path: root/html-test
diff options
authorŁukasz Hanuszczak <lukasz.hanuszczak@gmail.com>2015-08-13 14:33:29 +0200
committerŁukasz Hanuszczak <lukasz.hanuszczak@gmail.com>2015-08-22 23:40:27 +0200
commit6a2c16a0b0790ca0f3a30be8a6e96c7818514ff6 (patch)
treea1e8cd9b6a468eb0adc2c34224794f0605dfd613 /html-test
parent1102352d9e830fdf6ecd8abfba50c405114d5ae2 (diff)
Move IO-dependent config of HTML test suite to test package.
Diffstat (limited to 'html-test')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/html-test/run.hs b/html-test/run.hs
index e96943a0..5a2944f9 100755
--- a/html-test/run.hs
+++ b/html-test/run.hs
@@ -9,15 +9,6 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-import Distribution.Package
-import Distribution.Simple.Compiler hiding (Flag)
-import Distribution.Simple.GHC
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
-import Distribution.Simple.Program
-import Distribution.Simple.Utils
-import Distribution.Verbosity
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
@@ -54,7 +45,8 @@ data CheckResult
main :: IO ()
main = do
- cfg <- uncurry loadConfig =<< checkOpt =<< getArgs
+ let dcfg = defaultDirConfig baseDir
+ cfg <- uncurry (loadConfig dcfg) =<< checkOpt =<< getArgs
runHaddock cfg
checkFiles cfg
@@ -101,54 +93,6 @@ runHaddock (Config { .. }) = do
waitForSuccess "Failed to run Haddock on specified test files" handle
-checkOpt :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
-checkOpt args = do
- let (flags, files, errors) = getOpt Permute options args
- unless (null errors) $ do
- hPutStr stderr $ concat errors
- exitFailure
- when (FlagHelp `elem` flags) $ do
- hPutStrLn stderr $ usageInfo "" options
- exitSuccess
- return (flags, files)
-loadConfig :: [Flag] -> [String] -> IO Config
-loadConfig flags files = do
- cfgEnv <- (:) ("haddock_datadir", resDir) <$> getEnvironment
- cfgHaddockPath <- pure $ flip fromMaybe (flagsHaddockPath flags) $
- rootDir </> "dist" </> "build" </> "haddock" </> "haddock"
- printVersions cfgEnv cfgHaddockPath
- cfgGhcPath <- flip fromMaybe (flagsGhcPath flags) <$>
- init <$> rawSystemStdout normal cfgHaddockPath ["--print-ghc-path"]
- cfgFiles <- processFileArgs files
- cfgHaddockArgs <- liftM concat . sequence $
- [ pure ["--no-warnings"]
- , pure ["--odir=" ++ outDir]
- , pure ["--pretty-html"]
- , pure ["--html"]
- , pure ["--optghc=-w"]
- , pure $ flagsHaddockOptions flags
- , baseDependencies cfgGhcPath
- ]
- let cfgHaddockStdOut = fromMaybe "/dev/null" (flagsHaddockStdOut flags)
- cfgDiffTool <- if FlagNoDiff `elem` flags
- then pure Nothing
- else (<|>) <$> pure (flagsDiffTool flags) <*> defaultDiffTool
- return $ Config { .. }
checkModule :: String -> IO CheckResult
checkModule mdl = do
hasRef <- doesFileExist $ refFile mdl
@@ -191,67 +135,6 @@ refFile :: String -> FilePath
refFile mdl = refDir </> mdl <.> "html"
-printVersions :: Environment -> FilePath -> IO ()
-printVersions env haddockPath = do
- handle <- runProcess' haddockPath $ processConfig
- { pcEnv = Just env
- , pcArgs = ["--version"]
- }
- waitForSuccess "Failed to run `haddock --version`" handle
- handle <- runProcess' haddockPath $ processConfig
- { pcEnv = Just env
- , pcArgs = ["--ghc-version"]
- }
- waitForSuccess "Failed to run `haddock --ghc-version`" handle
-baseDependencies :: FilePath -> IO [String]
-baseDependencies ghcPath = do
- (_, _, cfg) <- configure normal (Just ghcPath) Nothing
- defaultProgramConfiguration
- pkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages normal [GlobalPackageDB] cfg
- mapM (getDependency pkgIndex) ["base", "process", "ghc-prim"]
- where
- getDependency pkgIndex name = case ifaces pkgIndex name of
- [] -> do
- hPutStrLn stderr $ "Couldn't find base test dependency: " ++ name
- exitFailure
- (ifArg:_) -> pure ifArg
- ifaces pkgIndex name = do
- pkg <- join $ snd <$> lookupPackageName pkgIndex (PackageName name)
- iface <$> haddockInterfaces pkg <*> haddockHTMLs pkg
- iface file html = "--read-interface=" ++ html ++ "," ++ file
-defaultDiffTool :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
-defaultDiffTool =
- liftM listToMaybe . filterM isAvailable $ ["colordiff", "diff"]
- where
- isAvailable = liftM isJust . findProgramLocation silent
-processFileArgs :: [String] -> IO [FilePath]
-processFileArgs [] =
- map toModulePath . filter isSourceFile <$> getDirectoryContents srcDir
- where
- toModulePath = modulePath . takeBaseName
-processFileArgs args = pure $ map processFileArg args
-processFileArg :: String -> FilePath
-processFileArg arg
- | isSourceFile arg = arg
- | otherwise = modulePath arg
-isSourceFile :: FilePath -> Bool
-isSourceFile path = takeExtension path `elem` [".hs", ".lhs"]
-modulePath :: String -> FilePath
-modulePath mdl = srcDir </> mdl <.> "hs"
-- These are considered bad and should be replaced as soon as possible.