diff options
authorYuchen Pei <hi@ypei.me>2022-05-31 12:34:35 +1000
committerYuchen Pei <hi@ypei.me>2022-05-31 12:34:35 +1000
commitc7976168e822f59e46ceb47befccc94d39db528a (patch)
parent08fc677a8db69259c3c91070b6a63ac46f93667e (diff)
Adding support to multiple maildirs
2 files changed, 40 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/src/F2Md/Config.hs b/src/F2Md/Config.hs
index c17a55f..5832981 100644
--- a/src/F2Md/Config.hs
+++ b/src/F2Md/Config.hs
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ License along with f2md. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module F2Md.Config
( getUserdata
, FeedUserdata(..)
+ , ExtConf(..)
, updateLastUpdated
) where
@@ -50,21 +51,27 @@ data FeedUserdata = FeedUserdata
{ fuUrl :: Text
, fuLastUpdated :: Maybe ZonedTime } deriving (Show)
-getUserdata :: FilePath -> IO ([FeedUserdata], Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath)
-getUserdata file = do
- config <- decodeFileStrict =<< expandPath file
- case config of
- Nothing -> return ([], Nothing, Nothing)
- Just config' -> do
- feedData <- getUserdata' config'
- maildir' <- expandPath $ maildir config'
- dbPath' <- expandPath $ dbPath config'
- return (feedData, Just maildir', Just dbPath')
-getUserdata' :: Config -> IO [FeedUserdata]
-getUserdata' (Config dbPath _ feeds) = do
+data ExtConf = ExtConf
+ { eDbPath :: FilePath
+ , eMaildir :: FilePath
+ , eFeeds :: [FeedUserdata]
+ }
+getUserdata :: FilePath -> IO [ExtConf]
+getUserdata confPath = do
+ configs <- decodeFileStrict =<< expandPath confPath
+ case configs of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just configs' -> mapM getUserdata' configs'
+getUserdata' :: Config -> IO ExtConf
+getUserdata' (Config dbPath maildir feeds) = do
decoded <- getLastUpdatedMap dbPath
- return $ map (\url -> FeedUserdata url $ HM.lookup url decoded) feeds
+ dbPath' <- expandPath dbPath
+ maildir' <- expandPath maildir
+ return $
+ ExtConf dbPath' maildir'
+ (map (\url -> FeedUserdata url $ HM.lookup url decoded) feeds)
getLastUpdatedMap :: FilePath -> IO (HM.HashMap Text ZonedTime)
getLastUpdatedMap dbPath = do
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index e5b33d4..060a823 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -34,24 +34,33 @@ import F2Md.Config
import Data.Maybe
import System.FilePath
+-- TODO: kill on double C-c
main :: IO ()
main = do
options <- execParser opts
- (feeds, mbMaildir, mbDbPath) <- getUserdata $ oConfigPath options
- let root = fromMaybe (oMaildir options) mbMaildir
- mapM_ (createDirectoryIfMissing True)
- [root </> "new", root </> "cur", root </> "tmp"]
- let dbPath = fromMaybe (oDbPath options) mbDbPath
- mapM_ (\feed ->
- catch (runStdoutLoggingT $ processFeed root dbPath feed)
- (\e -> runStderrLoggingT $ logErrorN $
- (T.pack $ show (e :: SomeException)) <> "\n"))
- feeds
+ extConfs <- getUserdata $ oConfigPath options
+ mapM_ processConfig extConfs
where opts = info (progParser <**> helper)
(fullDesc <> progDesc "f2md feeds to maildir"
<> header "f2md - a utility to pull new items \
\from feeds and write them to maildir")
+processConfig :: ExtConf -> IO ()
+processConfig (ExtConf dbPath maildir feeds) = do
+ mapM_ (createDirectoryIfMissing True)
+ [maildir </> "new", maildir </> "cur", maildir </> "tmp"]
+ runStdoutLoggingT $
+ logInfoN $ "Updating " <> T.pack (show $ length feeds) <>
+ " feeds for " <> T.pack maildir <> "..."
+ mapM_ (\feed ->
+ catch (runStdoutLoggingT $ processFeed maildir dbPath feed)
+ (\e -> runStdoutLoggingT $ logErrorN $ T.pack (show (e :: SomeException))))
+ feeds
+data Options = Options
+ { oConfigPath :: FilePath
+ }
-- TODO: update db on interruption with the latest date
processFeed :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FeedUserdata -> LoggingT IO ()
processFeed root dbPath feed = do
@@ -61,22 +70,9 @@ processFeed root dbPath feed = do
liftIO $ mapM_ (writeMessage root) msgs
liftIO $ updateLastUpdated dbPath feed msgs
-data Options = Options
- { oConfigPath :: FilePath
- , oDbPath :: FilePath
- , oMaildir :: FilePath
- }
progParser :: Parser Options
progParser = Options
<$> strOption (long "config" <> short 'c' <> metavar "CONFIG"
<> value "~/.f2md.json" <> showDefault
<> help "Config file storing feeds, maildir \
\location and timestamp file location.")
- <*> strOption (long "db" <> short 'd' <> metavar "DB"
- <> value "~/.f2mdb.json" <> showDefault
- <> help "Path to db file storing timestamps of feeds.")
- <*> strOption (long "maildir" <> short 'm' <> metavar "MAILDIR"
- <> value "~/mail/f2md" <> showDefault
- <> help "Path to maildir root to deposit the maildir \
- \message files.")