{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module : Haddock.Types
-- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2003-2006,
-- David Waern 2006-2009
-- License : BSD-like
-- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskellorg
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Types that are commonly used through-out Haddock. Some of the most
-- important types are defined here, like 'Interface' and 'DocName'.
module Haddock.Types (
module Haddock.Types
, HsDocString, LHsDocString
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Arrow
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid
import GHC hiding (NoLink)
import OccName
-- * Convenient synonyms
type IfaceMap = Map Module Interface
type InstIfaceMap = Map Module InstalledInterface -- TODO: rename
type DocMap a = Map Name (Doc a)
type ArgMap a = Map Name (Map Int (Doc a))
type SubMap = Map Name [Name]
type DeclMap = Map Name [LHsDecl Name]
type SrcMap = Map PackageId FilePath
type DocPaths = (FilePath, Maybe FilePath) -- paths to HTML and sources
-- * Interface
-- | 'Interface' holds all information used to render a single Haddock page.
-- It represents the /interface/ of a module. The core business of Haddock
-- lies in creating this structure. Note that the record contains some fields
-- that are only used to create the final record, and that are not used by the
-- backends.
data Interface = Interface
-- | The module behind this interface.
ifaceMod :: !Module
-- | Original file name of the module.
, ifaceOrigFilename :: !FilePath
-- | Textual information about the module.
, ifaceInfo :: !(HaddockModInfo Name)
-- | Documentation header.
, ifaceDoc :: !(Documentation Name)
-- | Documentation header with cross-reference information.
, ifaceRnDoc :: !(Documentation DocName)
-- | Haddock options for this module (prune, ignore-exports, etc).
, ifaceOptions :: ![DocOption]
-- | Declarations originating from the module. Excludes declarations without
-- names (instances and stand-alone documentation comments). Includes
-- names of subordinate declarations mapped to their parent declarations.
, ifaceDeclMap :: !(Map Name [LHsDecl Name])
-- | Documentation of declarations originating from the module (including
-- subordinates).
, ifaceDocMap :: !(DocMap Name)
, ifaceArgMap :: !(ArgMap Name)
-- | Documentation of declarations originating from the module (including
-- subordinates).
, ifaceRnDocMap :: !(DocMap DocName)
, ifaceRnArgMap :: !(ArgMap DocName)
, ifaceSubMap :: !(Map Name [Name])
, ifaceExportItems :: ![ExportItem Name]
, ifaceRnExportItems :: ![ExportItem DocName]
-- | All names exported by the module.
, ifaceExports :: ![Name]
-- | All \"visible\" names exported by the module.
-- A visible name is a name that will show up in the documentation of the
-- module.
, ifaceVisibleExports :: ![Name]
-- | Aliases of module imports as in @import A.B.C as C@.
, ifaceModuleAliases :: !AliasMap
-- | Instances exported by the module.
, ifaceInstances :: ![ClsInst]
-- | The number of haddockable and haddocked items in the module, as a
-- tuple. Haddockable items are the exports and the module itself.
, ifaceHaddockCoverage :: !(Int, Int)
-- | Warnings for things defined in this module.
, ifaceWarningMap :: !WarningMap
type WarningMap = DocMap Name
-- | A subset of the fields of 'Interface' that we store in the interface
-- files.
data InstalledInterface = InstalledInterface
-- | The module represented by this interface.
instMod :: Module
-- | Textual information about the module.
, instInfo :: HaddockModInfo Name
-- | Documentation of declarations originating from the module (including
-- subordinates).
, instDocMap :: DocMap Name
, instArgMap :: ArgMap Name
-- | All names exported by this module.
, instExports :: [Name]
-- | All \"visible\" names exported by the module.
-- A visible name is a name that will show up in the documentation of the
-- module.
, instVisibleExports :: [Name]
-- | Haddock options for this module (prune, ignore-exports, etc).
, instOptions :: [DocOption]
, instSubMap :: Map Name [Name]
-- | Convert an 'Interface' to an 'InstalledInterface'
toInstalledIface :: Interface -> InstalledInterface
toInstalledIface interface = InstalledInterface
{ instMod = ifaceMod interface
, instInfo = ifaceInfo interface
, instDocMap = ifaceDocMap interface
, instArgMap = ifaceArgMap interface
, instExports = ifaceExports interface
, instVisibleExports = ifaceVisibleExports interface
, instOptions = ifaceOptions interface
, instSubMap = ifaceSubMap interface
-- * Export items & declarations
data ExportItem name
-- | An exported declaration.
= ExportDecl
-- | A declaration.
expItemDecl :: !(LHsDecl name)
-- | Maybe a doc comment, and possibly docs for arguments (if this
-- decl is a function or type-synonym).
, expItemMbDoc :: !(DocForDecl name)
-- | Subordinate names, possibly with documentation.
, expItemSubDocs :: ![(name, DocForDecl name)]
-- | Instances relevant to this declaration, possibly with
-- documentation.
