path: root/src/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..833c999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+Copyright (C) 2022 Yuchen Pei.
+This file is part of fsd.
+fsd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+fsd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+License along with fsd. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+import System.Process hiding (runCommand)
+import Data.List.Extra
+import System.FilePath
+import FSD.ChangeLog
+import FSD.Download
+import FSD.Control
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import FSD.Copyright
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Text qualified as T
+import Data.Maybe
+import Database.SQLite.Simple
+import FSD.Db
+import Debian.Changes
+import Debian.Control
+import Options.Applicative
+import FSD.Package
+import FSD.PackageInfo
+import FSD.Source
+import Text.Show.Pretty hiding (List)
+import FSD.Translation
+import FSD.Types
+import FSD.Wiki
+import System.IO
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ (options, command) <- execParser opts
+ runCommand options command
+ where
+ opts = info (progParser <**> helper)
+ ( fullDesc
+ <> progDesc "FSD import utility"
+ <> header "fsd - a tool to import from Debian and export to FSD entries.")
+runCommand :: Options -> Command -> IO ()
+runCommand opts cmd = withFsDb (database opts) $ \db ->
+ case cmd of
+ Init -> initConn db
+ Get target -> do
+ when (target == TAll || target == TSources) $
+ downloadSources (distDir opts) >> return ()
+ when (target == TAll || target == TPackages) $
+ downloadPackages (distDir opts) >> return ()
+ when (target == TAll || target == TTranslation) $
+ downloadTranslation (distDir opts) >> return ()
+ when (target == TAll || target == TChangelog) $
+ getMetadataFiles db (distDir opts) (nWorkers opts) MTChangelog
+ >> return ()
+ when (target == TAll || target == TCopyright) $
+ getMetadataFiles db (distDir opts) (nWorkers opts) MTCopyright
+ >> return ()
+ Import target -> do
+ when (target == TAll || target == TSources) $
+ readControl <$>
+ (readFile $ (distDir opts) </> "Sources") >>= insertSources db
+ when (target == TAll || target == TPackages) $
+ readControl <$>
+ (readFile $ (distDir opts) </> "Packages") >>= insertPackages db
+ when (target == TAll || target == TTranslation) $
+ readControl <$> (readFile $ (distDir opts) </> "Translation-en")
+ >>= insertTranslations db
+ when (target == TAll || target == TChangelog) $
+ insertChangeLogEntries db (distDir opts)
+ when (target == TAll || target == TCopyright) $
+ insertCopyUps db (distDir opts)
+ Export names ->
+ if null names then exportWikiAll db (exportDir opts) else
+ mapM_ (\name -> do
+ allTypes <- (getDbAllTypes (T.pack name) db)
+ when (isJust allTypes) $
+ exportWiki db (exportDir opts) (fromJust allTypes)) names
+ List -> T.unpack . T.unlines <$> getDbPkgNames db >>= putStr
+ otherwise -> error "Unimplemented"
+fsd init
+fsd get sources | packages | translation | changelog | copyright | all
+fsd import sources | packages | translation | changelog | copyright | all
+fsd export [pkgNames]
+fsd list
+fsd clean -- unimplemented
+fsd show [--debug] <pkgName> -- unimplemented
+data Options = Options
+ { database :: FilePath,
+ distDir :: FilePath,
+ nWorkers :: Int,
+ exportDir :: FilePath
+ }
+data Command
+ = Init -- consider creating directories during init
+ | Get Target
+ | Import Target
+ | Export [String]
+ | List
+ | Clean
+ | Show_ String
+data Target
+ = TAll
+ | TSources
+ | TPackages
+ | TTranslation
+ | TChangelog
+ | TCopyright
+ deriving Eq
+progParser :: Parser (Options, Command)
+progParser = (,) <$> optParser <*> cmdParser
+optParser :: Parser Options
+ = Options
+ <$> strOption (long "database" <> short 'd' <> metavar "DATABASE"
+ <> value "./directory.db" <> showDefault
+ <> help "Database store of imported package info.")
+ <*> strOption (long "dist-dir" <> short 'm' <> metavar "DISTDIR"
+ <> value "./distfiles" <> showDefault
+ <> help "Root directory to files downloaded from debian.")
+ <*> option auto (long "nworkers" <> short 'n' <> metavar "NWORKERS"
+ <> value 4 <> showDefault
+ <> help "Number of wget workers for downloading changelog \
+ \and copyright files.")
+ <*> strOption (long "export-dir" <> short 'e' <> metavar "EXPORTDIR"
+ <> value "./wiki" <> showDefault
+ <> help "Directory to place the exported .wiki files.")
+cmdParser :: Parser Command
+cmdParser = hsubparser
+ $ command "init" (info (pure Init) $ progDesc "Initilise database")
+ <> command "get" (info (Get <$> targetParser) $ progDesc
+ "Download index and metadata files.")
+ <> command "import" (info (Import <$> targetParser) $ progDesc
+ "Import package info from local index and metadata files.")
+ <> command "export" (info (Export <$> many pkgNameParser) $ progDesc
+ "Export packages to .wiki files.")
