path: root/lib/Distribution
diff options
authorDaniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org>2019-08-16 03:58:28 +0200
committerDaniel Gröber (dxld) <dxld@darkboxed.org>2019-09-17 17:48:26 +0200
commitd19e59312f3a6648bd53d489c60ec11b73289f40 (patch)
tree5146177c3eafac13db252ea975012db244243d55 /lib/Distribution
parentf73498e8c861871294e9472a261b66884df8ca7e (diff)
Make caching more fine grained
Previously we only had a cache for the project info and each unit info. However adding support for passing overridden compiler paths to build tools introduces a nasty data dependency: to fully configure 'Program's we (used to) need ProjInfo which needs an already configured 'Programs' in readProjInfo (ugh). After at least four failed attempts at untangling this I arrived at this solution. Simply splitting up the caches into some smaller parts does the trick and as a side product forced me to add an abstraction for the caching logic so as to not reapeat myself even more. Relatedly runQuery is not just a field accessor anymore but actualy does some IO of itself to manage the cache and make already configured 'Program's available to the rest of the library.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Distribution')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs b/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs
index 0e7bd07..55bfbf7 100644
--- a/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs
+++ b/lib/Distribution/Helper.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, DeriveFunctor,
StandaloneDeriving, NamedFieldPuns, OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns,
TupleSections, TypeFamilies, DataKinds, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables,
- ImplicitParams, RankNTypes #-}
+ ImplicitParams, RankNTypes, MultiWayIf #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ module Distribution.Helper (
, prepare
, writeAutogenFiles
, buildProject
- , buildUnit
+ , buildUnits
) where
import Cabal.Plan hiding (Unit, UnitId, uDistDir)
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ import Distribution.Simple.GHC as GHC (configure)
-- | A query against a package's Cabal configuration. Use 'runQuery' to
-- execute it.
newtype Query pt a = Query
- { runQuery :: QueryEnv pt -> IO a
+ { unQuery :: QueryEnv pt -> IO a
-- ^ @runQuery env query@. Run a 'Query' under a given 'QueryEnv.
@@ -193,9 +193,16 @@ instance Applicative (Query pt) where
pure = return
instance Monad (Query pt) where
- (Query ma) >>= amb = Query $ \qe -> ma qe >>= \a -> runQuery (amb a) qe
+ (Query ma) >>= amb = Query $ \qe -> ma qe >>= \a -> unQuery (amb a) qe
return a = Query $ const $ return a
+runQuery :: Query pt a -> QueryEnv pt -> IO a
+runQuery (Query action) qe = do
+ ckr <- newIORef $ CacheKeyCache Nothing
+ let qe' = qe { qeCacheKeys = ckr }
+ conf_progs <- getConfProgs qe'
+ action qe' { qePrograms = conf_progs }
-- | @mkQueryEnv projdir distdir@. Smart constructor for 'QueryEnv'.
-- Sets fields 'qeProjLoc' and 'qeDistDir' to @projdir@ and @distdir@
-- respectively and provides sensible defaults for the other fields.
@@ -207,7 +214,7 @@ mkQueryEnv
-- /builddir/ in Cabal terminology.
-> IO (QueryEnv pt)
mkQueryEnv projloc distdir = do
- cr <- newIORef $ QueryCache Nothing Map.empty
+ cr <- newIORef $ QueryCache Nothing Nothing Nothing Map.empty
return $ QueryEnv
{ qeReadProcess = \stdin mcwd env exe args -> do
withVerbosity $ readProcessStderr mcwd env exe args ""
@@ -217,6 +224,7 @@ mkQueryEnv projloc distdir = do
, qeProjLoc = projloc
, qeDistDir = distdir
, qeCacheRef = cr
+ , qeCacheKeys = error "mkQuery: qeCacheKeys is uninitialized!"
-- | Construct paths to project configuration files given where the project is.
@@ -297,11 +305,11 @@ compilerVersion = Query $ \qe ->
ProjInfoStack {} -> uiCompilerId <$> getUnitInfo qe someUnit
-- | All local packages currently active in a project\'s build plan.
-projectPackages :: Query pt (NonEmpty (Package pt))
+projectPackages :: Query pt (NonEmpty (Package pt))
projectPackages = Query $ \qe -> piPackages <$> getProjInfo qe
-- | Get the 'UnitInfo' for a given 'Unit'. To get a 'Unit' see 'projectUnits'.
