path: root/h-source/Application/Controllers/GenericController.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'h-source/Application/Controllers/GenericController.php')
1 files changed, 658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/h-source/Application/Controllers/GenericController.php b/h-source/Application/Controllers/GenericController.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a08956e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/h-source/Application/Controllers/GenericController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+// h-source, a web software to build a community of people that want to share their hardware information.
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Antonio Gallo (h-source-copyright.txt)
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!');
+class GenericController extends BaseController
+ protected $_controllerName = null; //as in the URL
+ public $orderPopup;
+ public function __construct($model, $controller, $queryString) {
+ parent::__construct($model, $controller, $queryString);
+ $popup = new Popup();
+ $popup->name = gtext('sort by');
+ switch ($this->controller)
+ {
+ case 'wifi':
+ $popup->itemsName = array('last inserted','alphabetically','alphabetically desc');
+ $popup->itemsValue = array('last-inserted','alphabetically','alphabetically-desc');
+ break;
+ case 'videocards':
+ $popup->itemsName = array('last inserted','alphabetically','alphabetically desc');
+ $popup->itemsValue = array('last-inserted','alphabetically','alphabetically-desc');
+ break;
+ default:
+ $popup->itemsName = array('last inserted','alphabetically','alphabetically desc','compatibility');
+ $popup->itemsValue = array('last-inserted','alphabetically','alphabetically-desc','compatibility');
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->orderPopup = $popup;
+ }
+ protected function insert($lang = 'en', $token = '')
+ {
+ $this->shift(2);
+ $clean['token'] = sanitizeAlphanum($token);
+ $data['notice'] = null;
+ $data['tree'] = $this->getSpecHardLink() . " &raquo; " . " <span class='last_tree_element'>insert</span>";
+ $this->s['registered']->checkStatus();
+ if ($this->s['registered']->status['status'] === 'logged')
+ {
+ if (!$this->s['registered']->checkCsrf($clean['token'])) $this->redirect($this->controller.'/catalogue/'.$this->lang,2,'wrong token..');
+ if (isset($_POST['insertAction']))
+ {
+ if ($this->checkDist())
+ {
+ $pci_id = $this->request->post('pci_id','','sanitizeAll');
+ if (strcmp($pci_id,'') !== 0)
+ {
+ $this->m['HardwareModel']->databaseConditions['insert']['+checkUnique'] = 'pci_id|<i>VendorID:ProductID</i> is already present in the database. This means that the device you are trying to insert is already in the database';
+ }
+ //insert the new device
+ $this->m['HardwareModel']->updateTable('insert');
+ if ($this->m['HardwareModel']->queryResult)
+ {
+ if (strcmp($this->controller,'notebooks') === 0)
+ {
+ session_start();
+ $_SESSION['notebook_inserted'] = 'yes';
+ }
+ }
+ $this->viewRedirect($this->m['HardwareModel']->lastId);
+ }
+ }
+ $data['notice'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->notice;
+ $data['submitName'] = "insertAction";
+ $data['hiddenInput'] = null;
+ $data['values'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->getFormValues('insert','sanitizeHtml');
+ $this->append($data);
+ $this->load('top_left');
+ $this->load('license_notice');
+ $this->load('form');
+ $this->load('bottom_left');
+ $this->right();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->redirect('users/login/'.$this->lang.'/'.$this->controller.'/catalogue',0);
