path: root/subprojects
diff options
authordavid <public@beloved.name>2018-07-17 16:04:35 +0200
committerdavid <public@beloved.name>2018-07-17 16:04:35 +0200
commit4db097df535402d7e7de93022f42f69e4f7a3663 (patch)
tree4dc8b88e57837f0d7eea0cedc1f34e6c44832201 /subprojects
parent1ae516a7bab1d5d9f02ab00c4ac13c219f43c1a1 (diff)
Renamed the AMO/FSD project to FreeAMO, and rewrote its architecture.
Diffstat (limited to 'subprojects')
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 2072 deletions
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/freeamo.conf~ b/subprojects/freeamo/freeamo.conf~
deleted file mode 100644
index 51d4992..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/freeamo.conf~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-latest_trisquel_icecat_version="$(wget -qO- "http://archive.trisquel.info/trisquel/pool/main/i/icecat/?C=N;O=D" | grep icecat_ | head -n 1 | sed "s|\"|\\n|g; s|-|\\n|g" | grep icecat_ | sed "s|icecat_||" | head -n 1)"
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/freeamo~ b/subprojects/freeamo/freeamo~
deleted file mode 100755
index bd28ff8..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/freeamo~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This file is part of FreeAMO
-# Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 David Hedlund
-# FreeAMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FreeAMO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-if [ "$1" == "--debug" ] || [ "$2" == "--debug" ]; then
- debug=true
- debug_arg="--debug";
- debug=false;
- unset debug_arg;
-scriptsrc=$(readlink -f -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
-run_path=$(dirname "${scriptsrc}" || echo .)
-filename=$(basename "$0");
-latest_trisquel_icecat_version="$(wget -qO- "http://archive.trisquel.info/trisquel/pool/main/i/icecat/?C=N;O=D" | grep icecat_ | head -n 1 | sed "s|\"|\\n|g; s|-|\\n|g" | grep icecat_ | sed "s|icecat_||" | head -n 1)"
-# source "$run_path/build/err"
-# Delete empty files to re-generate them -- Typical case scenario: 1) wget tried to download a file 2) The script is interupted 3) The script is run again
-if [ -d "$run_path/build" ]; then
- find "$run_path/build" -type f -empty -delete
-export -p debug
-if [ ! -f /usr/bin/jq ]; then echo "/usr/bin/jq not found!"; exit=true; fi
-if [ ! -f /usr/bin/wget ]; then echo "/usr/bin/wget not found!"; exit=true; fi
-if [[ $exit == true ]]; then exit 1; fi
-case "$1" in
- ""|--debug)
- $0 --disclaimer "$debug_arg"
- $0 --remove-build "$debug_arg"
- $0 --search-pages "$debug_arg"
- $0 --get-licenses "$debug_arg"
- $0 --make-directory.fsf.org-wiki "$debug_arg"
- ;;
- -help)
- [ "$1" = "" ] && echo "Usage: $filename [--option] [--debug]
- $0 --disclaimer
- Display which icecat version the add-on will be compatible with.
- $0 --remove-build
- Remove the build directory if it exists.
- $0 --search-pages
- Downloads the most popular WebExtensions from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/...
- $0 --get-licenses
- The licenses are not added to the general JSON file. This option will download the neccesary license JSON files for all add-ons.
- $0 --make-directory.fsf.org-wiki
- Generates .wiki files specifically for https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/
-Disabled options due to limited development time
- $0 --make-repository-list
- Required file: FreeAMO-collections
- File content syntax: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/<user>/
- $0 --make-collection-list
- Required file: FreeAMO-collections
- File content syntax: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/<user>/<collection name>
- $0 --make-custom-list
- Required file: FreeAMO-custom
- File content syntax: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/<add-on name>/
- $0 --download-licenses-json
- $0 --download-free-webextensions
- Downloads the latest version of the free WebExtensions.
- $0 --verify-license-copy
- Search for license files in the root directory in the downloaded WebExtensions (.xpi files)
-" && exit 1
- ;;
- --disclaimer)
- bold=$(tput bold)
- normal=$(tput sgr0)
- echo "${bold}icecat-$latest_trisquel_icecat_version${normal} is the latest package version for Trisquel GNU/Linux.
-This program will download meta-data that is compatible with that version."
- ;;
- --remove-build)
- rm -fr "$run_path/build"
- ;;
- --search-pages)
- # This option is named after named after https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/
- $0 --search-pages--download "$debug_arg"
- $0 --search-pages--filter "$debug_arg"
- ;;
- --search-pages--download)
- mkdir -p "$run_path/build/json/search-pages"
- source src/search-pages
- search-pages--download
- ;;
- --search-pages--filter)
- mkdir -p "$run_path/build/json/search-pages"
- source src/search-pages
- search-pages--filter
- ;;
- --get-licenses)
- $0 --get-licenses--download "$debug_arg"
- $0 --get-licenses--filter "$debug_arg"
- ;;
- --get-licenses--download)
- mkdir -p "$run_path/build/json/current_versions";
- source src/get-licenses
- get-licenses--download
- ;;
- --get-licenses--filter)
- source src/get-licenses
- get-licenses--filter
- ;;
- --make-directory.fsf.org-wiki)
- mkdir -p "$run_path/build/wiki";
- source src/make-wiki
- ;;
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/get-licenses~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/get-licenses~
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c1494b..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/get-licenses~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This file is part of FreeAMO
-# Copyright (C) 2018 David Hedlund
-# FreeAMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FreeAMO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# API: Please adopt SPDX - https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/8706
-# Allow GNU [L]GPL x.x or later - https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/8707
-cd "build/json/search-pages"
-function get-licenses--download {
- echo -e "\\nDownloading license pages:"
-source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
- while IFS= read -r table; do
- ((++line))
- if [ "$debug" = true ] && [ "$line" -le "3" ] || [ "$debug" = false ] ; then
- file=$(echo $table | awk '{print $1}');
- entry=$(echo $table | awk '{print $2}');
- source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
- amo_variables
- total=$(wc -l < "$output_file_1")
-# echo -e "#==================
-#Entry $line (of $total): $name\n"
- # Do now download the same license files over and over
- wget -nc -q "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/addon/$slug/versions/$current_version__id/" -O "$run_path/build/json/current_versions/$current_version__id.json"
- fi
- echo "foo" # Must be here to work with pv
- done < "$output_file_1" | progress
-function get-licenses--filter {
- echo -e "\\nFilter license pages:"
- output_file="$output_file_1";
- source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
- rm -f "$run_path/build/index-search-pages--free-licenses.txt"
- while IFS= read -r table; do
- ((++line))
- if [ "$debug" = true ] && [ "$line" -le "3" ] || [ "$debug" = false ] ; then
- file=$(echo $table | awk '{print $1}');
- entry=$(echo $table | awk '{print $2}');
- source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
- amo_variables
- amo_variables__licenses
-# license="$(jq ".license.name" "$run_path/build/json/current_versions/$current_version__id.json" | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")"
-# echo "$run_path/build/json/current_versions/$(jq ".results[$entry].current_version.id" "$file")"
- # This is the complete list of pre-defined licenses listed on AMO. Apache License 2.0 is not on the list so its not easy to detect because it has to be released under a "Custom License".
