path: root/lib/Distribution
diff options
authorDaniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org>2019-08-06 02:41:02 +0200
committerDaniel Gröber (dxld) <dxld@darkboxed.org>2019-09-17 17:48:26 +0200
commitaad828c48f26ea6febaabf37632b0e45868db895 (patch)
tree365ecc552992717c4e42d651fed8e8aee876f88f /lib/Distribution
parent25e12596dce80ce2cf3928bbe0b2eac339da8c96 (diff)
Add exported interface for running build-tools
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Distribution')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs b/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs
index 3f56328..eb277d5 100644
--- a/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs
+++ b/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ module Distribution.Helper (
-- * Programs
, Programs(..)
, defaultPrograms
+ , EnvOverride(..)
-- * Query result types
, ChComponentInfo(..)
@@ -98,9 +99,11 @@ module Distribution.Helper (
-- * Legacy v1-build helpers
, Distribution.Helper.getSandboxPkgDb
- -- * Stateful helper actions
+ -- * Build actions
, prepare
, writeAutogenFiles
+ , buildProject
+ , buildUnit
) where
import Cabal.Plan hiding (Unit, UnitId, uDistDir)
@@ -205,12 +208,13 @@ mkQueryEnv
mkQueryEnv projloc distdir = do
cr <- newIORef $ QueryCache Nothing Map.empty
return $ QueryEnv
- { qeReadProcess = \stdin mcwd env exe args ->
+ { qeReadProcess = \stdin mcwd env exe args -> do
+ env' <- execEnvOverrides env
let cp = (proc exe args)
{ cwd = mcwd
- , env = if env == [] then Nothing else Just env
+ , env = if env == [] then Nothing else Just env'
- in readCreateProcess cp stdin
+ readCreateProcess cp stdin
, qeCallProcess = \mcwd env exe args -> do
let ?verbose = \_ -> False -- TODO: we should get this from env or
-- something
@@ -385,60 +389,82 @@ discardInactiveUnitInfos active_units uis0 =
restrictKeysMap m s = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Set.member k s) m
--- | Regenerate project level information by calling the appropriate build
+-- | Regenerate project-level information by calling the appropriate build
-- system (@cabal@ or @stack@).
shallowReconfigureProject :: QueryEnvI c pt -> IO ()
shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv
- { qeProjLoc = _
- , qeDistDir = DistDirCabal SCV1 _distdirv1 } =
- return ()
-shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv
- { qeProjLoc = ProjLocV2File projfile projdir
- , qeDistDir = DistDirCabal SCV2 _distdirv2, .. } = do
- _ <- qeCallProcess (Just projdir) [] (cabalProgram qePrograms)
- ["new-build", "--dry-run", "--project-file="++projfile, "all"]
- return ()
-shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv
- { qeProjLoc = ProjLocV2Dir projdir
- , qeDistDir = DistDirCabal SCV2 _distdirv2, .. } = do
- _ <- qeCallProcess (Just projdir) [] (cabalProgram qePrograms)
- ["new-build", "--dry-run", "all"]
- return ()
-shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv
{ qeProjLoc = ProjLocStackYaml _stack_yaml, .. } = do
- -- In case we ever need to read the cabal files before the Unit stage, this
- -- command regenerates them from package.yaml
- --
- -- _ <- liftIO $ qeCallProcess (Just projdir) (stackProgram qePrograms)
- -- ["build", "--dry-run"] ""
+ -- Stack's dry-run only generates the cabal file from package.yaml (or
+ -- well that's the only thing we care about that it
+ -- does). reconfigureUnit will take care of this though and we don't
+ -- need the cabal files before the Unit stage anyways.
return ()
+shallowReconfigureProject qe = buildProjectTarget qe Nothing DryRun
reconfigureUnit :: QueryEnvI c pt -> Unit pt -> IO ()
-reconfigureUnit QueryEnv{qeDistDir=(DistDirCabal SCV1 _), ..} Unit{} = do
- return ()
- QueryEnv{qeProjLoc=ProjLocV2File projfile _projdir, ..}
- Unit{uPackage=Package{pSourceDir=pkgdir}, uImpl}
- = do
- _ <- qeCallProcess (Just pkgdir) [] (cabalProgram qePrograms)
- (["new-build", "--project-file="++projfile]
- ++ uiV2Components uImpl)
- return ()
- QueryEnv{qeProjLoc=ProjLocV2Dir{}, ..}
- Unit{uPackage=Package{pSourceDir=pkgdir}, uImpl}
- = do
- _ <- qeCallProcess (Just pkgdir) [] (cabalProgram qePrograms)
- (["new-build"] ++ uiV2Components uImpl)
- -- TODO: version check for --only-configure
- return ()
- qe@QueryEnv{qeProjLoc=ProjLocStackYaml stack_yaml, ..}
- Unit{uPackage=Package{pSourceDir=pkgdir}}
- = do
- _ <- Stack.callStackCmd qe (Just pkgdir)
- ["--stack-yaml="++stack_yaml, "build", "--only-configure", "."]