+ }
+ }
+ public function del($lang = 'en', $token = '')
+ {
+ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
+ $this->shift(2);
+ $this->clean();
+ $clean['token'] = sanitizeAlphanum($token);
+ if ($this->s['registered']->status['status'] === 'logged')
+ {
+ if (!$this->s['registered']->checkCsrf($clean['token'])) die("wrong token");
+ $clean['id_user'] = (int)$this->s['registered']->status['id_user'];
+ $clean['id_hard'] = $this->request->post('id_hard',0,'forceInt');
+ $this->model("DeletionModel");
+ $numb = $this->m['DeletionModel']->where(array("id_hard"=>$clean['id_hard'],"created_by"=>$clean['id_user']))->rowNumber();
+ if ($numb === 0)
+ {
+ $id_dup = $this->request->post('id_duplicate',0,'forceInt');
+ $object = $this->request->post('object','','sanitizeAll');
+ if ($id_dup === 0 and strcmp($object,'duplication') === 0)
+ {
+ echo "you have no specified the device duplicated by this model";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->m['DeletionModel']->setFields('id_hard:forceInt,object,message,id_duplicate:forceInt','sanitizeAll');
+ $this->m['DeletionModel']->values['created_by'] = $clean['id_user'];
+ $this->m['DeletionModel']->updateTable('insert');
+ if ($this->m['DeletionModel']->queryResult)
+ {
+ $hard = new HardwareModel();
+ $c = $hard->where(array('id_hard'=>$clean['id_hard'],'ask_for_del'=>'yes'))->rowNumber();
+ if ($c < 1)
+ {
+ $hard->db->update('hardware','ask_for_del',array('yes'),'id_hard='.$clean['id_hard']);
+ }
+ echo "operation executed";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo "one error occurred, please try later";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo "you have already asked for the deletion of this device";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected function update($lang = 'en', $token = '')
+ {
+ $this->shift(2);
+ $clean['token'] = sanitizeAlphanum($token);
+ $data['notice'] = null;
+ $this->s['registered']->checkStatus();
+ if (isset($_POST['id_hard']))
+ {
+ //get the id
+ $clean['id_hard'] = isset($_POST['id_hard']) ? (int)$_POST['id_hard'] : 0;
+ if ($this->s['registered']->status['status'] === 'logged')
+ {
+ if (!$this->s['registered']->checkCsrf($clean['token'])) $this->redirect($this->controller.'/catalogue/'.$this->lang,2,'wrong token..');
+ $deleted = $this->m['HardwareModel']->select("hardware.deleted")->where(array("id_hard"=>$clean['id_hard']))->limit(1)->toList('deleted')->send();
+ if (strcmp($deleted[0],'no') === 0)
+ {
+ $ne_name = $this->m['HardwareModel']->getTheModelName($clean['id_hard']);
+ $name = encodeUrl($ne_name);
+ $data['name'] = $name;
+ $data['ne_name'] = $ne_name;
+ $data['tree'] = $this->getSpecHardLink() . " &raquo; " . $this->getViewLink($clean['id_hard'],$name) . " &raquo; <span class='last_tree_element'>edit</span>";
+ if (isset($_POST['updateAction']))
+ {
+ if ($this->checkDist())
+ {
+ $pci_id = $this->request->post('pci_id','','sanitizeAll');
+ if (strcmp($pci_id,'') !== 0)
+ {
+ $this->m['HardwareModel']->databaseConditions['update']['+checkUniqueCompl'] = 'pci_id|<i>VendorID:ProductID</i> is already present in the database. This means that the device you are trying to insert is already in the database';
+ }
+ //carry out the update database action
+ $this->m['HardwareModel']->updateTable('update');
+ $this->viewRedirect($this->m['HardwareModel']->lastId);
+ }
+ }
+ $data['notice'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->notice;
+ $data['id_hard'] = $clean['id_hard'];
