path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends
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authorVladislav Zavialov <vlad.z.4096@gmail.com>2020-02-15 14:06:58 +0300
committerVladislav Zavialov <vlad.z.4096@gmail.com>2020-02-16 13:25:26 +0300
commit40591606251693956d9729ab3a15c7244d7fc2a4 (patch)
treea99562c38fce90a314a1ad59881c14e6dff8d792 /haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends
parentd838d08f0ac0173dc704d51191b1c1976964b6f1 (diff)
No MonadFail/Alternative for P
Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs
index 139a4c44..1ae4fd62 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser (parse) where
import Control.Applicative ( Alternative(..) )
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe ( MaybeT(..) )
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( MonadTrans(lift) )
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf )
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@@ -56,7 +58,10 @@ parse dflags fpath bs = case unP (go False []) initState of
(b, _) <- getInput
if not (atEnd b)
then do
- (newToks, inPrag') <- parseCppLine <|> parsePlainTok inPrag <|> unknownLine
+ mtok <- runMaybeT (parseCppLine <|> parsePlainTok inPrag)
+ (newToks, inPrag') <- case mtok of
+ Nothing -> unknownLine
+ Just a -> pure a
go inPrag' (newToks ++ toks)
pure toks
@@ -72,23 +77,23 @@ parse dflags fpath bs = case unP (go False []) initState of
andThen _ = wrappedLexer
-- | Try to parse a CPP line (can fail)
- parseCppLine :: P ([T.Token], Bool)
- parseCppLine = do
+ parseCppLine :: MaybeT P ([T.Token], Bool)
+ parseCppLine = MaybeT $ do
(b, l) <- getInput
case tryCppLine l b of
Just (cppBStr, l', b')
-> let cppTok = T.Token { tkType = TkCpp
, tkValue = cppBStr
, tkSpan = mkRealSrcSpan l l' }
- in setInput (b', l') *> pure ([cppTok], False)
- _ -> empty
+ in setInput (b', l') *> pure (Just ([cppTok], False))
+ _ -> return Nothing
-- | Try to parse a regular old token (can fail)
- parsePlainTok :: Bool -> P ([T.Token], Bool) -- return list is only ever 0-2 elements
+ parsePlainTok :: Bool -> MaybeT P ([T.Token], Bool) -- return list is only ever 0-2 elements
parsePlainTok inPrag = do
- (bInit, lInit) <- getInput
- L sp tok <- Lexer.lexer False return
- (bEnd, _) <- getInput
+ (bInit, lInit) <- lift getInput
+ L sp tok <- tryP (Lexer.lexer False return)
+ (bEnd, _) <- lift getInput
case sp of
UnhelpfulSpan _ -> pure ([], False) -- pretend the token never existed
RealSrcSpan rsp -> do
@@ -101,24 +106,24 @@ parse dflags fpath bs = case unP (go False []) initState of
-- Update internal line + file position if this is a LINE pragma
ITline_prag _ -> tryOrElse (bEnd, inPragDef) $ do
- L _ (ITinteger (IL { il_value = line })) <- wrappedLexer
- L _ (ITstring _ file) <- wrappedLexer
- L spF ITclose_prag <- wrappedLexer
+ L _ (ITinteger (IL { il_value = line })) <- tryP wrappedLexer
+ L _ (ITstring _ file) <- tryP wrappedLexer
+ L spF ITclose_prag <- tryP wrappedLexer
let newLoc = mkRealSrcLoc file (fromIntegral line - 1) (srcSpanEndCol spF)
- (bEnd'', _) <- getInput
- setInput (bEnd'', newLoc)
+ (bEnd'', _) <- lift getInput
+ lift $ setInput (bEnd'', newLoc)
pure (bEnd'', False)
-- Update internal column position if this is a COLUMN pragma
ITcolumn_prag _ -> tryOrElse (bEnd, inPragDef) $ do
- L _ (ITinteger (IL { il_value = col })) <- wrappedLexer
- L spF ITclose_prag <- wrappedLexer
+ L _ (ITinteger (IL { il_value = col })) <- tryP wrappedLexer
+ L spF ITclose_prag <- tryP wrappedLexer
let newLoc = mkRealSrcLoc (srcSpanFile spF) (srcSpanEndLine spF) (fromIntegral col)
- (bEnd'', _) <- getInput
- setInput (bEnd'', newLoc)
+ (bEnd'', _) <- lift getInput
+ lift $ setInput (bEnd'', newLoc)
pure (bEnd'', False)
@@ -154,15 +159,12 @@ getInput = P $ \p@PState { buffer = buf, loc = srcLoc } -> POk p (buf, srcLoc)
setInput :: (StringBuffer, RealSrcLoc) -> P ()
setInput (buf, srcLoc) = P $ \p -> POk (p { buffer = buf, loc = srcLoc }) ()
+tryP :: P a -> MaybeT P a
+tryP (P f) = MaybeT $ P $ \s -> case f s of
+ POk s' a -> POk s' (Just a)
+ PFailed _ -> POk s Nothing
--- | Orphan instance that adds backtracking to 'P'
-instance Alternative P where
- empty = addFatalError noSrcSpan (text "Alterative.empty")
- P x <|> P y = P $ \s -> case x s of { p@POk{} -> p
- ; _ -> y s }
--- | Try a parser. If it fails, backtrack and return the pure value.
-tryOrElse :: a -> P a -> P a
+tryOrElse :: Alternative f => a -> f a -> f a
tryOrElse x p = p <|> pure x
-- | Classify given tokens as appropriate Haskell token type.