-unitInfo :: Unit pt -> Query pt UnitInfo
+unitInfo :: Unit pt -> Query pt UnitInfo
unitInfo u = Query $ \qe -> getUnitInfo qe u
-- | Get information on all units in a project.
@@ -309,67 +317,128 @@ allUnits :: (UnitInfo -> a) -> Query pt (NonEmpty a)
allUnits f = do
fmap f <$> (T.mapM unitInfo =<< join . fmap pUnits <$> projectPackages)
-getProjInfo :: QueryEnv pt -> IO (ProjInfo pt)
-getProjInfo qe@QueryEnv{..} = do
- cache@QueryCache{qcProjInfo, qcUnitInfos} <- readIORef qeCacheRef
- proj_info <- checkUpdateProjInfo qe qcProjInfo
- let active_units = NonEmpty.toList $ join $
- fmap pUnits $ piPackages proj_info
- writeIORef qeCacheRef $ cache
- { qcProjInfo = Just proj_info
- , qcUnitInfos = discardInactiveUnitInfos active_units qcUnitInfos
- }
- return proj_info
- :: QueryEnvI c pt
- -> Maybe (ProjInfo pt)
- -> IO (ProjInfo pt)
-checkUpdateProjInfo qe mproj_info = do
+data Cached c ckc k v = Cached
+ { cGet :: !(c -> Maybe (k, v))
+ , cSet :: !(c -> (k, v) -> c)
+ , cGetKey :: !(ckc -> Maybe k)
+ , cSetKey :: !(ckc -> k -> ckc)
+ , cCheckKey :: !(IO k)
+ , cKeyValid :: !(k -> k -> Bool)
+ -- ^ @cKeyValid old new@ should return 'True' if 'old' is still valid
+ -- relative to the value of 'new'.
+ , cRegen :: !(k -> IO v)
+ }
+-- | Simple caching scheme. Invalidation is based on equality of a "cache
+-- key" the current value of which can be got with the IO action 'cGetKey'.
+-- Note that we only check the actual value of the cache key once per
+-- 'runQuery' call by saving the cache key in an ephemeral map.
+cached :: QueryEnvI (QueryCacheI a b c d) pt
+ -> Cached (QueryCacheI a b c d pt) (CacheKeyCache pt) k v
+ -> IO v
+cached qe Cached{..} = do
+ c <- readIORef (qeCacheRef qe)
+ (c', v) <- checkUpdate c (cGet c)
+ writeIORef (qeCacheRef qe) c'
+ return v
+ where
+ checkUpdate c m = do
+ ckc <- readIORef (qeCacheKeys qe)
+ let regen ck = (ck,) <$> cRegen ck
+ n <- case m of
+ Nothing -> do
+ ck <- cCheckKey
+ writeIORef (qeCacheKeys qe) (cSetKey ckc ck)
+ regen ck
+ Just old@(old_ck, old_v) -> do
+ ck <- case cGetKey ckc of
+ Just cck ->
+ return cck -- TODO: skip valid check below in this case
+ Nothing -> do
+ ck <- cCheckKey
+ writeIORef (qeCacheKeys qe) (cSetKey ckc ck)
+ return ck
+ if
+ | cKeyValid old_ck ck -> return old
+ | otherwise -> regen ck
+ return (cSet c n, snd n)
+getProjConfAndModTime :: QueryEnvI c pt -> IO (ProjConf pt, ProjConfModTimes)
+getProjConfAndModTime qe = do
proj_conf <- projConf (qeProjLoc qe)
mtime <- getProjConfModTime proj_conf
- case mproj_info of
- Nothing -> reconf proj_conf mtime
- Just proj_info
- | piProjConfModTimes proj_info /= mtime
- -> reconf proj_conf mtime
- | otherwise
- -> return proj_info
- where
- reconf proj_conf mtime = do
- shallowReconfigureProject qe
- readProjInfo qe proj_conf mtime
+ return (proj_conf, mtime)
+getPreInfo :: QueryEnvI (QCPreInfo a b c) pt -> IO (PreInfo pt)
+getPreInfo qe =
+ cached qe $ Cached
+ { cGet = qcPreInfo
+ , cSet = \a b -> a { qcPreInfo = Just b }
+ , cGetKey = ckcProjConf
+ , cSetKey = \a b -> a { ckcProjConf = Just b }