+ $data['submitName'] = "updateAction";
+ // echo $this->m['HardwareModel']->fields;
+ $data['values'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->getFormValues('update','sanitizeHtml');
+ $data['hiddenInput'] = "<input type='hidden' name='id_hard' value='".$clean['id_hard']."'>\n";
+ $this->append($data);
+ $this->load('top_left');
+ $this->load('license_notice');
+ $this->load('form');
+ $this->load('bottom_left');
+ $this->right();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->redirect($this->controller.'/catalogue/'.$this->lang,2,'deleted..');
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->redirect('users/login/'.$this->lang.'/'.$this->controller.'/view/'.$clean['id_hard'],0);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->redirect($this->controller.'/catalogue/'.$this->lang);
+ }
+ }
+ protected function checkDist()
+ {
+ if (array_key_exists('distribution',$_POST))
+ {
+ if (strcmp($_POST['distribution'],"") !== 0)
+ {
+ if (Distributions::check($_POST['distribution']))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->m['HardwareModel']->result = false;
+ $this->m['HardwareModel']->notice = "<div class='alert'>Distribution not allowed..</div>\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->m['HardwareModel']->result = false;
+ $this->m['HardwareModel']->notice = "<div class='alert'>Distribution not defined..</div>\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->m['HardwareModel']->result = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected function viewRedirect($id)
+ {
+ $clean['id'] = (int)$id;
+ if ($this->m['HardwareModel']->queryResult)
+ {
+ $name = encodeUrl($this->m['HardwareModel']->getTheModelName($clean['id']));
+ $this->redirect($this->controller.'/view/'.$this->lang.'/'.$clean['id'].'/'.$name.$this->viewStatus);
+ }
+ }
+ //load the view files
+ protected function loadViewAll($viewName = null)
+ {
+ $this->load('top_left');
+ $viewArray = explode(',',$viewName);
+ foreach ($viewArray as $viewFile)
+ {
+ $this->load($viewFile);
+ }
+ $this->load('bottom_left');
+ $this->right();
+ }
+ protected function catalogue($lang = 'en')
+ {
+ $data['title'] = $this->controller.' - '.Website::$generalName;
+ Params::$nullQueryValue = 'undef';
+ $data['tree'] = $this->controller;
+ $this->mod->aWhere(array("deleted"=>"no"));
+ $this->mod->popupBuild();
+ $popup = $this->mod->popupArray;
+ $popup['sort-by'] = $this->orderPopup;
+ $this->helper('Popup',$this->controller.'/catalogue/'.$this->lang,$popup,'inclusive','page');
+ //create the HTML of the popup
+ $data['popup'] = $this->h['Popup']->render();
+ $this->mod->orderBy = getOrderByClause($this->viewArgs['sort-by']);
+ $recordNumber = $this->mod->rowNumber();
+ $data['recordNumber'] = $recordNumber;
+ //load the Pages helper
+ $this->helper('Pages',$this->controller.'/catalogue/'.$this->lang,'page');
+ $page = $this->viewArgs['page'];
+ //set the limit clause
+ $this->mod->limit = $this->h['Pages']->getLimit($page,$recordNumber,10);
+ $data['table'] = $this->mod->getAll();
+// echo $this->mod->getQuery();
+ $data['pageList'] = $this->h['Pages']->render($page-3,7);
+ $this->append($data);
+ $this->loadViewAll('catalogue');
+ }
+ protected function view($lang = 'en', $id_hard = 0, $name = null)
+ {
+ $this->shift(3);
+ //set the history_page to 1 in the viewStatus
+ $this->viewArgs['history_page'] = 1;
+ $this->buildStatus();
+ $clean['id_hard'] = (int)$id_hard;
+ $data['id_hard'] = $clean['id_hard'];
+ $data['ne_name'] = null;
+ $data['name'] = null;
+ $data['tree'] = null;
