path: root/.emacs.d/lisp/my/my-pdf-tools.el
diff options
authorYuchen Pei <hi@ypei.me>2023-06-12 19:37:49 +1000
committerYuchen Pei <id@ypei.org>2023-06-17 16:26:14 +1000
commita9627518a51f5dc536fa22629a2da680dbc052d1 (patch)
treeaec3610cc0f19c2f9bfc44d80a410bdb66d013f4 /.emacs.d/lisp/my/my-pdf-tools.el
first commit
Diffstat (limited to '.emacs.d/lisp/my/my-pdf-tools.el')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.emacs.d/lisp/my/my-pdf-tools.el b/.emacs.d/lisp/my/my-pdf-tools.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fe884c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.emacs.d/lisp/my/my-pdf-tools.el
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+;;; my-pdf-tools.el -- Extensions for pdf-tools -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation.
+;; Author: Yuchen Pei <id@ypei.org>
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.2"))
+;; This file is part of dotfiles.
+;; dotfiles is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+;; the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; dotfiles is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+;; Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+;; License along with dotfiles. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Extensions for pdf-tools.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'pdf-tools)
+(defvar my-pdf-view-current-node nil)
+(defvar my-pdf-view-navigation-functions
+ '(my-pdf-view-forward-node
+ my-pdf-view-backward-node
+ my-pdf-view-forward-node-same-depth
+ my-pdf-view-backward-node-same-depth
+ my-pdf-view-backward-node-lower-depth))
+(defun my-pdf-outline-update-with-path (outline)
+ (let ((path) (depth 0))
+ (dolist (node outline)
+ (let* ((node-depth (alist-get 'depth node))
+ (node-title (alist-get 'title node))
+ (depth-diff (- node-depth depth 1)))
+ (cond ((< depth-diff 0) (dotimes (unused (- depth-diff))
+ (pop path)))
+ ((> depth-diff 0) (dotimes (unused depth-diff)
+ (push "" path))))
+ (push node-title path)
+ (setq depth node-depth))
+ (setf (alist-get 'title node) (string-join (reverse path) "/")))
+ outline))
+(defun my-pdf-jump-and-set-current-node (node)
+ (pdf-links-action-perform node)
+ (setq my-pdf-view-current-node node))
+(defun my-pdf-outline-jump ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((outline (my-pdf-outline-update-with-path
+ (pdf-info-outline (current-buffer)))))
+ (if (not outline) (message "PDF has no outline")
+ (let ((title (completing-read
+ "Jump to: "
+ (mapcar (lambda (node) (alist-get 'title node))
+ outline))))
+ (pdf-links-action-perform
+ (cl-find-if (lambda (node) (equal (alist-get 'title node) title))
+ outline))))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-next-node-by-page (outline)
+ (cl-find-if (lambda
+ (node)
+ (> (alist-get 'page node) (pdf-view-current-page))) outline))
+(defun my-pdf-view-next-node-by-node (current-node outline &optional depth-req)
+ (let ((next-node
+ (catch 'ret
+ (while outline
+ (when (equal (car outline) current-node)
+ (throw 'ret (cadr outline)))
+ (setq outline (cdr outline))))))
+ (cond ((not depth-req) next-node)
+ ((eq depth-req 'same-depth)
+ (cl-find-if (lambda (node) (= (alist-get 'depth node)
+ (alist-get 'depth current-node)))
+ (cdr outline)))
+ (t (error "Unknown depth-req")))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-forward-node ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((outline (pdf-info-outline (current-buffer))))
+ (if (not outline) (message "PDF has no outline")
+ (my-pdf-jump-and-set-current-node
+ (if (and my-pdf-view-current-node
+ (memq last-command my-pdf-view-navigation-functions))
+ (my-pdf-view-next-node-by-node my-pdf-view-current-node outline)
+ (my-pdf-view-next-node-by-page outline))))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-lowest-node-current-page (outline)
