diff options
authorDavid Waern <david.waern@gmail.com>2008-07-23 23:05:01 +0000
committerDavid Waern <david.waern@gmail.com>2008-07-23 23:05:01 +0000
commitd5b50a7dd49f692f9acd3026d1183045d4099674 (patch)
parent53cae6772f32c57d67cf831982bf7f8a0d715689 (diff)
Add "all" command to runtests.hs that runs all tests despite failures
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/tests/runtests.hs b/tests/runtests.hs
index 83c8e75d..ae250164 100644
--- a/tests/runtests.hs
+++ b/tests/runtests.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ haddockEq file1 file2 = (stripLinks file1) == (stripLinks file2)
stripLinks f = subRegex (mkRegexWithOpts "<A HREF=[^>]*>" False False) f "<A HREF=\"\">"
-check modules = do
+check modules strict = do
forM_ modules $ \mod -> do
let outfile = "output" </> (dropExtension mod ++ ".html")
let reffile = "tests" </> dropExtension mod ++ ".html.ref"
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ check modules = do
then do
putStrLn $ "Output for " ++ mod ++ " has changed! Exiting with diff:"
system $ "diff " ++ reffile ++ " " ++ outfile
- exitFailure
+ if strict then exitFailure else return ()
else do
putStrLn $ "Pass: " ++ mod
else do
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ check modules = do
test = do
contents <- getDirectoryContents "tests"
+ args <- getArgs
let mods = filter ((==) ".hs" . takeExtension) contents
let outdir = "output"
let mods' = map ("tests" </>) mods
@@ -51,4 +52,4 @@ test = do
-- code <- system $ printf "haddock -w -o %s -h --optghc=-fglasgow-exts --optghc=-w %s" outdir (unwords mods')
unless (code == ExitSuccess) $ error "Haddock run failed! Exiting."
- check mods
+ check mods (if not (null args) && args !! 0 == "all" then False else True)