ("tests/exelib/exelib.cabal", parseVer "1.10", parseVer "0")
+ , ("tests/exeintlib/exeintlib.cabal", parseVer "2.0", parseVer "0")
+ , ("tests/fliblib/fliblib.cabal", parseVer "2.0", parseVer "0")
+ , ("tests/bkpregex/bkpregex.cabal", parseVer "2.0", parseVer "8.1")
+ -- min Cabal lib ver -^ min GHC ver -^
xs -> map (, parseVer "0", parseVer "0") xs
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion =
["act-as-setup", "--", "--numeric-version"] ""
setup :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO [Bool]) -> (FilePath, Version, Version) -> IO [Bool]
-setup topdir act (srcdir, min_cabal_ver, min_ghc_ver) = do
+setup topdir act (cabal_file, min_cabal_ver, min_ghc_ver) = do
+ let projdir = takeDirectory cabal_file
ci_ver <- cabalInstallVersion
c_ver <- cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion
g_ver <- ghcVersion
@@ -73,18 +74,18 @@ setup topdir act (srcdir, min_cabal_ver, min_ghc_ver) = do
case mreason of
Just reason -> do
- putStrLn $ "Skipping test '" ++ srcdir ++ "' because " ++ reason ++ "."
+ putStrLn $ "Skipping test '" ++ projdir ++ "' because " ++ reason ++ "."
return []
Nothing -> do
- putStrLn $ "Running test '" ++ srcdir ++ "' ------------------------------"
+ putStrLn $ "Running test '" ++ projdir ++ "'-------------------------"
withSystemTempDirectory "cabal-helper.ghc-session.test" $ \dir -> do
- setCurrentDirectory $ topdir </> srcdir
+ setCurrentDirectory $ topdir </> projdir
run "cabal" [ "sdist", "-v0", "--output-dir", dir ]
setCurrentDirectory dir
run "cabal" [ "configure" ]
- act dir
+ act $ dir </> takeFileName cabal_file
run :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
run x xs = do
@@ -93,9 +94,12 @@ run x xs = do
return ()
test :: FilePath -> IO [Bool]
-test dir = do
- qe <- mkQueryEnv (ProjDirV1 dir) (DistDirV1 $ dir </> "dist")
- cs <- runQuery (concat <$> allUnits (Map.elems . uiComponents)) qe
+test cabal_file = do
+ let projdir = takeDirectory cabal_file
+ qe <- mkQueryEnv
+ (ProjLocCabalFile cabal_file)
+ (DistDirV1 $ projdir </> "dist")
+ cs <- concat <$> runQuery (allUnits (Map.elems . uiComponents)) qe
forM cs $ \ChComponentInfo{..} -> do
putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show ciComponentName ++ ":::: " ++ show ciNeedsBuildOutput