path: root/subprojects/freeamo/src/make-wiki~
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'subprojects/freeamo/src/make-wiki~')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/make-wiki~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/make-wiki~
deleted file mode 100644
index d5aeb51..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/make-wiki~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This file is part of FreeAMO
-# Copyright (C) 2018 David Hedlund
-# FreeAMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FreeAMO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-cd "build/json/search-pages"
-echo -e "\\nGenerating .wiki files for https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/:"
-echo "{| class=\"wikitable sortable\" border=\"1\" style=\"font-size:smaller\"
-! WebExtension
-! Description
-! Claimed license
-! Users
-! Rating
-! Updated" > "$run_path/build/wiki/IceCat WebExtensions (proposed).wiki"
-pv__size=$(ls . | wc -l)
-source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
-while IFS= read -r table; do
- ((++line))
- if [ "$debug" = true ] && [ "$line" -le "3" ] || [ "$debug" = false ] ; then
- file=$(echo $table | awk '{print $1}');
- entry=$(echo $table | awk '{print $2}');
- source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
- amo_variables
- amo_variables__licenses
- if [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "BSD License" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="BSD 2Clause";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU General Public License, version 3.0" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="GPLv3";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU General Public License, version 2.0" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="GPLv2";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="LGPLv3";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="LGPLv2.1";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "MIT/X11 License" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="X11";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "Mozilla Public License, version 2.0" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="MPLv2.0";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "Mozilla Public License Version 1.1" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="MPLv1.1";
- fi
- short_description_raw=$(jq .results[$line].summary $file | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;" | sed "s|\\\n|\n|g; s|\\\||g;
-s|<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"|[|g; s|\">| |g; s|</a>|]|g; # URL issues
- short_description_again=$(echo "$short_description_raw" | sed "/outgoing.prod.mozaws.net/d;");
- short_description=$(echo "$short_description_again" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\nhttp/http/g');
- full_description_raw=$(jq .results[$line].description $file | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;
-s|<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"|[|g; s|\">| |g; s|</a>|]|g; # URL issues
- full_description_again=$(echo "$full_description_raw" | sed "/outgoing.prod.mozaws.net/d;");
- full_description=$(echo "$full_description_again" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\nhttp/http/g');
- homepage_url=$(jq .results[$line].homepage $file | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;");
- version=$(jq .results[$line].current_version.version $file | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;");
- version_date=$(jq .results[$line].last_updated $file | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;" | sed "s|T|\n|" | head -n 1 | sed "s|-|/|g");
- version_id=$(jq .results[$line].current_version.id $file);
- license_copyright=$(jq .results[$line].authors[].name $file | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;");
- bayesian_average=$(jq .results[$line].ratings.bayesian_average $file);
- bayesian_average__simple=$(printf "%.1f" "$(echo "$bayesian_average" | sed "s|\.|,|")");
- last_review_date=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d");
- last_review_by="wikisysbot";
- submitted_by="wikisysbot";
- if [[ "$(jq .results[$line].current_version.compatibility.seamonkey $file)" != "null" ]]; then
- set_seamonkey="Iceape,";
- fi
- if [[ "$(jq .results[$line].current_version.compatibility.firefox $file)" != "null" ]]; then
- set_icecat="IceCat,";
- fi
- # if [[ "$(jq .results[$line].current_version.compatibility.android $file)" != "null" ]] || [[ "$(jq .results[$line].current_version.compatibility.mobile $file)" != "null" ]]; then
- # set_icecatmobile="IceCatMobile,";
- # fi
- if [[ "$(jq .results[$line].current_version.compatibility.thunderbird $file)" != "null" ]]; then
- set_thunderbird="Icedove,";
- fi
- # Do not list IceCatMobile
- extension_of=$(echo "$set_seamonkey$set_icecat$set_thunderbird" | sed "s|,$||;");
- github_true=$(echo "$homepage_url" | grep "github.com");
- if [[ $github_true != "" ]]; then
- # Always use https, and remove anchors
- homepage_url__for__vcs_checkout_command="https://github.com$(echo $github_true | sed "s|https://github.com||; s|http://github.com||; s|#|\n|;" | head -n 1)";
- # Remove trailing slash
- homepage_url__for__vcs_checkout_command="${homepage_url__for__vcs_checkout_command%/}"
- vcs_checkout_command="git clone $homepage_url__for__vcs_checkout_command.git";
- fi
- if [ "$name" == "GNU LibreJS" ]; then
- is_gnu="Yes";
- else
- is_gnu="No";
- fi
- support_url=$(jq .results[$line].support_url $file | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;");
- # List JSON structure: cat json/$file | js '.'
- # XML value "homepage" is not always set in AMO API, but the XML require "Homepage URL" to be set: Therfore we use the AMO page itself in Homepage URL to complete the build of the repo automatically.
- echo "{{Entry" > $run_path/build/wiki/$slug.wiki
- # Dash have to be removed in jq 1.3: https://github.com/stedolan/jq/issues/341
- # Avoid specific versions since it's not compatible with all IceCat versions:
- # |Version download=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/$id/addon-$version_id-latest.xpi
- # |Version identifier=$version
- # |Version date=$version_date
- echo "|Name=$name
-|Short description=$short_description
-|Full description=$full_description
-|Homepage URL=$homepage_url
-|Extension of=$extension_of
-|VCS checkout command=$vcs_checkout_command
-|Version download=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/$slug/versions/
-|Last review by=$last_review_by
-|Last review date=$last_review_date
-|Submitted by=$submitted_by
-|Submitted date=2018/06/20
-|Is GNU=$is_gnu
-}}" >> $run_path/build/wiki/$slug.wiki
- # https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/addon/noscript/versions/1910123/
- echo "{{Project license
-|License copyright=$license_copyright
-|License note=\"License: $license__amo_full_name\" listed
-at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/
-}}" >> $run_path/build/wiki/$slug.wiki
- if [[ "$support_url" != "" ]];
- then
- echo "{{Resource
-|Resource audience=Users
-|Resource kind=Support
-|Resource URL=$support_url
-}}" >> "$run_path/build/wiki/$slug.wiki"
- fi
- echo "|-
-| [[$name]]
-| $short_description
-| [[License:$license__fsd_short_name|$license__fsd_short_name]]
-| $average_daily_users
-| $bayesian_average__simple
-| $version_date" >> "$run_path/build/wiki/IceCat WebExtensions (proposed).wiki"
- fi
- echo "foo" # Must be here to work with pv
-done < "$output_file_2" | progress
-# End template
-echo "|}" >> "$run_path/build/wiki/IceCat WebExtensions (proposed).wiki"