path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs b/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
index 737b590..0173fe9 100644
--- a/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
+++ b/src/CabalHelper/Runtime/Main.hs
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
, withComponentsLBI
, withLibLBI
, withExeLBI
+ , allLibModules
+ , componentBuildDir
import Distribution.Simple.GHC
( componentGhcOptions
@@ -149,15 +151,22 @@ import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
-- CPP >= 2.0
-import Distribution.Backpack (OpenUnitId(..))
+import Distribution.Backpack
+ ( OpenUnitId(..),
+ OpenModule(..)
+ )
import Distribution.ModuleName
( ModuleName
import Distribution.Types.ComponentId
( unComponentId
+import Distribution.Types.ComponentLocalBuildInfo
+ ( maybeComponentInstantiatedWith
+ )
import Distribution.Types.ModuleRenaming
- ( ModuleRenaming(..)
+ ( ModuleRenaming(..),
+ isDefaultRenaming
import Distribution.Types.MungedPackageId
( MungedPackageId
@@ -226,6 +235,7 @@ usage = do
++" | ghc-lang-options [--with-inplace]\n"
++" | package-db-stack\n"
++" | entrypoints\n"
+ ++" | needsbuildoutput\n"
++" | source-dirs\n"
++" | licenses\n"
++" ) ...\n"
@@ -244,6 +254,7 @@ commands = [ "print-lbi"
, "ghc-lang-options"
, "package-db-stack"
, "entrypoints"
+ , "needsbuildoutput"
, "source-dirs"
, "licenses"]
@@ -324,6 +335,7 @@ main = do
"ghc-options":flags -> do
res <- componentOptions lvd True flags id
+ -- putStrLn $ "\n*************ghc-options:" ++ show res
return $ Just $ ChResponseCompList (res ++ [(ChSetupHsName, [])])
"ghc-src-options":flags -> do
@@ -383,14 +395,9 @@ main = do
"entrypoints":[] -> do
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
includeDirMap <- recursiveDepInfo lbi v distdir
- appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" "\n--------------------------------------"
eps <- componentsMap lbi v distdir $ \c clbi _bi -> do
- appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" ("\n" ++ show clbi)
let (_,_,seps) = recursiveIncludeDirs includeDirMap (componentUnitId clbi)
- appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" ("\n" ++ show (componentEntrypoints c) )
- appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" "\n-------"
return seps
- appendFile "/tmp/cbli.txt" "\n--------------------------------------"
eps <- componentsMap lbi v distdir $ \c _clbi _bi ->
return $ componentEntrypoints c
@@ -400,6 +407,17 @@ main = do
let eps' = eps ++ [(ChSetupHsName, ChSetupEntrypoint)]
return $ Just $ ChResponseEntrypoints eps'
+ "needsbuildoutput":[] -> do
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
+ includeDirMap <- recursiveDepInfo lbi v distdir
+ nbs <- componentsMap lbi v distdir $ \c clbi _bi ->
+ return $ needsBuildOutput includeDirMap (componentUnitId clbi)
+ nbs <- componentsMap lbi v distdir $ \c _clbi _bi ->
+ return $ NoBuildOutput
+ return $ Just $ ChResponseNeedsBuild nbs
"source-dirs":[] -> do
res <- componentsMap lbi v distdir $$ \_ _ bi -> return $ hsSourceDirs bi
return $ Just $ ChResponseCompList (res ++ [(ChSetupHsName, [])])
@@ -471,9 +489,9 @@ componentsMap lbi _v _distdir f = do
l' <- readIORef lr
r <- f c clbi bi
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
- writeIORef lr $ (componentNameToCh (ChUnitId $ unUnitId $ componentUnitId clbi) name, r):l'
+ writeIORef lr $ (componentNameToCh (unUnitId $ componentUnitId clbi) name, r):l'
- writeIORef lr $ (componentNameToCh ChNoUnitId name, r):l'