+ <> command "list" (info (pure List) $ progDesc "List imported packages")
+target :: ReadM Target
+target = eitherReader $ \s -> case s of
+ "all" -> Right TAll
+ "sources" -> Right TSources
+ "packages" -> Right TPackages
+ "translation" -> Right TTranslation
+ "changelog" -> Right TChangelog
+ "copyright" -> Right TCopyright
+ otherwise -> Left "TARGET can be all, sources, packages, \
+ \translation, changelog or copyright"
+targetParser :: Parser Target
+targetParser = argument target (metavar "TARGET")
+pkgNameParser :: Parser String
+pkgNameParser = strArgument (metavar "PKGNAME")
+getMetadataFiles :: FsDb -> FilePath -> Int -> MetadataType -> IO [ProcessHandle]
+getMetadataFiles db root n mtype = do
+ names <- getDbPkgNames db
+ writeWgetListFiles root mtype names n
+ downloadMetadataFiles root mtype n
+insertSources :: FsDb -> Control -> IO ()
+insertSources db control = do
+ let sources = getSources control
+ putStr $ "Importing " ++ show (length sources) ++ " sources..."
+ hFlush stdout
+ mapM_ (insertSource db) sources
+ putStrLn "Done."
+insertPackages :: FsDb -> Control -> IO ()
+insertPackages db control = do
+ let packages = getPackages control
+ putStr $ "Importing " ++ show (length packages) ++ " packages..."
+ hFlush stdout
+ mapM_ (insertPackage db) packages
+ putStrLn "Done."
+insertTranslations :: FsDb -> Control -> IO ()
+insertTranslations db control = do
+ let translations = getTranslations control
+ putStr $ "Importing " ++ show (length translations) ++ " translations..."
+ hFlush stdout
+ mapM_ (insertTranslation db) translations
+ putStrLn "Done."
+insertChangeLogEntries :: FsDb -> FilePath -> IO ()
+insertChangeLogEntries db root = do
+ paths <- getChangeLogPaths root
+ putStr $ "Importing " ++ show (length paths) ++ " changelogs..."
+ hFlush stdout
+ mapM_ (\path -> do
+ change' <- (readChangeLog <$> readFile path)
+ when (isJust change') $
+ insertChangeLogEntry db $ fromJust change') paths
+getChangeLogPaths :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
+getChangeLogPaths root = do
+ lines <$>
+ readCreateProcess
+ (shell $ "find " ++ root ++ " -name 'stable_changelog' ") ""
+insertChangeLogEntry :: FsDb -> ChangeLogEntry -> IO ()
+insertChangeLogEntry db entry =
+ let entry' = convertChangeLogEntry entry in
+ when (isJust entry') (insertFSDChangeLogEntry db $ fromJust entry')
+insertCopyUps :: FsDb -> FilePath -> IO ()
+insertCopyUps db root = do
+ pairs <- getCopyrightPathsAndNames root
+ putStr $ "Importing " ++ show (length pairs) ++ " copyright files..."
+ hFlush stdout
+ mapM_ (\(name, path) ->
+ catch (readControl <$> readFile' path >>= insertCopyUp db name)
+ (\e ->
+ hPutStr stderr
+ ("Warning: error while processing " ++ path ++ ": " ++
+ show (e :: SomeException) ++ "\n"))
+ ) pairs
+getNameFromMetadataPath :: FilePath -> Maybe Text
+getNameFromMetadataPath path =
+ case split (=='/') path of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ [x] -> Nothing
+ xs -> Just $ T.pack $ last $ init xs
+getCopyrightPathsAndNames :: FilePath -> IO [(Text, FilePath)]
+getCopyrightPathsAndNames root = do
+ paths <- lines <$>
+ readCreateProcess
+ (shell $ "find " ++ root ++ " -name 'stable_copyright' ") ""
+ return $ catMaybes $ maybePair <$> paths
+ where
+ maybePair path = case getNameFromMetadataPath path of
+ Just name -> Just (name, path)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+insertCopyUp :: FsDb -> Text -> Control -> IO ()
+insertCopyUp db package control = case parseCopyright package control of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (upstream, copyright) ->
+ insertUpstream db upstream >> insertCopyright db copyright
+exportWiki ::
+ FsDb -> FilePath ->
+ Source :. Package :. Translation :. FSDChangeLogEntry :. Upstream ->
+ IO ()
+exportWiki db dir (source :. package :. trans :. change :. upstream) = do
+ copyright <- getDbCopyright (sPackage source) db
+ wiki <- case copyright of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just copyright' ->
+ fmap formatWikiEntry
+ <$> makePackageInfo source package trans change upstream copyright'
+ when (isJust wiki) $
+ writeFile (dir ++ "/" ++ (T.unpack $ sPackage source) ++ ".wiki")
+ (T.unpack $ fromJust wiki)
+exportWikiAll :: FsDb -> FilePath -> IO ()
+exportWikiAll db dir = do
+ allTypes <- getDbAll db
+ putStr $ "Exporting up to " ++ show (length allTypes) ++ " entries..."
+ hFlush stdout
+ mapM_ (exportWiki db dir) allTypes
+-- tests
+testSources =
+ getSources <$> readControl <$> (readFile "./distfiles/Sources-short") >>= pPrint
+testPackages =
+ getPackages <$> readControl <$> (readFile "./distfiles/Packages-short") >>= pPrint
+testTranslation =
+ getTranslations <$> readControl <$> (readFile "./distfiles/Translation-en-short") >>= pPrint
+testCopyright = do
+ result <- try (readFile' "./metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/d/dbix-easy-perl/stable_copyright") :: IO (Either SomeException String)
+ either (\ex -> pPrint ex) (\content -> (pPrint . parseCopyright "dbix-easy-perl" . readControl) content) result
+testChangeLog :: IO ()
+testChangeLog = do
+ getChangeLogEntry <$> (readFile "./metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/e/emacs/stable_changelog") >>= pPrint