path: root/src/CabalHelper/Runtime
diff options
authorDaniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org>2018-10-10 21:42:13 +0200
committerDaniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org>2018-10-26 04:33:07 +0200
commitc8f1af5397c8a95b6522d44857c146f9aacfc540 (patch)
tree45814f55bd54b8020511298fe235e3b4b8153c9a /src/CabalHelper/Runtime
parent2968c76b2c4bf60a273f2da161b1552cb1e15fe9 (diff)
Move compat code out of Runtime/Main.hs
Diffstat (limited to 'src/CabalHelper/Runtime')
2 files changed, 211 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Compat.hs b/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Compat.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1bb3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Compat.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+-- cabal-helper: Simple interface to Cabal's configuration state
+-- Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Daniel Gröber <cabal-helper@dxld.at>
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards, RankNTypes, ViewPatterns,
+ TupleSections #-}
+#ifdef MIN_VERSION_Cabal
+#undef CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal
+module CabalHelper.Runtime.Compat
+ ( UnitId
+ , componentNameToCh
+ , unUnqualComponentName'
+ , componentNameFromComponent
+ , componentOutDir
+ ) where
+import System.FilePath
+import Distribution.PackageDescription
+ ( PackageDescription
+ , GenericPackageDescription(..)
+ , Flag(..)
+ , FlagName
+ , FlagAssignment
+ , Executable(..)
+ , Library(..)
+ , TestSuite(..)
+ , Benchmark(..)
+ , BuildInfo(..)
+ , TestSuiteInterface(..)
+ , BenchmarkInterface(..)
+ , withLib
+ )
+import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
+ ( ComponentName(..)
+ , Component(..)
+ , LocalBuildInfo(..)
+ )
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,24,0)
+import Distribution.Package (UnitId)
+import Distribution.Package (InstalledPackageId)
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
+-- >=1.25
+import Distribution.PackageDescription
+ ( unFlagName
+ -- , mkFlagName
+ )
+import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
+ ( ForeignLib(..)
+ )
+import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
+ ( UnqualComponentName
+ , unUnqualComponentName
+ )
+-- <1.25
+import Distribution.PackageDescription
+ ( FlagName(FlagName)
+ )
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
+-- CPP >= 2.0
+import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
+ ( allLibModules
+ , componentBuildDir
+ )
+import Distribution.Simple.Register
+ ( internalPackageDBPath
+ )
+import Distribution.Backpack
+ ( OpenUnitId(..),
+ OpenModule(..)
+ )
+import Distribution.ModuleName
+ ( ModuleName
+ )
+import Distribution.Types.ComponentId
+ ( unComponentId
+ )
+import Distribution.Types.ComponentLocalBuildInfo
+ ( maybeComponentInstantiatedWith
+ )
+import Distribution.Types.ModuleRenaming
+ ( ModuleRenaming(..),
+ isDefaultRenaming
+ )
+import Distribution.Types.MungedPackageId
+ ( MungedPackageId
+ )
+import Distribution.Types.UnitId
+ ( UnitId
+ , unDefUnitId
+ , unUnitId
+ )
+import Distribution.Types.UnitId
+ ( DefUnitId
+ )
+import Distribution.Utils.NubList
+ ( toNubListR
+ )
+import Distribution.Version
+ ( versionNumbers
+ , mkVersion
+ )
+import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,2,0)
+import Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription
+ ( unFlagAssignment
+ )
+import CabalHelper.Shared.Sandbox
+import CabalHelper.Shared.Common
+import CabalHelper.Shared.InterfaceTypes
+#if !CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,24,0)
+type UnitId = InstalledPackageId
+componentNameToCh :: a -> ComponentName -> ChComponentName
+componentNameToCh _ CLibName = ChLibName
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
+componentNameToCh _ (CSubLibName n) = ChSubLibName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
+componentNameToCh _ (CFLibName n) = ChFLibName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
+componentNameToCh _ (CExeName n) = ChExeName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
+componentNameToCh _ (CTestName n) = ChTestName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
+componentNameToCh _ (CBenchName n) = ChBenchName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
+-- CPP >= 1.25
+unUnqualComponentName' :: UnqualComponentName -> String
+unUnqualComponentName' = unUnqualComponentName
+unUnqualComponentName' :: a -> a
+unUnqualComponentName' = id
+componentNameFromComponent :: Component -> ComponentName
+#if !CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
+-- CPP < 1.25
+componentNameFromComponent (CLib Library {}) = CLibName
+#elif CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
+-- CPP >= 1.25 (redundant)
