diff options
authorDaniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org>2019-08-13 04:43:45 +0200
committerDaniel Gröber (dxld) <dxld@darkboxed.org>2019-09-17 17:48:26 +0200
commitd78fab16c93073b1ccbd81f62052779e0de6613f (patch)
parent2ccb986eb87c26693b4246dec7702e05f636bc95 (diff)
ghc-session: Use new project building API
One caveat: psiConfigure used to --only-configure the entire project. In theory we shouldn't even need to do that anymore because we reconfigure just the unit/target we need to before reading unit info. However cabal has a bug or well they might consider it just inconsistent behaviour in that instantiated backpack units' targets are not built by the target mentioned in plan.json so this per-unit reconfigure is currently broken there. The workaround is to just build the entire project before running a query for now.
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/tests/GhcSession.hs b/tests/GhcSession.hs
index 91ae42a..02e5c76 100644
--- a/tests/GhcSession.hs
+++ b/tests/GhcSession.hs
@@ -320,13 +320,12 @@ test modProgs (psdImpl -> ProjSetupImpl{..}) topdir tmpdir projdir cabal_file
qe = qe' { qePrograms = progs }
psiSdist progs topdir tmpdir
- psiConfigure progs projdir
- cs <- concat <$> runQuery (allUnits (Map.elems . uiComponents)) qe
-- TODO: Cludge until we can just build the unit dependencies
- psiBuild progs projdir
+ -- TODO: Move back under runQuery when we fixed backpack
+ buildProject qe
+ cs <- concat <$> runQuery (allUnits (Map.elems . uiComponents)) qe
let pkgdir = takeDirectory cabal_file
homedir <- getHomeDirectory
@@ -439,8 +438,6 @@ data ProjSetupImpl pt =
{ psiProjType :: !(SProjType pt)
, psiDistDir :: !(FilePath -> DistDir pt)
, psiProjLoc :: !(CabalFile -> FilePath -> ProjLoc pt)
- , psiConfigure :: !(Programs -> FilePath -> IO ())
- , psiBuild :: !(Programs -> FilePath -> IO ())
, psiSdist :: !(Programs -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ())
, psiQEmod :: !(QueryEnv pt -> QueryEnv pt)
@@ -450,10 +447,6 @@ oldBuildProjSetup = ProjSetupDescr "cabal-v1" $ Right $ Ex $ ProjSetupImpl
{ psiProjType = SCabal SCV1
, psiDistDir = \dir -> DistDirCabal SCV1 (dir </> "dist")
, psiProjLoc = \(CabalFile cf) projdir -> ProjLocV1CabalFile cf projdir
- , psiConfigure = \progs dir ->
- runWithCwd dir (cabalProgram progs) [ "configure" ]
- , psiBuild = \progs dir ->
- runWithCwd dir (cabalProgram progs) [ "build" ]
, psiSdist = \progs srcdir destdir ->
copyMuliPackageProject progs srcdir destdir (\_ _ -> return ())
, psiQEmod = id
@@ -467,10 +460,6 @@ newBuildProjSetup = ProjSetupDescr "cabal-v2" $ Right $ Ex $ ProjSetupImpl
-- TODO: check if cabal.project is there and only use
-- V2File then, also remove addCabalProject below so we
-- cover both cases.
- , psiConfigure = \progs dir ->
- runWithCwd dir (cabalProgram progs) [ "new-build", "--only-configure" ]
- , psiBuild = \progs dir ->
- runWithCwd dir (cabalProgram progs) [ "new-build" ]
, psiSdist = \progs srcdir destdir -> do
copyMuliPackageProject progs srcdir destdir $ \pkgsrc pkgdest -> do
exists <- doesFileExist (pkgsrc </> "cabal.project")
@@ -491,10 +480,6 @@ stackProjSetup ghcVer =
, psiDistDir = \_dir -> DistDirStack Nothing
, psiProjLoc = \_cabal_file projdir ->
ProjLocStackYaml $ projdir </> "stack.yaml"
- , psiConfigure = \progs dir ->
- runWithCwd dir (stackProgram progs) $ argsBefore ++ [ "build", "--only-configure" ]
- , psiBuild = \progs dir ->
- runWithCwd dir (stackProgram progs) $ argsBefore ++ [ "build" ]
, psiSdist = \progs srcdir destdir -> do
copyMuliPackageProject progs srcdir destdir copyStackYamls
, psiQEmod = \qe ->