path: root/src/CabalHelper/Runtime
diff options
authorAlan Zimmerman <alan.zimm@gmail.com>2017-12-09 16:12:51 +0200
committerDaniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org>2018-01-18 14:10:26 +0100
commitaba389ec640eb4f6254b6828621c689c638ab791 (patch)
treed21a5a8b4a808bb45e8242a36b774e38c838f63f /src/CabalHelper/Runtime
parenta4d9019b480ad59c3a496f83bc307bc299d6d9eb (diff)
WIP on backpack support
Diffstat (limited to 'src/CabalHelper/Runtime')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs b/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
index 6e013a1..737b590 100644
--- a/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
+++ b/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
@@ -153,6 +153,9 @@ import Distribution.Backpack (OpenUnitId(..))
import Distribution.ModuleName
( ModuleName
+import Distribution.Types.ComponentId
+ ( unComponentId
+ )
import Distribution.Types.ModuleRenaming
( ModuleRenaming(..)
@@ -162,6 +165,7 @@ import Distribution.Types.MungedPackageId
import Distribution.Types.UnitId
( UnitId
, unDefUnitId
+ , unUnitId
import Distribution.Types.UnitId
( DefUnitId
@@ -379,9 +383,14 @@ main = do
"entrypoints":[] -> do
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
includeDirMap <- recursiveDepInfo lbi v distdir
+ appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" "\n--------------------------------------"
eps <- componentsMap lbi v distdir $ \c clbi _bi -> do
+ appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" ("\n" ++ show clbi)
let (_,_,seps) = recursiveIncludeDirs includeDirMap (componentUnitId clbi)
+ appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" ("\n" ++ show (componentEntrypoints c) )
+ appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" "\n-------"
return seps
+ appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" "\n--------------------------------------"
eps <- componentsMap lbi v distdir $ \c _clbi _bi ->
return $ componentEntrypoints c
@@ -413,6 +422,9 @@ main = do
flagName' = unFlagName . flagName
+logm str = appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" str
-- getLibrary :: PackageDescription -> Library
-- getLibrary pd = unsafePerformIO $ do
-- lr <- newIORef (error "libraryMap: empty IORef")
@@ -458,7 +470,11 @@ componentsMap lbi _v _distdir f = do
l' <- readIORef lr
r <- f c clbi bi
- writeIORef lr $ (componentNameToCh name, r):l'
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
+ writeIORef lr $ (componentNameToCh (ChUnitId $ unUnitId $ componentUnitId clbi) name, r):l'
+ writeIORef lr $ (componentNameToCh ChNoUnitId name, r):l'
reverse <$> readIORef lr
@@ -586,10 +602,10 @@ recursiveIncludeDirs includeDirs unit = go ([],[],Nothing) [unit]
combineEp Nothing e = Just e
combineEp (Just ChSetupEntrypoint) e = Just e
-combineEp (Just (ChLibEntrypoint es1 os1)) (ChLibEntrypoint es2 os2) = Just (ChLibEntrypoint (es2++es1) (os2++os1))
-combineEp (Just (ChLibEntrypoint es1 os1)) (ChExeEntrypoint mi os2) = Just (ChExeEntrypoint mi (os2++es1++os1))
-combineEp (Just (ChExeEntrypoint _ os1)) (ChLibEntrypoint es2 os2) = Just (ChLibEntrypoint es2 (os2++os1))
-combineEp (Just (ChExeEntrypoint _ os1)) (ChExeEntrypoint mi os2) = Just (ChExeEntrypoint mi (os2++os1))
+combineEp (Just (ChLibEntrypoint es1 os1 ss1)) (ChLibEntrypoint es2 os2 ss2) = Just (ChLibEntrypoint (nub $ es2++es1) (nub $ os2++os1) (nub $ ss2++ss1))
+combineEp (Just (ChLibEntrypoint es1 os1 ss1)) (ChExeEntrypoint mi os2) = Just (ChExeEntrypoint mi (nub $ os2++es1++os1++ss1))
