// EasyGiant is a PHP framework for creating and managing dynamic content
// Copyright (C) 2009 - 2011 Antonio Gallo
// See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt.
// This file is part of EasyGiant
// EasyGiant is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// EasyGiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with EasyGiant. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!');
//class to create the HTML for the view action
class Helper_List extends Helper_Html {
protected $_itemsList = array(); //2-dimensional associative array containing the list items
//keys: type,table:field,controller/action,value
protected $_head = array(); //2-dimensional array containing the head of the table
protected $_identifierName;
protected $_recordNumber = null; //number of records from the table
protected $_allowedItems = array('simpleLink','simpleText','delForm','editForm','associateForm','moveupForm','movedownForm','Form'); //type of items allowed
//set if the submit buttons have to be images or not (it can be yse or not)
public $submitImageType = 'no';
//set the files of the images
public $submitImages = array(
'edit' => null,
'del' => null,
'up' => null,
'down' => null,
'link' => null
//set the titles of the input:submit
public $submitTitles = array(
'edit' => 'edit the record',
'del' => 'delete the record',
'up' => 'move up the record',
'down' => 'move down the record',
'link' => 'associate the record'
//properties of each column
public $colProperties = array();
//$position: array. First element: page number, second element: number of pages
public $position = array();
//it can be: both, top, bottom, none
protected $_boundaries = 'none';
public function build($identifierName = 'identifier')
$this->_identifierName = $identifierName;
public function setIdentifierName($identifierName)
$this->_identifierName = $identifierName;
//add a list Item. $type: the type of the item, $field: the table.field to exctract (use colon to separate the table and the field),$action: controller/action,$value=if type == link->the value of the link
public function addItem($type, $action = '', $field = '', $name = '', $value = '', $title = '') {
if (!in_array($type,$this->_allowedItems)) {
throw new Exception('"'.$type. '" argument not allowed in '.__METHOD__.' method');
$temp['type'] = $type;
$temp['action'] = $action;
$temp['field'] = $field;
$temp['name'] = $name;
$temp['value'] = $value;
$temp['title'] = $title;
$this->_itemsList[] = $temp;
//set the $this->_head array
$head = array();
$head['type'] = $type;
if ($type === 'simpleText') {
$head['action'] = $this->extractFieldName($action);
} else {
$head['action'] = ' ';
$this->_head[] = $head;
//set the head of the table
//$columnsName: name of the columns. It has to be a comma-separated list of strings
public function setHead($columnsName = '')
//get the array from the list
$columnsArray = explode(',',$columnsName);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($columnsArray); $i++)
if ($i < count($this->_itemsList)) $this->_head[$i]['action'] = $columnsArray[$i];
//$method to extract the field name from the $action string (;table:field;)
public function extractFieldName($string) {
$string = str_replace(';','',$string);
return $string;
//replace the strings wrapped by ; with their correspondent value taken by the $recordArray associative array (a row of the select query)
public function replaceFields($string,$rowArray) {
$stringArray = explode(';',$string);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($stringArray); $i++) {
if (strstr($stringArray[$i],':') or strstr($stringArray[$i],'.')) {
if (strstr($stringArray[$i],':'))
$char = ':';
$char = '.';
//check if a function has been indicated
if (strstr($stringArray[$i],'|'))
//get the function
$firstArray = explode('|',$stringArray[$i]);
$func = $firstArray[0];
//replace the fields
$temp = explode($char,$firstArray[1]);
$stringArray[$i] = $rowArray[$temp[0]][$temp[1]];
if (!function_exists($func)) {
throw new Exception('Error in <b>'.__METHOD__.'</b>: function <b>'.$func.'</b> does not exists..');
//apply the function
$stringArray[$i] = call_user_func($func,$stringArray[$i]);
$temp = explode($char,$stringArray[$i]);
$stringArray[$i] = $rowArray[$temp[0]][$temp[1]];
return implode('',$stringArray);
//call the method replaceFields upon the $items array using the associative array $rowArray
public function replaceAll($item,$rowArray) {
$item['action'] = $this->replaceFields($item['action'],$rowArray);
$item['field'] = $this->replaceFields($item['field'],$rowArray);
$item['name'] = $this->replaceFields($item['name'],$rowArray);
