// h-source, a web software to build a community of people that want to share their hardware information.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Antonio Gallo (h-source-copyright.txt)
// This file is part of h-source
// h-source is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// h-source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with h-source. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!');
function translate($string)
return Hardware::translate($string);
class Hardware
public static $translations = array(
"amd64" => 'x86-64/amd64',
public static function translate($string)
if (array_key_exists($string,self::$translations))
return self::$translations[$string];
return $string;
public static $controllers = array('notebooks','wifi','videocards','printers','scanners','threegcards','soundcards','webcams','bluetooth','acquisitioncards','fingerprintreaders','ethernetcards'); //used by UsersController::login()
//classId => controller
public static $deviceClasses = array(
'0403' => 'soundcards',
'0280' => 'wifi',
'0300' => 'videocards',
'0200' => 'ethernetcards',
'0400' => 'acquisitioncards',
'0401' => 'acquisitioncards',
'0480' => 'acquisitioncards',
public static $icons = array(
'notebook' => 'H2O/computer-laptop_22.png',
'wifi' => 'H2O/network-wireless_22.png',
'videocard' => 'Crystal/1282042976_hardware.png',
'printer' => 'H2O/printer_22.png',
'scanner' => 'H2O/scanner_22.png',
'3G-card' => 'Crystal/usb_22.png',
'soundcard' => 'H2O/audio-card_22.png',
'webcam' => 'H2O/camera-web_22.png',
'bluetooth' => 'H2O/preferences-system-bluetooth-22.png',
'acquisition-card' => 'Crystal/cam_mount-22.png',
'fingerprint-reader' => 'fingerprint_icon-22.png',
'ethernet-card' => 'H2O/network-wired_22.png',
public static $typeToController = array(
'notebook' => 'notebooks',
'wifi' => 'wifi',
'videocard' => 'videocards',
'printer' => 'printers',
'scanner' => 'scanners',
'3G-card' => 'threegcards',
'soundcard' => 'soundcards',
'webcam' => 'webcams',
'bluetooth' => 'bluetooth',
'acquisition-card' => 'acquisitioncards',
'fingerprint-reader' => 'fingerprintreaders',
'ethernet-card' => 'ethernetcards',
public static function getTypes()
return implode(',',array_keys(self::$typeToController));
public static function getControllerFromType($type)
if (array_key_exists($type,self::$typeToController))
return self::$typeToController[$type];
return null;
//get the type from the controller
public static function getTypeFromController($controller)
$temp = array_flip(self::$typeToController);
if (array_key_exists($controller,$temp))
return $temp[$controller];
return null;
public static function getTypeFromClass($class)
if (array_key_exists($class,self::$deviceClasses))
return self::getTypeFromController(self::$deviceClasses[$class]);
return null;
public static function getIconFromType($type)
if (array_key_exists($type,self::$icons))
return "http://".DOMAIN_NAME."/Public/Img/".self::$icons[$type];
return null;
public static function getIconFromController($controller)
if ($type = self::getTypeFromController($controller))
return self::getIconFromType($type);
return null;
public static function getIconFromClass($class)
if (array_key_exists($class,self::$deviceClasses))
return self::getIconFromController(self::$deviceClasses[$class]);
return null;
public static $commYear = 'not-specified,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005,2004,2003,2002,2001,2000,1999,1998,1997,1996,1995,1994,1993,1992';
class Printer extends Hardware
public static $compatibility = array(
"A Full" => "A-Full",
"B Partial" => "B-Partial",
"C None" => "C-None",
public static $interface = "not-specified,USB,Serial,Parallel,Firewire,SCSI,Ethernet";
public static $subtype = "not-specified,laser,inkjet,other";
public static function compatibilityList()
return implode(',',array_values(self::$compatibility));
class Wifi extends Hardware
public static $interface = array(
"not-specified" => "not-specified",
"USB" => "USB",
"PCI" => "PCI",
"PCI-E" => "PCI-E",
"mini-PCI" => "mini-PCI",
"mini-PCI-E" => "mini-PCI-E",
"ExpressCard" => "ExpressCard",
"PCMCIA/PC-Card" => "PC-Card",
public static $interfaceReverse = array(
"not-specified" => "not-specified",
"USB" => "USB",
"PCI" => "PCI",
"PCI-E" => "PCI-E",
"mini-PCI" => "mini-PCI",
"mini-PCI-E" => "mini-PCI-E",
"ExpressCard" => "ExpressCard",
"PC-Card" => "PCMCIA/PC-Card",
public static $wifiSelect = 'yes,no';