+ , cCheckKey = getProjConfAndModTime qe
+ , cKeyValid = (==) `on` snd
+ , cRegen = \_k -> readPreInfo qe
+ }
+readPreInfo :: QueryEnvI c pt -> IO (PreInfo pt)
+readPreInfo qe = do
+ case projTypeOfQueryEnv qe of
+ SStack -> do
+ piStackProjPaths <- Stack.projPaths qe
+ return PreInfoStack
+ { piStackProjPaths
+ }
+ (SCabal _) ->
+ return PreInfoCabal
+getProjInfo :: QueryEnv pt -> IO (ProjInfo pt)
+getProjInfo qe = do
+ pre_info <- getPreInfo qe
+ cached qe $ Cached
+ { cGet = qcProjInfo
+ , cSet = \c n@(_, proj_info) ->
+ let active_units = NonEmpty.toList $ join $
+ fmap pUnits $ piPackages proj_info in
+ c { qcProjInfo = Just n
+ , qcUnitInfos =
+ discardInactiveUnitInfos active_units (qcUnitInfos c)
+ }
+ , cGetKey = ckcProjConf
+ , cSetKey = \a b -> a { ckcProjConf = Just b }
+ , cCheckKey = getProjConfAndModTime qe
+ , cKeyValid = (==) `on` snd
+ , cRegen = \(proj_conf, mtime) -> do
+ shallowReconfigureProject qe
+ readProjInfo qe proj_conf mtime pre_info
+ }
getUnitInfo :: QueryEnv pt -> Unit pt -> IO UnitInfo
getUnitInfo qe@QueryEnv{..} unit@Unit{uDistDir} = do
+ pre_info <- getPreInfo qe
proj_info <- getProjInfo qe
- cache@QueryCache{qcUnitInfos} <- readIORef qeCacheRef
- let munit_info = Map.lookup uDistDir qcUnitInfos
- unit_info <- checkUpdateUnitInfo qe proj_info unit munit_info
- writeIORef qeCacheRef $ cache
- { qcUnitInfos = Map.insert uDistDir unit_info qcUnitInfos }
- return unit_info
- :: QueryEnvI c pt
- -> ProjInfo pt
- -> Unit pt
- -> Maybe UnitInfo
- -> IO UnitInfo
-checkUpdateUnitInfo qe proj_info unit munit_info = do
- unit_mtimes <- getUnitModTimes unit
- case munit_info of
- Nothing -> reconf
- Just unit_info
- | uiModTimes unit_info /= unit_mtimes
- -> reconf
- | otherwise
- -> return unit_info
- where
- reconf = do
- reconfigureUnit qe unit
- helper <- getHelper proj_info qe
- readUnitInfo helper unit
+ cached qe $ Cached
+ { cGet = \c -> do
+ ui <- Map.lookup uDistDir (qcUnitInfos c)
+ return (uiModTimes ui, ui)
+ , cSet = \c (_mtimes, unit_info) -> c { qcUnitInfos =
+ Map.insert uDistDir unit_info (qcUnitInfos c) }
+ , cGetKey = const Nothing
+ , cSetKey = const
+ , cCheckKey = getUnitModTimes unit
+ , cKeyValid = (==)
+ , cRegen = \mtimes -> do
+ reconfigureUnit qe unit
+ helper <- getHelper pre_info proj_info qe
+ readUnitInfo helper unit mtimes
+ }
-- | Restrict 'UnitInfo' cache to units that are still active
@@ -384,25 +453,31 @@ discardInactiveUnitInfos active_units uis0 =
-- | Regenerate project-level information by calling the appropriate build
--- system (@cabal@ or @stack@).
-shallowReconfigureProject :: QueryEnvI c pt -> IO ()
+-- system.
+shallowReconfigureProject :: QueryEnvI (QCProgs a b) pt -> IO ()
shallowReconfigureProject QueryEnv
{ qeProjLoc = ProjLocStackYaml _stack_yaml, .. } = do
-- Stack's dry-run only generates the cabal file from package.yaml (or
- -- well that's the only thing we care about that it
- -- does). reconfigureUnit will take care of this though and we don't
- -- need the cabal files before the Unit stage anyways.