$item['value'] = $this->replaceFields($item['value'],$rowArray);
$item['title'] = $this->replaceFields($item['title'],$rowArray);
return $item;
//wrap the column with the tag td
public function wrapColumn($string, $className = null) {
return wrap($string,array('td'=>$className));
//wrap the row with the tag tr
public function wrapRow($string,$className = null) {
return wrap($string,array('tr'=>$className));
public function wrapList($string) {
return wrap($string,array('table'=>'listTable'));
//method to create the HTML of the head of the table
public function createHead() {
$htmlHead = null;
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->_head as $item) {
$temp = $item['action'];
$prop = $item['type'];
if (isset($this->colProperties[$count]))
$prop = $this->colProperties[$count];
$htmlHead .= $this->wrapColumn($temp,$prop);
return $htmlHead;
//create the HTML of a single row (values taken from the associative array $rowArray)
public function getRowList($rowArray) {
$htmlList = null;
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->_itemsList as $item) {
$item = $this->replaceAll($item,$rowArray);
$prop = $item['type'];
if (isset($this->colProperties[$count]))
$prop = $this->colProperties[$count];
if (($this->_boundaries === 'top' and $item['type'] === 'moveupForm') or ($this->_boundaries === 'bottom' and $item['type'] === 'movedownForm') or ($this->_boundaries === 'both' and ($item['type'] === 'moveupForm' or $item['type'] === 'movedownForm')))
$htmlList .= $this->wrapColumn(' ',$prop);
$temp = call_user_func_array(array($this,$item['type']),array($item));
$htmlList .= $this->wrapColumn($temp,$prop);
return $htmlList;
//$index: record number
public function ifInBoundaries($index)
$this->_boundaries = 'none';
if (!empty($this->position))
if ($this->_recordNumber === 1 and strcmp($this->position[0],1) === 0)
$this->_boundaries = 'both';
else if ($index === 0 and strcmp($this->position[0],1) === 0)
$this->_boundaries = 'top';
else if ($index === ($this->_recordNumber-1) and strcmp($this->position[0],$this->position[1]) === 0)
$this->_boundaries = 'bottom';
//create the HTML of the entire list. $queryResult: the array coming from the select query
public function render($queryResult)
//set the number of records
$this->_recordNumber = count($queryResult);
$htmlList = null;
//create the HTML of the head of the record list
$htmlList .= $this->wrapRow($this->createHead(),'listHead');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($queryResult); $i++)
$temp = $this->getRowList($queryResult[$i]);
$htmlList .= $this->wrapRow($temp,'listRow');
return $this->wrapList($htmlList);
public function generalForm($itemArray, $submitName, $submitValue)
$string = "<form class='listItemForm' action='".Url::getRoot(null).$itemArray['action'].$this->viewStatus."' method='POST'>\n";
$name = (strcmp($itemArray['name'],'') !== 0) ? $itemArray['name'] : $submitName;
$value = (strcmp($itemArray['value'],'') !== 0) ? $itemArray['value'] : $submitValue;
if (strcmp($itemArray['title'],'') !== 0)
$title = "title='".$itemArray['title']."'";
$title = isset($this->submitTitles[$value]) ? "title='".$this->submitTitles[$value]."'" : null;
if (strcmp($this->submitImageType,'yes') === 0 and isset($this->submitImages[$value]))
$imgSrc = $this->submitImages[$value];
$string .= "<input type='image' $title src='".$imgSrc."' value='$value'>\n";
$string .= "<input type='hidden' name='".$name."' value='$value'>\n";
$string .= "<input type='submit' $title name='".$name."' value='$value'>\n";
$string .= "<input type='hidden' name='".$this->_identifierName."' value='".$itemArray['field']."'>\n";
$string .= "</form>\n";
return $string;
public function Form($itemArray)
return $this->generalForm($itemArray, 'name_missing', 'value_missing');
public function moveupForm($itemArray)
return $this->generalForm($itemArray, 'moveupAction', 'up');
public function movedownForm($itemArray)
return $this->generalForm($itemArray, 'movedownAction', 'down');
public function editForm($itemArray)
return $this->generalForm($itemArray, 'generalAction', 'edit');
public function delForm($itemArray)
return $this->generalForm($itemArray, 'delAction', 'del');
public function associateForm($itemArray)
return $this->generalForm($itemArray, 'generalAction', 'link');
public function simpleText($itemArray) {
$string = "<span class='textItem'>".$itemArray['action']."</span>\n";
return $string;
public function simpleLink($itemArray) {
$string = "<a class='linkItem' href='".Url::getRoot(null).$itemArray['action'].$this->viewStatus."'>".$itemArray['name']."</a>\n";
return $string;