public static function interfaceList()
return implode(',',array_values(self::$interface));
class Videocard extends Hardware
public static $videoSelect = array(
"works with 3D acceleration" => "works_with_3D",
"works, but without 3D acceleration" => "works_without_3D",
"it does not work" => "does_not_work",
public static $videoReverse = array(
"works_with_3D" => "works with 3D acceleration",
"works_without_3D" => "works, but without 3D acceleration",
"does_not_work" => "it does not work",
public static $interface = "not-specified,PCI,AGP,PCI-E,ISA,MCA,VLB";
public static function videoList()
return implode(',',array_values(self::$videoSelect));
class Notebooks extends Hardware
public static $vendors = array(
"Acer" => "Acer",
"Apple" => "Apple",
"Asus" => "Asus",
"Compal Electronics" => "Compal-Electronics",
"Dell" => "Dell",
"emachines" => "emachines",
"Garlach44" => "Garlach44",
"Gateway" => "Gateway",
"Hewlett Packard" => "Hewlett-Packard",
"IBM" => "IBM",
"Lemote" => "Lemote",
"Lenovo" => "Lenovo",
"LG" => "LG",
"msi" => "msi",
"Philco" => "Philco",
"Philips" => "Philips",
"Panasonic" => "Panasonic",
"Sony" => "Sony",
"Thomson" => "Thomson",
"ZaReason, Inc" => "ZaReason-Inc",
public static $compatibility = array(
"A Platinum" => "A-platinum",
"B Gold" => "B-gold",
"C Silver" => "C-silver",
"D Bronze" => "D-bronze",
"E Garbage" => "E-garbage"
public static $subtypeSelect = 'notebook,netbook,tablet,not-specified';
public static $architectureSelect = array(
"not specified" => 'not-specified',
"x86" => 'x86',
"x86-64/amd64" => 'amd64',
"MIPS" => 'MIPS',
"ARM" => 'ARM',
public static $biosSelect = 'not-specified,no,yes';
public static $videoSelect = array(
"not specified" => 'not-specified',
"yes, with 3D acceleration" => "yes_with_3D",
"yes, but without 3D acceleration" => "yes_without_3D",
"it does not work" => "no",
public static $videoReverse = array(
"yes_with_3D" => "works with 3D acceleration",
"yes_without_3D" => "works but without 3D acceleration",
"no" => "it does not work",
'not-specified' => "not specified how it works",
"" => ""
public static $wifiSelect = array(
"not specified" => 'not-specified',
'yes' => 'yes',
'no' => 'no',
'there is no wifi card' => 'no-wifi-card',
public static $wifiReverse = array(
"yes" => "it works",
"no" => "it does not work",
'not-specified' => "not specified how it works",
'no-wifi-card' => 'there is no wifi card',
"" => ""
public static $webcamSelect = array(
'not specified' => 'not-specified',
'it works' => 'yes',
'it does not work' => 'no',
'there is no webcam' => 'there-is-no-webcam',
public static $webcamReverse = array(
"yes" => "it works",
"no" => "it does not work",
'not-specified' => "not specified how it works",
'there-is-no-webcam' => 'there is no webcam',
public static function videoList()
return implode(',',array_values(self::$videoSelect));
public static function wifiList()
return implode(',',array_values(self::$wifiSelect));
public static function webcamList()
return implode(',',array_values(self::$webcamSelect));
public static function vendorsList()
return implode(',',array_values(self::$vendors));
public static function compatibilityList()
return implode(',',array_values(self::$compatibility));
public static function architectureList()
return implode(',',array_values(self::$architectureSelect));
class ThreeGcards extends Wifi
public static $select = 'yes,no';
class Soundcards extends Hardware
public static $audioSelect = 'yes,no';
public static $interface = "not-specified,PCI,ISA,USB,Firewire,Parallel,PCI-E,PCMCIA";
class Webcams extends Hardware
public static $select = 'yes,no';
public static $interface = "not-specified,USB,Firewire,Parallel,Wifi,Serial";
class Bluetooth extends Hardware
public static $select = 'yes,no';
public static $interface = "not-specified,USB,PCI,PCI-E,mini-PCI,mini-PCI-E,ExpressCard,PC-Card";
class Acquisitioncards extends Hardware
public static $select = 'yes,no';
public static $interface = "not-specified,USB,PCI,PCI-E,mini-PCI,mini-PCI-E,ExpressCard,PC-Card,Firewire,Parallel,Serial";
class Fingerprintreaders extends Hardware
public static $select = 'yes,no';
public static $interface = "not-specified,USB,PCI,PCI-E,mini-PCI,mini-PCI-E,ExpressCard,PC-Card,Firewire,Parallel,Serial";
class Ethernetcards extends Hardware
public static $select = 'yes,no';
public static $interface = "not-specified,USB,PCI,PCI-E,mini-PCI,mini-PCI-E,ExpressCard,PC-Card,Firewire,Parallel,Serial";