+ $data['isDeleted'] = 'no';
+ if ($this->mod->checkType($clean['id_hard']))
+ {
+ $this->mod->setWhereQueryClause(array("id_hard" => $clean['id_hard']));
+ $data['table'] = $this->mod->getAll();
+ if (count($data['table']) > 0)
+ {
+ $data['talk_number'] = $this->m['TalkModel']->select('count(*) as numb,id_hard')->where(array('id_hard'=>$clean['id_hard']))->rowNumber();
+ $data['ne_name'] = $data['table'][0]['hardware']['model'];
+ $data['name'] = encodeUrl($data['ne_name']);
+ $data['title'] = $data['ne_name'].' - '.Website::$generalName;
+ $data['tree'] = $this->getSpecHardLink() . " &raquo; <span class='last_tree_element'>".$data['ne_name']."</span>";
+ $data['isDeleted'] = $data['table'][0]['hardware']['deleted'];
+ if (strcmp($data['isDeleted'],'yes') === 0)
+ {
+ $deletion = new DeletionModel();
+ $data['deletion'] = $deletion->select()->where(array('id_hard'=>$clean['id_hard']))->send();
+ $data['deletionUsers'] = $deletion->getList($data['deletion'],'created_by');
+ }
+ }
+ $this->append($data);
+ session_start();
+ if ( isset($_SESSION['notebook_inserted']) and strcmp($this->controller,'notebooks') === 0 )
+ {
+ $viewFilesList = 'suggest_dialog,dialog,page,if_page_deleted';
+ unset($_SESSION['notebook_inserted']);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $viewFilesList = 'dialog,page,if_page_deleted';
+ }
+ $this->loadViewAll($viewFilesList);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// $this->redirect($this->_controller.'/'.);
+ }
+ }
+ protected function history($lang = 'en', $id = 0)
+ {
+ $this->shift(2);
+ $clean['id'] = (int)$id;
+ $data['id'] = $clean['id'];
+ $data['ne_name'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->getTheModelName($clean['id']);
+ $data['name'] = encodeUrl($data['ne_name']);
+ $data['tree'] = $this->getSpecHardLink() . " &raquo; " . $this->getViewLink($clean['id'],$data['name'])." &raquo; <span class='last_tree_element'>history</span>";
+ $data['title'] = 'history - '.Website::$generalName;
+ //get the first revision
+ $res = $this->m['RevisionsModel']->db->select('revisions','id_rev','id_hard='.$clean['id'],null,'id_rev',1);
+ if (count($res) > 0)
+ {
+ $data['firstRev'] = $res[0]['revisions']['id_rev'];
+ }
+ $res1 = $this->m['HardwareModel']->db->select('hardware','update_date,updated_by','id_hard='.$clean['id']);
+ $this->m['RevisionsModel']->setWhereQueryClause(array('id_hard' => $clean['id']));
+ //load the Pages helper
+ $this->helper('Pages',$this->controller.'/history/'.$this->lang.'/'.$clean['id'],'history_page');
+ //get the number of records
+ $recordNumber = $this->m['RevisionsModel']->rowNumber();
+ $page = $this->viewArgs['history_page'];
+ //set the limit clause
+ $this->m['RevisionsModel']->limit = $this->h['Pages']->getLimit($page,$recordNumber,20);
+ $res2 = $this->m['RevisionsModel']->getFields('update_date,updated_by,id_rev');
+ $data['pageList'] = $this->h['Pages']->render($page-3,7);
+ $data['rev1'] = $res1;
+ $data['rev2'] = $res2;
+ $this->append($data);
+ $this->loadViewAll('history');
+ }
+ protected function revision($lang = 'en', $id_rev = 0)
+ {
+ $this->shift(2);
+ $clean['id_rev'] = (int)$id_rev;
+ $this->m['RevisionsModel']->setWhereQueryClause(array("id_rev" => $clean['id_rev']));
+ $data['table'] = $this->m['RevisionsModel']->getAll();
+ $data['id_hard'] = 0;
+ $data['updated_by'] = null;
+ $data['update_date'] = null;
+ $data['name'] = null;
+ $data['ne_name'] = null;
+ $data['tree'] = null;
+ $data['isDeleted'] = 'no';
+ if (count($data['table']) > 0)
+ {