- # Make a drop-down menu with all SPDX licenses - https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/8866
- # See https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/addon/<your add-on>/ownership for the current add-on list. Note that not all licenses are added to the list.
- # DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials is distributed under Apache License 2.0.
- # Apache License, version 2.0 is not on the add-on license list - https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/8545
- if
- [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "BSD License" ] ||
- [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU General Public License, version 3.0" ] ||
- [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU General Public License, version 2.0" ] ||
- [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0" ] ||
- [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1" ] ||
- [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "MIT/X11 License" ] ||
- [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "Mozilla Public License, version 2.0" ] ||
- [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "Mozilla Public License Version 1.1" ]
- then
- # The nonfree add-ons should not be removed since the line number must correspond with the entry number in the search result JSON files.
-# echo "$name: $license__amo_full_name"
- echo "$file $entry" >> "$output_file_2"
- freedom_status="free";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "All Rights Reserved" ]; then
- freedom_status="nonfree";
- else
- freedom_status="unknown";
- fi
- fi
- echo "foo" # Must be here to work with pv
- done < "$output_file_1" | progress
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/main_functions~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/main_functions~
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aec7e8..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/main_functions~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This file is part of FreeAMO
-# Copyright (C) 2018 David Hedlund
-# FreeAMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FreeAMO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-function check_files {
- if [ ! -f "$run_path/FreeAMO-$check_type" ]; then
- echo "$run_path/FreeAMO-$check_type doesn't exist.";
- echo "Exiting" && exit
- else
- # Make sure all links are using SSL
- if grep -q "http://addons.mozilla.org/" $run_path/FreeAMO-$check_type; then
- echo "Change http://addons.mozilla.org/ to https://addons.mozilla.org/ (https)."
- echo "Exiting" && exit
- fi
- fi
-function line_status {
- if [ "$file" == "$previous_file" ]; then
- ((++line))
- else
- line="0"; # Should not be 1
- fi
-function amo_variables() {
- id="$(jq ".results[$entry].id" "$file")";
- average_daily_users="$(jq ".results[$entry].average_daily_users" "$file")";
- has_eula="$(jq ".results[$entry].has_eula" "$file")";
- slug="$(jq ".results[$entry].slug" "$file" | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")";
- current_version__id=$(jq ".results[$entry].current_version.id" "$file");
- # Names
- name__enUS=$(jq ".results[$entry].name" "$file" | sed "s|-||;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;" )
- name__enGB=$(jq ".results[$entry].name" "$file" | sed "s|-||;" | jq .enGB | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;" )
- if [ "$name__enUS" != "null" ]; then name="$name__enUS";
- elif [ "$name__enGB" != "null" ]; then name="$name__enGB";
- else name=$(jq ".results[$entry].name[]" "$file" | sed "s|-||;" | jq . | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;"); # Use the first avalible name if English is not avaliable
- fi
- if jq .results[$entry].current_version.files[0].permissions "$file" | grep -q "nativeMessaging"; then
- nativeMessaging__pass=false;
- else
- nativeMessaging__pass=true;
- fi
-function amo_variables__licenses {
- license__amo_full_name="$(jq ".license.name" "$run_path/build/json/current_versions/$current_version__id.json" | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")"
-function essential_addon {
- if [ "$has_eula" = false ] && [ "$nativeMessaging__pass" = true ] && [ "$average_daily_users" -ge "$minimum_average_daily_users" ]; then
- essential_addon=true;
- else
- essential_addon=false;
- fi
-#function hard_to_evaluate_addon {
- # curl "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/addon/nemid-nøglefilsprogram/" | jq .current_version.files[0].permissions | grep "nativeMessaging
- # API data: Add software dependencies - https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/8668
- # The API should be fixed. there are to many add-ons to keep track on if they have or not have software dependencies.
- # Old solution:
- # 1: Add this to FreeAMO-dependencies:
- #belgium-eid eid-mw
- # 2: Uncomment this code:
- # depends_on_external_program=false;
- # while IFS= read -r dependencies; do
- #
- # dependency_slug=$(echo $dependencies | awk '{print $1}');
- # dependency=$(echo "$dependencies" | cut -f 2);
- #
- # if [ "$dependency_slug" == "$slug" ]; then
- #
- # depends_on_external_program=true;
- #
- # fi
- #
- # done < $run_path/FreeAMO-dependencies
-function progress {
- (>&2 echo -en "\r"; pv --progress --line-mode --size $pv__size --eta --timer) > /dev/null
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/make-wiki~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/make-wiki~
deleted file mode 100644
index d5aeb51..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/make-wiki~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This file is part of FreeAMO
-# Copyright (C) 2018 David Hedlund
-# FreeAMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FreeAMO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-cd "build/json/search-pages"
-echo -e "\\nGenerating .wiki files for https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/:"
-echo "{| class=\"wikitable sortable\" border=\"1\" style=\"font-size:smaller\"
-! WebExtension
-! Description
-! Claimed license
-! Users
-! Rating
-! Updated" > "$run_path/build/wiki/IceCat WebExtensions (proposed).wiki"
-pv__size=$(ls . | wc -l)
-source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
-while IFS= read -r table; do
- ((++line))
- if [ "$debug" = true ] && [ "$line" -le "3" ] || [ "$debug" = false ] ; then
- file=$(echo $table | awk '{print $1}');
- entry=$(echo $table | awk '{print $2}');
- source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
- amo_variables
- amo_variables__licenses
- if [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "BSD License" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="BSD 2Clause";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU General Public License, version 3.0" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="GPLv3";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU General Public License, version 2.0" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="GPLv2";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="LGPLv3";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="LGPLv2.1";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "MIT/X11 License" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="X11";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "Mozilla Public License, version 2.0" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="MPLv2.0";
- elif [ "$license__amo_full_name" == "Mozilla Public License Version 1.1" ]; then license__fsd_short_name="MPLv1.1";
- fi
- short_description_raw=$(jq .results[$line].summary $file | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;" | sed "s|\\\n|\n|g; s|\\\||g;
-s|<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"|[|g; s|\">| |g; s|</a>|]|g; # URL issues
- short_description_again=$(echo "$short_description_raw" | sed "/outgoing.prod.mozaws.net/d;");
- short_description=$(echo "$short_description_again" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\nhttp/http/g');
- full_description_raw=$(jq .results[$line].description $file | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;
-s|<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"|[|g; s|\">| |g; s|</a>|]|g; # URL issues
- full_description_again=$(echo "$full_description_raw" | sed "/outgoing.prod.mozaws.net/d;");
- full_description=$(echo "$full_description_again" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\nhttp/http/g');
- homepage_url=$(jq .results[$line].homepage $file | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;");
- version=$(jq .results[$line].current_version.version $file | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;");
- version_date=$(jq .results[$line].last_updated $file | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;" | sed "s|T|\n|" | head -n 1 | sed "s|-|/|g");
- version_id=$(jq .results[$line].current_version.id $file);
- license_copyright=$(jq .results[$line].authors[].name $file | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;");
- bayesian_average=$(jq .results[$line].ratings.bayesian_average $file);
- bayesian_average__simple=$(printf "%.1f" "$(echo "$bayesian_average" | sed "s|\.|,|")");
- last_review_date=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d");
- last_review_by="wikisysbot";
- submitted_by="wikisysbot";
- if [[ "$(jq .results[$line].current_version.compatibility.seamonkey $file)" != "null" ]]; then
- set_seamonkey="Iceape,";
- fi
- if [[ "$(jq .results[$line].current_version.compatibility.firefox $file)" != "null" ]]; then
- set_icecat="IceCat,";
- fi
- # if [[ "$(jq .results[$line].current_version.compatibility.android $file)" != "null" ]] || [[ "$(jq .results[$line].current_version.compatibility.mobile $file)" != "null" ]]; then
- # set_icecatmobile="IceCatMobile,";
- # fi
- if [[ "$(jq .results[$line].current_version.compatibility.thunderbird $file)" != "null" ]]; then
- set_thunderbird="Icedove,";
- fi
- # Do not list IceCatMobile
- extension_of=$(echo "$set_seamonkey$set_icecat$set_thunderbird" | sed "s|,$||;");
- github_true=$(echo "$homepage_url" | grep "github.com");
- if [[ $github_true != "" ]]; then
- # Always use https, and remove anchors
- homepage_url__for__vcs_checkout_command="https://github.com$(echo $github_true | sed "s|https://github.com||; s|http://github.com||; s|#|\n|;" | head -n 1)";
- # Remove trailing slash
- homepage_url__for__vcs_checkout_command="${homepage_url__for__vcs_checkout_command%/}"
- vcs_checkout_command="git clone $homepage_url__for__vcs_checkout_command.git";
- fi
- if [ "$name" == "GNU LibreJS" ]; then
- is_gnu="Yes";
- else
- is_gnu="No";
- fi
- support_url=$(jq .results[$line].support_url $file | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;");
- # List JSON structure: cat json/$file | js '.'
