path: root/h-source/Application/Include/params.php
blob: b972739b7fdc8a6e185b076df02ba01ded961ba2 (plain) (tree)










// h-source, a web software to build a community of people that want to share their hardware information.
// Copyright (C) 2010  Antonio Gallo (h-source-copyright.txt)
// This file is part of h-source
// h-source is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// h-source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with h-source.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!');

class Website
	static public $generalMail = "";
	static public $generalName = "h-node.org";
	static public $projectName = "h-node";
	static public $mailServer = "";
	static public $mailPassword = "";

	static public $allowAnonymousSubmission = "yes";
	static public $statusnetGroupText = "";

class Account
	static public $confirmTime = 3600;
	static public function confirm($username,$e_mail,$id_user,$token)
		require_once (ROOT.'/External/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php');
		$clean['username'] = sanitizeAll($username);
		$clean['id_user'] = (int)$id_user;
		$clean['token'] = sanitizeAll($token);
		$siteName = Website::$generalName;
		$siteMail = Website::$generalMail;
		$mess = "Hello,\n\nyou have registered an account at $siteName with the following data:\nusername: ".$clean['username']."\n\nin order to confirm the registration of the new account follow the link below\nhttp://".DOMAIN_NAME."/users/confirm/".Lang::$current."/".$clean['id_user']."/".$clean['token']."\n\nIf you don't want to confirm the account registration\nthen wait one hour and your username and e-mail will be deleted from the database\n\nIf you received this e-mail for error, please simply disregard this message";
		$message = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject('account registration to '.$siteName)->setFrom(array($siteMail => $siteName))->setTo(array($e_mail))->setBody($mess);

		//Create the Transport
		$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(Website::$mailServer, 25)->setUsername(Website::$generalMail)->setPassword(Website::$mailPassword);

		//Create the Mailer using your created Transport
		$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);

		//Send the message
		$result = $mailer->send($message);

		if ($result)
			return true;
			return false;

	static public function sendnew($username,$e_mail,$id_user,$token)
		require_once (ROOT.'/External/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php');
		$clean['username'] = sanitizeAll($username);
		$clean['id_user'] = (int)$id_user;
		$clean['token'] = sanitizeAll($token);
		$siteName = Website::$generalName;
		$siteMail = Website::$generalMail;
		$mess = "Hello,\n\nyou have requested a new password for your account at $siteName.\nYour username is:\n".$clean['username']."\n\nin order to obtain a new password for your account follow the link below\nhttp://".DOMAIN_NAME."/users/change/".Lang::$current."/".$clean['id_user']."/".$clean['token']."\n\nIf you don't want to change the password then disregard this mail\n";
		$message = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject('request a new password at '.$siteName)->setFrom(array($siteMail => $siteName))->setTo(array($e_mail))->setBody($mess);

		//Create the Transport
		$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(Website::$mailServer, 25)->setUsername(Website::$generalMail)->setPassword(Website::$mailPassword);

		//Create the Mailer using your created Transport
		$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);

		//Send the message
		$result = $mailer->send($message);

		if ($result)
			return true;
			return false;
	static public function sendpassword($username,$e_mail,$password)
		require_once (ROOT.'/External/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php');
		$clean['username'] = sanitizeAll($username);
		$clean['password'] = sanitizeAll($password);
		$siteName = Website::$generalName;
		$siteMail = Website::$generalMail;
		$mess = "Hello,\n\nyou have requested a new password for your account to $siteName.\nYour username is:\n".$clean['username']."\n\nYour new password is:\n".$clean['password']."\n";
		$message = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject('get your new h-node.com account password ')->setFrom(array($siteMail => $siteName))->setTo(array($e_mail))->setBody($mess);

		//Create the Transport
		$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(Website::$mailServer, 25)->setUsername(Website::$generalMail)->setPassword(Website::$mailPassword);

		//Create the Mailer using your created Transport
		$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);

		//Send the message
		$result = $mailer->send($message);
		if ($result)
			return true;
			return false;

	static public function sendTalkNotice($who,$e_mails,$id_hard)
		require_once (ROOT.'/External/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php');

		$who = sanitizeAll($who);
		$id_hard = (int)$id_hard;
		$siteName = Website::$generalName;
		$siteMail = Website::$generalMail;

		$urls = getUrlsFromIdHard($id_hard);
		$mess = "$who has added a message to the talk page of a device you have contributed to maintain at $siteName\n\nThe whole conversation is here:\n\n".$urls['urlTalk']."\n\nThe device page is here:\n\n".$urls['urlView']."\n\nBest regards\nthe ".Website::$projectName." team\n\nP.S: you can disable the mail notifications in the profile page of your control panel";

		$message = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject("$who sent a notice to your attention")->setFrom(array($siteMail => $siteName))->setTo($e_mails)->setBody($mess);

		//Create the Transport
		$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(Website::$mailServer, 25)->setUsername(Website::$generalMail)->setPassword(Website::$mailPassword);

		//Create the Mailer using your created Transport
		$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);

		//Send the message
		$result = $mailer->batchSend($message);


	static public function sendWikiTalkNotice($who,$e_mails,$id_wiki)
		require_once (ROOT.'/External/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php');

		$who = sanitizeAll($who);
		$id_wiki = (int)$id_wiki;

		$siteName = Website::$generalName;
		$siteMail = Website::$generalMail;

		$wiki = new WikiModel();
		$pageUrl = $wiki->toWikiPage($id_wiki);
		$talkUrl = "http://".DOMAIN_NAME."/wiki/talk/".Lang::$current."/$id_wiki";
		$mess = "$who has added a message to the talk page of a wiki page you have contributed to maintain at $siteName\n\nThe whole conversation is here:\n\n".$talkUrl."\n\nThe wiki page is here:\n\n".$pageUrl."\n\nBest regards\nthe ".Website::$projectName." team\n\nP.S: you can disable the mail notifications in the profile page of your control panel";

		$message = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject("$who sent a notice to your attention")->setFrom(array($siteMail => $siteName))->setTo($e_mails)->setBody($mess);

		//Create the Transport
		$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(Website::$mailServer, 25)->setUsername(Website::$generalMail)->setPassword(Website::$mailPassword);

		//Create the Mailer using your created Transport
		$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);

		//Send the message
		$result = $mailer->batchSend($message);