+ $data['id_hard'] = (int)$data['table'][0]['revisions']['id_hard'];
+ $data['ne_name'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->getTheModelName($data['id_hard']);
+ $data['name'] = encodeUrl($data['ne_name']);
+ $data['tree'] = $this->getSpecHardLink() . " &raquo; " . $this->getViewLink($data['id_hard'],$data['name'])." &raquo; " . $this->getHistoryLink($data['id_hard']) . " &raquo; <span class='last_tree_element'>revision</span>";
+ $data['title'] = 'revision - '.Website::$generalName;
+ $data['updated_by'] = $data['table'][0]['revisions']['updated_by'];
+ $data['update_date'] = $data['table'][0]['revisions']['update_date'];
+ }
+ $this->append($data);
+ $this->loadViewAll('page');
+ }
+ protected function differences($lang = 'en', $id_hard = 0, $id_rev = 0)
+ {
+ $this->shift(3);
+ $data['title'] = 'differences - '.Website::$generalName;
+ $clean['id_hard'] = (int)$id_hard;
+ $clean['id_rev'] = (int)$id_rev;
+ $data['id_hard'] = $clean['id_hard'];
+ $data['name'] = encodeUrl($this->m['HardwareModel']->getTheModelName((int)$data['id_hard']));
+ $data['tree'] = $this->getSpecHardLink() . " &raquo; " . $this->getViewLink($data['id_hard'],$data['name'])." &raquo; " . $this->getHistoryLink($clean['id_hard']) . " &raquo; <span class='last_tree_element'>differences</span>";
+ $data['showDiff'] = false;
+ $diffArray = array();
+ if (strcmp($clean['id_hard'],0) !== 0 and strcmp($clean['id_rev'],0) !== 0)
+ {
+ $this->m['RevisionsModel']->setWhereQueryClause(array('id_hard' => $clean['id_hard'],'id_rev' => '<='.$clean['id_rev']));
+ $this->m['RevisionsModel']->limit = 2;
+ $res = $this->m['RevisionsModel']->getAll();
+ if (count($res) > 1)
+ {
+ $newArray = $res[0]['revisions'];
+ $oldArray = $res[1]['revisions'];
+ $data['update_new'] = $newArray['update_date'];
+ $data['update_old'] = $oldArray['update_date'];
+ $data['updated_by'] = $newArray['updated_by'];
+ $diffArray = $this->mod->getDiffArray($oldArray, $newArray);
+ $data['showDiff'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp($clean['id_hard'],0) !== 0 and strcmp($clean['id_rev'],0) === 0)
+ {
+ $this->mod->setWhereQueryClause(array('id_hard' => $clean['id_hard']));
+ $lastRes = $this->mod->getAll();
+ if (count($lastRes) > 0)
+ {
+ $this->m['RevisionsModel']->setWhereQueryClause(array('id_hard' => $clean['id_hard']));
+ $this->m['RevisionsModel']->limit = 1;
+ $revRes = $this->m['RevisionsModel']->getAll();
+ if (count($revRes) > 0)
+ {
+ $newArray = $lastRes[0]['hardware'];
+ $oldArray = $revRes[0]['revisions'];
+ $data['update_new'] = $newArray['update_date'];
+ $data['update_old'] = $oldArray['update_date'];
+ $data['updated_by'] = $newArray['updated_by'];
+ $diffArray = $this->mod->getDiffArray($oldArray, $newArray);
+ $data['showDiff'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $data['fieldsWithBreaks'] = $this->mod->fieldsWithBreaks;
+ $data['diffArray'] = $diffArray;
+ $this->append($data);
+ $this->loadViewAll('differences');
+ }
+ protected function climb($lang = 'en', $id_rev = 0, $token = '')
+ {
+ $this->shift(3);
+ $data['title'] = 'make current - '.Website::$generalName;
+ $clean['token'] = sanitizeAlphanum($token);
+ $clean['id_rev'] = (int)$id_rev;
+ $clean['id_hard'] = (int)$this->m['RevisionsModel']->getIdHard($clean['id_rev']);
+ if ($clean['id_hard'] !== 0)
+ {
+ $deleted = $this->m['HardwareModel']->select("hardware.deleted")->where(array("id_hard"=>$clean['id_hard']))->limit(1)->toList('deleted')->send();
+ $data['isDeleted'] = $deleted[0];
+ $data['id_rev'] = $clean['id_rev'];
+ $data['id_hard'] = $clean['id_hard'];