- # XML value "homepage" is not always set in AMO API, but the XML require "Homepage URL" to be set: Therfore we use the AMO page itself in Homepage URL to complete the build of the repo automatically.
- echo "{{Entry" > $run_path/build/wiki/$slug.wiki
- # Dash have to be removed in jq 1.3: https://github.com/stedolan/jq/issues/341
- # Avoid specific versions since it's not compatible with all IceCat versions:
- # |Version download=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/$id/addon-$version_id-latest.xpi
- # |Version identifier=$version
- # |Version date=$version_date
- echo "|Name=$name
-|Short description=$short_description
-|Full description=$full_description
-|Homepage URL=$homepage_url
-|Extension of=$extension_of
-|VCS checkout command=$vcs_checkout_command
-|Version download=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/$slug/versions/
-|Last review by=$last_review_by
-|Last review date=$last_review_date
-|Submitted by=$submitted_by
-|Submitted date=2018/06/20
-|Is GNU=$is_gnu
-}}" >> $run_path/build/wiki/$slug.wiki
- # https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/addon/noscript/versions/1910123/
- echo "{{Project license
-|License copyright=$license_copyright
-|License note=\"License: $license__amo_full_name\" listed
-at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/
-}}" >> $run_path/build/wiki/$slug.wiki
- if [[ "$support_url" != "" ]];
- then
- echo "{{Resource
-|Resource audience=Users
-|Resource kind=Support
-|Resource URL=$support_url
-}}" >> "$run_path/build/wiki/$slug.wiki"
- fi
- echo "|-
-| [[$name]]
-| $short_description
-| [[License:$license__fsd_short_name|$license__fsd_short_name]]
-| $average_daily_users
-| $bayesian_average__simple
-| $version_date" >> "$run_path/build/wiki/IceCat WebExtensions (proposed).wiki"
- fi
- echo "foo" # Must be here to work with pv
-done < "$output_file_2" | progress
-# End template
-echo "|}" >> "$run_path/build/wiki/IceCat WebExtensions (proposed).wiki"
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/search-pages~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/search-pages~
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ffa9dd..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/search-pages~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This file is part of FreeAMO
-# Copyright (C) 2017 David Hedlund
-# FreeAMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FreeAMO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-cd "$run_path/build/json/search-pages" || exit
-function search-pages--download() {
- echo "$debug"
- echo -e "\\nDownloading search pages:"
- echo "This file is used to describe the settings that were used to generate the files.
-$wget_uri" > "$run_path/build/declared_settings.txt"
- # indicate that the page page variable are the page files
- sed -i "s|page=1|page=\$page|g" "$run_path/build/declared_settings.txt"
- #####################################################
- function wget_page {
- base_uri="https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/search/?platform=linux&sort=users&type=extension&app=firefox&appversion=$latest_trisquel_icecat_version&page_size=50&page=";
- # sort=users. sort=name not working yet - https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/7600
- # page_size=50 -- this is the maximum accepted number, it makes the download much faster: 20 seconds for 10 x page_size=50, 35 seconds for 20 x page_size=25 (default)
- # page. Add this dynamic variable as the last variable to make it easy to read
- wget_uri="$base_uri$page";
- wget -q "$wget_uri" --no-verbose -O "$page.json"
- average_daily_users="$(jq ".results[].average_daily_users" "$page.json" | tail -n 1)"
- }
- page="1";
- wget_page
- page_count="$(jq ".page_count" "$page.json")";
- pv__size="$page_count"
- source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
- if [ "$debug" = true ]; then
- pv__size="2";
- else
- pv__size="$page_count"
- fi
- while [ "$page" -lt "$page_count" ]; do
- ((++page))
- if ( [ "$debug" = true ] && [ "$page" -le "3" ] || [ "$debug" = false ] ) && ( [ "$average_daily_users" -ge "$minimum_average_daily_users" ] ); then
- echo "$page"
- wget_page
- else
- exit 0
- fi
- echo "foo" # Must be here to work with pv
- done | progress
-function search-pages--filter() {
- echo -e "\\nFilter search pages:"
- # source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
- # amo_variables
- echo "
-minimum_average_daily_users=$minimum_average_daily_users" >> "$run_path/build/declared_settings.txt"
- pv__size=$(ls . | wc -l)
- output_file="$output_file_1";
- source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
- rm -f $output_file_1
- # Sort by file modification time stamp for the downloaded JSON files
- find . -type f | sort -n | while read -r file; do
- filename="$(echo $(basename "$file"))";
- entry="0"; # Should not be 1
- for id in $(jq ".results[].average_daily_users" "$file"); do
- source "$run_path/src/main_functions"
- amo_variables
- essential_addon
- if [ "$essential_addon" = true ]; then
- echo -e "$filename\\t$entry" >> "$output_file_1"
- fi
- ((++entry))
- done
- echo "$filename"
- echo "foo" # Must be here to work with pv
- done | progress
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/TODO~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/TODO~
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bb2611..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/TODO~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-The author of the package, licenseutils, has implemented an option per request that make it possible to use detect licenses, its evoked with:
-$ licensing detect *
-I cannot install licenseutils for the moment because I held broken packages in my system.
