path: root/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/CabalHelper/Compiletime')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs b/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs
index 7af3cf1..94563fb 100644
--- a/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs
+++ b/src/CabalHelper/Compiletime/Compile.hs
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ import CabalHelper.Shared.Sandbox (getSandboxPkgDb)
data Compile
= CompileWithCabalSource
- { compCabalSourceDir :: CabalSourceDir
+ { compCabalSourceDir :: CabalSourceDir
+ , compCabalSourceVersion :: Version
| CompileWithCabalPackage
{ compPackageDb :: Maybe PackageDbDir
@@ -80,36 +81,44 @@ data CompilationProductScope = CPSGlobal | CPSProject
compileHelper :: Options -> Version -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
compileHelper opts hdrCabalVersion projdir distdir = do
- case oCabalPkgDb opts of
- Nothing ->
- run [ compileCabalSource
- , Right <$> MaybeT (cachedExe (CabalVersion hdrCabalVersion))
- , compileSandbox
- , compileGlobal
- , compileWithCachedCabalPkg
- , MaybeT (Just <$> compilePrivatePkgDb)
- ]
- mdb ->
- run [ Right <$> MaybeT (cachedExe (CabalVersion hdrCabalVersion))
- , liftIO $ compileWithPkg mdb hdrCabalVersion CPSProject
- ]
+ Just (prepare, comp) <- runMaybeT $ msum $
+ case oCabalPkgDb opts of
+ Nothing ->
+ [ compileCabalSource
+ , compileSandbox
+ , compileGlobal
+ , MaybeT $ Just <$> compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb
+ ]
+ Just db ->
+ [ return $ (return (), compileWithPkg (Just db) hdrCabalVersion CPSProject)
+ ]
- where
- run actions = fromJust <$> runMaybeT (msum actions)
+ appdir <- appCacheDir
- logMsg = "compiling helper with Cabal from "
+ let cp@CompPaths {compExePath} = compPaths appdir distdir comp
+ exists <- doesFileExist compExePath
+ if exists
+ then do
+ vLog opts $ "helper already compiled, using exe: "++compExePath
+ return (Right compExePath)
+ else do
+ vLog opts $ "helper exe does not exist, compiling"++compExePath
+ prepare >> compile comp cp opts
+ where
+ logMsg = "using helper compiled with Cabal from "
-- for relaxed deps: find (sameMajorVersionAs hdrCabalVersion) . reverse . sort
-- | Check if this version is globally available
- compileGlobal :: MaybeT IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
+ compileGlobal :: MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileGlobal = do
ver <- MaybeT $ find (== hdrCabalVersion) <$> listCabalVersions opts
vLog opts $ logMsg ++ "user/global package-db"
- liftIO $ compileWithPkg Nothing ver CPSGlobal
+ return $ (return (), compileWithPkg Nothing ver CPSGlobal)
-- | Check if this version is available in the project sandbox
- compileSandbox :: MaybeT IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
+ compileSandbox :: MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileSandbox = do
let ghcVer = ghcVersion opts
mdb_path = getSandboxPkgDb projdir (display buildPlatform) =<< ghcVer
@@ -117,64 +126,64 @@ compileHelper opts hdrCabalVersion projdir distdir = do
ver <- MaybeT $ logIOError opts "compileSandbox" $
find (== hdrCabalVersion) <$> listCabalVersions' opts (Just sandbox)
vLog opts $ logMsg ++ "sandbox package-db"
- liftIO $ compileWithPkg (Just sandbox) ver CPSProject
- -- | Check if we already compiled this version of cabal into a private
- -- package-db
- compileWithCachedCabalPkg :: MaybeT IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
- compileWithCachedCabalPkg = do
- db_exists <- liftIO $ cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb opts hdrCabalVersion
- case db_exists of
- False -> mzero
- True -> do
- db@(PackageDbDir db_path)
- <- liftIO $ getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts (CabalVersion hdrCabalVersion)
- vLog opts $ logMsg ++ "private package-db in " ++ db_path
- liftIO $ compileWithPkg (Just db) hdrCabalVersion CPSGlobal
+ return $ (return (), compileWithPkg (Just sandbox) ver CPSProject)
+ -- | Compile the requested Cabal version into an isolated package-db if it's
+ -- not there already
+ compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb :: IO (IO (), Compile)
+ compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb = do
+ db@(PackageDbDir db_path)
+ <- getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts (CabalVersion hdrCabalVersion)
+ vLog opts $ logMsg ++ "private package-db in " ++ db_path
+ return (prepare db, compileWithPkg (Just db) hdrCabalVersion CPSGlobal)
+ where
+ prepare db = do
+ db_exists <- liftIO $ cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb opts hdrCabalVersion db
+ when (not db_exists) $
+ void $ installCabal opts (Right hdrCabalVersion) `E.catch`
+ \(SomeException _) -> errorInstallCabal hdrCabalVersion distdir
-- | See if we're in a cabal source tree
- compileCabalSource :: MaybeT IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
+ compileCabalSource :: MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileCabalSource = do
let cabalFile = projdir </> "Cabal.cabal"
cabalSrc <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cabalFile
let projdir' = CabalSourceDir projdir
case cabalSrc of
False -> mzero
- True -> liftIO $ do
+ True -> do
vLog opts $ "projdir looks like Cabal source tree (Cabal.cabal exists)"
- -- ver <- cabalFileVersion <$> readFile cabalFile
- vLog opts $ "compiling helper with local Cabal source tree"
- compileWithCabalSource projdir'
- -- | Compile the requested cabal version into an isolated package-db
- compilePrivatePkgDb :: IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
- compilePrivatePkgDb = do
- db <- fst <$> installCabal opts (Right hdrCabalVersion) `E.catch`
- \(SomeException _) -> errorInstallCabal hdrCabalVersion distdir
- compileWithPkg (Just db) hdrCabalVersion CPSGlobal
- compileWithCabalSource srcDir =
- compile CompileWithCabalSource
- { compCabalSourceDir = srcDir
- } distdir opts
+ cf <- liftIO $ readFile cabalFile
+ let buildType = cabalFileBuildType cf
+ ver = cabalFileVersion cf
+ case buildType of
+ "simple" -> do
+ vLog opts $ "Cabal source tree is build-type:simple, moving on"
+ mzero
+ "custom" -> do
+ vLog opts $ "compiling helper with local Cabal source tree"
+ return $ (return (), compileWithCabalSource projdir' ver)
+ _ -> error $ "compileCabalSource: unknown build-type: '"++buildType++"'"
+ compileWithCabalSource srcDir ver =
+ CompileWithCabalSource
+ { compCabalSourceDir = srcDir
+ , compCabalSourceVersion = ver
+ }
compileWithPkg mdb ver target =
- compile CompileWithCabalPackage
- { compPackageDb = mdb
- , compCabalVersion = CabalVersion ver
- , compPackageDeps = [cabalPkgId ver]
- , compProductTarget = target
- } distdir opts
+ CompileWithCabalPackage
+ { compPackageDb = mdb
+ , compCabalVersion = CabalVersion ver
+ , compPackageDeps = [cabalPkgId ver]
+ , compProductTarget = target
+ }
cabalPkgId v = "Cabal-" ++ showVersion v
-compile :: Compile -> FilePath -> Options -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
-compile comp distdir opts@Options {..} = do
- appdir <- appCacheDir
- let paths@CompPaths {..} = compPaths appdir distdir comp
+compile :: Compile -> CompPaths -> Options -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
+compile comp paths@CompPaths {..} opts@Options {..} = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True compOutDir
createHelperSources compSrcDir
@@ -210,6 +219,7 @@ data GhcInvocation = GhcInvocation
, giIncludeDirs :: [FilePath]
, giHideAllPackages :: Bool
, giPackages :: [String]
+ , giWarningFlags :: [String]
, giInputs :: [String]
@@ -220,13 +230,17 @@ compGhcInvocation comp CompPaths {..} =
{ giIncludeDirs = [compSrcDir, unCabalSourceDir compCabalSourceDir]
, giPackageDBs = []
+ , giHideAllPackages = False
, giPackages = []
+ , giCPPOptions = cppOptions compCabalSourceVersion
+ ++ [cabalVersionMacro compCabalSourceVersion]
, ..
CompileWithCabalPackage {..} ->
{ giIncludeDirs = [compSrcDir]
, giPackageDBs = maybeToList compPackageDb
+ , giHideAllPackages = True
, giPackages =
[ "base"
, "containers"
@@ -236,31 +250,37 @@ compGhcInvocation comp CompPaths {..} =
, "bytestring"
, "ghc-prim"
] ++ compPackageDeps
+ , giCPPOptions = cppOptions (unCabalVersion compCabalVersion)
, ..