+ $data['ne_name'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->getTheModelName($clean['id_hard']);
+ $data['name'] = encodeUrl($data['ne_name']);
+ $data['tree'] = $this->getSpecHardLink() . " &raquo; " . $this->getViewLink($data['id_hard'],$data['name'])." &raquo; " . $this->getHistoryLink($clean['id_hard']) . " &raquo; <span class='last_tree_element'>make current</span>";
+ $data['notice'] = null;
+ $this->s['registered']->checkStatus();
+ if ($this->s['registered']->status['status'] === 'logged')
+ {
+ if (!$this->s['registered']->checkCsrf($clean['token'])) $this->redirect($this->controller.'/catalogue/'.$this->lang,2,'wrong token..');
+ if (isset($_POST['confirmAction']))
+ {
+ if (strcmp($deleted[0],'no') === 0)
+ {
+ $this->m['HardwareModel']->makeCurrent($clean['id_rev']);
+ $this->viewRedirect($this->m['HardwareModel']->lastId);
+ $data['notice'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->notice;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->redirect($this->controller.'/catalogue/'.$this->lang,2,'deleted..');
+ }
+ }
+ $this->append($data);
+ $this->loadViewAll('climb');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->redirect('users/login/'.$this->lang.'/'.$this->controller.'/view/'.$clean['id_hard'],0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected function talk($lang = 'en', $id_hard = 0, $token = 'token')
+ {
+ $this->shift(3);
+ $this->m['TalkModel']->setFields('title,message','sanitizeAll');
+ $data['title'] = 'talk - '.Website::$generalName;
+ $clean['token'] = sanitizeAlphanum($token);
+ $clean['id_hard'] = (int)$id_hard;
+ $data['id_hard'] = $clean['id_hard'];
+ $data['ne_name'] = $this->m['HardwareModel']->getTheModelName($clean['id_hard']);
+ $data['name'] = encodeUrl($data['ne_name']);
+ $data['tree'] = $this->getSpecHardLink() . " &raquo; " . $this->getViewLink($clean['id_hard'],$data['name'])." &raquo; <span class='last_tree_element'>talk</span>";
+ if (isset($_POST['insertAction']))
+ {
+ if ($this->s['registered']->status['status'] === 'logged')
+ {
+ if (!$this->s['registered']->checkCsrf($clean['token'])) $this->redirect($this->controller.'/catalogue/'.$this->lang,2,'wrong token..');
+ $this->m['TalkModel']->values['created_by'] = $this->s['registered']->status['id_user'];
+ $this->m['TalkModel']->values['id_hard'] = $clean['id_hard'];
+ $this->m['TalkModel']->updateTable('insert');
+ }
+ }
+ $data['table'] = $this->m['TalkModel']->select()->where(array('id_hard'=>$clean['id_hard']))->orderBy('id_talk')->send();
+ $data['values'] = $this->m['TalkModel']->getFormValues('insert','sanitizeHtml');
+ $data['notice'] = $this->m['TalkModel']->notice;
+// javascript for moderator
+ $data['md_javascript'] = "moderator_dialog(\"hide\",\"talk\");moderator_dialog(\"show\",\"talk\");";
+ $data['go_to'] = $this->currPage."/".$this->lang."/".$clean['id_hard'];
+ $this->append($data);
+ $this->loadViewAll('talk,moderator_dialog');
+ }
+ protected function getViewLink($id,$name)
+ {
+ return "<a href='".$this->baseUrl.'/'.$this->controller.'/view/'.$this->lang.'/'.$id.'/'.$name.$this->viewStatus."'>".urldecode($name)."</a>";
+ }
+ protected function getHistoryLink($id)
+ {
+ return "<a href='".$this->baseUrl.'/'.$this->controller.'/history/'.$this->lang.'/'.$id.'/'.$this->viewStatus."'>history</a>";
+ }
+ protected function getSpecHardLink()
+ {
+ return "<a href='".$this->baseUrl.'/'.$this->controller.'/catalogue/'.$this->lang.$this->viewStatus."'>".$this->controller."</a>";
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file