path: root/src/Haddock/Types.hs
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authorIsaac Dupree <id@isaac.cedarswampstudios.org>2009-08-12 03:47:14 +0000
committerIsaac Dupree <id@isaac.cedarswampstudios.org>2009-08-12 03:47:14 +0000
commit3f8dc6644815d3219bcb970ce6fa5cbee144c7c4 (patch)
treebd530646127889a22aa87e2ce12af3221144fdc8 /src/Haddock/Types.hs
parent8b90ac9206b25e67cdf1154304e031edd1bc6552 (diff)
Cross-Package Documentation version 4
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock/Types.hs')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Types.hs b/src/Haddock/Types.hs
index d82c4778..c860976f 100644
--- a/src/Haddock/Types.hs
+++ b/src/Haddock/Types.hs
@@ -292,3 +292,46 @@ throwE str = throw (HaddockException str)
throwE str = throwDyn (HaddockException str)
+-- In "Haddock.Interface.Create", we need to gather
+-- @Haddock.Types.ErrMsg@s a lot, like @ErrMsgM@ does,
+-- but we can't just use @GhcT ErrMsgM@ because GhcT requires the
+-- transformed monad to be MonadIO.
+newtype ErrMsgGhc a = WriterGhc { runWriterGhc :: (Ghc (a, [ErrMsg])) }
+--instance MonadIO ErrMsgGhc where
+-- liftIO = WriterGhc . fmap (\a->(a,[])) liftIO
+--er, implementing GhcMonad involves annoying ExceptionMonad and
+--WarnLogMonad classes, so don't bother.
+liftGhcToErrMsgGhc :: Ghc a -> ErrMsgGhc a
+liftGhcToErrMsgGhc = WriterGhc . fmap (\a->(a,[]))
+liftErrMsg :: ErrMsgM a -> ErrMsgGhc a
+liftErrMsg = WriterGhc . return . runWriter
+-- for now, use (liftErrMsg . tell) for this
+--tell :: [ErrMsg] -> ErrMsgGhc ()
+--tell msgs = WriterGhc $ return ( (), msgs )
+instance Functor ErrMsgGhc where
+ fmap f (WriterGhc x) = WriterGhc (fmap (\(a,msgs)->(f a,msgs)) x)
+instance Monad ErrMsgGhc where
+ return a = WriterGhc (return (a, []))
+ m >>= k = WriterGhc $ runWriterGhc m >>= \ (a, msgs1) ->
+ fmap (\ (b, msgs2) -> (b, msgs1 ++ msgs2)) (runWriterGhc (k a))
+-- When HsDoc syntax is part of the Haddock codebase, we'll just
+-- declare a Functor instance.
+fmapHsDoc :: (a->b) -> HsDoc a -> HsDoc b
+fmapHsDoc _ DocEmpty = DocEmpty
+fmapHsDoc f (DocAppend a b) = DocAppend (fmapHsDoc f a) (fmapHsDoc f b)
+fmapHsDoc _ (DocString s) = DocString s
+fmapHsDoc _ (DocModule s) = DocModule s
+fmapHsDoc _ (DocURL s) = DocURL s
+fmapHsDoc _ (DocPic s) = DocPic s
+fmapHsDoc _ (DocAName s) = DocAName s
+fmapHsDoc f (DocParagraph a) = DocParagraph (fmapHsDoc f a)
+fmapHsDoc f (DocEmphasis a) = DocEmphasis (fmapHsDoc f a)
+fmapHsDoc f (DocMonospaced a) = DocMonospaced (fmapHsDoc f a)
+fmapHsDoc f (DocCodeBlock a) = DocMonospaced (fmapHsDoc f a)
+fmapHsDoc f (DocIdentifier a) = DocIdentifier (map f a)
+fmapHsDoc f (DocOrderedList a) = DocOrderedList (map (fmapHsDoc f) a)
+fmapHsDoc f (DocUnorderedList a) = DocUnorderedList (map (fmapHsDoc f) a)
+fmapHsDoc f (DocDefList a) = DocDefList (map (\(b,c)->(fmapHsDoc f b, fmapHsDoc f c)) a)