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/bad_names~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/bad_names~
deleted file mode 100644
index 065ca82..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/bad_names~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-function search-pages--filter__bad_names() {
-name=$(jq .results[$entry].name "$run_path/build/json/$file" | sed "s|en-US|enUS|;" | jq .enUS | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;");
-if [ "$name" == "null" ]; then
-name=$(jq .results[$entry].name "$run_path/build/json/$file" | sed "s|en-GB|enGB|;" | jq .enGB | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;");
-# Warn about clutter in Name - https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/8790
-# Clean titles. Example of bad titles: "Ghostery – Privacy Ad Blocker"
-# -
-# Hard to filter out "-" since many add-ons use it, see for example https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?platform=linux&q=1-click
-# Flash Video Downloader - YouTube HD Download [4K]
-# Find all names that don't contain Aa-Zz 0-9 and white spaces should be much more reliable than this:
-name=$(echo "$name" | sed '
-s/ — /\n/g;
-s/ – /\n/g;
-s/ - /\n/g; # looks identical to the prevoius line but is unique
-s/: /\n/g;
-' | head -n 1 | sed 's/ $//');
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/conf/license-reporter-custom~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/conf/license-reporter-custom~
deleted file mode 100644
index 6927339..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/conf/license-reporter-custom~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/conf/license-reporter-log~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/conf/license-reporter-log~
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c65a97..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/conf/license-reporter-log~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-2017-09-19 03:54 Custom list Link rot https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dynamichistory/
-2017-09-19 03:56 Custom list Already in the main repository https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon//
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/download-custom~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/download-custom~
deleted file mode 100755
index 3724aba..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/download-custom~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# This file is part of FreeAMO
-# Copyright (C) 2017 David Hedlund
-# FreeAMO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# FreeAMO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-cd build || exit
-mkdir json
-cp -a "$run_path/FreeAMO-custom" custom_addons.txt
-# Sanitize a copy from empty lines, they use to occur at the end of the file
-sed -i '/^\s*$/d' FreeAMO-custom
-sed -i "s|https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/||g; s|/||" custom_addons.txt
-rm -fr \
- custom_addons-json-source.txt \
- custom_addons-average_daily_users.txt \
- custom_addons-id.txt custom_addons-slug.txt \
- custom_addons-merged.txt \
- custom_addons-report-expired_links.txt \
- custom_addons-merged-sorted.txt
-cd json || exit
-while IFS= read -r slug; do
- if [ "$debug" == false ] || [ "$debug" == true ] && [ "$lines" -le 3 ]; then
- wget "https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/addon/$slug/" -O "$slug.json";
- [ -s "$slug.json" ] || rm -f "$slug.json" # Delete empty files saved by wget, tis is much faster than using wget options to first validate the links.
- # Ignore expired URLs
- if [ -f "$slug.json" ]; then
- id="$(jq ".id" "$slug.json")";
- mv "$slug.json" "$id.json"
- if [ "$(jq ".average_daily_users" "$id.json")" -gt "$minimum_average_daily_users" ]; then
- echo -e "$(date +%Y-%m-%d" "%H:%M)\tCustom list\tAlready in the main repository\thttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/$slug/" >> "$run_path/FreeAMO-log"
- else
- jq ".average_daily_users" "$id.json" >> ../custom_addons-average_daily_users.txt
- # We need the JSON source because they are different for search indexed add-ons (they are store in index.html*)
- jq ".id" "$id.json" >> ../custom_addons-id.txt
- echo "$(jq ".id" "$id.json").json" >> ../custom_addons-json-source.txt
- ((lines++))
- fi
- else
- echo -e "$(date +%Y-%m-%d" "%H:%M)\tCustom list\tLink rot\t\t\thttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/$slug/" >> "$run_path/FreeAMO-log"
- fi
- fi
-done < ../custom_addons.txt
-# Sort by average_daily_users
-paste ../custom_addons-average_daily_users.txt ../custom_addons-id.txt ../custom_addons-json-source.txt > ../custom_addons-merged.txt
-sort -k1,1nr ../custom_addons-merged.txt > ../merged-custom.txt
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/download-free-webextensions~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/download-free-webextensions~
deleted file mode 100644
index dd02d52..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/download-free-webextensions~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-cd build || exit
-rm -fr free_webextensions
-mkdir free_webextensions
-cd free_webextensions || exit
-# Begin template
-unset file
-while IFS= read -r table; do
- verify_variables "$1"
- if [ "$approved_program" = true ]; then
- # End template
- id=$(echo $table | awk '{print $2}');
- file=$(echo $table | awk '{print $3}');
- slug=$(echo $table | awk '{print $4}');
- # Add-ons not avalible for GNU/Linux will be ignored (used to be very few dough).
- wget -nc "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/$slug/addon-$id-latest.xpi" || wget -nc "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/$slug/platform:2/addon-$id-latest.xpi"
- # Begin template
- fi
- ((line++))
-done < $run_path/build/MERGED-ALL-freedom_status.txt
-# End template
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/make-collection-list~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/make-collection-list~
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e65310..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/make-collection-list~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-cd build/ || exit
-for i in $(cat ../FreeAMO-collections); do
- # https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/DavidHedlund/webextensions/format%3Ajson
- collection_name=$(echo $i | sed "s|https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/||; s|/|-|; s|/$||");
- wget $i"format%3Ajson" -O "collection-$collection_name.json"
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/make-repository-list~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/make-repository-list~
deleted file mode 100644
index 97dc82d..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/make-repository-list~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# It is ok to distribute only-free programs on addons.mozilla.org even if they distribute nonfree programs.
-# This function requires _much_ less maintainance for custom add-on's, you don't need to manually sync
-# your addons.mozilla.org collection list with a separate text file.
-# https://github.com/mozilla/addons/issues/722
-# Cannot list collections in desired formats
-# Cannot get a list of names of Collections from other users like https://addons.mozilla.org/collections/mozilla/ without authenication (see https://addons-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/api/collections.html#list).
-# So we have to parse it from HTML.
-# Get the links to the collections
-function get_repositories {
- check_type="repositories";
- check_files
- cd build/ || exit
- for i in $(cat ../FreeAMO-repositories); do
- user=$(echo $i | sed "s|https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/||; s|/||;");
- rm -f repository-$user
- function wget_repository {
- match="^ <a href=\"/en-US/firefox/collections/"
- wget -qO- $i$wget_repository__page_extension | grep "$match" | sed "s|$match|https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/|; s|\">||" >> repository-$user
- }
- # Figure out if there are several pages
- number_of_pages=$(wget -qO- $i | grep "?page=" | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | sed "s|page=|\npage=|g; s|\"|\n\"|g" | grep "page=" | sed "s|page=||");
- if [ -z "$number_of_pages" ]; then
- echo "$i doesn't have any sub pages";
- wget_repository
- else
- echo "$i has sub pages";
- page_number=1;
- while [ $page_number -le $number_of_pages ]
- do
- wget_repository__page_extension="?page=$page_number";
- echo "$wget_repository__page_extension"
- wget_repository
- page_number=$(( $page_number + 1 ))
- done
- fi
- done
-# Download the JSON files from the collections
-cd ..
