diff options
authorMark Lentczner <markl@glyphic.com>2010-07-16 20:12:39 +0000
committerMark Lentczner <markl@glyphic.com>2010-07-16 20:12:39 +0000
commitd52487d1417080d45a800b1ceba71ed48b9582bb (patch)
parent7832c8030a203510b89bd13fdc98eaf7279eb172 (diff)
new output for mini_ pages
2 files changed, 24 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs b/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
index e204a9da..e3f28824 100644
--- a/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
+++ b/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
@@ -597,9 +597,8 @@ ppHtmlModuleMiniSynopsis odir _doctitle iface unicode = do
thetitle (toHtml $ moduleString mdl) +++
styleSheet +++
(script ! [src jsFile, thetype "text/javascript"] $ noHtml)) +++
- body << thediv ! [ theclass "outer" ] << (
- (thediv ! [theclass "mini-topbar"]
- << toHtml (moduleString mdl)) +++
+ miniBody <<
+ (divModuleHeader << sectionName << moduleString mdl +++
miniSynopsis mdl iface unicode)
createDirectoryIfMissing True odir
writeFile (joinPath [odir, "mini_" ++ moduleHtmlFile mdl]) (renderToString html)
@@ -654,38 +653,29 @@ ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode
miniSynopsis :: Module -> Interface -> Bool -> Html
miniSynopsis mdl iface unicode =
- thediv ! [ theclass "mini-synopsis" ]
- << hsep (map (processForMiniSynopsis mdl unicode) $ exports)
+ divInterface << mapMaybe (processForMiniSynopsis mdl unicode) exports
exports = numberSectionHeadings (ifaceRnExportItems iface)
-processForMiniSynopsis :: Module -> Bool -> ExportItem DocName -> Html
+processForMiniSynopsis :: Module -> Bool -> ExportItem DocName -> Maybe Html
processForMiniSynopsis mdl unicode (ExportDecl (L _loc decl0) _doc _ _insts) =
- thediv ! [theclass "decl" ] <<
- case decl0 of
- TyClD d@(TyFamily{}) -> ppTyFamHeader True False d unicode
- TyClD d@(TyData{tcdTyPats = ps})
- | Nothing <- ps -> keyword "data" <+> ppTyClBinderWithVarsMini mdl d
- | Just _ <- ps -> keyword "data" <+> keyword "instance"
- <+> ppTyClBinderWithVarsMini mdl d
- TyClD d@(TySynonym{tcdTyPats = ps})
- | Nothing <- ps -> keyword "type" <+> ppTyClBinderWithVarsMini mdl d
- | Just _ <- ps -> keyword "type" <+> keyword "instance"
- <+> ppTyClBinderWithVarsMini mdl d
- TyClD d@(ClassDecl {}) ->
- keyword "class" <+> ppTyClBinderWithVarsMini mdl d
+ ((divTopDecl <<).(declElem <<)) `fmap` case decl0 of
+ TyClD d -> let b = ppTyClBinderWithVarsMini mdl d in case d of
+ (TyFamily{}) -> Just $ ppTyFamHeader True False d unicode
+ (TyData{tcdTyPats = ps})
+ | Nothing <- ps -> Just $ keyword "data" <+> b
+ | Just _ <- ps -> Just $ keyword "data" <+> keyword "instance" <+> b
+ (TySynonym{tcdTyPats = ps})
+ | Nothing <- ps -> Just $ keyword "type" <+> b
+ | Just _ <- ps -> Just $ keyword "type" <+> keyword "instance" <+> b
+ (ClassDecl {}) -> Just $ keyword "class" <+> b
+ _ -> Nothing
SigD (TypeSig (L _ n) (L _ _)) ->
- let nm = docNameOcc n
- in ppNameMini mdl nm
- _ -> noHtml
+ Just $ ppNameMini mdl (docNameOcc n)
+ _ -> Nothing
processForMiniSynopsis _ _ (ExportGroup lvl _id txt) =
- let heading
- | lvl == 1 = h1
- | lvl == 2 = h2
- | lvl >= 3 = h3
- | otherwise = error "bad group level"
- in heading << docToHtml txt
-processForMiniSynopsis _ _ _ = noHtml
+ Just $ groupTag lvl << docToHtml txt
+processForMiniSynopsis _ _ _ = Nothing
ppNameMini :: Module -> OccName -> Html
ppNameMini mdl nm =
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs b/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
index 86e75740..d7f9c1c8 100644
--- a/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
+++ b/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
-- Portability : portable
module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Layout (
+ miniBody,
divPackageHeader, divModuleHeader, divFooter,
divTableOfContents, divDescription, divSynposis, divInterface,
@@ -46,6 +48,9 @@ import GHC
-- Sections of the document
+miniBody :: Html -> Html
+miniBody = body ! [identifier "mini"]
divPackageHeader, divModuleHeader, divFooter :: Html -> Html
divPackageHeader = thediv ! [identifier "package-header"]
divModuleHeader = thediv ! [identifier "module-header"]