+ writeIORef lr $ (componentNameToCh "" name, r):l'
reverse <$> readIORef lr
@@ -482,11 +500,13 @@ componentOptions' (lbi, v, distdir) inplaceFlag flags rf f = do
let pd = localPkgDescr lbi
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
includeDirMap <- recursiveDepInfo lbi v distdir
+ -- putStrLn $ "\nincludeDirMap=" ++ show includeDirMap ++ "\n"
componentsMap lbi v distdir $ \c clbi bi ->
- outdir = componentOutDir lbi c
+ -- outdir = componentOutDir lbi c
+ outdir = componentBuildDir lbi clbi
(clbi', adopts) = case flags of
_ | not inplaceFlag -> (clbi, mempty)
["--with-inplace"] -> (clbi, mempty)
@@ -524,6 +544,8 @@ removeInplaceDeps _v lbi pd clbi includeDirs = let
, componentIncludes = incs }
in (hasIdeps',c')
+ cleanRecursiveOpts :: Component
+ -> BuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> GhcOptions
cleanRecursiveOpts comp libbi libclbi =
-- libbi = libBuildInfo lib
@@ -534,6 +556,7 @@ removeInplaceDeps _v lbi pd clbi includeDirs = let
opts = (componentGhcOptions normal lbi libbi libclbi' liboutdir) {
ghcOptPackageDBs = []
opts { ghcOptSourcePath = ghcOptSourcePath opts <> toNubListR extraIncludes
, ghcOptPackages = ghcOptPackages opts <> toNubListR extraDeps }
@@ -544,8 +567,10 @@ removeInplaceDeps _v lbi pd clbi includeDirs = let
(Just (lib, libclbi),_) | hasIdeps ->
libbi = libBuildInfo lib
+ opts = cleanRecursiveOpts (CLib lib) libbi libclbi
- cleanRecursiveOpts (CLib lib) libbi libclbi
+ -- ghcOptInputModules = toNubListR $ allLibModules lib clbi,
+ opts { ghcOptInputModules = ghcOptInputModules opts <> (toNubListR $ allLibModules lib libclbi) }
(_,Just (exe,execlbi)) | hasIdeps ->
exebi = buildInfo exe
@@ -588,7 +613,7 @@ recursiveDepInfo lbi v distdir = do
, componentEntrypoints c))
return $ Map.fromList $ map snd includeDirs
-type SubDeps = ([UnitId],[FilePath], [(OpenUnitId, ModuleRenaming)], ChEntrypoint)
+type SubDeps = ([UnitId], [FilePath], [(OpenUnitId, ModuleRenaming)], ChEntrypoint)
recursiveIncludeDirs :: Map.Map UnitId SubDeps
-> UnitId -> ([FilePath], [(OpenUnitId, ModuleRenaming)]
@@ -600,12 +625,30 @@ recursiveIncludeDirs includeDirs unit = go ([],[],Nothing) [unit]
Nothing -> go acc us
Just (us',sfp,sci,sep) -> go (afp++sfp,aci++sci,combineEp amep sep) (us++us')
+needsBuildOutput :: Map.Map UnitId SubDeps
+ -> UnitId -> NeedsBuildOutput
+needsBuildOutput includeDirs unit = go [unit]
+ where
+ isIndef (IndefFullUnitId _ _) = True
+ isIndef _ = False
+ go [] = NoBuildOutput
+ go (u:us) = case Map.lookup u includeDirs of
+ Nothing -> go us
+ Just (us',sfp,sci,sep) ->
+ if any (isIndef . fst) sci
+ then ProduceBuildOutput
+ else go (us++us')
combineEp Nothing e = Just e
combineEp (Just ChSetupEntrypoint) e = Just e
combineEp (Just (ChLibEntrypoint es1 os1 ss1)) (ChLibEntrypoint es2 os2 ss2) = Just (ChLibEntrypoint (nub $ es2++es1) (nub $ os2++os1) (nub $ ss2++ss1))
combineEp (Just (ChLibEntrypoint es1 os1 ss1)) (ChExeEntrypoint mi os2) = Just (ChExeEntrypoint mi (nub $ os2++es1++os1++ss1))
combineEp (Just (ChExeEntrypoint _ os1)) (ChLibEntrypoint es2 os2 ss2) = Just (ChLibEntrypoint es2 (nub $ os2++os1) ss2)
combineEp (Just (ChExeEntrypoint _ os1)) (ChExeEntrypoint mi os2) = Just (ChExeEntrypoint mi (nub $ os2++os1))
+instantiatedGhcPackage :: (ModuleName,OpenModule) -> [(OpenUnitId, ModuleRenaming)]
+instantiatedGhcPackage (_,OpenModule oui@(DefiniteUnitId _) _) = [(oui,DefaultRenaming)]
+instantiatedGhcPackage (_, _) = []