-for x in $(find build/ -name repository* | sort); do
- for i in $(cat $x); do
- collection_name=$(echo $i | sed "s|https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/||; s|/|-|; s|/$||");
- wget $i"format%3Ajson" -O "build/collection-$collection_name.json"
- done
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/make-xml~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/make-xml~
deleted file mode 100644
index 557c7e4..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/make-xml~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Deprecated.
- # XML pages look like this:
- #...
- # <sha1>tlybh1k9mnxz92kccg46hqv9jvyrkp0</sha1>
- # </revision>
- # </page>
- #</mediawiki>
- #
- # However. It's not possible to insert the checsum in <sha1> for the page since it will break the checksum itself.
- # Get number of edits:
- revid="$(wget -qO- "https://directory.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=recentchanges&rclimit=1&format=json" | jq .query.recentchanges[0].revid)";
- xml_header="$(wget -qO- "https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Special:Export/Main_Page" | head -n 42)";
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/issue__intro.txt~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/issue__intro.txt~
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b526c9..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/issue__intro.txt~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-I'm working as a volunteer for the Free Software Directory as an administrator. Your program
-is free software so in principle it should be listed there, and I'd like to
-add it. But it has some problems in showing what its license is.
-Would you please fix them, for the sake of users and other developers?
-Once your version with fixed license issues is public available on addons.mozilla.org_ENTRY we will review it, and if it meet our requirement I will approve http://directory.fsf.org/wiki/FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME. Once approved it will be listed on the official GNU IceCat add-on list at https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/IceCat. GNU IceCat is the GNU variant of Firefox.
-See https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/librejs/ if you want to study a well licensed add-on.
-# Issues
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/issue__license_copy.txt~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/issue__license_copy.txt~
deleted file mode 100644
index 5419295..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/issue__license_copy.txt~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-## No full copy of the license file included
-There are no full copy of the license file
-The root directory don't have a COPYING file with a copy of the software license. A plain text version of LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION
-can be found here: LICENSE_LINK
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/issue_intro.txt~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/issue_intro.txt~
deleted file mode 100644
index 123d39e..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/issue_intro.txt~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-I'm working as a volunteer for the Free Software Directory. Your program
-is free software so in principle it should be listed there, and I'd like to
-add it. But it has some problems in showing what its license is.
-Would you please fix them, for the sake of users and other developers?
-Once your version with fixed license issues is public available on addons.mozilla.org_ENTRY we will review it, and if it meet our requirement I will approve http://directory.fsf.org/wiki/FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME. Once approved it will be listed on the official GNU IceCat add-on list at https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/IceCat. GNU IceCat is the GNU variant of Firefox.
-See https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/librejs/ if you want to study a well licensed add-on.
-# Issues
-## License not displayed
-addons.mozilla.org_ENTRY do not list "Released under".
-## No full copy of the license file included
-There are no full copy of the license file
-The root directory don't have a COPYING file with a copy of the software license. A plain text version of LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION
-can be found here: LICENSE_LINK
-## Lack of full license headers in each file
-There are no (full) license notices in the non-trivial source files
-The source files in FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME don't have notices saying you are the copyright
-holder and/or that they are released under LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION.
-I'm writing to ask you to please put a notice on each nontrivial source file.
-Selecting a license on a website that hosts the add-on (like addons.mozilla.org), will only show it there, the source files won't be modified.
-First, here's why license notices are needed.
-The purpose of a license notice is to state formally that a certain
-file may be used under the terms of a particular license.
-The LICENSE, like most free software licenses, applies to whatever
-material is released under that license. It does not say anything
-about which programs are released that way.
-Therefore, simply including a copy of the LICENSE with some code
-does not release the code under the terms of the LICENSE.
-To do that, you need a license notice, which says, more or less,
-"We the copyright holders release this code under the LICENSE."
-The source files should be accompanied by a copyright notice, which says who
-"we" copyright holders are. That takes the form "Copyright YEAR NAME".
-For the LICENSE, there are two other reasons for a license notice: to say
-which version of the LICENSE applies, and (for LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION), to say whether the
-LICENSE's option of GPL compatibility applies. It is enabled by default
-in LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION, but users should have an explicit statement of where things
-stand for any particular code. The license notice is where you
-specify this.
-Why should the license notice be on _each_ source file?
-Because doing it at the package level is error-prone.
-In the free software community, it is not unusual to copy a file from
-a free program into some other context. If the source file doesn't
-have its own license notice, then its licensing comes from the
-original context. In the other context, its licensing may not be
-clear. It may not be stated at all, or it could be stated wrong. For
-instance, what if the other program says, "This program is released
-under Apache 2.0", or "This program is released under GNU GPL, version
-3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation."
-The result would be to misinform users about the file's licensing.
-People sometimes copy part of a file, too. If the file has a license
-notice, people know to preserve that notice when copying part of the
-file's code. Otherwise, the licensing will probably get lost.
-A different problem can happen if you copy code _into_ FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME from
-some other package. Your package-level license notice would say it is
-under LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION, but what if it actually carries some other license,
-such as Apache 2.0, or GPL Version 3 or later?
-Keeping a license notice in each file is the way to reliably show
-users what their rights are. Please don't let uncertainty creep in.
-You've made a decision about the license -- would you please announce
-it in a way that won't get forgotten?
-Other people can use your work with bad intentions, even if the mistake were honestly
-unintentional. That is why, unfortunately, we have to take lots of time with verifying
-the legality of everything.
-See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.en.html for how to apply license notices.
-# Licenseutils
-* sudo apt-get install licenseutils
-* Licenseutils [0.0.8 can edit .js](https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/index.php?49441#comment24) files (see [patch](http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/licenseutils.git/commit/?id=0d365160cc0fb6d0ed5eb26cf6e762278867e653)). If you use a earlier version you need to temporary rename your .js files to .cpp (Javascript comments are the same as c++) until JS have been implemented (see [fix](https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?49441)) and then rename them back to .js.
-* Run this but with your name/copyright year/license: licensing notice -c 'Yoyodyne,\ Inc.\ 2001' -l gpl -s c -n *.cpp
-# References
-These issues are compatible with the policy listed in [Free Software Directory, Requirements](https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Free_Software_Directory:Requirements).
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/outro.txt~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/outro.txt~
deleted file mode 100644
index 123d39e..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/outro.txt~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-I'm working as a volunteer for the Free Software Directory. Your program
-is free software so in principle it should be listed there, and I'd like to
-add it. But it has some problems in showing what its license is.
-Would you please fix them, for the sake of users and other developers?
-Once your version with fixed license issues is public available on addons.mozilla.org_ENTRY we will review it, and if it meet our requirement I will approve http://directory.fsf.org/wiki/FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME. Once approved it will be listed on the official GNU IceCat add-on list at https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/IceCat. GNU IceCat is the GNU variant of Firefox.
-See https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/librejs/ if you want to study a well licensed add-on.
-# Issues
-## License not displayed
-addons.mozilla.org_ENTRY do not list "Released under".
