path: root/src/FSD/Types.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/FSD/Types.hs')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/FSD/Types.hs b/src/FSD/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ac6c12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FSD/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+Copyright (C) 2022 Yuchen Pei.
+This file is part of fsd.
+fsd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+fsd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+License along with fsd. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module FSD.Types where
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Text qualified as T
+import Database.SQLite.Simple
+import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField
+{- Source
+- obtained from dist/Sources.gz
+- sPackage, sVersion: key, package and version, also used for {{Entry|Version identifier, Version download and {{Import|Source link and Source packages
+- there's also Uploaders field in Source, but it is not as good as the changelog which is more precise on the version
+data Source = Source
+ {sPackage :: Text, sVersion :: Text, sFile :: Text, sHomepage :: Maybe Text}
+ deriving (Show)
+instance ToRow Source where
+ toRow (Source a b c d) = toRow (a, b, c, d)
+instance FromRow Source where
+ fromRow = Source <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> field
+{- Package
+- obtained from dist/Packages.gz
+- pPackage, pVersion: key, package and version
+ - comes from Package and Version
+- homepage: used for {{Entry|Homepage URL
+ - comes from Homepage
+ - also available in Sources.gz
+- tags: used for {{Entry|Computer languages (implementing lang)
+ - can also be used for use, works-with etc.
+data Package = Package
+ { pPackage :: Text,
+ pVersion :: Text,
+ pHomepage :: Maybe Text,
+ pTags :: Tags
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+newtype Tags = Tags {unTags :: [Text]} deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance ToRow Package where
+ toRow (Package a b c d) = toRow (a, b, c, T.intercalate "," $ unTags d)
+instance FromRow Package where
+ fromRow = Package <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> field
+instance FromField Tags where
+ fromField f = Tags <$> T.splitOn "," <$> fromField f
+{- Translation
+- obtained from dist
+- tPackage: key, package name
+ - comes from Package
+- (shortDesc, fullDesc) are for {{Entry|Short description and {{Entry|Full description
+ - comes from Description-en.syn and .full (formatted text with syn)
+data Translation = Translation
+ { tPackage :: Text,
+ tShortDesc :: Text,
+ tFullDesc :: Text
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+instance ToRow Translation where
+ toRow (Translation a b c) = toRow (a, b, c)
+instance FromRow Translation where
+ fromRow = Translation <$> field <*> field <*> field
+{- ChangeLog
+- obtained from metaftp
+- the latest changelog entry
+- clPacakge and clVersion are keys, ignores on mismatch
+- author is used for {{Project license|License verified by
+- timeStamp for {{Project license|License verified date
+data FSDChangeLogEntry = FSDChangeLogEntry
+ { clPackage :: Text,
+ clVersion :: Text,
+ clAuthor :: Text,
+ clTimestamp :: UTCTime
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+instance ToRow FSDChangeLogEntry where
+ toRow (FSDChangeLogEntry a b c d) = toRow (a, b, c, d)
+instance FromRow FSDChangeLogEntry where
+ fromRow = FSDChangeLogEntry <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> field
+-- copyright types
+- upstreamName is used for {{Entry|Name
+ - stores upstream package name (canonical name);
+ - comes from Upstream-Name; defined to be name used by upstream;
+ - some copyright files use Upstream-Name for contacts (but not often), which is rather hard to detect ("Foo Library" and "John Doe" are of the same format"), so we take it at face value
+- contacts is used for {{Person|Real name and {{Person|Email with Role=contact
+ - stores contact name and email address;
+ - comes from Upstream-Contact (line-based list)
+ - may contain urls which are ignored
+- sources is used for {{Resource|Resource URL with {{Resource|Resource kind=Download
+ - stores resource urls with download kind;
+ - comes from Source (formatted text with no synopsis), in practice all in url form
+ - so we parse it as whitespace separated list of urls
+data Contact = Contact
+ { coName :: Maybe Text,
+ coEmail :: Text
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+serializeContacts :: [Contact] -> Text
+serializeContacts = T.intercalate ";" . fmap serializeContact
+serializeContact :: Contact -> Text
+serializeContact (Contact name email) =
+ T.concat [(fromMaybe "" name), ",", email]
+deserializeContacts :: Text -> [Contact]
+deserializeContacts contacts =
+ if T.null contacts
+ then []
+ else catMaybes $ deserializeContact <$> T.splitOn ";" contacts
+deserializeContact :: Text -> Maybe Contact
+deserializeContact raw =
+ case T.splitOn "," raw of
+ [_, ""] -> Nothing
+ [name, email] ->
+ Just $ Contact (if T.null name then Nothing else Just name) email
+ otherwise -> Nothing
+data Upstream = Upstream
+ { uPackage :: Text,
+ uName :: Maybe Text,
+ uContacts :: [Contact],
+ uSources :: SourceUrls
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+newtype SourceUrls = SourceUrls {unSources :: [Text]} deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance ToRow Upstream where
+ toRow (Upstream a b contacts sources) =
+ toRow
+ ( a,
+ b,
+ serializeContacts contacts,
+ T.intercalate "\n" $ unSources sources
+ )
+instance FromRow Upstream where
+ fromRow = Upstream <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> field
+instance FromField SourceUrls where
+ fromField f = SourceUrls <$> T.splitOn "\n" <$> fromField f
+instance FromField [Contact] where
+ fromField f = deserializeContacts <$> fromField f
+{- License Information
+- we need to filter out debian/* Files
+- copyright is used for {{Project license|License copyright
+ - comes from Files.Copyright and Header.Copyright (formatted text no syn)
+- license is used for {{Project license|License
+ - comes from Files.License.syn and Header.License.syn (formatted text with syn)
+ - we treat multi-licensing license as one (e.g. "GPL-2+ or MPL" is a valid license field)
+- note is used for {{Project license|License note
+ - comes from Files.License.full and Header.License.full (formatted text with syn), or in case of missing fulls, License.full (formatted text with syn) for matching syn
+data LicenseInfo = LicenseInfo
+ { lCopyright :: Maybe Text,
+ lLicense :: Text,
+ lNote :: Maybe Text
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+instance FromRow LicenseInfo where
+ fromRow = LicenseInfo <$> field <*> field <*> field
+{- Obtained from copyright files
+- formatted as https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+- nonformatted files are ignored
+data Copyright = Copyright
+ { crPackage :: Text,
+ crLicenses :: [LicenseInfo]
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data PackageInfo = PackageInfo
+ { piPackage :: Text,
+ piVersion :: Text,
+ piTimestamp :: UTCTime, -- time the PackageInfo is created
+ piFile :: Text,
+ piHomepage :: Maybe Text,
+ piTags :: [Text],
+ piShortDesc :: Text,
+ piFullDesc :: Text,
+ piUpstreamName :: Maybe Text,
+ piContacts :: [Contact],
+ piSources :: [Text],
+ piLicenses :: [LicenseInfo],
+ piCLAuthor :: Text,
+ piCLTimestamp :: UTCTime
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+{- TODO
+- [X] refactor Copyright into CRHeader (with a chPackage) and CRLicense (with a crPackage)
+- refactor so that homepage comes from source overriding package
+- refactor so that shordesc from translations overriding source overriding package
+- refactor so that things get assembled into a big ass object writing to various entries
+- add a (Debian changelog author) to license verifier
+- make sure the db creation works as expected (especially primary key on conflict replace
+- utilise indexes in db