, expItemInstances :: ![DocInstance name]
-- | An exported entity for which we have no documentation (perhaps because it
-- resides in another package).
| ExportNoDecl
{ expItemName :: !name
-- | Subordinate names.
, expItemSubs :: ![name]
-- | A section heading.
| ExportGroup
-- | Section level (1, 2, 3, ...).
expItemSectionLevel :: !Int
-- | Section id (for hyperlinks).
, expItemSectionId :: !String
-- | Section heading text.
, expItemSectionText :: !(Doc name)
-- | Some documentation.
| ExportDoc !(Doc name)
-- | A cross-reference to another module.
| ExportModule !Module
data Documentation name = Documentation
{ documentationDoc :: Maybe (Doc name)
, documentationWarning :: !(Maybe (Doc name))
} deriving Functor
combineDocumentation :: Documentation name -> Maybe (Doc name)
combineDocumentation (Documentation Nothing Nothing) = Nothing
combineDocumentation (Documentation mDoc mWarning) = Just (fromMaybe mempty mWarning `mappend` fromMaybe mempty mDoc)
-- | Arguments and result are indexed by Int, zero-based from the left,
-- because that's the easiest to use when recursing over types.
type FnArgsDoc name = Map Int (Doc name)
type DocForDecl name = (Documentation name, FnArgsDoc name)
noDocForDecl :: DocForDecl name
noDocForDecl = (Documentation Nothing Nothing, Map.empty)
unrenameDocForDecl :: DocForDecl DocName -> DocForDecl Name
unrenameDocForDecl (doc, fnArgsDoc) =
(fmap getName doc, (fmap . fmap) getName fnArgsDoc)
-- * Cross-referencing
-- | Type of environment used to cross-reference identifiers in the syntax.
type LinkEnv = Map Name Module
-- | Extends 'Name' with cross-reference information.
data DocName
= Documented Name Module
-- ^ This thing is part of the (existing or resulting)
-- documentation. The 'Module' is the preferred place
-- in the documentation to refer to.
| Undocumented Name
-- ^ This thing is not part of the (existing or resulting)
-- documentation, as far as Haddock knows.
deriving Eq
instance NamedThing DocName where
getName (Documented name _) = name
getName (Undocumented name) = name
-- * Instances
-- | An instance head that may have documentation.
type DocInstance name = (InstHead name, Maybe (Doc name))
-- | The head of an instance. Consists of a context, a class name and a list
-- of instance types.
type InstHead name = ([HsType name], name, [HsType name])
-- * Documentation comments
type LDoc id = Located (Doc id)
data Doc id
= DocEmpty
| DocAppend (Doc id) (Doc id)
| DocString String
| DocParagraph (Doc id)
| DocIdentifier id
| DocIdentifierUnchecked (ModuleName, OccName)
| DocModule String
| DocWarning (Doc id)
| DocEmphasis (Doc id)
| DocMonospaced (Doc id)
| DocUnorderedList [Doc id]
| DocOrderedList [Doc id]
| DocDefList [(Doc id, Doc id)]
| DocCodeBlock (Doc id)
| DocHyperlink Hyperlink
| DocPic String
| DocAName String
| DocProperty String
| DocExamples [Example]
deriving (Functor)
instance Monoid (Doc id) where
mempty = DocEmpty
mappend = DocAppend
instance NFData a => NFData (Doc a) where
rnf doc = case doc of
DocEmpty -> ()
DocAppend a b -> a `deepseq` b `deepseq` ()
DocString a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocParagraph a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocIdentifier a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocIdentifierUnchecked a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocModule a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocWarning a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocEmphasis a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocMonospaced a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocUnorderedList a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocOrderedList a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocDefList a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocCodeBlock a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocHyperlink a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocPic a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocAName a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocProperty a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocExamples a -> a `deepseq` ()
instance NFData Name
instance NFData OccName
instance NFData ModuleName
data Hyperlink = Hyperlink
{ hyperlinkUrl :: String
, hyperlinkLabel :: Maybe String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData Hyperlink where
rnf (Hyperlink a b) = a `deepseq` b `deepseq` ()
data Example = Example
{ exampleExpression :: String
, exampleResult :: [String]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData Example where
rnf (Example a b) = a `deepseq` b `deepseq` ()
exampleToString :: Example -> String
exampleToString (Example expression result) =
">>> " ++ expression ++ "\n" ++ unlines result
data DocMarkup id a = Markup
{ markupEmpty :: a
, markupString :: String -> a
, markupParagraph :: a -> a
, markupAppend :: a -> a -> a
, markupIdentifier :: id -> a
, markupIdentifierUnchecked :: (ModuleName, OccName) -> a
, markupModule :: String -> a
, markupWarning :: a -> a
, markupEmphasis :: a -> a
, markupMonospaced :: a -> a
, markupUnorderedList :: [a] -> a
, markupOrderedList :: [a] -> a
, markupDefList :: [(a,a)] -> a
, markupCodeBlock :: a -> a
, markupHyperlink :: Hyperlink -> a
, markupAName :: String -> a
, markupPic :: String -> a
, markupProperty :: String -> a
, markupExample :: [Example] -> a
data HaddockModInfo name = HaddockModInfo
{ hmi_description :: (Maybe (Doc name))
, hmi_portability :: (Maybe String)
, hmi_stability :: (Maybe String)
, hmi_maintainer :: (Maybe String)
, hmi_safety :: (Maybe String)
emptyHaddockModInfo :: HaddockModInfo a
emptyHaddockModInfo = HaddockModInfo
{ hmi_description = Nothing
, hmi_portability = Nothing
, hmi_stability = Nothing
, hmi_maintainer = Nothing
, hmi_safety = Nothing
-- * Options
{-! for DocOption derive: Binary !-}
-- | Source-level options for controlling the documentation.