-## No full copy of the license file included
-There are no full copy of the license file
-The root directory don't have a COPYING file with a copy of the software license. A plain text version of LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION
-can be found here: LICENSE_LINK
-## Lack of full license headers in each file
-There are no (full) license notices in the non-trivial source files
-The source files in FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME don't have notices saying you are the copyright
-holder and/or that they are released under LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION.
-I'm writing to ask you to please put a notice on each nontrivial source file.
-Selecting a license on a website that hosts the add-on (like addons.mozilla.org), will only show it there, the source files won't be modified.
-First, here's why license notices are needed.
-The purpose of a license notice is to state formally that a certain
-file may be used under the terms of a particular license.
-The LICENSE, like most free software licenses, applies to whatever
-material is released under that license. It does not say anything
-about which programs are released that way.
-Therefore, simply including a copy of the LICENSE with some code
-does not release the code under the terms of the LICENSE.
-To do that, you need a license notice, which says, more or less,
-"We the copyright holders release this code under the LICENSE."
-The source files should be accompanied by a copyright notice, which says who
-"we" copyright holders are. That takes the form "Copyright YEAR NAME".
-For the LICENSE, there are two other reasons for a license notice: to say
-which version of the LICENSE applies, and (for LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION), to say whether the
-LICENSE's option of GPL compatibility applies. It is enabled by default
-in LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION, but users should have an explicit statement of where things
-stand for any particular code. The license notice is where you
-specify this.
-Why should the license notice be on _each_ source file?
-Because doing it at the package level is error-prone.
-In the free software community, it is not unusual to copy a file from
-a free program into some other context. If the source file doesn't
-have its own license notice, then its licensing comes from the
-original context. In the other context, its licensing may not be
-clear. It may not be stated at all, or it could be stated wrong. For
-instance, what if the other program says, "This program is released
-under Apache 2.0", or "This program is released under GNU GPL, version
-3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation."
-The result would be to misinform users about the file's licensing.
-People sometimes copy part of a file, too. If the file has a license
-notice, people know to preserve that notice when copying part of the
-file's code. Otherwise, the licensing will probably get lost.
-A different problem can happen if you copy code _into_ FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME from
-some other package. Your package-level license notice would say it is
-under LICENSE LICENSE_VERSION, but what if it actually carries some other license,
-such as Apache 2.0, or GPL Version 3 or later?
-Keeping a license notice in each file is the way to reliably show
-users what their rights are. Please don't let uncertainty creep in.
-You've made a decision about the license -- would you please announce
-it in a way that won't get forgotten?
-Other people can use your work with bad intentions, even if the mistake were honestly
-unintentional. That is why, unfortunately, we have to take lots of time with verifying
-the legality of everything.
-See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.en.html for how to apply license notices.
-# Licenseutils
-* sudo apt-get install licenseutils
-* Licenseutils [0.0.8 can edit .js](https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/index.php?49441#comment24) files (see [patch](http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/licenseutils.git/commit/?id=0d365160cc0fb6d0ed5eb26cf6e762278867e653)). If you use a earlier version you need to temporary rename your .js files to .cpp (Javascript comments are the same as c++) until JS have been implemented (see [fix](https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?49441)) and then rename them back to .js.
-* Run this but with your name/copyright year/license: licensing notice -c 'Yoyodyne,\ Inc.\ 2001' -l gpl -s c -n *.cpp
-# References
-These issues are compatible with the policy listed in [Free Software Directory, Requirements](https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Free_Software_Directory:Requirements).
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/request~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/request~
deleted file mode 100755
index 76dbaa4..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/Text_templates/request~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-function request() {
- if [ "$sent_to" != "" ]; then
- echo "
-{{Checkme item
-|Package note=$sent_to
- else
- echo "##########################################################################################
- cat issue__intro.txt > output.txt
- if [ "$issue__license_copy" = "Yes" ]; then
- cat issue__license_copy.txt >> output.txt
- fi
- if [ "$issue__license_not_displayed_on_AMO" = "Yes" ]; then
- cat issue__license_not_displayed_on_AMO.txt >> output.txt
- fi
- if [ "$issue__lack_of_full_license_headers_in_each_file" = "Yes" ]; then
- cat issue__lack_of_full_license_headers_in_each_file.txt >> output.txt
- fi
- sed -i "
-" output.txt
- cat outro.txt >> output.txt
- cat output.txt
- fi
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Bookmarks Manager and Viewer";
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Cookie AutoDelete";
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Ageless for YouTube";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Bloody Vikings!";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-sent_to="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bloody-vikings/reviews/914363/, florian+amo@florianfieber.de";
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Bulk Media Downloader";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-sent_to="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dynamichistory/reviews/914375/, me@nulldev.xyz";
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Flash Block (Plus)";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-sent_to="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noflash/reviews/914401/, arl1232smg@yahoo.com";
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Forecastfox (fix version)";
-sent_to="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/forecastfox-fix-version/reviews/913786/, senselius@gmail.com";
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Mute all inactive tabs";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Popup Blocker (strict)";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Session Manager";
-sent_to="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/yass-we/reviews/913742/, morac99-firefox2@yahoo.com";
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Simple Form Fill";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-sent_to="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sky-timer/reviews/914414/, easyappdeveloper1@gmail.com";
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="To Google Translate";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Wayback Machine";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-sent_to="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wayback-machine_new/reviews/914416/, info@archive.org";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
-sent_to="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/webrtc-control/reviews/914382/, dlinBernard@yahoo.com";
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="Yet Another Smooth Scrolling WE";
-LICENSE="BSD License";
-sent_to="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/yass-we/reviews/913742/, kataho.mail@gmail.com";
-FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME="YouTube in HD (720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p)";
-FSD_FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME=$(echo "$FULL_SOFTWARE_NAME" | sed -e "s| |_|g");
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/fsd-amo-bot~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/fsd-amo-bot~
deleted file mode 100755
index 8f1d6f3..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/sync-data/fsd-amo-bot~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016, 2017 David Hedlund
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# https://addons-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/api/addons.html
-# Add to wiki and remove: echo "|Name=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -v "addon/name" test.xml)"
-SCRIPTSRC=$(readlink -f "$0" || echo "$0")
-RUN_PATH=$(dirname "${SCRIPTSRC}" || echo .)