+combineEp (Just (ChExeEntrypoint _ os1)) (ChLibEntrypoint es2 os2 ss2) = Just (ChLibEntrypoint es2 (nub $ os2++os1) ss2)
+combineEp (Just (ChExeEntrypoint _ os1)) (ChExeEntrypoint mi os2) = Just (ChExeEntrypoint mi (nub $ os2++os1))
initialBuildStepsForAllComponents distdir pd lbi v =
@@ -616,15 +632,15 @@ toDataVersion = id
--fromDataVersion = id
-componentNameToCh CLibName = ChLibName
+componentNameToCh _uid CLibName = ChLibName
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
-- CPP >= 1.25
-componentNameToCh (CSubLibName n) = ChSubLibName $ unUnqualComponentName' n
-componentNameToCh (CFLibName n) = ChFLibName $ unUnqualComponentName' n
+componentNameToCh uid (CSubLibName n) = ChSubLibName (unUnqualComponentName' n) uid
+componentNameToCh uid (CFLibName n) = ChFLibName (unUnqualComponentName' n) uid
-componentNameToCh (CExeName n) = ChExeName $ unUnqualComponentName' n
-componentNameToCh (CTestName n) = ChTestName $ unUnqualComponentName' n
-componentNameToCh (CBenchName n) = ChBenchName $ unUnqualComponentName' n
+componentNameToCh uid (CExeName n) = ChExeName (unUnqualComponentName' n) uid
+componentNameToCh uid (CTestName n) = ChTestName (unUnqualComponentName' n) uid
+componentNameToCh uid (CBenchName n) = ChBenchName (unUnqualComponentName' n) uid
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
-- CPP >= 1.25
@@ -674,28 +690,35 @@ componentEntrypoints (CLib Library {..})
(map gmModuleName exposedModules)
(map gmModuleName $ otherModules libBuildInfo)
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
+ (map gmModuleName signatures)
+ [] -- no signatures prior to Cabal 2.0
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
componentEntrypoints (CFLib (ForeignLib{..}))
= ChLibEntrypoint
(map gmModuleName $ otherModules foreignLibBuildInfo)
+ []
componentEntrypoints (CExe Executable {..})
= ChExeEntrypoint modulePath (map gmModuleName $ otherModules buildInfo)
componentEntrypoints (CTest TestSuite { testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 _ fp, ..})
= ChExeEntrypoint fp (map gmModuleName $ otherModules testBuildInfo)
componentEntrypoints (CTest TestSuite { testInterface = TestSuiteLibV09 _ mn, ..})
- = ChLibEntrypoint [gmModuleName mn] (map gmModuleName $ otherModules testBuildInfo)
+ = ChLibEntrypoint [gmModuleName mn] (map gmModuleName $ otherModules testBuildInfo) []
componentEntrypoints (CTest TestSuite {})
- = ChLibEntrypoint [] []
+ = ChLibEntrypoint [] [] []
componentEntrypoints (CBench Benchmark { benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 _ fp, ..})
= ChExeEntrypoint fp (map gmModuleName $ otherModules benchmarkBuildInfo)
componentEntrypoints (CBench Benchmark {})
- = ChLibEntrypoint [] []
+ = ChLibEntrypoint [] [] []
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
isInplaceCompInc :: ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> (OpenUnitId, ModuleRenaming) -> Bool
-isInplaceCompInc clbi (DefiniteUnitId uid, _mr) = unDefUnitId uid `elem` componentInternalDeps clbi
-isInplaceCompInc clbi (IndefFullUnitId _ _, _mmr) = False -- TODO: keep this for now, what in future?
+isInplaceCompInc clbi (DefiniteUnitId uid, _mr) = unDefUnitId uid `elem` componentInternalDeps clbi
+-- isInplaceCompInc clbi (IndefFullUnitId uid _, _mmr) = False
+isInplaceCompInc clbi (IndefFullUnitId uid _, _mmr) = unComponentId uid `elem` map unUnitId (componentInternalDeps clbi)
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)