+ "returns the last node of the lowest depth on the current page"
+ (let ((result) (current-page (pdf-view-current-page)))
+ (catch 'ret
+ (while outline
+ (let ((node (car outline)))
+ (cond ((= (alist-get 'page node) current-page)
+ (when (or (not result)
+ (<= (alist-get 'depth node)
+ (alist-get 'depth result)))
+ (setq result node)))
+ ((> (alist-get 'page node) current-page)
+ (throw 'ret result))))
+ (setq outline (cdr outline))))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-highest-node-current-page (outline)
+ "returns the first node of the highest depth on the current page"
+ (let ((result) (current-page (pdf-view-current-page)))
+ (catch 'ret
+ (while outline
+ (let ((node (car outline)))
+ (cond ((= (alist-get 'page node) current-page)
+ (when (or (not result)
+ (> (alist-get 'depth node)
+ (alist-get 'depth result)))
+ (setq result node)))
+ ((> (alist-get 'page node) current-page)
+ (throw 'ret result))))
+ (setq outline (cdr outline))))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-forward-node-same-depth ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((outline (pdf-info-outline (current-buffer))))
+ (if (not outline) (message "PDF has no outline")
+ (my-pdf-jump-and-set-current-node
+ (my-pdf-view-next-node-by-node
+ (if (and my-pdf-view-current-node
+ (memq last-command my-pdf-view-navigation-functions))
+ my-pdf-view-current-node
+ (my-pdf-view-lowest-node-current-page outline))
+ outline 'same-depth)))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-prev-node-by-node (current-node outline &optional depth-req)
+ (let ((prev-node) (depth (alist-get 'depth current-node)))
+ (catch 'ret
+ (dolist (node outline)
+ (if (equal node current-node)
+ (throw 'ret prev-node)
+ (when (or (not depth-req)
+ (and (eq depth-req 'same-depth)
+ (eq (alist-get 'depth node) depth))
+ (and (eq depth-req 'lower-depth)
+ (< (alist-get 'depth node) depth)))
+ (setq prev-node node)))))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-prev-node-by-page (outline)
+ (let ((prev-node))
+ (catch 'ret
+ (dolist (node outline)
+ (if (>= (alist-get 'page node) (pdf-view-current-page))
+ (throw 'ret prev-node)
+ (setq prev-node node))))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-backward-node ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((outline (pdf-info-outline (current-buffer))))
+ (if (not outline) (message "PDF has no outline")
+ (my-pdf-jump-and-set-current-node
+ (if (and my-pdf-view-current-node
+ (memq last-command my-pdf-view-navigation-functions))
+ (my-pdf-view-prev-node-by-node my-pdf-view-current-node outline)
+ (my-pdf-view-prev-node-by-page outline))))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-backward-node-same-depth ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((outline (pdf-info-outline (current-buffer))))
+ (if (not outline) (message "PDF has no outline")
+ (my-pdf-jump-and-set-current-node
+ (my-pdf-view-prev-node-by-node
+ (if (and my-pdf-view-current-node
+ (memq last-command my-pdf-view-navigation-functions))
+ my-pdf-view-current-node
+ (my-pdf-view-lowest-node-current-page outline))
+ outline 'same-depth)))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-backward-node-lower-depth ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((outline (pdf-info-outline (current-buffer))))
+ (if (not outline) (message "PDF has no outline")
+ (my-pdf-jump-and-set-current-node
+ (my-pdf-view-prev-node-by-node
+ (if (and my-pdf-view-current-node
+ (memq last-command my-pdf-view-navigation-functions))
+ my-pdf-view-current-node
+ (my-pdf-view-lowest-node-current-page outline))
+ outline 'lower-depth)))))
+(defun my-pdf-view-enlarge-a-bit () (interactive) (pdf-view-enlarge 1.01))
+(defun my-pdf-view-shrink-a-bit () (interactive) (pdf-view-enlarge .99))
+(provide 'my-pdf-tools)
+;;; my-pdf-tools.el ends here