-if [ ! -f /usr/bin/jq ]; then echo "/usr/bin/jq not found!"; exit=true; fi
-if [ ! -f /usr/bin/wget ]; then echo "/usr/bin/wget not found!"; exit=true; fi
-if [[ $exit == true ]]; then exit 1; fi
-if [ ! -d "build" ]; then mkdir -p build; fi
-retrive () {
-api="$(echo $url | sed "s|https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/|https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/addon/|g;")";
-slug="$(echo $url | sed "s|https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/||g; s|/||g")";
-xpi () {
- cd build/
- echo "$download" > tmp.txt
- sed -i "s|/addon-|\naddon-|" tmp.txt
- xpi=$(grep ".xpi" tmp.txt);
- fbname=$(basename "$xpi" | cut -d. -f1);
-case "$1" in
- --get-json)
- if [ ! -d "build/amo/json" ]; then mkdir -p build/amo/json; fi
- if [ ! -d "build/amo/json.versions" ]; then mkdir -p build/amo/json.versions; fi
- cd build/amo/
- while read url; do
- retrive
- wget $api -O json/$slug.json
- wget $api\versions/$(cat json/$slug.json | jq '.current_version.id')/ -O json.versions/$slug.json
- done < ../../amo-repo.txt
- # List obsoleted projects
- find json/ -size 0 -print
- ;;
- --get-xpi-url)
- cd build/
- rm -f amo_repo-latest_download.txt
- for i in $(find amo/json/ -maxdepth 1 -type f); do echo "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/$(basename $i | sed "s|.json||")/addon-$(cat $i | jq '.current_version.id').xpi" >> amo_repo-latest_download.txt; done
- ;;
- --get-xpi)
- if [ ! -d "build/amo/xpi" ]; then mkdir -p build/amo/xpi; fi
- while read download; do
- xpi
- if [ ! -f amo/xpi/$xpi ]; then
- cd amo/xpi/
- wget $download
- cd ..
- fi
- cd ..
- done < build/amo_repo-latest_download.txt
- ;;
- --xpi-extract)
- if [ ! -d "build/amo/xpi.extracted" ]; then mkdir -p build/amo/xpi.extracted; fi
- while read download; do
- xpi
- if [ ! -d amo/xpi.extracted/$fbname ]; then
- mkdir -p amo/xpi.extracted/$fbname
- cd amo/xpi.extracted/$fbname
- unzip ../../xpi/$xpi
- cd ../../
- fi
- cd ..
- done < build/amo_repo-latest_download.txt
- ;;
- --make-xml)
- if [ ! -d "build/fsd" ]; then mkdir -p build/fsd; fi
- # Get number of edits:
- wget "https://directory.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=recentchanges&rclimit=1" -O fsdedits.xml
- oldrevid="$(grep revid fsdedits.xml | sed "s|&quot;||g; s|revid|\nrevid|; s|old_revid|\n|" | grep revid | sed "s|revid=||")"
- newrevid=$(expr 1 + $oldrevid)
- cd build/
- while read url; do
- retrive
- # List JSON structure: cat amo/json/$slug.json | js '.'
- # XML value "homepage" is not always set in AMO API, but the FSD require "Homepage URL" to be set: Therfore we use the AMO page itself in Homepage URL to complete the build of the repo automatically.
- echo "<mediawiki xmlns=\"http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.7/\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.7/ http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.7.xsd\" version=\"0.7\" xml:lang=\"en\">
- <siteinfo>
- <sitename>Free Software Directory</sitename>
- <base>https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Main_Page</base>
- <generator>MediaWiki 1.20.2</generator>
- <case>first-letter</case>
- <namespaces>
- <namespace key=\"-2\" case=\"first-letter\">Media</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"-1\" case=\"first-letter\">Special</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"0\" case=\"first-letter\" />
- <namespace key=\"1\" case=\"first-letter\">Talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"2\" case=\"first-letter\">User</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"3\" case=\"first-letter\">User talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"4\" case=\"first-letter\">Free Software Directory</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"5\" case=\"first-letter\">Free Software Directory talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"6\" case=\"first-letter\">File</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"7\" case=\"first-letter\">File talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"8\" case=\"first-letter\">MediaWiki</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"9\" case=\"first-letter\">MediaWiki talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"10\" case=\"first-letter\">Template</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"11\" case=\"first-letter\">Template talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"12\" case=\"first-letter\">Help</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"13\" case=\"first-letter\">Help talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"14\" case=\"first-letter\">Category</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"15\" case=\"first-letter\">Category talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"102\" case=\"first-letter\">Property</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"103\" case=\"first-letter\">Property talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"106\" case=\"first-letter\">Form</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"107\" case=\"first-letter\">Form talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"108\" case=\"first-letter\">Concept</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"109\" case=\"first-letter\">Concept talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"170\" case=\"first-letter\">Filter</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"171\" case=\"first-letter\">Filter talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"500\" case=\"first-letter\">Review</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"501\" case=\"first-letter\">Review talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"502\" case=\"first-letter\">License</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"503\" case=\"first-letter\">License talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"510\" case=\"first-letter\">Collection</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"511\" case=\"first-letter\">Collection talk</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"520\" case=\"first-letter\">Org</namespace>
- <namespace key=\"521\" case=\"first-letter\">Org talk</namespace>
- </namespaces>
- </siteinfo>
- <page>
- <title>IceCat/$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.name.enUS' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")</title>
- <revision>
- <id>$newrevid</id>
- <timestamp>$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)</timestamp>
- <contributor>
- <username>amo-import</username>
- <id>1501</id>
- </contributor>
- <sha1>kj1p9nd2p15bqr2tb7jkihshlxow11y</sha1>
- <text xml:space=\"preserve\" bytes=\"2687\">{{Entry" > fsd/$slug.xml
- # Dash have to be removed in jq 1.3: https://github.com/stedolan/jq/issues/341
- echo "|Name=$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.name.enUS' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")
-|Short description=$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.summary.enUS' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||; s|\\\n|\n|g; s|\\\\\"|\"|g;")
-|Full description=$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.description.enUS' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||; s|\\\n|\n|g; s|\\\\\"|\"|g;")
-|Homepage URL=$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.homepage.enUS' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")" >> fsd/$slug.xml
- if [[ "$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | jq '.current_version.compatibility.seamonkey')" != "null" ]]; then
- set_seamonkey="SeaMonkey,";
- fi
- if [[ "$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | jq '.current_version.compatibility.firefox')" != "null" ]]; then
- set_icecat="IceCat,";
- fi
- if [[ "$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | jq '.current_version.compatibility.android')" != "null" ]]; then
- set_icecatmobile="IceCatMobile,";
- fi
- if [[ "$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | jq '.current_version.compatibility.mobile')" != "null" ]]; then
- set_icecatmobile="IceCatMobile,";
- fi
- if [[ "$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | jq '.current_version.compatibility.thunderbird')" != "null" ]]; then
- set_thunderbird="Thunderbird,";
- fi
- echo "|Extension of=$(echo "$set_seamonkey$set_icecat$set_icecatmobile$set_thunderbird" | sed "s|,$||;")" >> fsd/$slug.xml
- if [[ "$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.homepage.enUS' | grep "github.com")" != "null" ]]; then
- echo "|VCS checkout command=git clone $(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.homepage.enUS' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")" >> fsd/$slug.xml