initialBuildStepsForAllComponents distdir pd lbi v =
@@ -635,12 +678,16 @@ toDataVersion = id
componentNameToCh _uid CLibName = ChLibName
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
-- CPP >= 1.25
-componentNameToCh uid (CSubLibName n) = ChSubLibName (unUnqualComponentName' n) uid
-componentNameToCh uid (CFLibName n) = ChFLibName (unUnqualComponentName' n) uid
+#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
+componentNameToCh uid (CSubLibName n) = ChSubLibName uid
+componentNameToCh _uid (CSubLibName n) = ChSubLibName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
+componentNameToCh uid (CFLibName n) = ChFLibName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
-componentNameToCh uid (CExeName n) = ChExeName (unUnqualComponentName' n) uid
-componentNameToCh uid (CTestName n) = ChTestName (unUnqualComponentName' n) uid
-componentNameToCh uid (CBenchName n) = ChBenchName (unUnqualComponentName' n) uid
+componentNameToCh _uid (CExeName n) = ChExeName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
+componentNameToCh _uid (CTestName n) = ChTestName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
+componentNameToCh _uid (CBenchName n) = ChBenchName (unUnqualComponentName' n)
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
-- CPP >= 1.25
@@ -717,8 +764,8 @@ componentEntrypoints (CBench Benchmark {})
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
isInplaceCompInc :: ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> (OpenUnitId, ModuleRenaming) -> Bool
isInplaceCompInc clbi (DefiniteUnitId uid, _mr) = unDefUnitId uid `elem` componentInternalDeps clbi
--- isInplaceCompInc clbi (IndefFullUnitId uid _, _mmr) = False
-isInplaceCompInc clbi (IndefFullUnitId uid _, _mmr) = unComponentId uid `elem` map unUnitId (componentInternalDeps clbi)
+isInplaceCompInc clbi (IndefFullUnitId uid _, _mmr) = False
+-- isInplaceCompInc clbi (IndefFullUnitId uid _, _mmr) = unComponentId uid `elem` map unUnitId (componentInternalDeps clbi)
#if CH_MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0)
diff --git a/src/CabalHelper/Shared/InterfaceTypes.hs b/src/CabalHelper/Shared/InterfaceTypes.hs
index bf61bb7..2f2e6a3 100644
--- a/src/CabalHelper/Shared/InterfaceTypes.hs
+++ b/src/CabalHelper/Shared/InterfaceTypes.hs
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import Data.Version
data ChResponse
= ChResponseCompList [(ChComponentName, [String])]
| ChResponseEntrypoints [(ChComponentName, ChEntrypoint)]
+ | ChResponseNeedsBuild [(ChComponentName, NeedsBuildOutput)]
| ChResponseList [String]
| ChResponsePkgDbs [ChPkgDb]
| ChResponseLbi String
@@ -47,15 +48,11 @@ data ChResponse
data ChComponentName = ChSetupHsName
| ChLibName
- | ChSubLibName String ChUnitId
- | ChFLibName String ChUnitId
- | ChExeName String ChUnitId
- | ChTestName String ChUnitId
- | ChBenchName String ChUnitId
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic)
-data ChUnitId = ChNoUnitId
- | ChUnitId String
+ | ChSubLibName String
+ | ChFLibName String
+ | ChExeName String
+ | ChTestName String
+ | ChBenchName String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic)
newtype ChModuleName = ChModuleName String
@@ -78,3 +75,6 @@ data ChPkgDb = ChPkgGlobal
| ChPkgUser
| ChPkgSpecific FilePath
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic)
+data NeedsBuildOutput = ProduceBuildOutput | NoBuildOutput
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic)