diff options
authorRyan Scott <ryan.gl.scott@gmail.com>2019-10-23 09:42:20 -0400
committerAlec Theriault <alec.theriault@gmail.com>2019-10-23 10:37:17 -0400
commit2a5fc0ad50c857098558461434c29abd478ea0a1 (patch)
parentcdf4445a877428f5969f712a95830af38029b9a0 (diff)
Reify oversaturated data family instances correctly (#1103)
This fixes #1103 by adapting the corresponding patch for GHC (see https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/17296 and https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/merge_requests/1877).
3 files changed, 603 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
index d22efc9a..5dc3a508 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
@@ -150,8 +150,7 @@ synifyAxBranch tc (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tkvs, cab_lhs = args, cab_rhs = rhs })
= let name = synifyName tc
args_types_only = filterOutInvisibleTypes tc args
typats = map (synifyType WithinType []) args_types_only
- annot_typats = zipWith3 annotHsType (mkIsPolyTvs fam_tvs)
- args_types_only typats
+ annot_typats = zipWith3 annotHsType args_poly args_types_only typats
hs_rhs = synifyType WithinType [] rhs
in HsIB { hsib_ext = map tyVarName tkvs
, hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExt
@@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ synifyAxBranch tc (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tkvs, cab_lhs = args, cab_rhs = rhs })
, feqn_fixity = synifyFixity name
, feqn_rhs = hs_rhs } }
- fam_tvs = tyConVisibleTyVars tc
+ args_poly = tyConArgsPolyKinded tc
synifyAxiom :: CoAxiom br -> Either ErrMsg (HsDecl GhcRn)
synifyAxiom ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = tc })
@@ -472,17 +471,26 @@ annotHsType True ty hs_ty
in noLoc (HsKindSig noExt hs_ty hs_ki)
annotHsType _ _ hs_ty = hs_ty
--- | For every type variable in the input,
--- report whether or not the tv is poly-kinded. This is used to eventually
--- feed into 'annotHsType'.
-mkIsPolyTvs :: [TyVar] -> [Bool]
-mkIsPolyTvs = map is_poly_tv
+-- | For every argument type that a type constructor accepts,
+-- report whether or not the argument is poly-kinded. This is used to
+-- eventually feed into 'annotThType'.
+tyConArgsPolyKinded :: TyCon -> [Bool]
+tyConArgsPolyKinded tc =
+ map (is_poly_ty . tyVarKind) tc_vis_tvs
+ ++ map (is_poly_ty . tyCoBinderType) tc_res_kind_vis_bndrs
+ ++ repeat True
- is_poly_tv tv = not $
+ is_poly_ty :: Type -> Bool
+ is_poly_ty ty = not $
isEmptyVarSet $
filterVarSet isTyVar $
- tyCoVarsOfType $
- tyVarKind tv
+ tyCoVarsOfType ty
+ tc_vis_tvs :: [TyVar]
+ tc_vis_tvs = tyConVisibleTyVars tc
+ tc_res_kind_vis_bndrs :: [TyCoBinder]
+ tc_res_kind_vis_bndrs = filter isVisibleBinder $ fst $ splitPiTys $ tyConResKind tc
--states of what to do with foralls:
data SynifyTypeState
@@ -787,8 +795,8 @@ synifyInstHead (vs, preds, cls, types) = specializeInstHead $ InstHead
cls_tycon = classTyCon cls
ts = filterOutInvisibleTypes cls_tycon types
ts' = map (synifyType WithinType vs) ts
- annot_ts = zipWith3 annotHsType is_poly_tvs ts ts'
- is_poly_tvs = mkIsPolyTvs (tyConVisibleTyVars cls_tycon)
+ annot_ts = zipWith3 annotHsType args_poly ts ts'
+ args_poly = tyConArgsPolyKinded cls_tycon
synifyClsIdSig = synifyIdSig ShowRuntimeRep DeleteTopLevelQuantification vs
-- Convert a family instance, this could be a type family or data family
@@ -827,8 +835,8 @@ synifyFamInst fi opaque = do
ts = filterOutInvisibleTypes fam_tc eta_expanded_lhs
synifyTypes = map (synifyType WithinType [])
ts' = synifyTypes ts
- annot_ts = zipWith3 annotHsType is_poly_tvs ts ts'
- is_poly_tvs = mkIsPolyTvs (tyConVisibleTyVars fam_tc)
+ annot_ts = zipWith3 annotHsType args_poly ts ts'
+ args_poly = tyConArgsPolyKinded fam_tc
Note [Invariant: Never expand type synonyms]
diff --git a/html-test/ref/Bug1103.html b/html-test/ref/Bug1103.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc16017b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html-test/ref/Bug1103.html
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
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+ ><div id="package-header"
+ ><span class="caption empty"
+ ></span
+ ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
+ ><li
+ ><a href="#"
+ >Contents</a
+ ></li
+ ><li
+ ><a href="#"
+ >Index</a
+ ></li
+ ></ul
+ ></div
+ ><div id="content"
+ ><div id="module-header"
+ ><table class="info"
+ ><tr
+ ><th
+ >Safe Haskell</th
+ ><td
+ >Safe</td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Bug1103</p
+ ></div
+ ><div id="interface"
+ ><h1
+ >Documentation</h1
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data family</span
+ > <a id="t:Foo1" class="def"
+ >Foo1</a
+ > :: <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><div class="subs instances"
+ ><h4 class="instances details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:Foo1"
+ >Instances</h4
+ ><details id="i:Foo1" open="open"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instances details</summary
+ ><table
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo1:Foo1:1"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo1</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ ></span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo1:Foo1:1"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo1</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > = <a id="v:Foo1Bool" class="def"
+ >Foo1Bool</a
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo1:Foo1:2"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > a)</span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo1:Foo1:2"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo1</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > a)</div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ></details
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data family</span
+ > <a id="t:Foo2" class="def"
+ >Foo2</a
+ > :: k -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><div class="subs instances"
+ ><h4 class="instances details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:Foo2"
+ >Instances</h4
+ ><details id="i:Foo2" open="open"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instances details</summary
+ ><table
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo2:Foo2:1"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo2</a
+ > (a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ >)</span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo2:Foo2:1"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo2</a
+ > (a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ >)</div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo2:Foo2:2"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo2</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ ></span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo2:Foo2:2"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo2</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > = <a id="v:Foo2Bool" class="def"
+ >Foo2Bool</a
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo2:Foo2:3"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo2</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >)</span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo2:Foo2:3"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo2</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >)</div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo2:Foo2:4"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo2</a
+ > (a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ >)</span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo2:Foo2:4"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo2</a
+ > (a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ >)</div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ></details
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data family</span
+ > <a id="t:Foo3" class="def"
+ >Foo3</a
+ > :: k <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ><div class="subs instances"
+ ><h4 class="instances details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:Foo3"
+ >Instances</h4
+ ><details id="i:Foo3" open="open"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instances details</summary
+ ><table
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo3:Foo3:1"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo3</a
+ ></span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo3:Foo3:1"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo3</a
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo3:Foo3:2"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo3</a
+ > (a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ >)</span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo3:Foo3:2"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo3</a
+ > (a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ >)</div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo3:Foo3:3"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo3</a
+ > (a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ >)</span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo3:Foo3:3"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo3</a
+ > (a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ > -&gt; <a href="#" title="Data.Char"
+ >Char</a
+ >)</div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo3:Foo3:4"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo3</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ ></span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo3:Foo3:4"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo3</a
+ > <a href="#" title="Data.Bool"
+ >Bool</a
+ > = <a id="v:Foo3Bool" class="def"
+ >Foo3Bool</a
+ ></div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td class="src clearfix"
+ ><span class="inst-left"
+ ><span class="instance details-toggle-control details-toggle" data-details-id="i:if:Foo3:Foo3:5"
+ ></span
+ > <span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo3</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >)</span
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></td
+ ><td class="doc empty"
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ><tr
+ ><td colspan="2"
+ ><details id="i:if:Foo3:Foo3:5"
+ ><summary class="hide-when-js-enabled"
+ >Instance details</summary
+ ><p
+ >Defined in <a href="#"
+ >Bug1103</a
+ ></p
+ > <div class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#" title="Bug1103"
+ >Foo3</a
+ > (<a href="#" title="Data.Maybe"
+ >Maybe</a
+ > a :: <a href="#" title="Data.Kind"
+ >Type</a
+ >)</div
+ ></details
+ ></td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ></details
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+ ></html
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html-test/src/Bug1103.hs b/html-test/src/Bug1103.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f387e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html-test/src/Bug1103.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module Bug1103 where
+import Data.Kind
+data family Foo1 :: Type -> Type
+data instance Foo1 Bool = Foo1Bool
+data instance Foo1 (Maybe a)
+data family Foo2 :: k -> Type
+data instance Foo2 Bool = Foo2Bool
+data instance Foo2 (Maybe a)
+data instance Foo2 :: Char -> Type
+data instance Foo2 :: (Char -> Char) -> Type where
+data family Foo3 :: k
+data instance Foo3
+data instance Foo3 Bool = Foo3Bool
+data instance Foo3 (Maybe a)
+data instance Foo3 :: Char -> Type
+data instance Foo3 :: (Char -> Char) -> Type where