- fi
-echo "|VCS checkout command=git clone $(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.homepage.enUS' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")";
- echo "|Version identifier=$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | jq '.current_version.version' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")
-|Version date=$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | jq '.last_updated' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")
-|Version download=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/$slug/addon-$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | jq '.current_version.id')-latest.xpi
-|Last review by=FSDbot
-|Last review date=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d")
-|Submitted by=FSDbot
-|Submitted date=2017/02/01
-|Is GNU=No
-}}" >> fsd/$slug.xml
- # https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/addon/noscript/versions/1910123/
- echo "{{Project license
-# Stuck here (have to use old API until this have been fixed): https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/3936
-|License=$(cat amo/json.versions/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.license.name.enUS' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")
-|License copyright=$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.authors[].name' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")
-}}" >> fsd/$slug.xml
- # Homepage URL can be changed by the community so lets do a backup here
- echo "{{Resource
-|Resource audience=amo-import
-|Resource kind=General
-|Resource URL=$url
-}}" >> fsd/$slug.xml
- if [[ "$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.support_url[]' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")" != "" ]];
- then
- echo "{{Resource
-|Resource audience=Users
-|Resource kind=Support
-|Resource URL=$(cat amo/json/$slug.json | sed "s|-||g;" | jq '.support_url[]' | sed "s|^\"||; s|\"$||;")
-}}" >> fsd/$slug.xml
- fi
- # Add "E-mail" here when "Support E-mail" have been added to the API: https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server/issues/3901
- echo "{{Featured}}</text>
- </revision>
- </page>
-</mediawiki>" >> fsd/$slug.xml
- cat fsd/$slug.xml
- done < ../amo-repo.txt
- ;;
- --all)
- $0 --get-json
- $0 --get-xpi-url
- $0 --get-xpi
- $0 --xpi-extract
- $0 --make-xml
- ;;
- *)
- echo $"$0 [OPTION]
- --all
- --get-json
- --get-xpi-url
- --get-xpi
- --xpi-extract
- --make-xml"
- exit 1
-exit 0
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/verify-license-copy-old~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/verify-license-copy-old~
deleted file mode 100644
index 75d9509..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/verify-license-copy-old~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-while IFS= read -r id; do
- if [ ! -f "addon-$id-latest.xpi" ]; then
- echo "Nonfree" >> ../VERIFY-LICENSE-COPY.txt
- elif unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep -q "^LICENSE$"; then
- elif unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep -q "^LICENSE.txt$"; then
- echo "LICENSE.txt" >> ../VERIFY-LICENSE-COPY.txt
- elif unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep -q "^LICENSE.md$"; then
- echo "LICENSE.md" >> ../VERIFY-LICENSE-COPY.txt
- elif unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep -q "^COPYING$"; then
- elif unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep -q "^COPYING.txt$"; then
- echo "COPYING.txt" >> ../VERIFY-LICENSE-COPY.txt
- elif unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep -q "^COPYING.md$"; then
- echo "COPYING.md" >> ../VERIFY-LICENSE-COPY.txt
- else
- echo "Request" >> ../VERIFY-LICENSE-COPY.txt
- fi
-done < ../id.txt
-while IFS= read -r status; do
- ((line++))
- average_daily_users="$(sed -n ${line}p ../average_daily_users.txt)";
- id="$(sed -n ${line}p ../id.txt)";
- slug="$(sed -n ${line}p ../slug.txt)";
- license_name_en_US="$(sed -n ${line}p ../license.name.enUS.txt)";
- homepage_en_US="$(sed -n ${line}p ../homepage.en-US.txt | sed "s|3A\\/\\/|\n|" | tail -n 1)";
- support_email_en_US="$(sed -n ${line}p ../support_email.en-US.txt)";
- support_url_en_US="$(sed -n ${line}p ../support_url.en-US.txt | sed "s|3A\\/\\/|\n|" | tail -n 1)";
- if [ "$license_name_en_US" == "GNU General Public License, version 3.0" ]; then license_txt="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt"; license_file_name="COPYING";
- elif [ "$license_name_en_US" == "GNU General Public License, version 2.0" ]; then license_txt="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt"; license_file_name="COPYING";
- elif [ "$license_name_en_US" == "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0" ]; then license_txt="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt"; license_file_name="COPYING";
- elif [ "$license_name_en_US" == "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1" ]; then license_txt="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt"; license_file_name="COPYING";
- elif [ "$license_name_en_US" == "Mozilla Public License, version 2.0" ]; then license_txt="https://www.mozilla.org/media/MPL/2.0/index.txt"; license_file_name="LICENSE";
- elif [ "$license_name_en_US" == "Mozilla Public License Version 1.1" ]; then license_txt="https://www.mozilla.org/media/MPL/1.1/index.txt"; license_file_name="LICENSE";
- elif [ "$license_name_en_US" == "BSD License" ]; then license_txt="https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:FreeBSD"; license_file_name="LICENSE";
- elif [ "$license_name_en_US" == "MIT/X11 License" ]; then license_txt="https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:X11"; license_file_name="LICENSE";
- fi
- if [ "$(sed -n ${line}p ../name.en-US.txt)" != "null" ]; then name="$(sed -n ${line}p ../name.en-US.txt)";
- elif [ "$(sed -n ${line}p ../name.en-GB.txt)" != "null" ]; then name="$(sed -n ${line}p ../name.en-GB.txt)";
- else name="$slug";
- fi
- if [ "$status" = "Request" ]; then
- ((count_reports++))
- # Authors that don't provide contact information will be ignored, its impossible to track conversations in Reviews anyway, because they will be deleted.
- if [ "$homepage_en_US" != "null" ] || [ "$support_url_en_US" != "null" ] || [ "$support_email_en_US" != "null" ]; then
- decimals="$(echo "$average_daily_users" | sed -r ':L;s=\b([0-9]+)([0-9]{3})\b=\1,\2=g;t L')";
- echo "
-$decimals average daily users: $name - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/$slug/
- Request: \"You have distributed $name under $license_name_en_US on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/$slug/, but you have not added a copy of the license. can you please download the text of the license from $license_txt and add save it to file name $license_file_name and put it in the root directory of you program?\" by contacting:";
- if [ "$homepage_en_US" != "null" ]; then echo " * Homepage (please submit Pull Request for $license_file_name if possible): $homepage_en_US"; fi
- if [ "$support_url_en_US" != "null" ]; then echo " * Support URL (please submit Pull Request for $license_file_name if possible): $support_url_en_US"; fi
- if [ "$support_email_en_US" != "null" ]; then echo " * Support E-mail: $support_email_en_US"; fi
- fi
- fi
-done < ../VERIFY-LICENSE-COPY.txt
-echo "
-$count_reports reports to submit";
diff --git a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/verify-license-copy~ b/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/verify-license-copy~
deleted file mode 100644
index a77340b..0000000
--- a/subprojects/freeamo/src/unmaintained/verify-license-copy~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-cd build || exit
-cd free_webextensions || exit
-# Begin template
-unset file
-while IFS= read -r table; do
- verify_variables "$1"
- if [ "$approved_program" = true ]; then
- # End template
- id=$(echo $table | awk '{print $2}');
- file=$(echo $table | awk '{print $3}');
- slug=$(echo $table | awk '{print $4}');
- echo "--------------------------
-$name ($id): $license";
- unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep "COPYING"
- unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep "COPYING.txt"
- unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep "COPYING.md"
- unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep "LICENSE"
- unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep "LICENSE.txt"
- unzip -l "addon-$id-latest.xpi" | awk '{ print $4 }' | grep "LICENSE.md"
- # Begin template
- fi
- ((line++))
-done < $run_path/build/MERGED-ALL-freedom_status.txt
-# End template