+ -- well that's the only thing we would care about). reconfigureUnit
+ -- will take care of this though and we don't need the cabal files
+ -- before the Unit stage anyways.
return ()
-shallowReconfigureProject qe = buildProjectTarget qe Nothing DryRun
+shallowReconfigureProject qe = do
+ buildProjectTarget qe Nothing DryRun
reconfigureUnit :: QueryEnvI c pt -> Unit pt -> IO ()
reconfigureUnit qe u = buildProjectTarget qe (Just u) OnlyCfg
-buildUnit :: QueryEnvI c pt -> Unit pt -> IO ()
-buildUnit qe u = buildProjectTarget qe (Just u) DoBuild
+buildUnits :: [Unit pt] -> Query pt ()
+buildUnits units = Query $ \qe -> do
+ conf_progs <- getConfProgs qe
+ forM_ units $ \u ->
+ buildProjectTarget qe { qePrograms = conf_progs } (Just u) DoBuild
-buildProject :: QueryEnvI c pt -> IO ()
-buildProject qe = buildProjectTarget qe Nothing DoBuild
+buildProject :: Query pt ()
+buildProject = Query $ \qe -> do
+ conf_progs <- getConfProgs qe
+ buildProjectTarget qe { qePrograms = conf_progs } Nothing DoBuild
data BuildStage = DryRun | OnlyCfg | DoBuild
@@ -466,8 +541,8 @@ getFileModTime f = do
return (f, t)
- :: QueryEnvI c pt -> ProjConf pt -> ProjConfModTimes -> IO (ProjInfo pt)
-readProjInfo qe pc pcm = withVerbosity $ do
+ :: QueryEnvI c pt -> ProjConf pt -> ProjConfModTimes -> PreInfo pt -> IO (ProjInfo pt)
+readProjInfo qe pc pcm pi = withVerbosity $ do
let projloc = qeProjLoc qe
case (qeDistDir qe, pc) of
(DistDirCabal SCV1 distdir, ProjConfV1{pcV1CabalFile}) -> do
@@ -532,20 +607,20 @@ readProjInfo qe pc pcm = withVerbosity $ do
(DistDirStack{}, _) -> do
Just cabal_files <- NonEmpty.nonEmpty <$> Stack.listPackageCabalFiles qe
pkgs <- mapM (Stack.getPackage qe) cabal_files
- proj_paths <- Stack.projPaths qe
- let piImpl = ProjInfoStack { piStackProjPaths = proj_paths }
- Just (cabalVer:_) <- withProgs piImpl qe $ runMaybeT $
- GHC.listCabalVersions (Just (sppGlobalPkgDb proj_paths))
+ Just (cabalVer:_) <- runMaybeT $
+ let ?progs = qePrograms qe in
+ let PreInfoStack {piStackProjPaths} = pi in
+ GHC.listCabalVersions (Just (sppGlobalPkgDb piStackProjPaths))
-- ^ See [Note Stack Cabal Version]
return ProjInfo
{ piCabalVersion = cabalVer
, piProjConfModTimes = pcm
, piPackages = pkgs
- , ..
+ , piImpl = ProjInfoStack
-readUnitInfo :: Helper pt -> Unit pt -> IO UnitInfo
-readUnitInfo helper unit@Unit {uUnitId=uiUnitId} = do
+readUnitInfo :: Helper pt -> Unit pt -> UnitModTimes -> IO UnitInfo
+readUnitInfo helper unit@Unit {uUnitId=uiUnitId} uiModTimes = do
res <- runHelper helper unit
[ "package-id"
, "compiler-id"
@@ -561,7 +636,6 @@ readUnitInfo helper unit@Unit {uUnitId=uiUnitId} = do
Just (ChResponseFlags uiNonDefaultConfigFlags),
Just (ChResponseComponentsInfo uiComponents)
] = res
- uiModTimes <- getUnitModTimes unit
return $ UnitInfo {..}
@@ -612,10 +686,11 @@ invokeHelper
-- helper compilation happen during a time-sensitive user
-- interaction. @caba-helper@ will however do this automatically as needed
-- if you don't.
-prepare :: QueryEnv pt -> IO ()
-prepare qe = do
+prepare :: Query pt ()
+prepare = Query $ \qe -> do
+ pre_info <- getPreInfo qe
proj_info <- getProjInfo qe
- void $ getHelper proj_info qe
+ void $ getHelper pre_info proj_info qe
-- | Create @cabal_macros.h@, @Paths_\<pkg\>.hs@ and other generated files
-- in the usual place. See 'Distribution.Simple.Build.initialBuildSteps'.