- (mj1:mj2:mi:_) =
- case compCabalVersion comp of
- CabalHEAD _commit -> [10000000, 0, 0]
- CabalVersion (Version vs _) -> vs
+ unCabalVersion (CabalVersion ver) = ver
+ unCabalVersion (CabalHEAD _) = Version [10000000, 0, 0] []
+ cppOptions cabalVer =
+ , cabalMinVersionMacro cabalVer
+ ]
giOutDir = compOutDir
giOutput = compExePath
- giCPPOptions =
- , minVersionMacro (mj1,mj2,mi)
- ]
- giHideAllPackages = True
+ giWarningFlags = [ "-w" ] -- no point in bothering end users with warnings
giInputs = [compSrcDir</>"CabalHelper"</>"Runtime"</>"Main.hs"]
+cabalVersionMacro :: Version -> String
+cabalVersionMacro (Version vs _) =
+ "-DCABAL_VERSION="++intercalate "," (map show vs)
-minVersionMacro :: (Int, Int, Int) -> String
-minVersionMacro (mj1,mj2,mi) =
+cabalMinVersionMacro :: Version -> String
+cabalMinVersionMacro (Version (mj1:mj2:mi:_) _) =
\( (major1) < "++show mj1++" \
\|| (major1) == "++show mj1++" && (major2) < "++show mj2++" \
\|| (major1) == "++show mj1++" && (major2) == "++show mj2++" && (minor) <= "++show mi++
+cabalMinVersionMacro _ =
+ error "cabalMinVersionMacro: Version must have at least 3 components"
invokeGhc :: Options -> GhcInvocation -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
invokeGhc opts@Options {..} GhcInvocation {..} = do
@@ -273,6 +293,7 @@ invokeGhc opts@Options {..} GhcInvocation {..} = do
, map ("-i"++) $ nub $ "" : giIncludeDirs
, if giHideAllPackages then ["-hide-all-packages"] else []
, concatMap (\p -> ["-package", p]) giPackages
+ , giWarningFlags
, ["--make"]
, giInputs
@@ -391,7 +412,7 @@ runCabalInstall opts (PackageDbDir db) (CabalSourceDir srcdir) ever = do
, "--package-db=" ++ db
, "--prefix=" ++ db </> "prefix"
- , cabalOptions opts
+ , withGHCProgramOptions opts
, if cabalInstallVer >= Version [1,20,0,0] []
then ["--no-require-sandbox"]
else []
@@ -408,8 +429,8 @@ runCabalInstall opts (PackageDbDir db) (CabalSourceDir srcdir) ever = do
hPutStrLn stderr "done"
-cabalOptions :: Options -> [String]
-cabalOptions opts =
+withGHCProgramOptions :: Options -> [String]
+withGHCProgramOptions opts =
concat [ [ "--with-ghc=" ++ oGhcProgram opts ]
, if oGhcPkgProgram opts /= oGhcPkgProgram defaultOptions
then [ "--with-ghc-pkg=" ++ oGhcPkgProgram opts ]
@@ -437,7 +458,8 @@ runSetupHs opts@Options {..} db srcdir ever CabalInstallVersion {..}
go :: ([String] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
go run = do
- run $ [ "configure", "--package-db", db, "--prefix", db </> "prefix" ] ++ cabalOptions opts
+ run $ [ "configure", "--package-db", db, "--prefix", db </> "prefix" ]
+ ++ withGHCProgramOptions opts
run $ [ "build" ] ++ parmake_opt
run [ "copy" ]
run [ "register" ]
@@ -600,13 +622,6 @@ errorInstallCabal cabalVer _distdir = panicIO $ printf "\
sver = showVersion cabalVer
-cachedExe :: CabalVersion -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
-cachedExe ver = do
- appdir <- appCacheDir
- let exe = appdir </> exeName ver
- exists <- doesFileExist exe
- return $ if exists then Just exe else Nothing
listCabalVersions :: Options -> IO [Version]
listCabalVersions opts = listCabalVersions' opts Nothing
@@ -619,9 +634,8 @@ listCabalVersions' Options {..} mdb = do
catMaybes . map (fmap snd . parsePkgId . fromString) . words
<$> readProcess oGhcPkgProgram opts ""
-cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb :: Options -> Version -> IO Bool
-cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb opts cabalVer = do
- db@(PackageDbDir db_path) <- getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts (CabalVersion cabalVer)
+cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb :: Options -> Version -> PackageDbDir -> IO Bool
+cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb opts cabalVer db@(PackageDbDir db_path) = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist db_path
case exists of
False -> return False
@@ -663,8 +677,15 @@ getPrivateCabalPkgDb opts cabalVer = do
-- | Find @version: XXX@ delcaration in a cabal file
cabalFileVersion :: String -> Version
-cabalFileVersion cabalFile =
- fromJust $ parseVer . extract <$> find ("version:" `isPrefixOf`) ls
+cabalFileVersion = parseVer . cabalFileTopField "version"
+-- | Find @build-type: XXX@ delcaration in a cabal file
+cabalFileBuildType :: String -> String
+cabalFileBuildType = cabalFileTopField "build-type"
+cabalFileTopField :: String -> String -> String
+cabalFileTopField field cabalFile = value
+ Just value = extract <$> find ((field++":") `isPrefixOf`) ls
ls = map (map toLower) $ lines cabalFile
extract = dropWhile (/=':') >>> drop 1 >>> dropWhile isSpace >>> takeWhile (not . isSpace)