blob: c45b50424e7631182aa2838e458d09359d657e8a (
plain) (
module Haddock.Interface.Rn ( rnHsDoc, rnHaddockModInfo ) where
import Haddock.Types
import RnEnv ( dataTcOccs )
import RdrName ( RdrName, gre_name, GlobalRdrEnv, lookupGRE_RdrName )
import Name ( Name )
import Outputable ( ppr, defaultUserStyle )
rnHaddockModInfo :: GlobalRdrEnv -> HaddockModInfo RdrName -> HaddockModInfo Name
rnHaddockModInfo gre (HaddockModInfo desc port stab maint) =
HaddockModInfo (fmap (rnHsDoc gre) desc) port stab maint
ids2string :: [RdrName] -> String
ids2string [] = []
ids2string (x:_) = show $ ppr x defaultUserStyle
data Id x = Id {unId::x}
instance Monad Id where (Id v)>>=f = f v; return = Id
rnHsDoc :: GlobalRdrEnv -> HsDoc RdrName -> HsDoc Name
rnHsDoc gre = unId . do_rn
do_rn doc_to_rn = case doc_to_rn of
DocEmpty -> return DocEmpty
DocAppend a b -> do
a' <- do_rn a
b' <- do_rn b
return (DocAppend a' b')
DocString str -> return (DocString str)
DocParagraph doc -> do
doc' <- do_rn doc
return (DocParagraph doc')
DocIdentifier ids -> do
let choices = concatMap dataTcOccs ids
let gres = concatMap (\rdrName ->
map gre_name (lookupGRE_RdrName rdrName gre)) choices
case gres of
[] -> return (DocString (ids2string ids))
ids' -> return (DocIdentifier ids')
DocModule str -> return (DocModule str)
DocEmphasis doc -> do
doc' <- do_rn doc
return (DocEmphasis doc')
DocMonospaced doc -> do
doc' <- do_rn doc
return (DocMonospaced doc')
DocUnorderedList docs -> do
docs' <- mapM do_rn docs
return (DocUnorderedList docs')
DocOrderedList docs -> do
docs' <- mapM do_rn docs
return (DocOrderedList docs')
DocDefList list -> do
list' <- mapM (\(a,b) -> do
a' <- do_rn a
b' <- do_rn b
return (a', b')) list
return (DocDefList list')
DocCodeBlock doc -> do
doc' <- do_rn doc
return (DocCodeBlock doc')
DocURL str -> return (DocURL str)
DocPic str -> return (DocPic str)
DocAName str -> return (DocAName str)