@@ -624,8 +699,9 @@ prepare qe = do
-- cabal file changes.
writeAutogenFiles :: Unit pt -> Query pt ()
writeAutogenFiles unit = Query $ \qe -> do
+ pre_info <- getPreInfo qe
proj_info <- getProjInfo qe
- helper <- getHelper proj_info qe
+ helper <- getHelper pre_info proj_info qe
void $ runHelper helper unit ["write-autogen-files"]
-- | Get the path to the sandbox package-db in a project
@@ -656,16 +732,27 @@ withVerbosity act = do
_ -> False
+getConfProgs :: QueryEnvI (QCProgs a b) pt -> IO Programs
+getConfProgs qe = do
+ pre_info <- getPreInfo qe
+ cached qe $ Cached
+ { cGet = qcConfProgs
+ , cSet = \a b -> a { qcConfProgs = Just b }
+ , cGetKey = const Nothing
+ , cSetKey = const
+ , cCheckKey = return (qePrograms qe)
+ , cKeyValid = (==)
+ , cRegen = \_k -> configurePrograms qe pre_info
+ }
-- | Fixup program paths as appropriate for current project-type and bring
-- 'Programs' into scope as an implicit parameter.
- :: Verbose => ProjInfoImpl pt -> QueryEnvI c pt -> (Env => IO a) -> IO a
-withProgs impl QueryEnv{..} f = do
- progs <- guessCompProgramPaths $ case impl of
- ProjInfoStack projPaths ->
+configurePrograms :: QueryEnvI c pt -> PreInfo pt -> IO Programs
+configurePrograms QueryEnv{..} pre_info = withVerbosity $ do
+ guessCompProgramPaths $ case pre_info of
+ PreInfoStack projPaths ->
Stack.patchCompPrograms projPaths qePrograms
_ -> qePrograms
- let ?progs = progs in f
-- | Determine ghc-pkg path from ghc path
guessCompProgramPaths :: Verbose => Programs -> IO Programs
@@ -714,18 +801,19 @@ getCabalVerbosity
newtype Helper pt
= Helper { runHelper :: Unit pt -> [String] -> IO [Maybe ChResponse] }
-getHelper :: ProjInfo pt -> QueryEnvI c pt -> IO (Helper pt)
-getHelper ProjInfo{piCabalVersion} qe@QueryEnv{..}
+getHelper :: PreInfo pt -> ProjInfo pt -> QueryEnvI c pt -> IO (Helper pt)
+getHelper _pre_info ProjInfo{piCabalVersion} qe@QueryEnv{..}
| piCabalVersion == bultinCabalVersion = return $ Helper $
\Unit{ uDistDir=DistDirLib distdir
, uPackage=Package{pCabalFile=CabalFile cabal_file}
} args ->
let pt = dispHelperProjectType (projTypeOfQueryEnv qe) in
helper_main $ cabal_file : distdir : pt : args
-getHelper proj_info qe@QueryEnv{..} = do
- withVerbosity $ withProgs (piImpl proj_info) qe $ do
+getHelper pre_info proj_info qe@QueryEnv{..} = do
+ withVerbosity $ do
+ let ?progs = qePrograms
t0 <- Clock.getTime Monotonic
- eexe <- compileHelper $ mkCompHelperEnv qeProjLoc qeDistDir proj_info
+ eexe <- compileHelper $ mkCompHelperEnv qeProjLoc qeDistDir pre_info proj_info
t1 <- Clock.getTime Monotonic
let dt = (/10e9) $ fromInteger $ Clock.toNanoSecs $ Clock.diffTimeSpec t0 t1
dt :: Float
@@ -750,11 +838,13 @@ mkCompHelperEnv
:: Verbose
=> ProjLoc pt
-> DistDir pt
+ -> PreInfo pt
-> ProjInfo pt
-> CompHelperEnv
(DistDirCabal SCV1 distdir)
+ PreInfoCabal
= CompHelperEnv
{ cheCabalVer = CabalVersion piCabalVersion
@@ -767,6 +857,7 @@ mkCompHelperEnv
(DistDirCabal SCV2 distdir)
+ PreInfoCabal
= CompHelperEnv {..}
@@ -780,13 +871,11 @@ mkCompHelperEnv
(ProjLocStackYaml stack_yaml)
(DistDirStack mworkdir)
- ProjInfo
- { piCabalVersion
- , piImpl = ProjInfoStack
- { piStackProjPaths=StackProjPaths
- { sppGlobalPkgDb }
- }
+ PreInfoStack
+ { piStackProjPaths=StackProjPaths
+ { sppGlobalPkgDb }
+ ProjInfo { piCabalVersion }
= let workdir = fromMaybe ".stack-work" $ unRelativePath <$> mworkdir in
let projdir = takeDirectory stack_yaml in