+componentNameFromComponent (CLib Library { libName = Nothing }) = CLibName
+componentNameFromComponent (CLib Library { libName = Just n }) = CSubLibName n
+componentNameFromComponent (CFLib ForeignLib {..}) = CFLibName foreignLibName
+componentNameFromComponent (CExe Executable {..}) = CExeName exeName
+componentNameFromComponent (CTest TestSuite {..}) = CTestName testName
+componentNameFromComponent (CBench Benchmark {..}) = CBenchName benchmarkName
+componentOutDir :: LocalBuildInfo -> Component -> FilePath
+componentOutDir lbi (CLib Library {..})=
+ buildDir lbi
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
+componentOutDir lbi (CFLib ForeignLib {..}) =
+ componentOutDir' lbi (unUnqualComponentName foreignLibName)
+componentOutDir lbi (CExe Executable {..}) =
+ componentOutDir' lbi (unUnqualComponentName' exeName)
+componentOutDir lbi (CTest TestSuite { testInterface = TestSuiteLibV09 _ _, ..}) =
+ componentOutDir' lbi (unUnqualComponentName' testName ++ "Stub")
+componentOutDir lbi (CTest TestSuite { testInterface = _, ..}) =
+ componentOutDir' lbi (unUnqualComponentName' testName)
+componentOutDir lbi (CBench Benchmark { benchmarkInterface = _, ..})=
+ componentOutDir' lbi (unUnqualComponentName' benchmarkName)
+componentOutDir' :: LocalBuildInfo -> String -> FilePath
+componentOutDir' lbi compName' =
+ ----- Copied from Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs:buildOrReplExe
+ let targetDir = (buildDir lbi) </> compName'
+ compDir = targetDir </> (compName' ++ "-tmp")
+ in compDir
diff --git a/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs b/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
index 78260f8..3c90fbd 100644
--- a/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
+++ b/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ import Text.Printf
import CabalHelper.Shared.Sandbox
import CabalHelper.Shared.Common
import CabalHelper.Shared.InterfaceTypes
+import CabalHelper.Runtime.Compat
usage :: IO ()
usage = do
@@ -704,61 +705,7 @@ toDataVersion = id
--fromDataVersion = id
-componentNameToCh _uid CLibName = ChLibName
-#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
--- CPP >= 1.25
-#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
-componentNameToCh uid (CSubLibName n) = ChSubLibName uid
-componentNameToCh _uid (CSubLibName n) = ChSubLibName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
-componentNameToCh uid (CFLibName n) = ChFLibName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
-componentNameToCh _uid (CExeName n) = ChExeName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
-componentNameToCh _uid (CTestName n) = ChTestName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
-componentNameToCh _uid (CBenchName n) = ChBenchName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
-#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
--- CPP >= 1.25
-unUnqualComponentName' = unUnqualComponentName
-unUnqualComponentName' = id
-#if !CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
--- CPP < 1.25
-componentNameFromComponent (CLib Library {}) = CLibName
-#elif CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
--- CPP >= 1.25 (redundant)
-componentNameFromComponent (CLib Library { libName = Nothing }) = CLibName
-componentNameFromComponent (CLib Library { libName = Just n }) = CSubLibName n
-componentNameFromComponent (CFLib ForeignLib {..}) = CFLibName foreignLibName
-componentNameFromComponent (CExe Executable {..}) = CExeName exeName
-componentNameFromComponent (CTest TestSuite {..}) = CTestName testName
-componentNameFromComponent (CBench Benchmark {..}) = CBenchName benchmarkName
-componentOutDir lbi (CLib Library {..})=
- buildDir lbi
-#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
-componentOutDir lbi (CFLib ForeignLib {..}) =
- componentOutDir' lbi (unUnqualComponentName foreignLibName)
-componentOutDir lbi (CExe Executable {..}) =
- componentOutDir' lbi (unUnqualComponentName' exeName)
-componentOutDir lbi (CTest TestSuite { testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 _ _, ..}) =
- componentOutDir' lbi (unUnqualComponentName' testName)
-componentOutDir lbi (CTest TestSuite { testInterface = TestSuiteLibV09 _ _, ..}) =
- componentOutDir' lbi (unUnqualComponentName' testName ++ "Stub")
-componentOutDir lbi (CBench Benchmark { benchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 _ _, ..})=
- componentOutDir' lbi (unUnqualComponentName' benchmarkName)
-componentOutDir' :: LocalBuildInfo -> String -> FilePath
-componentOutDir' lbi compName' =
- ----- Copied from Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs:buildOrReplExe
- let targetDir = (buildDir lbi) </> compName'
- compDir = targetDir </> (compName' ++ "-tmp")
- in compDir
componentEntrypoints :: Component -> ChEntrypoint
componentEntrypoints (CLib Library {..})