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><div id="module-header"
><table class="info"
>Safe Haskell</th
><p class="caption"
><div id="synopsis"
><details id="syn"
><ul class="details-toggle" data-details-id="syn"
><li class="src short"
><span class="keyword"
> <a href="#"
> f <span class="keyword"
><ul class="subs"
><a href="#"
> :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b</li
><li class="src short"
><span class="keyword"
> <a href="#"
> a0 a b = <a href="#"
> a b</li
><div id="interface"
><div class="top"
><p class="src"
><span class="keyword"
> <a id="t:Functor" class="def"
> f <span class="keyword"
> <a href="#" class="selflink"
><div class="subs methods"
><p class="caption"
><p class="src"
><a id="v:fmap" class="def"
> :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b <a href="#" class="selflink"
><div class="subs instances"
><h4 class="instances details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:Functor"
><details id="i:Functor" open="open"
><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
>Instances details</summary
><td class="src clearfix"
><span class="inst-left"
><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:ic:Functor:Functor:1"
> <a href="#" title="Bug613"
> (<a href="#" title="Data.Either"
> a)</span
> <a href="#" class="selflink"
><td class="doc empty"
> </td
><td colspan="2"
><details id="i:ic:Functor:Functor:1"
><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
>Instance details</summary
>Defined in <a href="#"
> <div class="subs methods"
><p class="caption"
><p class="src"
><a href="#"
> :: (a0 -> b) -> <a href="#" title="Data.Either"
> a a0 -> <a href="#" title="Data.Either"
> a b <a href="#" class="selflink"
><td class="src clearfix"
><span class="inst-left"
><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:ic:Functor:Functor:2"
> <a href="#" title="Bug613"
> (<a href="#" title="Bug613"
> a0 a)</span
> <a href="#" class="selflink"
><td class="doc empty"
> </td
><td colspan="2"
><details id="i:ic:Functor:Functor:2"
><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
>Instance details</summary
>Defined in <a href="#"
> <div class="subs methods"
><p class="caption"
><p class="src"
><a href="#"
> :: (a1 -> b) -> <a href="#" title="Bug613"
> a0 a a1 -> <a href="#" title="Bug613"
> a0 a b <a href="#" class="selflink"
><div class="top"
><p class="src"
><span class="keyword"
> <a id="t:ThreeVars" class="def"
> a0 a b <a href="#" class="selflink"
><div class="doc"
>Phantom type a0 is added to block the first renaming from a to a0. This ensures that the renamer doesn't create a new conflict</p
><div class="subs constructors"
><p class="caption"
><td class="src"
><a id="v:ThreeVars" class="def"
> a b</td
><td class="doc empty"
> </td
><div class="subs instances"
><h4 class="instances details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:ThreeVars"
><details id="i:ThreeVars" open="open"
><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
>Instances details</summary
><td class="src clearfix"
><span class="inst-left"
><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:id:ThreeVars:Functor:1"
> <a href="#" title="Bug613"
> (<a href="#" title="Bug613"
> a0 a)</span
> <a href="#" class="selflink"
><td class="doc empty"
> </td
><td colspan="2"
><details id="i:id:ThreeVars:Functor:1"
><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
>Instance details</summary
>Defined in <a href="#"
> <div class="subs methods"
><p class="caption"
><p class="src"
><a href="#"
> :: (a1 -> b) -> <a href="#" title="Bug613"
> a0 a a1 -> <a href="#" title="Bug613"
> a0 a b <a href="#" class="selflink"