- return ()
+reconfigureUnit qe u = buildProjectTarget qe (Just u) OnlyCfg
+buildUnit :: QueryEnvI c pt -> Unit pt -> IO ()
+buildUnit qe u = buildProjectTarget qe (Just u) DoBuild
+buildProject :: QueryEnvI c pt -> IO ()
+buildProject qe = buildProjectTarget qe Nothing DoBuild
+data BuildStage = DryRun | OnlyCfg | DoBuild
+ :: QueryEnvI c pt -> Maybe (Unit pt) -> BuildStage -> IO ()
+buildProjectTarget qe mu stage = do
+ -- Stack and cabal just happen to have the same stage options, totally by
+ -- accident :)
+ stage_opts :: [String] <- return $ case stage of
+ DryRun -> ["--dry-run"]
+ OnlyCfg -> ["--only-configure"]
+ DoBuild -> []
+ -- TODO: version check for cabal's --only-configure
+ case qe of
+ QueryEnv { qeDistDir = DistDirCabal cpt distdir, qeProjLoc } -> do
+ let projdir = plCabalProjectDir qeProjLoc
+ cmd <- return $ case stage of
+ DryRun | SCV1 <- cpt ->
+ CabalInstall.CIConfigure
+ OnlyCfg ->
+ CabalInstall.CIConfigure
+ _ ->
+ CabalInstall.CIBuild
+ CabalInstall.callCabalInstallCmd qe (Just projdir) cmd $
+ case cpt of
+ SCV1 ->
+ [ "--builddir="++distdir ]
+ SCV2 -> do
+ targets <- return $ case mu of
+ Nothing -> ["all"]
+ Just Unit{uImpl} -> uiV2Components uImpl
+ case qeProjLoc of
+ ProjLocV2File {plCabalProjectFile} ->
+ [ "--project-file="++plCabalProjectFile
+ , "--builddir="++distdir
+ ] ++ stage_opts ++ targets
+ ProjLocV2Dir {} ->
+ [ "--builddir="++distdir
+ ] ++ stage_opts ++ targets
+ QueryEnv { qeDistDir = DistDirStack mworkdir
+ , qeProjLoc = qeProjLoc@ProjLocStackYaml {plStackYaml}
+ } -> do
+ let projdir = plStackProjectDir qeProjLoc
+ let workdir_opts = Stack.workdirArg qe
+ case mu of
+ Just Unit{uPackage=Package{pSourceDir}} ->
+ Stack.callStackCmd qe (Just pSourceDir) $
+ workdir_opts ++
+ [ "--stack-yaml="++plStackYaml, "build", "."
+ ] ++ stage_opts
+ Nothing ->
+ Stack.callStackCmd qe (Just projdir) $
+ workdir_opts ++
+ [ "--stack-yaml="++plStackYaml, "build"
+ ] ++ stage_opts
getFileModTime :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, EpochTime)
getFileModTime f = do
@@ -636,7 +662,8 @@ withVerbosity act = do
_ -> False
--- | Bring 'Programs' and 'CompPrograms' into scope as implicit parameters
+-- | Fixup program paths as appropriate for current project-type and bring
+-- 'Programs' into scope as an implicit parameter.
:: Verbose => ProjInfoImpl pt -> QueryEnvI c pt -> (Env => IO a) -> IO a
withProgs impl QueryEnv{..} f = do
@@ -651,10 +678,7 @@ withProgs impl QueryEnv{..} f = do
guessCompProgramPaths progs
| same ghcProgram progs dprogs = return progs
guessCompProgramPaths progs = do
- let v | ?verbose 2 = normal
- | ?verbose 3 = verbose
- | ?verbose 4 = deafening
- | otherwise = silent
+ let v = getCabalVerbosity
mGhcPath0 | same ghcProgram progs dprogs = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ ghcProgram progs
mGhcPkgPath0 | same ghcPkgProgram progs dprogs = Nothing
@@ -668,9 +692,19 @@ withProgs impl QueryEnv{..} f = do
let getProg p = ProgDb.programPath <$> ProgDb.lookupProgram p progdb
mghcPath1 = getProg ProgDb.ghcProgram
mghcPkgPath1 = getProg ProgDb.ghcPkgProgram
+ ghc = fromMaybe (ghcProgram progs) mghcPath1
+ ghc_pkg = fromMaybe (ghcPkgProgram progs) mghcPkgPath1
return progs
- { ghcProgram = fromMaybe (ghcProgram progs) mghcPath1
- , ghcPkgProgram = fromMaybe (ghcProgram progs) mghcPkgPath1
+ { ghcProgram = ghc
+ , ghcPkgProgram = ghc_pkg
+ , stackEnv = stackEnv progs ++
+ -- TODO: this is a cludge, need to make a symlink farm for
+ -- stack instead. Note: Haddock also has to be in the compiler
+ -- dir.
+ [("PATH", EnvPrepend $ takeDirectory ghc ++ [searchPathSeparator])]
+ , cabalUnitArgs = cabalUnitArgs progs ++
+ maybeToList (("--with-ghc="++) <$> mghcPath1) ++
+ maybeToList (("--with-ghc-pkg="++) <$> mghcPkgPath1)
same f o o' = f o == f o'