data DocOption
= OptHide -- ^ This module should not appear in the docs.
| OptPrune
| OptIgnoreExports -- ^ Pretend everything is exported.
| OptNotHome -- ^ Not the best place to get docs for things
-- exported by this module.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Option controlling how to qualify names
data QualOption
= OptNoQual -- ^ Never qualify any names.
| OptFullQual -- ^ Qualify all names fully.
| OptLocalQual -- ^ Qualify all imported names fully.
| OptRelativeQual -- ^ Like local, but strip module prefix
-- from modules in the same hierarchy.
| OptAliasedQual -- ^ Uses aliases of module names
-- as suggested by module import renamings.
-- However, we are unfortunately not able
-- to maintain the original qualifications.
-- Image a re-export of a whole module,
-- how could the re-exported identifiers be qualified?
type AliasMap = Map Module ModuleName
data Qualification
= NoQual
| FullQual
| LocalQual Module
| RelativeQual Module
| AliasedQual AliasMap Module
-- ^ @Module@ contains the current module.
-- This way we can distinguish imported and local identifiers.
makeContentsQual :: QualOption -> Qualification
makeContentsQual qual =
case qual of
OptNoQual -> NoQual
_ -> FullQual
makeModuleQual :: QualOption -> AliasMap -> Module -> Qualification
makeModuleQual qual aliases mdl =
case qual of
OptLocalQual -> LocalQual mdl
OptRelativeQual -> RelativeQual mdl
OptAliasedQual -> AliasedQual aliases mdl
OptFullQual -> FullQual
OptNoQual -> NoQual
-- * Error handling
-- A monad which collects error messages, locally defined to avoid a dep on mtl
type ErrMsg = String
newtype ErrMsgM a = Writer { runWriter :: (a, [ErrMsg]) }
instance Functor ErrMsgM where
fmap f (Writer (a, msgs)) = Writer (f a, msgs)
instance Monad ErrMsgM where
return a = Writer (a, [])
m >>= k = Writer $ let
(a, w) = runWriter m
(b, w') = runWriter (k a)
in (b, w ++ w')
tell :: [ErrMsg] -> ErrMsgM ()
tell w = Writer ((), w)
-- Exceptions
-- | Haddock's own exception type.
data HaddockException = HaddockException String deriving Typeable
instance Show HaddockException where
show (HaddockException str) = str
throwE :: String -> a
instance Exception HaddockException
throwE str = throw (HaddockException str)
-- In "Haddock.Interface.Create", we need to gather
-- @Haddock.Types.ErrMsg@s a lot, like @ErrMsgM@ does,
-- but we can't just use @GhcT ErrMsgM@ because GhcT requires the
-- transformed monad to be MonadIO.
newtype ErrMsgGhc a = WriterGhc { runWriterGhc :: Ghc (a, [ErrMsg]) }
--instance MonadIO ErrMsgGhc where
-- liftIO = WriterGhc . fmap (\a->(a,[])) liftIO
--er, implementing GhcMonad involves annoying ExceptionMonad and
--WarnLogMonad classes, so don't bother.
liftGhcToErrMsgGhc :: Ghc a -> ErrMsgGhc a
liftGhcToErrMsgGhc = WriterGhc . fmap (\a->(a,[]))
liftErrMsg :: ErrMsgM a -> ErrMsgGhc a
liftErrMsg = WriterGhc . return . runWriter
-- for now, use (liftErrMsg . tell) for this
--tell :: [ErrMsg] -> ErrMsgGhc ()
--tell msgs = WriterGhc $ return ( (), msgs )
instance Functor ErrMsgGhc where
fmap f (WriterGhc x) = WriterGhc (fmap (first f) x)
instance Monad ErrMsgGhc where
return a = WriterGhc (return (a, []))
m >>= k = WriterGhc $ runWriterGhc m >>= \ (a, msgs1) ->
fmap (second (msgs1 ++)) (runWriterGhc (k a))